Can't Touch This (14 page)

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Authors: Pepper Winters,Tess Hunter

BOOK: Can't Touch This
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Her face darkened with lust as she sat on her knees and tore the jumper over her head, leaving her in a black tank and jeans. Her hands dropped to her waistband, teasing me like a demon with her zipper. “It is. If you close the curtains.”

“Christ, woman.” Keeping a firm hold on the stiff plank between my legs and doing my best to hide the twins, I stalked toward the window and made the mistake of looking down.

“Oh, shit.” I ducked to the left, wrapping myself in the lemon daisy curtains. “She saw me.”

Vesper giggled like crazy moron on the couch. “Told you we didn’t want an audience.”

A raspy voice sailed up from the street. “Vessie? Is that you?”

I slapped my forehead with my palm as Vesper laughed louder and climbed from the couch to place herself squarely in the window—after all, she could. She wasn’t naked.


“Hi, Mrs. Lesley. Out walking Gumball, I see?”

“Yes, child. Nice evening for a stroll.” She cleared her throat while I hid in the yellow curtain. “Was that a man I just saw, child? A man with his twig and berries exposed?”

Vesper snorted, doing her best to control her mirth by plastering a sympathetic mask into place. “It was. Unfortunately, he’s my cousin.”


She drew a circle in the air by her temple. “He’s not all there, I’m afraid. He likes to get naked. It’s a problem.” She shot me a look, enjoying this way too much. The moment the town gossiper had vanished, Ves would be getting a whole lot of crazy with me punishing her.

I groaned as I pictured her on her knees and my cock in my mouth. Or better yet, her on her back and my face between her legs.

My hand lashed out to touch her hip, not caring if my dick was noticeable through the lemon cotton for Mrs. Lesley and her overly fat chocolate lab to see. “Goddammit, I can’t wait much longer.” I lowered my voice, hoping it was more of a seduction than a beg. “If you don’t get rid of her and come here, I’m gonna jizz on your curtains.”

Her eyes flashed to my cock as I fisted it in a death grip. My quads vibrated with the urge to come.

“Don’t you dare.” Her eyes narrowed. “I like those curtains.”

“Get rid of her then.”

A twinkle appeared in her gaze. “Or what?”

Holy fuck, this woman was too much for me. I’d seriously struck jackpot. I was so intoxicated that if it meant proposing marriage to make her shut out the world so we could have some sexy time, I would do it. I would shackle myself to this luscious vet for the rest of my life and have no regrets.

None whatsoever.

Don’t you dare propose marriage for sex.

I swallowed hard. “Or I strip you while you’re standing there all smug and haughty and press your against the glass for the world to see.”

Her cheeks reddened. “You wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t I?” My eyes dropped to her jeans. “Try me, Ves. You don’t know what I’m capable of when a sexy-as-hell woman torments me.” Brushing my finger along her jaw, I whispered, “You have five seconds to get rid of Mrs. Nosy Parker.”

I kept my body against the wall, but I couldn’t stop my arm from being visible to peeping toms on the street.

“Vessie, is that your cousin touching you like that? Not very appropriate for a young, naked man of your relation to be so close.” Mrs. Lesley shouted from below. “Do you want me to call your parents, child? The police?”

Vesper bit her cheek to stop from laughing. “No, it’s okay, Mrs. Lesley. I’m just going to put him to bed and he’ll be fine in the morning.” Not waiting for a reply, she opened her arms, grabbed the sides of the curtains and ripped them closed. “Goodnight!”

The second we were blocked from view, I pounced. “About goddamn time. You’ll pay for that.” Wrapping my arms around her, I spun her around and slammed her against the wall, trapping her in daisy print. “Going to put me to bed, huh?”

She smiled. “Yep, like the naughty boy you are.”

“I think the naughty one here is you.” I kissed her nose, inhaling subtle perfume of vanilla and something floral.

“Me?” She pouted dramatically. “How so?”

“You called me your cousin. I think incest is frowned upon.”

Her face turned serious. “Believe me, if you were my cousin, I don’t think I’d have the willpower to turn you away based on a few drops of DNA.”

I froze, even as my cock grew impossibly harder. “You’re saying you want me that much? You’d break a few laws to have me?”

Her hand cupped the back of my neck, bringing my mouth to hers. “I’m saying I would break all the laws in the universe just to feel you inside me.”

“Shit, you
a naughty, filthy girl.”

She squealed as I picked her up and carried her to the couch. Throwing her down, I attacked her jeans, undoing the button and zipper and tearing them down her legs. “I can’t believe you’d sleep with your own cousin.”

“Not just any cousin.” She jabbed my chest with her foot as I turned my attention to removing her tank top. “Just you. And only for one night.”

I paused, unable to tear my eyes away from her dressed in black lace bra and panties. “Hold up. Just one night?”

She nodded. “Just once.”

“You wound me.”

“Hey! You’re my cousin. I’m allowed to be reckless once and put it down to bad decisions. But to do it again? Not allowed. I’m not a sicko.”

I reached out and cupped her breast, caressing my thumb over her nipple. “Good job that in this scenario, I’m not your damn cousin.”





Ryder switched from playboy to fiend.

I just gave in. There was no other way.

His hands dropped from my breasts to my waist, his fingers teasing the lace of my underwear. “Now, where were we?”

I gasped as he hooked his fingers into the lace, tugging ever so slightly. Then he stopped—an excruciating look on his face.

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth. “What? What is it?”

He scrubbed his face. “Please, for all the love of Chiweenies in the world,
tell me you have a condom.”

Oh, crap.

“Goddammit.” His face mimicked mine with horror. “You don’t.”

“Don’t you?” I sat up on my elbows. Cursing my lack of foresight and the fact I had an incredible man naked and poised between my thighs.

He looked at his jeans on the floor where his wallet stuck out from the back pocket. “It’s…eh, been a while. I stopped carrying one around when no one in this tiny town interested me.”

“I suppose I should be flattered that you’ve decided to break your drought with me.”

He grinned, doing his best to rid the serious sexual tension we’d just created. “
with my cousin.”

We both laughed.

He exhaled heavily, crushing me into the couch as he collapsed on top of me.

The feel of his hot skin and the prod of his hard cock against the tiny scrap of lace preventing us from doing anything other than snuggle made me want to scream. My nerve endings had turned themselves inside out and I’d never been so wet—I could even feel a damp patch beneath me on the couch and I wasn’t even embarrassed about it because he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

“This whole evening has been a disaster,” he muttered. “I should’ve thought ahead, taken you to a sexy dinner—even though you told me not to—and bought a thousand condoms.”

“Whoa? A thousand?” My fingers found their way into his hair. “Easy tiger.”

He nuzzled my neck. “Fuck, I want you.”

My tummy flipped. “I want you.”

He kissed his way along my jaw. “Don’t suppose you have any other form of protection?”

I sucked in a breath as he captured my mouth and kissed me slowly, languorously, sweetly but tainted with explosive lust we’d only just given into. “You mean like douching with bleach and a rusty coat hanger in case you knock me up?”

His eyes flared. “Holy shit, which university did you go to? Is that what you do to poor animals?” He ran his hand down my chest to cup my breast. “I might have to rethink bringing my rescue pups to you, you monster.”

His attempt at humour worked but didn’t. I was still so turned on, I was contemplating telling him just to stick it in me.

Not romantic, but holy hell I wanted him to stick it in me.

Lots and
of times.

“If I was on the pill and we had the unsightly conversation of where you’ve been and where I’ve been since we lost our V-cards, then we could say screw the condom.”

His eyes lit up. “I promise I'm clean. I got an A plus in my last test.”

Dashing his hope, I sighed, “I’m in the clear too, but it’s been a while for me as well. And I’m not on the pill.”

“So we can’t—”

“We can’t.” I shook my head. “Not even one little thrust.”

He groaned dramatically. “Oh God, just the thought of thrusting inside you makes me want to come.”

“Exactly. It’s been a while for you and for me. One thrust is probably all we need and then, whoopsy daisy, I have to go to the clinic and ask for the morning-after pill and Mrs. Lesley will be there and announce to the whole town that I got knocked up by my cousin.”

He laughed. “We definitely don’t want that happening.”

“No, we do not.”

We collapsed together, fighting our bodies pounding urge to join and forcing ourselves to be sensible adults.

His tongue traced the shell of my ear. “You know…I could help you out?” His hand glided down my body. “I could at least get part of me inside you tonight.”

I bit my lip as his fingers brushed over my pussy but didn’t attempt to remove my underwear. Even now, even after dabbling with explosive chemistry, he still gave me time to grant permission.

The idea of coming on his hand was one hundred percent amazing—
the concept of repaying his favour by giving him a hand job and watching him come for me—but it seemed like cheating somehow.

This itchy, throbbing desire and spine tingling anticipation was too good to waste. The mental play-by-play of him slipping inside me for the first time and me coming around him was to precious a golden ticket to resort to a few finger strokes.

Scissoring my legs, I shook my head. “When I come for you, I want it to be the best I’ve ever had.”

He gritted his jaw. “Fuck, Vesper. Let me make you come now. I’ll do anything you want.” He rocked his cock on my hip, smearing yet another bead of pre-cum. “Let me show you just how turned on I am.”

I shivered as he touched me again, but this time I’d made up my mind.

Unfortunately for him, once my mind was made up nothing could change it. It was why I’d finished top in my class. Why I’d opened a business rather than work for another practice. Why we had top-of-the-line medical equipment and not hand-me-down ancient torture devices. I chased what I wanted most. And what I wanted most right now was Ryder Carson.

Pushing him away, I stood up. I didn’t care I only had my underwear on. Ryder had switched from stranger to a friend who I absolutely felt safe with.

Bending down, I gave him my hand to pull him from the couch.

He stood, swaying a little as his eyes drank me in. His cock bobbed as if begging me to take pity on him.

I grasped it, jerking him into me, making him stumble. “I’m going to kick you out now before we do something stupid.”

“Stupid being letting me fuck you?”

I swallowed as another lava wave of desire made me melt. “Yes, that.” Letting him go, I scooped up his clothes and shoved them into his chest, forcing him to grab hold of them. “Get dressed, Far Too Tempting Doggy Rescuer, so I can boot you from my house.”

“Only if you promise I can see you again tomorrow.”

I nodded, ready to blurt yes, but then I remembered the long day ahead with a neuter for a house rabbit and a kidney stone removal for a cat. Afterward, I had an online conference with the veterinary society to go over a new pain reliever that had just been approved for guinea pigs. “I can’t. I’m busy.”

He threw his head back like a stubborn child. “Damn you, woman. You’re determined to kill me with this hard-on.”

“I like your hard-on.” I pressed the top with my finger, loving the way it hardened even further. “I’ll make you a deal.”

“Oh no, I always lose in deals.”

“Not in this one.”

Taking his t-shirt and fanning it out for him to place over his head, I murmured, “Don’t touch it and I’ll see you the day after tomorrow.”

He backed away, snatching the t-shirt as if it mortally offended him. “When you say see me…you mean fuck me, right?”

I smirked. “Right.”

“Oh, praise baby Jesus.”

I laughed.

“And just to be clear, when you say don’t touch mean, I can’t strangle the lizard, spank the donkey, milk the snake, pump the tool?

Where did he come up with this stuff? “Exactly. No self-mutation of any kind. That orgasm that’s driving you mine.”

His eyes flashed black with desire. “Fine. I agree to your terms.”


“Only if you agree to mine.”

Uh oh.

I paused, waiting for my sentencing.

He smiled, running his thumb over my nipple and once again turning me deranged with need. “If I have to survive the next forty-eight hours with this pounding blue ball condition you’ve put me in, you’re not allowed to unwind whatever lust does to your insides.”

“Tangled fallopian tubes? Jackhammering uterus?”

He wrinkled his nose. “Something like that.”

We both laughed but then he turned serious as he dropped his hand and cupped me right between the legs. His fingers curled around my mound, warmed my clit, and teased my entrance. Everything inside me turned whip sharp with need.

I sucked in a moan as his fingers rocked.

“No vibrating toys of any kind, including electric toothbrushes and overzealous sitting on washing machines. No flicking your bean, no dirty girl showerhead routine, and definitely no double clicking your mouse.”

I pouted. “But—”

He kissed me. “Hey, if I’m going to be a brain dead ignoramus with a hard-on for two days, the least you can be is an air head with the hots for her cousin.” He let my pussy go to hold out his hand with a victory smirk. “Do we have a deal?”


I’ll cheat.

But I knew I wouldn’t. Because the chase and the knowledge of how damn good it would feel when we finally did sleep together was worth it.

My fingers looped with his. “It’s a deal.”


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