Captured by the Count: An Abduction and Breeding Fantasy (15 page)

BOOK: Captured by the Count: An Abduction and Breeding Fantasy
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In the older nurse’
s opinion, most females
enjoyed having something inside their bottom.  Its judicious application usually shaved several minutes off
the time it took for most females to have their first spasms, and made it that much easier to give them many more.

So she ignored Cassie’s useless attempts at protest – the keening and whining that she knew was a lie – and pressed her finger home, making Cassie groan as she sank all inside her to the last knuckle. 
Without missing a beat, she kept that finger where it was and began to insinuate the other in next to it, stretching her bottom hole around them and frigging her very light and quickly as she did so.

She knew that combination would send Cassie through the roof, and it did.



Other than an occasional change of personnel, and the requisite trips to the doctor to be checked to see if she was again pregnant – which became more and more frequent the closer it got to the
end of the first month after she had given birth.  Jurek redoubled his efforts.  He really wanted her knocked again before the first of the next month.  In fact, he and Victor had a bit of a wager riding on it.  Victor was of a mind that she shouldn’t be milked at all – despite how the whole place had benefited from
it – because he was worried that it would make her harder to impre

But Jarek knew she was made for making babies, and that producing milk was just a natural part of that.  If he had his way – and he would – she would never now be not
making milk.  Why not?  Hers was the best in the business, and their other bastards benefited greatly from it.

On the very last day of the month, she was marched to the doctor’s office, and Jurek issued a whoop fit for a warlord.

She was pregnant, and Victor owed him a barrel full of money.

This pregnancy proceeded very much like the last. She never really experienced any of the negative side effects from being pregnant – no morning sickness or anything like that, although she was very tired throughout.

This one turned out to be a boy and a girl, which accounted, they said, for her extreme fatigue.  She was pregnant again before the next month was out, and again and again and again, until she had born Jurek
healthy, robust babies that looked like the spitting image
of either of them in less than five years.

But after the last one, Jurek didn’t
hover as much as he usually did, and she knew that she was in for a terrible punishment.

Weeks before, the matrons had taken her to the milking room, and she had seen Savannah again, who was looking much worse than usual – her thin body was heavy with child, her eyes looked sunken, and there were bruises all over her body.

Cassie had the audacity to try to stop and talk to the girl, to
help her in some way if only with a kind word.  But the matrons weren’t any too happy with that, and during that session, she wasn’t fondled and brought to completion but instead Lidiya laid into her backside with a version of the awful leather thing with knots that she’d seen – and heard – used on other girls.

It was atrocious.  The thin leather across her tender parts was bad enough, but the knots added an extra layer of agony on top
, and Lidiya had a way of always making sure that at least one of the knots made its way between her bottom cheeks, and that stung worse than nearly anything else she had felt.

And then, once they were done and back in his room, they told Jurek about it, and he became incensed.  He would NOT lose her, and if she recognized
some dumb bitch from back home and tried to become chummy with her again, then he was going to make sure that Cassie never saw her face

Since she was pregnant, he couldn’t go through with the punishment he’d planned for her, but he bided his time.  When she had
whelped and
been declared fit for duty
again, he didn’t bring her back to his room.  Instead, he brought her to a part of the building that she had never been in before, down in the basement.  There she was shown an even darker side of the life she was living
, and it was one of ease in comparison.

Bound to the same type of table on which her examinations took please, with their legs spread very widely apart and
held there by cuffs, their arms restrained to leather belts they wore around their waists, were perhaps thirty naked women.  All of them had men heaving over them, some of them had lines of men waiting to
take them, while still other men prowled around, as if looking for the choicest victim.

All eyes turned to Cassie as soon as she entered the room – except for those who were too
deeply involved in other things, and a line began to form for her before the ever present guards could get her to a vacant table.

She was strapped down much like the other sobbing, screaming women, only her legs were held even further out and back, leaving her entire pussy completely exposed.

Jurek turned to the queue of men.  “I take it you’d like to have
a crack at this one, gentlemen?”

They all muttered and mumbled their agreements, their eyes on the naked woman behind him with the golden hair
.  She looked a damn sight better than the dregs that were down here.

“Well, I’d be glad to let you have a go, but first you have to prove your manhood.  No Vienna sausages need apply.  I want to see the glory of your erection before I’ll allow you to dip it in her well, gentlemen.  Any takers?”

Every man in the line already had his pants around his ankles and was furiously wanking towards his best erection.  Jurek was judge and jury, and he selected a long line of them for
her, all of them freakishly long and thick.

Cassie’s mind was working furiously to find a way out of this, but there was no more of a way to avoid this punishment than there was any other. 

Before he let the first man have at her, Jurek came to stand at her ear.  “I’m going to let all of them have you, you know.  You will never get out of this place – ever.  You’ll never see y
our friend again, either.  And
if I ever see you talking to another bitch, I’ll put you down here for a
week without me.”

Every man was a big, hulking oaf
who smelled bad and entered her in one full thrust, some of them barely making it past that, thankfully, but a lot of them labored over her for a goodly amount of time, tweaking her nipples rudely or biting at them, which Jurek put an end to, lest his property be permanently marred.

And the last two to have her, when she was just about used up, were the two guards that were always around her, and at whose faces she would never again be able to look.

They were each different from the rabble that had had her before; they knew her, and each of them did their best to see that she enjoyed it, which Jurek didn’t seem to object to, not that she was actually able to cum with either of them, but it was less horrible than the other God knew how many before them.

She had to be carried back to his room, where Jurek proceeded to rape her himself, saying, “I don’
t care if you breed
one of theirs, as long as you understand just whose, exactly, it is that you are.”

Cassie knew, from that point on, that she would never be anything mo
re than what he had made of her, and despite the circumstances under which she was conceived, the daughter she bore eight and a half months later, wore a crown of white gold ringlets.


The End


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