Can You See Me? (17 page)

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Authors: Nikki Vale

BOOK: Can You See Me?
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Cooper’s in the kitchen making lunch so I decide to go through my mail.  He was right.  A few of these envelopes are checks.  I open one after the other in shock.  Holy shit! There are at least thirty thousand dollars in checks lying here.  I don’t even have a bank here in town.  That’s another thing to place on my to-do list.

Cooper walks up to the bedroom door and leans against the frame.  “Lunch is ready.  Do you want me to serve it to you in bed or at the table?” he inquires seriously.

“Definitely the kitchen table,” I reply.  He immediately walks up to the bed scoops me up and walks me into the kitchen gently placing gently into one of the chairs at the table.  “Will you always sweep me off my feet,” I ask coyly, batting my eyelashes.

“If you’ll allow me,” he replies.

“Cooper, have you ever been married?” I asked as he sets tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich in from of me.

“No.  Not even close,” he states.  “How about you?” he asks, pulling out a chair across from me and setting his food down on the table.

“No.  I’ve always been afraid.  Not of the marriage part but of the having children,” I tell him.

“What about having children scares you?  Giving birth?  I can understand that completely,” he replies sympathetically.

“The idea of raising interracial children, in particular, scares me,” I admit quietly.

“Oh, I see where this is going.  You mean if you and I were to have children people would look at them differently or treat them differently.  This doesn’t have anything to do with my father’s comment does it?” he asks in concern.

“Not at all Cooper. It’s just that it hasn’t been easy for me being the darkest child in my family.  When my father was alive it wasn’t as bad.  People would see him and say oh okay, I see where she gets it from.  Now that he’s gone it’s like I’m the outcast.  I don’t want that for my children,” I sadly confess.

“Tell me this Skye.  Did you ever feel less loved by your mother or father because you weren’t as light-skinned as your siblings?” he gently probes.

“No.  I felt that they loved me the same as my sisters,” I admit.

“Would you love our childless because they looked more like me than you?” he asks and I shake my head, no.  “Do you believe that I would love a child of ours any less because they look more like you instead of me?” he questions.

“No.  I don’t believe you would,” I honestly reply.

“I can’t honestly say that any children of ours wouldn’t have it hard out in the world, but I know they’d have all the love they could ever hope for at home.  Please don’t let your fears keep you from being with me, caring for me or possibly even loving me,” he pauses taking a breath.  “Because I already know that I love you,” he confesses, grabbing my hand from across the table and looking into my eyes. 

“I love you too Cooper.  I think that’s why I’m so scared,” I say getting choked up.  Cooper stands up, comes around the table and gets on his knees in front of.  He pulls me into his arms and hugs me.  I want to hold him tighter but the twinge in my side reminds me that my ribs are still healing.  He pulls away from me and looks at my face as if he’s trying to memorize it.  I grab his face in my hands and run it over his short beard.

“I love this.  Have I ever told you that?” I ask rubbing my cheek against the soft hairs.  Then I slowly turn my head until our lips meet.  We kiss tenderly enjoying the feel of each other’s lips.  Cooper darts his tongue out and licks my lips, then he gently sucks on first my top and then my lower lip.  I wind my arms behind his neck and pull him in closer.  He starts to laugh and I pull back to look at him.

“What’s so funny?” I demand.

“What’s so funny is the fact that I’m willing to suffer just to make out with you.  There’s uncooked rice or crumbs or something on the floor and it is killing my knees,” he exclaims, jumping up from his kneeling position.

I guess that was a perfect timing because our food is getting cold and I want to go visit my Granny today.  Maybe I can have Cooper help me look around her house and figure out what important things need fixing first.

“Hey Cooper, do you think you could help me check out my Grandma’s house for repairs?  I noticed a lot of minor repairs that need fixing when I first came to town but I don’t want to waste my time on the little things if she has big ticket items that need to be worked on,” I inform him.

“Sure thing.  You know my family owns a construction company here in town right?” he replies

“I had actually forgotten that Summer said your family owned most of Acorn Grove,” I mumble under my breath.

“That’s one of the things I admire about you.  Money doesn’t matter.  Speaking of money how do you plan to afford the cost of the repairs if there’s a lot to do?  Of course you’d get a great discount but it still can get pretty high.  Do you need help?” he kindly offers.

“No.  I got the money from my royalty checks.  If she needs more than that it’ll have to wait,” I inform him.

“If you don’t mind me asking exactly how much did you get?” he inquires interestedly.

“Thirty-five,” I respond.

“Thirty-five hundred isn’t a lot when it comes to home repairs, Skye,” he advises me, not unkindly.

“Thousand.  Thirty-five thousand Cooper,” I say.  I’m sure it’s still chump change compared to what his parents have but it makes me feel good to be able to say it.  I wonder how much I would have gotten if I actually did my own album?  Nah, I really don’t care.  I’m happy to get paid this exorbitant amount of money for singing back-up and still staying out of the limelight.

Cooper is still standing there looking incredulous.  I just dig into my grilled cheese sandwich and lukewarm tomato soup.  I can’t believe this man waits on me hand and foot.  I wonder what else he can cook?  I can’t wait till I’m up and about so I can show off my culinary skills.

“I’m ready to go whenever you are,” I tell him. 


“Aren’t you two lovebirds simply adorable,” Grandma Rose comments as we walk into the house.  I blush and Cooper just smiles.  My grandmother is looking well today and that makes me happy.  I didn’t see Dawn’s car in the driveway when we pulled up so hopefully I won’t have to run into her, especially while I’m with Cooper.

“The whole town is buzzing about how Cooper serenaded you at the hospital.  They're talking about how Trixie attacked you at the diner too, but I’d rather talk about the serenading,” Granny Rose says, winking at Cooper.  “I never took you for a romantic fellow Cooper, must have taken Skye by surprise.”

“I surprised myself,” he chuckles.  “I guess Skye brings the romantic out in me,” Cooper says sliding his arm around my waist from behind and nuzzling his face into my hair.

“It does my heart good to see you happy Skye.  You deserve some sunshine.  So, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?” she asks, taking a seat in her favorite floral print recliner in the family room.

“I just wanted to come visit you.  I haven’t had much free time with being in and out of the hospital.  Cooper’s acting as my bodyguard while Trixie’s still on the loose.  Besides, Cooper’s never been here before,” I explain to her.

“Hey Jenny!” she shouts.  My mother walks in from the kitchen.  “Be a dear and show Cooper around while I get a chance to catch up with my granddaughter,” she all but commands.

“Hi Skye, hey Cooper.  If you’ll just follow me, Cooper I’ll show you around the house,” my mother tells him.  Cooper stands up from the couch next to me, leans over, kisses me on the forehead, then follows after my mother.

“You really found a keeper in that one Skye,” Granny smiles at me.  Her face turns serious.  “How are you doing? Still having those nightmares about the desert and the one’s about your father?” she gently prods.

“Yes.  Apparently I’ve incorporated the car crash into them now too.   Cooper made an appointment for me to see the police department’s therapist on Monday,” I admit, feeling embarrassed.  Granny quickly wipes tears from her cheeks.  I panic.  I never see Grandma Rose her cry.

“Are you okay Granny?  Are you in pain?  Do I need to call for Mom?” I demand, starting to freak out.

“Calm yourself girl! I’m fine.  These are happy tears,” she tells me, wiping the evidence away with a lace handkerchief.  “You found someone who loves you and cares about your mental as well as your physical wellbeing.  I know you’re a strong woman, that’s what we all admire about you.  But even strong people need someone to lean on when things get so tough that they can’t be strong anymore,” she pauses, taking a breath.  “I was worried about you.  I saw how all of this was eating you up from the inside.  Cooper isn’t going to heal you, you have to do that yourself, but he’ll be there to help you through,” She nods her head as if confirming her words.

“He says he loves me,” I shyly confess.

“Any fool could see that!  You love him too.  Don’t you go withholding your feelings for him out of fear.  Life’s too short for that nonsense.  You out of all people ought to know that you’re not promised tomorrow,” she admonishes, shaking her finger at me.

“I’m not, I promise,” I respond.  My spirit feels lighter.  I think I needed to see my grandma as much as she needed to see me.

“What’s the word on Dawn’s psycho friend that attacked you?” Grandma asks me.

“They’ve not seen hide nor hair of that girl.  I just know that she’s going to pop up sometime and take another stab at me.  Pun intended,” I remark dryly.

“How many times have you cheated death now?  Two?  Maybe three times?” she asks rhetorically.  “I know you didn’t tell us everything that happened to you overseas but I can see it in your eyes.  You can’t hide from Granny. Your poor guardian angel has been kept on their toes,” Granny Rose says with a twinkle in her eye.

“Well, I wish my guardian angel would have directed me away from the danger, instead of right into it,” I say irritated.

“Oh no, Dear, going through the bad things is what sometimes leads you to the good,” she insists.

I suppose she’s right.  If it weren’t for Grandma Rose being sick I would have never moved to Acorn Grove and met Cooper.  If Trixie hadn’t run me and Dawn off the road I don’t think I’d be dating Cooper right now.  I think Cooper and I might have still ended up dating, but being in the hospital, him visiting me every day, and then me moving in with him, definitely helped speed up the process.

“You have a very interesting home, Grandma Rose,” Cooper says, following my mother back into the family room.  The look on his face totally contradicts the words coming out of his mouth and I burst out laughing.  I’m sure he’s referring to the awful décor throughout the house.

“I meant the bones of the house,” Cooper clarifies, giving me a meaningful look.  But instead of bailing him out I help him dig a bigger hole.

“Granny has wonderful taste doesn’t she Cooper?” I prod, biting my lower lip to keep from smiling.

“I don’t know what you two are talking about.  You must not be able to see past the stars in your eyes.  This place is appalling!  I got this house and all this gaudy crap in it, from your great grandma Margaret when she passed.  My mother definitely didn’t have an eye for decorating that’s for sure.  I mean, have you seen that kitchen?” She asks incredulously.

Cooper and I are both laughing out loud now and my mother his covering up her laugh with her hands.  That’s good to know.  So if I had the whole place redecorated, I don’t think Granny wouldn’t be the least bit upset.  I look at her relaxing in her recliner and I notice that she’s looking a little tired.

“I think I’m getting a little tired,” I say to everyone.  “Mom, would you mind walking out to Cooper’s truck with me?” I ask her as I attempt to get up from the low couch.  Cooper sees my distress and pulls me up, handing me my crutches and giving me a quick peck on the lips.  I love how affectionate he is and he doesn’t care who’s watching.

“Sure honey, I’ll be right behind you.  Just let me grab my coat,” my mother answers.

“Bye Grandma Rose.  It was great seeing you,” I tell her.  She starts to sit up in her chair as if she’s going to get up.  “Please, don’t get up, just rest yourself.  We’ll be back to visit you soon.  I love you,” I say blowing her a kiss.

Cooper follows behind me as I walk out onto the front porch.  “I’ll go start the truck and get it warmed up for you,” Cooper says hopping off the front porch and going to his truck.  I think that’s his way of giving me time to speak to my mother.  She steps out on the porch closing the front door behind her.

“Hey, Mom.  I want to do something for Grandma Rose and I was wondering if you could take her out of town for a few days?  Maybe to St. Louis or Paducah?  My treat,” I say to her. “But only if you think she’d be well enough.  I know she doesn’t always have treatments and she usually feels better at those times.”

“Next weekend would be a great time for her.  A small trip might do her good and either of those places is only a few hours away.  That’s a good idea, Skye,” she agrees.

“Okay.  That’s great.  I’ll call you about the details,” I advise her as I turn to maneuver down the two front steps.

“Skye?” she implores and I pause in my descent.  “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.  You needed me to be there for you and I wasn’t.  I see a change in you since Cooper came into your life and I realize he’s giving you the support you wanted so badly from me.  I really am sorry I was so blind,” she apologizes with tears streaming down her face.  Before I can respond she turns on her heel and goes back into the house.

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