Captured Sun (5 page)

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Authors: Shari Richardson

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Mathias flinched and then smiled. "Sarcasm does not become you, my heart."

"Don't laugh at me, jerk. I hate that." I said. "Almost as much as I hate your 'It's for your own good that I'm keeping you in the dark' speech. It's really getting old, Mathias. This isn't the 19th century."

"I am well aware of what year it is, Mairin. The date has no bearing on whether or not I wish to expose you and your sister to the dangers of my world."

"While you guys are fighting, can I get out of the car please?" Kerry asked.

I realized we'd arrived at Xavier and Elise's house and took the opportunity to slip out of Mathias' car and head up the walk before Mathias could get really rolling on why my participation in the search for the killer was such a bad idea. It might not be mature, but walking away before Mathias really got rolling on his views of women in the metaphysical world meant I could end the argument before I really got upset. My temper was something I had struggled through most of my life to control. The fact that Mathias seemed to know exactly which buttons to push to get it rolling and which ones to stop it annoyed me to no end. Mathias followed me and Kerry to the house, too refined to stomp, but obviously irritated.

Xavier waved from the porch of the small, neat house. He was barely containing his laughter and I heard Mathias growl, "Damn irritating cat."

"Come on guys, we've got work to do," Xavier said. He grinned at me and I laughed. I guessed panther hearing was almost as good as vampire hearing and Xavier had listened in on the argument in the car. Xavier obviously agreed with me. I'd take any support I could get.

The mood inside the house was far more sombre. Hector lay very still on the couch in Xavier's living room. It was an enormous shock for me to see him looking pretty healthy compared to the bloodless, limb body I'd dreamed of the night before. He was pale, but his eyes were alert. A large bandage covered most of his neck and shoulder, but other than that, he had no other obvious injuries. It wasn't until I really looked at him that I noticed how haunted Hector looked. He'd survived a violent and life-altering attack not once but twice in his life. First, he'd survived the were attack that had left him a panther and now he'd been drained nearly to death by a vampire. No one deserved what he'd been through.

Hector spoke softly, recounting his attack. His eyes never left Mathias as he spoke, as though he expected the vampire to attempt to finish the job begun by the killer in the alley. Mathias calmly withstood Hector's scrutiny, silently absorbing the tale and comparing it to what I had told him of my dream. I could see Mathias had questions, but he allowed Hector to complete his tale before speaking. "Are you certain it was a woman, Hector."

"Yeah," Hector said. "She said something to me, but I didn't understand the language. The voice was definitely female, as was the body I felt when she..." He shuddered. "When she held me." Hector closed his eyes, grimacing. "At least I got a nose full of her stench. Now we can track her."

Xavier nodded. "I've already sent the boys down to the alley where Hector was attacked. They picked up a light scent there but lost it when they crossed the river into the city."

"Wait, wait, wait," I said. "What do you mean you've sent the boys out? That you plan to track her? This vampire has slaughtered a dozen men in the last few weeks. She almost killed you, Hector. Do you want to give her a chance to finish the job? Or worse, take down another of the panthers?"

"Not especially, no," Hector admitted. "But the pride has an obligation here, Mairin. The only reason we've left your blood sucker alone is because he proved to us that he wasn't a danger to humans. Any other leeches in this area don't have that kind of immunity from us."

" what?" I stammered.

"Look, I know Xavier's OK with him, but the rest of us...well we're only putting up with him because we have no other choice." Hector's bitterness cut deep. I hadn't realized how angry the pride was about having to watch Mathias but not touch him.

Mathias wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I curled into him, winding my arms around his waist. "It is all right, Mairin. The cats and I have an understanding."

"Why do you hate him so much, Hector?" I asked. If Mathias was going to accompany the panthers when they tracked this vampire, I wanted to know he would be safe.

Hector shook his head. " You don't get it, do you?" He asked. "I don't hate Mathias, Mairin. I hate what he is. I hate that my brothers have to watch you and your family because for some unknown reason you insist on...on fooling around with a blood sucking leech."

It shocked me to realize that Hector had probably witnessed the battle on the football field. He would have seen the power and ferocity of Mathias as he battled against the creature who had threatened me and my family to get Mathias to agree to die. The pride may have agreed that Braden was the bigger threat, but they had seen Mathias at his most vicious.

"He's right, Maire. You know I think Mathias is OK," Xavier said. "But now you've seen what I've always known about blood...vamps. They're killers. They're a big part of why the pride takes the job of protecting East Hampton, and now Highland Home, so seriously."

Mathias seemed unaffected by the slurs from Hector and Xavier, but I knew better. Deep down, my vampire hated what he was. He fought his own nature every moment he spent with me because he didn't want to be a monster. That the panthers still saw him as a monster cut him deeply. He pulled away from me to pace the length of Xavier's small living room. I could see him wrestling with something, but I knew he wouldn't share anything personal with me while the panthers were present.

"Well," he said finally, "at the very least, Hector's knowledge that the killer is a woman rules out me and my father. The pride can stop splitting its resources and focus on watching activity here in East Hampton. Alfred and I will watch Highland Home for you."

"Whoa, your father?" Xavier sprang out of his chair. "Your father is a vamp too? And why didn't you mention there was another vamp in the area when we talked at your place?" Xavier glared at Mathias, obviously feeling betrayed.

Mathias shook his head. "Not my biological father, Xavier. Alfred is the father of my second life. He arrived at my home for a visit a few days ago, but he gave his word he would not hunt during his visit."

"You should have told me, Mathias." I could see doubt and wariness creep into Xavier's gaze. "I need to know whenever one of your friends visits so I know how best to use the pride resources."

"Alfred gave his word," Mathias said, gritting his teeth. "If I thought a vampire of my acquaintance were a danger to anyone in Highland Home or East Hampton, I would certainly share that information with you, though likely after I had dispatched the problem."

"That wasn't our agreement, leech," Xavier said.

"Our agreement was in reference to the killer," Mathias said. I could see he was getting upset. and his normally cool reserved slipped drastically in his irritation. "My family, friends or any other vampires I may know are not part of any agreement we have. It is rare for me to have visitors as I have never been one to live long with others of my kind and therefore do not have deep bonds with many, but I cannot keep tabs on every vampire I have ever met. As for what I choose to share with you, cat, I will make that decision and I would kindly ask you to remember my cooperation is voluntary."

"Voluntary based on my agreement that the pride won't attack you so long as you're not a threat. Not sharing information that might put the pride and our families in danger can be construed as a threat." Xavier's face suffused with blood. I could see his cat pacing in his aura and knew it was time to stop the posturing before it got out of hand.

I raised my hand. Kerry had stepped behind Xavier and laid her hand on his back in an effort to calm him. It seemed to be working as the pacing cat slowed and then lay down in Xavier's aura.

"Mairin, this isn't school. You don't need to raise your hand." Mathias' irritation made me smile. Sometimes it was good to be the voice of reason.

"I was waiting for you two to stop fighting, but I figured I'd be grey-haired before that happened."

"Cute," Xavier said. He grinned at me. Xavier seemed to be enjoying the sight of Mathias' cool reserve slipping. The problem was, neither Xavier nor Mathias truly understood how dangerous the other was when they lost control. I wasn't going to allow them to tangle, not in this tiny house with my sister in the middle of it.

"OK, so Mathias is sorry he didn't tell you there was another vampire in the area and Xavier is sorry he accused Mathias of withholding critical information," I said.

"No I am not," Xavier and Mathias chorused.

"Fine, you're not sorry, but at least neither of you is planning to shred the other immediately, right?"

Both men nodded and I continued. "Then I have a question about Hector," I said. "Why isn't Hector...well why is Hector still human? It's been more than eight hours since he was attacked. Shouldn't he be showing signs of changing?"

Mathias stared at Hector for a long moment. "I hadn't thought about it, but Mairin is right. Hector should at least be showing symptoms of being infected with our venom. Chills, fever, sweats."

Xavier nodded. "We thought so too, but it looks like weres are immune to the vamp venom. Our doc took a bunch of blood samples when Hector came in and he found the panther virus Hector's had since he was ten, but no sign of vamp venom."

"You can identify our venom in a blood test?" Mathias asked suspiciously.

Xavier nodded. "Our doc found it when he looked at the tox reports on the last couple of victims. The regular docs don't have a clue, of course, but our doc, he knew when he saw it what it had to be."

"So what do we do now?" Kerry asked.

"We, do nothing," Xavier said. "You and Maire are gonna go home and stay away from this mess."

"We're going to do no such thing," she said. "Based on what happened to Hector and all the other victims, I'd say you and Mathias are in more danger than Maire and I are."

"What makes you say that?" Xavier asked.

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Kerry asked. "This vamp is only killing guys."

"She's right," I said. "I hadn't really thought of it, but every victim I've seen in my dreams was a man. And she left Hector's um, date, alone last night."

Hector grinned and then grimaced. "Yeah, Penelope's kinda freaked out. Good thing I was ready to dump her anyway."

"Nice," I said. "She watches you get butchered and you're glad you don't have to dump her?"

"Well, yeah. With a chick like Penelope, this is much easier."

I shook my head. I was liking Hector less and less.

"That leaves only the cat in danger then," Alfred said, slipping out of the shadows.

I jumped, a small scream slipping past my lips. I'd had no idea Alfred had joined us. Xavier's response was more overt. He crouched protectively in front of Kerry and growled low and deep. Hector's growl joined with Xavier's making me shiver. I'd have to ask Mathias to mention to Alfred that surprising the panthers in their homes was probably not polite or smart. I was pleased to note, however, that Xavier's posture reminded me of Mathias when he'd stood between me and Braden last spring. I was suddenly a lot less worried about Kerry being safe with Xavier.

Alfred held up his hands. "My apologies for startling you, mes chats, I thought it best to join the investigation when Mathias mentioned that all the victims were men."

"Why does it matter that the victims are men?" I asked, "And, not that I'm not glad to hear it, but why isn't Mathias in any danger?"

Alfred glanced at me, a dismissive look in his eyes. It was obvious he felt I didn't belong in the discussion, but when Mathias cleared his throat, Alfred sighed.

"Of course, my son," Alfred said. He glanced at the panthers and then returned his gaze to me. "The killer is a vampire. Vampires do not feed upon each other because the change our venom affects on our blood creates a poison to others of our kind."

Mathias nodded. "One of the first rules I learned as a new vampire was to stay away from others of my kind. I did so for many reasons, but it turned out to be providential as it wasn't until Alfred found me that I discovered the poison of our blood to others of our kind."

Alfred patted Mathias' shoulder. "As to why I think it is important that the victims are men, I believe I know the vampire responsible for these deaths."

Alfred accepted the seat Xavier offered him, but only once he'd moved the chair as far from the rest of us as possible. It was obvious he was uncomfortable around so many humans. I noticed how Mathias positioned himself between Alfred and me. It shocked me to realize Mathias didn't trust Alfred with me and I wondered if Alfred had said or done something to make Mathias nervous, or if it was just another facet of Mathias' tendency to be overprotective of me.

"Each of us has a maker, the one who gave us the immortal kiss and allowed us to live," Alfred said. "When one's maker is near, we feel it. Our makers hold power over us that no other creature can. I felt my maker was near when I came to Highland Home. I thought she might be looking for me, but she has stayed in East Hampton." Alfred glanced at Hector. "Serina hunts only men, though she will accept the blood of women if it is offered. Her hunting habits have allowed her to create an army of vampires available for her every whim."

"Serina rarely leaves England. I admit to being quite surprised she is here, but until she leaves, no human is safe. Serina is ancient. Not even I have any idea how old she is and she made me more than six centuries ago. I know only that she has no memory of being human and so she holds no ties to humanity. You are cattle to be slaughtered when she is hungry or bored."

"Then we need to hunt her down and kill her," Xavier said. His eyes flicked to Mathias, checking his response. I found myself doing the same, but Mathias' expression never changed. He deferred to Alfred, idly stroking my hair.

"Would that it were that simple, cat." Alfred sighed. "Think you that we have not tried to do this? Those of us who are her slaves when she desires our obedience have long sought the means to end our enslavement. Men who in any other circumstance would rule, are forced to bend to her whims for she chooses to change only the strong, only the powerful. Imagine the kind of anger and frustration such an eternity would engender. I have seen what happens to those who attempted to break her bonds. Death would be a welcome respite from the torture they endure. And Serina is nearly impossible to kill. The number of vampires who owe their immortal lives to her makes her invulnerable to the usual ways in which we can be killed. Her army will protect her as well. Even I, should she command it, would protect her."

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