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Authors: Alexis Alvarez

Capturing Kate (16 page)

BOOK: Capturing Kate
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“Kate, answer me.”

“Yes!” She shot the words into his neck, her lips desperate. “Yes, you can clamp my nipples and use the cane on my bare ass, Sloan, please, I want you to do it. You can do anything you want, I swear, I’ll let you.”

“Anything I want?”

He drew a finger up her leg and didn’t stop until he was in her pussy, thrusting, rubbing.

“Yes, yes.” She pushed into his finger.

“What if I want to finger your ass?”

“You can do it, just please, keep touching me like that.”

He added another finger to the first and she squirmed. “God, Sloan.”

With his other hand, he reached around and used a finger to probe. At first she clenched her ass down, but when he made a ‘tsk tsk’ noise into her ear, she melted open for him, allowing the touch, and when his finger was deep inside, he pressed and twisted gently. This felt so delicious that she nearly fell apart right there, and as he used both hands to play her body with his exquisite touch, she thrashed and moaned. “Sloan, I’m going to—I need to…”

“No. Wait for it.” His stern voice only increased the pleasure, and she let him know by moaning louder and pushing into his hands.

“But please.”

“You come without permission, I’m going to whip you with my belt next time we do this before I fuck your mouth,” he warned her, and those words shot her to the edge and over, and she hurtled into the bliss awaiting, her whole body clenching and spasming. He added a finger and rubbed her through it, extending her pleasure, murmuring things so dirty she couldn’t believe a person was saying them to her, but yet she loved it, loved it, loved it.

When she fell back into herself, gasping and shaking, he gathered her into his arms, wrapping her in his strong embrace. His mouth was hot on her neck and the feel of his body against hers was pure heaven, and she lay there, letting herself come back to reality, waiting for the buzzing in her ears to subside, the starbursts behind her eyelids to fade.

Eventually she roused herself and kissed his hot neck. “That was incredible. I want you to come that hard, too.” She ran a hand down his waist, to the dip of muscles at his hip, to his inner thigh, and teased him with her fingertips. “Speaking of hard…”

He bit her skin. “You ready to go again?”

She licked his neck just under the ear—salty. His essence. She nodded. “Mmm hmmm.”

Actually, she would prefer to lie here in his arms and float around in this glorious afterglow some more, maybe purring like a cat, but that hardly seemed fair. Also, the feel of his hard cock in her hand, throbbing, made an answering sensation in her body awaken. “More than ready,” she added. “And I’d be happy to reward you for your looooong… wait. Your patience.” She slid down his body, kissing the indentation at his hip, nipping at the muscles, liking the way he clenched and sucked in his breath.

“Let me see,” she added thoughtfully, “if I can figure out some kind of repayment plan.” She lowered her head and licked the very tip of his dick, a fast swipe of her tongue across the head, and his harsh intake of breath made her smile.

“Perhaps I’m onto something?” she mused. “Let’s see.” She flicked him with her tongue again and he groaned. “Lie back,” she encouraged him, “and relax. Let me do this.”

He settled his body into the pillows, hands behind his head, eyes half-lidded. “Kate, fuck…” he whispered as she licked all the way up his shaft from balls to head, then swirled her tongue around, again and again.

“You like that?” she murmured. “How about this?” She suddenly took him into her mouth as far as she could, pushing her head down until she felt him in the back of her throat. The noise he made, a strangled pleasured gasp, gave her the confidence to do it again. And again. She felt his thighs contract and clench under her hands, and she came up for air, sweeping her hair from her face and wiping her eyes. “Look what happens,” she whispered, meeting his gaze. “I tear up from your huge cock in my throat. You’re so big you make me weep.”

“Fuck,” he growled. “Kate.” He clenched his fists, but kept them at his sides. “Do that again.”

“Yes, sir,” she said. “Anytime you ask, sir.”

When she put her head back down, the tension in his body told her that he not only loved this, he needed it, he craved it. Right now, she was the master, the one in charge, and he was letting her do it because his body demanded it, and that gave her such a heady rush of pleasure that she put all of her effort into giving him the best blowjob of her life.

She crouched and knelt over his body, ass close to his face, head bobbing up and down to take his cock into her mouth, and he reached up to finger her pussy while she licked and sucked. When she came up for air, gasping, he cracked her hard with his palm across both cheeks. “Suck, baby,” he demanded, his voice tight.

She nodded, wiped her hair again, took a breath, and bent back down. Her arms trembled under her weight and her eyes watered from the motion. He took more control now—slapping her ass when she slowed down, touching her to make her quiver and moan around his balls, and continuing to stroke between her legs. “Yeah, Kate, fuck me with your mouth, like that,” he murmured, touching her while she sucked, taking breaks to spank her ass before diving his fingers back into her wetness.

Even though she’d cried for him to stop punishing her earlier, the spanking he was giving her right now was glorious. It was like scratching the most difficult itch. It was the perfect pop of pain to complement the growing pleasure in her body. It was what she’d felt when he first started spanking her, before it got too hard—that sexy, unbearably amazing ache.

“Keep going, baby, I’m almost there,” he murmured and she took a breath and worked her tongue and mouth.

In a second he slapped her ass harder and demanded, “Suck the tip now baby, fast. Faster. Yeah,” and reached forward to rub at the base of his cock while she worked the tip. When his thighs clenched again, he demanded, “Take me deep and suck me dry,” and she did, taking him into her throat as deeply as she could, feeling him pulse out his ejaculation. In the same instant, her own arousal burst into an explosion and she came, too, without even realizing she was that close, moaning around his cock as her pussy spasmed in bursts of pleasure.

“Fuck, Kate!” he roared, and the growl that he gave now, along with the jerk of his body, let her know that he was in the throes of his own pleasure, and knowing that she’d given him that moment made her proud. His orgasm lasted a long time, longer than guys usually went, and that made her pride spiral into ridiculous heights of confidence.

She tried to swallow but wasn’t sure how with him this deep. She pretended she was swallowing after sucking from a straw and it worked, but then, needing air, she pulled up and gagged instantly, the texture—although not unpleasant—something she’d never quite embraced.

She tried to lick him and gagged again, but didn’t much care, and he didn’t seem to care either. “Come up here,” he ordered, and lay back, panting, and reached up to tangle his fingers in her hair, which was wild and messy with sweat and abandon. “Jesus, fuck, that was amazing,” he managed. His touch was warm, relaxed, and she nodded into his groin and let some of his come dribble onto her chin.

Did he care if she swallowed all of it? Did she? She spit quietly into the blanket. Whoops. Well, sex was messy.

“I’m going to rinse…” she started, but he interrupted. “Come here.”

He pulled her down to his body and grabbed her close and she hesitated. “But I—”

“I want to see you with my come all over your mouth,” he demanded, so she faced him, letting him see her wet eyes, her sticky lips and chin.

“Open your mouth,” he demanded, and she did, eyes widening.

“Fuck,” he groaned, flopping his head back. “That almost gets me ready to go right the fuck now. Seeing you with my come on your tongue, knowing that you took me into your throat, Jesus, Kate. Don’t wash it off. Stay here. I want to know that you’re lying here with my come all over your face and down your throat, just waiting for my permission to wash it off.”

She lay beside him and took a sip of the water from the bottle on the nightstand. “I gagged.”

“That’s fucking hot.” His eyes were shut. “That was the best blowjob ever. And hearing you gag a little bit because I shot so much into your mouth? I love it.”

“Okay. So it was good?” She preened, drank more water. The semen on her face was drying and felt like glue, pulling on her skin, a constant reminder of his dominance.

“More than good. You’re the goddess of cock-sucking, Kate.”

“Well, I guess I can add that to my resume,” she said, and he reached down and slapped her ass. “The hell you will. That’s my private resume. That’s for me, nobody else.” At his words, she stilled, and he noticed, averted his eyes. “I mean, for now.”

She looked away. “Yeah. No, I get it. Right, because we’re stuck here together.” She sat up. “I’m going to wash off.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

In the shower, she rinsed her face first and her hair, then soaped up her body, the hot water washing away his scent, but doing nothing to remove the images in her head. God! The sex had been explosive, the best of her life. And she couldn’t deny that the punishment was what had tipped it over the edge, along with his body, his voice, his dominance.

She wasn’t the kind of woman who liked to be bossed around. She was a feminist, a leader, a voice for the oppressed. What the hell was she doing enjoying sex that was kinky and unapologetically submissive in nature? Could that be okay?

Maybe it didn’t even matter. Most of the attraction probably just came from the fact that she was scared and alone, needing comfort, needing the endorphins that came from the physical interactions. Probably she’d get as much out of an hour on the treadmill. A morning of chopping wood. A tough cross-fit class. Because those things weren’t available right now, a good FBI agent would work with what he had. Figure out what it was that his charge needed. Attention. His belt. His body.

That thought was sobering. The punishment and sex was just a tool… a tool he was using to get her to relax and listen to him. The fact that he enjoyed it? So he was a lucky bastard who liked his job. The fact that she enjoyed it, too? It meant he was good at his job. And that she needed to watch out for her emotions.

When she came back out, he gave her a quick kiss on top of her head. “My turn.”

When she heard the water go on again, she sighed and rearranged the sheet, blushing at the wet spots, and tugged the comforter over again. Now it looked pristine, like the kinkiest, craziest sex of her life was just a figment of her imagination.

Chapter Thirteen



“Kate, one of my team members is coming here to drop off supplies and exchange information. Her name is Allison Bauer and we need to have a talk about what you’ll say to her when she arrives.”

It was several days later. Sloan had examined her leg, pronouncing her mostly healed, and told her that they needed to stay on location a few more days until the nuclear sale auction was completed. She was itching with cabin fever and anxiety about when people would notice that she was missing. Any day now. The waiting made her irritable.

“Like, I probably shouldn’t tell her that you whip me and fuck me when I’m bad?” She crossed her arms, smiling a little at the look of frustration that crossed his face. “Right?”

“Are you thinking you want to get me into trouble by telling her that?” He raised an eyebrow. “You want to get out of here that way?”

Her smile faded. “That’s not what I said.”

“Allison can tell us whether it’s safe to extract you to another location right now. The roads are clear, but Mancini has been very paranoid as the date for the auction gets closer, according to my team member on the inside. He’s doing extra surveillance and we don’t want to arouse any suspicion. Allison has the latest intel on Mancini and his associates. It’s possible that we can move you without attracting any attention or raising suspicion. We’ll talk it over.”

“Move me?” Now she scowled. “Like a heavy couch?” She wasn’t sure if she was angry because he was open to letting her go, or because she didn’t really want leave him.

“Kate.” His voice held a thin line of steel under the patience. “What happens between us does not need to be a national secret. If you feel better telling Allison about what I’ve done and what we do, then you can tell her. It’s something that will need to be in my final report, anyway.”

Her eyebrows jumped. “What? You’re going to—tell people? What we did? No, Sloan. You can’t!” Her voice held a plea. “That’s demeaning. It’s not right for people to know.”

“Kate, when an agent gets involved in any interpersonal relationship as part of an operation, it needs to be disclosed.”

“Well… would you get in trouble?” Her voice lowered.

He shrugged, a quick hard movement. “No, although they’ll investigate. Agents are allowed a lot of leeway in how they conduct undercover stings, especially at such a high level.” A look of something flickered across his face, and his eyes left hers. “Sex and kink is not off the table. Maybe not encouraged, but sometimes it’s necessary.”

“But what about my privacy? It’s not right to talk about it if I don’t want to.” She bit her lip.
That didn’t sit well. It made it sound… clinical. Just routine. A regular old means to an end.

“There’s a lot of things
not right
about what’s happened to you lately,” he admitted. “Add it to the list.”

“You’re such a shit!” she shouted. She wanted to be the end, not the means.

“Be that as it may. When Allison gets here, talk all you want about what I did and what we’ve done. But I do not want you to mention the code. She’s not on the sub-team that’s investigating Ella’s code, and there’s no need for her to have that. Understood?”

“Fine. Understood,” she snapped at him. “So I can tell her that you whipped me and fucked my mouth?”

“If it makes you feel better, then do it.” He met her eyes.

She dropped her gaze. “Whatever.”


* * *

BOOK: Capturing Kate
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