Captivated (15 page)

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Authors: Leen Elle

BOOK: Captivated
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Chapter 14


September 6, 1944




"Sure you want to come?" Kate asked, watching as Sam threw his bag in the back of the pick up.


"Are you kidding? After I beat Wes at arm wrestling to drive?" Sam laughed.


"You know why I'm asking. Momma will understand if you want to stay here a couple days to try and patch things up..."


"She won't even see me." Sam said dejectedly, slumping against the truck. He remembered vividly being turned away from Lilli's home two times since seeing her at the coffee shop.


"Don't tell me you're giving up," Kate's look was incredulous. It was obvious that she knew her older brother very well, and couldn't believe what she was hearing.


"No, just giving her the space she asked for. If I keep pressing myself on her, she won't have time to miss me."


"I'm sure I could find a way to talk to her, she doesn't know who I am."


Sam kissed his sisters forehead, "Thank you Katie, but I think time is what she needs. Besides, I am anxious to see Momma, Dad, Sarah and Annie."


"Don't forget Rob." Kate said, referring to their new brother-in-law.


Sam smiled nervously, making Kate laugh. Wes came out of the boys
room and wanted to know what he had missed. They explained as they climbed into the truck. Kate squeezed in between the two friends, and Sam revved the engine. He pulled out of the parking lot and turned the truck toward home. The three friends talked almost the entire ride home, until they turned the corner that laid both of their homes out in the distance.


Both guys grew quiet, Sam thinking about how much time had passed since he had last seen home and his family. Kate was very much the same, but he couldn't help but wonder if the rest of the family had changed at all. Thinking about Sarah and Rob made his stomach turn, leading his thoughts to Annie, who had to have grown since he left when she was just 15. If Sam had to guess, he thought that Wes' thoughts must have been veering in the same direction.


It nearly broke Sam's heart to drive past the road that would lead to his own families orchard. Wes lived about fifteen minutes up the main road, any other day it would have been no trouble to drive him, but today, his homesickness forced his foot on the gas pedal a bit stronger than usual.


Kate hopped out of the truck with Wes to make sure he had gotten everything from the bed of the truck. She was only gone a moment before she slid back into the cab. Before pulling her seatbelt over her lap, she threw an arm around Sam, flashing him a comforting smile. Sam gently put the truck into gear, then headed for home.


The gravel popped under the tires as Sam pulled into his driveway. He stared in amazement at the large white farm house in front of him. The navy blue shutters and matching front porch stood in contrast, the familiarity of the house bringing tears to his eyes. Kate shifted beside him, "I'll get your crutches," she said, throwing herself out of the truck. Sam remained motionless until she wrenched open the door beside him.


"Don't tell me you're scared of your own family! Let's go! I bet Sarah even baked something." she said, a teasing sparkle in her eyes.


"It's been a long time Katie. Everyone has changed, and I've missed it while I was gone. Sarah is married and Annie is driving, and I don't even know what's changed with you, but I'm sure there's something."


"And we all still love you," Kate said in a soothing voice. "Do you realize you're being ridiculous?"


Sam nodded and sighed, knowing she was right. He took his crutches and eased out of the cab. Kate threw her arms around him again then lead him up the steps of the porch. The screen door squealed as Kate opened it, without thinking, Sam fell back into life as a farm boy. "Remind me to put some oil on that tomorrow."


Kate burst into laughter, leaving Sam dumbfounded. "What?"


"Do you really think Momma is going to let you do any work on your first day home from war? Not to mention the bullet hole in your knee!"


Sam felt himself laugh, surely his mother would coddle him for at least a week if not more. Though not a difficult job, his mother wouldn't let him near an oiling can. Kate, falling back into her own laughter, pushed Sam into the house and through the living room, where everyone was waiting.


Annie was the first to him, nearly knocking him over with the intensity of her hug. She only slowed because of his mothers distant scolding. She pressed her head into his chest and held on for dear life. "Come on Annie! Give the rest of us our turn to see him!" Sarah whined from the corner.


"Get over here Sarah!" Sam called. "My arms are big enough for two sisters."


Sarah rushed to him and he smiled as both of his sisters were huddled against his neck. After several minutes, Sam heard his father clearing his throat from the corner of the room. Both girls stepped back, their faces wet, to let their mother step forward. Tears clung to the back of Sam's throat as he gazed into his mothers loving face.


"Oh, I've missed you my boy. I'm so proud of you." she whispered, pulling him close, forcing the tears from his eyes.


"I'm so glad to be home Momma, I love you."


"Oh my boy." she whispered, gently stroking the hair on the back of his neck. They stood for a moment and were then joined by his father. "It's good to have you home son. We've all been praying for your safe return."


"Thanks Dad. Now, enough with all the tears, is there reason to hope that some of my favorite foods might be waiting somewhere?"


"You know they are Sam," Momma laughed. "Go get settled in the dining room, while I put the pie in the oven."




"Yes, apple pie." Momma smiled, grasping his chin with one finger, winking lovingly at him.


"Sarah didn't make it, did she?" Sam asked smoothly, nearly losing his calm when Kate, Annie and the stranger in the corner choked on laughter.


"I love my wife, but baking is not her forte." the man said, squeezing Sarah, who was standing beside him. She pouted playfully, then her face pulled in realization.


"Oh! Sam, this is my husband, Rob Hawkins. Rob, this is Sam." she beamed, watching as the two shook hands.


"I am so happy for both of you, and it's a pleasure to meet you Rob." Sam looked back at his sister, who was still smiling broadly, when something took his notice. "Sarah!"




"Are you...are you, having a baby?"


Sarah nodded her head in excitement, pulling Sam into another hug. He didn't know how he had missed it before, the bump protruding from her abdomen was very pronounced, especially when she hugged him. Sam was so excited, he lifted her off her feet in a strong hug.


"Samuel David Carter, put her down this instant! What are you thinking? You have a hole in her leg and she's very close to bursting!" Momma yelled.


"Sorry Momma." Sam answered, to his sisters giggles which filled the silence.


"Now, let's eat." Momma sighed, leading the way to the table.


Sam sidled up to Sarah, taking her arm instead of his crutches. "When?"


"A month, maybe less."


Sam felt his jaw drop in surprise, "That soon?"


Sarah laughed, "Yes, goodness I can't imagine how much larger I would be if I had longer to wait."


"You aren't that big Sarah, you look wonderful, and I'm so excited for you."


"She's going to love you Uncle Sam."


Sam couldn't believe the words as they fell out of his sisters mouth. He was going to be an uncle! Sarah certainly lived close enough that he would be able to see the baby whenever he wished, he had certainly gotten home at just the right time. The only thought lingering in his mind as they sat at the table, was that he wished he could tell Lilli the news.


. . .


October 12, 1944


Lilli stared at the picture that she had just retrieved from the deepest depths of her desk drawer. It had been buried there since September 4th with the rest of Joe, or Sam's letters. When she had returned home, she read each of the letters over and over again, searching for something that would give evidence that the letter was written by someone else. Of course there was a change of tone and length, but even their handwriting was the same.


After making sure she was not at fault for misreading, she felt her anger come more easily. Sam had deliberately made her out to be a fool. The range of her emotions had become confusing, both for herself and everyone around her. One moment, she was in tears for her broken heart, the next, she was seething with anger, in another, unable to contain her thanks for Sam's safe return.


She found that when she was bored, her fingers found their way to the bottom of her third desk drawer. For months her eyes clung to the image of Joe, memorizing every characteristic of his face, now she couldn't keep her eyes from Sam. His every aspect exuded warmth and honesty. When she allowed herself to be swept up in the photograph, she wanted to trust him. His blonde hair, brown eyes and lean strength became more attractive than Joe had ever been. Somehow it made more sense that the letters had come from Sam, looking at his photo, it almost seemed logical. Then everything flooded back, Lilli felt betrayed, hurt, and foolish, which made her shove the photo back into her desk.


Today had been no different, Lilli gazing at her photo, legs flicking whimsically in the air. She had not yet reached her realization point when Viv sauntered into her bedroom. "You know, you could be staring at the real thing."


"How do you know I'm not staring at Joe?" Lilli asked stubbornly.


"Because I know you! Not to mention the enamored look on your face, the same look that conquered your face whenever you read one of Sam's letters. You are certainly not wasting that look on a man who isn't alive, and only wrote you pathetic letters."


Lilli groaned, throwing the picture off the bed. "Would you hide it for me? Somewhere I won't find it."


"Please Lilli, when you want to see him, you will turn this room upside down to find it. I don't know why you don't just forgive him if you love him so much. I mean, you didn't even know Joe that well. If I remember correctly, you were going to stop writing to him."


"That doesn't matter! He lied to me, humiliated me! He could have died and I wouldn't have even known! I don't know who he is."


"I'll have to argue with that. I'm fairly certain you know exactly who he is."


"Vivian! You're not going to convince me. I can't trust him, what kind of relationship can be built without trust?"


"I don't know, and I am not saying that if you give him another chance you're going to end up married to him. All I'm saying is, don't you love him enough to hear his explanation and then decide?" Viv said carefully, settling beside her on the bed.

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