Can You Forgive Her? (4 page)

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Authors: Anthony Trollope

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Again, there is not much to be said for Burgo Fitzgerald, but Trollope does say what can be said. Much of Burgo’s nature (as also of George Vavasor’s) is revealed in die hunting scene of
chapter 17
, and Trollope never exonerates Burgo from living ‘without conscience, without purpose’. But he does care about Glencora – insofar as he cares about anyone; he certainly does not care for himself, and
is not vain of his spectacularly handsome appearance; he is not vicious enough to scheme in the way that his aunt Lady Monk does – even though he is ready enough to take advantage of her schemes; and he is oddly capable of the careless charity that is seen in his encounter with the street-girl in
chapter 29
, an episode presented by Trollope in a strikingly level and unflustered tone. One of the
many benefits of Trollope’s modest view of his art is his readiness to give to moral weakness the same patient generosity of attention that he devotes to strength of character.


A Note on the Text

Can You Forgive Her? was published in monthly parts, following the precedent set by Dickens and Thackeray; the instalments, costing a shilling each, appeared between January 1864 and
August 1865. In book form the novel was published in two volumes, the first appearing in October 1864, and the second in June 1865. The two volumes cost 22s. There was a re-issue in 1866 in one volume at 12s.

The first volume was illustrated by ‘Phiz’ (Hablot Knight Browne, Dickens’s principal illustrator). Trollope became so dissatisfied with Browne’s work that he had the second volume illustrated
by ‘a Miss Taylor of St Leonards’.

The present edition follows the first two-volume edition. A few slips and a number of printer’s errors have been corrected, and some usages have been modernized. The end of each monthly part is indicated by asterisks.


is no complete or standard edition of Trollope’s forty-seven novels. The ‘political’ or Palliser novels appeared in the
‘Oxford Trollope’, of which the general editors were Michael Sadleir and Frederick Page. Many others either are or have been in print in the Oxford ‘World’s Classics’ series.
The Last Chronicle of Barset
The Eustace Diamonds
have been edited for the Penguin English Library. Trollope’s
also appeared in the ‘Oxford Trollope’, as did his
which were edited by Bradford A.
Booth. The ‘source’ of
Can You Forgive Her
?, Trollope’s play
The Noble Jilt
, was edited for a limited edition in 1923 by Michael Sadleir.

Michael Sadleir’s Trollope: A Commentary has remained a standard work since its appearance in 1927. Another study by an authority was Bradford Booth’s Anthony Trollope (1958). A. O. J. Cockshut’s
Anthony Trollope
: A
Critical Study
valuably directs attention
away from the better-known Barsetshire novels towards the later work. His Appendix on the question of the significance of names in the political novels should be consulted. A comprehensive and often absorbing collection of nineteenth-century criticism of Trollope can be found in Donald Smalley’s volume in The Critical Heritage’ series (1969). This includes Henry James’s original review of
You Forgive Her
? as well as his later essay from Partial Portraits. The latter is also available in
Henry James
Selected Literary Criticism
edited by Morris Shapira (1963; Penguin edition 1968), and in
The House of Fiction
edited by Leon Edel(i957).

facsimile of the title-page of the first volume
of the first edition







With Illustrations.




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1 Mr Vavasor and his daughter

2 Lady Macleod

3 John Grey, the worthy man

4 George Vavasor, the wild man

5 The balcony at Basle

6 The bridge over the Rhine

7 Aunt Greenow

8 Mr Cheesacre

9 The rivals

10 Nethercoats

11 John Grey goes to London

12 Mr George Vavasor at home

13 Mr Grimes gets his odd money

14 Alice Vavasor becomes troubled

15 Paramount Crescent

16 The Roebury Club

17 Edgehill

18 Alice Vavasor’s great relations

19 Tribute from Oileymead

20 Which shall it be?

21 Alice is taught to grow upwards, towards the light

22 Dandy and Flirt

23 Dinner at Matching Priory

24 Three politicians

25 In which much of the history of the Pallisers is told

26 Lady Midlothian

27 The Priory Ruins

28 Alice leaves the Priory

29 Burgo Fitzgerald

30 Containing a love letter

31 Among the Fells

32 Containing an answer to the love letter

33 Monkshade

34 Mr Vavasor speaks to his daughter

35 Passion versus prudence

36 John Grey goes a second time to London

37 Mr Tombe’s advice

38 The inn at Shap

39 Mr Cheesacre’s hospitality

40 Mrs Greenow’s little dinner in the Close

41 A noble lord dies

42 Parliament meets

43 Mrs Marsham

44 The election for the Chelsea Districts

45 George Vavasor takes his seat

46 A love gift

47 Mr Cheesacre’s disappointment

48 Preparations for Lady Monk’s party

49 How Lady Glencora went to Lady Monk’s party

50 How Lady Glencora came back from Lady Monk’s party

51 Bold speculations on murder

52 What occurred in Suffolk Street, Pall Mall

53 The last will of the old squire

54 Showing how Alice was punished

55 The will

56 Another walk on the Fells

57 Showing how the wild beast got himself back from the mountains

58 The Pallisers at breakfast

59 The Duke of St Bungay in search of a minister

60 Alice Vavasor’s name gets into the money market

61 The bills are made all right

62 Going abroad

63 Mr John Grey in Queen Anne Street

64 The rocks and valleys

65 The first kiss

66 Lady Monk’s plan

67 The last kiss

68 Prom London to Baden

69 From Baden to Lucerne

70 At Lucerne

71 Showing how George Vavasor received a visit

72 Showing how George Vavasor paid a visit

73 In which come tidings of great moment to all Pallisers

74 Showing what happened in the churchyard

75 Rouge et Noir

76 The landlord’s bill

77 The travellers return home

78 Mr Cheesacre’s fate

79 Diamonds are diamonds

80 The story is finished within the halls of the Duke of Omnium

Mr Vavasor and his daughter

or no, she, whom you are to forgive, if you can, did or did not belong to the Upper Ten Thousand
of this our English world, I am not prepared to say with any strength of affirmation. By blood she was connected with big people, – distantly connected with some very big people indeed, people who belonged to the Upper Ten Hundred if there be
any such division; but of these very big relations she had known and seen little, and they had cared as little for her. Her grandfather, Squire Vavasor of Vavasor Hall, in Westmoreland, was a country gentleman, possessing some thousand a year at the outside, and he therefore never came up to London, and had no ambition to have himself numbered as one in any exclusive set. A hot-headed, ignorant,
honest old gentleman, he lived ever at Vavasor Hall, declaring to any who would listen to him, that the country was going to the mischief, and congratulating himself that at any rate, in his county, parliamentary reform had been powerless to alter the old political arrangements. Alice Vavasor, whose offence against the world I am to tell you, and if possible to excuse, was the daughter of his younger
son; and as her father, John Vavasor, had done nothing to raise the family name to eminence, Alice could not lay claim to any high position from her birth as a Vavasor. John Vavasor had come up to London early in life as a barrister, and had failed. He had failed at least in attaining either much wealth or much repute, though he had succeeded in earning, or perhaps I might better say, in obtaining,
a livelihood. He had married a lady somewhat older than himself, who was in possession of four hundred a year, and who was related to those big people to whom I have alluded. Who these were and the special nature of the relationship, I shall be called upon to explain hereafter, but at present it will suffice to say that Alice Macleod gave great offence to all her friends by her marriage. She
did not, however, give them
much time for the indulgence of their anger. Having given birth to a daughter within twelve months of her marriage, she died, leaving in abeyance that question as to whether the fault of her marriage should or should not be pardoned by her family.

When a man marries an heiress for her money, if that money be within her own control, as was the case with Miss Macleod’s
fortune, it is generally well for the speculating lover that the lady’s friends should quarrel with him and with her. She is thereby driven to throw herself entirely into the gentleman’s arms, and he thus becomes possessed of the wife and the money without the abominable nuisance of stringent settlements. But the Macleods, though they quarrelled with Alice, did not quarrel with her à l’outrance.
They snubbed herself and her chosen husband; but they did not so far separate themselves from her and her affairs as to give up the charge of her possessions. Her four hundred a year was settled very closely on herself and on her children, without even a life interest having been given to Mr Vavasor, and therefore when she died the mother’s fortune became the property of the little baby. But, under
these circumstances, the big people did not refuse to interest themselves to some extent on behalf of the father. I do not suppose that any actual agreement or compact was made between Mr Vavasor and the Macleods; but it came to be understood between them that if he made no demand upon them for his daughter’s money, and allowed them to have charge of her education, they would do something for
him. He was a practising barrister, though his practice had never amounted to much; and a practising barrister is always supposed to be capable of filling any situation which may come his way. Two years after his wife’s death Mr Vavasor was appointed assistant commissioner in some office which had to do with insolvents, and which was abolished three years after his appointment. It was at first thought
that he would keep his eight hundred a year for life and be required to do nothing for it; but a wretched cheeseparing Whig government, as John Vavasor called it when describing the circumstances of the arrangement to his father, down in Westmoreland, would not permit this; it gave him the option of taking four hundred a year for doing nothing, or of keeping his whole income and attending
days a week for three hours a day during term time, at a miserable dingy little office near Chancery Lane, where his duty would consist in signing his name to accounts which he never read, and at which he was never supposed even to look. He had sulkily elected to keep the money, and this signing had been now for nearly twenty years the business of his life. Of course he considered himself to be
a very hardly-used man. One Lord Chancellor
after another he petitioned, begging that he might be relieved from the cruelty of his position, and allowed to take his salary without doing anything in return for it. The amount of work which he did perform was certainly a minimum of labour. Term time, as terms were counted in Mr Vavasor’s office, hardly comprised half the year, and the hours of weekly
attendance did not do more than make one day’s work a week for a working man; but Mr Vavasor had been appointed an assistant commissioner, and with every Lord Chancellor he argued that all Westminster Hall, and Lincoln’s Inn
to boot, had no right to call upon him to degrade himself by signing his name to accounts. In answer to every memorial he was offered the alternative of freedom with half
his income; and so the thing went on.

There can, however, be no doubt that Mr Vavasor was better off and happier with his almost nominal employment than he would have been without it. He always argued that it kept him in London; but he would undoubtedly have lived in London with or without his official occupation. He had become so habituated to London life in a small way, before the choice of
leaving London was open to him, that nothing would have kept him long away from it. After his wife’s death he dined at his club every day on which a dinner was not given to him by some friend elsewhere, and was rarely happy except when so dining. They who have seen him scanning the steward’s list of dishes, and giving the necessary orders for his own and his friend’s dinner, at about half past four
in the afternoon, have seen John Vavasor at the only moment of the day at which he is ever much in earnest. All other things are light and easy to him, – to be taken easily and to be dismissed easily. Even the eating of the dinner calls forth from him no special sign of energy. Sometimes a frown will gather on his brow
as he tastes the first half glass from his bottle of claret; but as a rule
that which he has prepared for himself with so much elaborate care, is consumed with only pleasant enjoyment Now and again it will happen that the cook is treacherous even to him, and then he can hit hard; but in hitting he is quiet, and strikes with a smile on his face.

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