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Authors: Alexis Alvarez

Capturing Kate (25 page)

BOOK: Capturing Kate
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“Kate? Last chance to pick before you get both.”

“The brush,” she whispered. “You can use the brush on my ass.”

“Go get it.” He stood up and pointed to the dresser. “Get the widest one. I’m going to make you nice and red, and I want it to sting.”

She gulped and got up, adjusting the thong, and walked to the dresser, swaying her hips. When she looked back, his eyes were liquid with pleasure and lust. The brush was heavy in her hand and she felt her heartbeat quicken. He’d used his hand on her ass often, a small paddle, and his belt. He’d threatened the brush, but so far he hadn’t used it.

She was a little scared. She liked being a little scared.

When she handed him the brush, he slapped it into his palm, making her jump and squeak. “Think it’ll sound like that on your pretty soft ass, Kate?” he asked, and without waiting for an answer, he added, “Strip the panties and get over my lap. Now.”

She flushed; as always, the command was embarrassing. She pulled down the panties, reddening further when he commented, “Look how wet those are, practically sticking to your body. The idea of punishment turns you on, baby, even if you complain about it. Tell me I’m right.”

“You’re right,” she whispered, feeling her whole body light up.

“Lie down now and be good,” he ordered, patting his thighs, and she got across them, the movement fluid; she knew where to put her body to drape across his.

“What do you say?” he murmured, bending down so his breath tickled her ear.

“Sloan, I’m sorry I’m late. Please punish me to help me remember the rules.”

He started with his hand, slapping softly, one cheek, then the other. It was a light caress and she relaxed into his touch. When the spanks got harder, she stiffened until he reminded her, “Relax that ass, Kate, or you get extras.”

Soon he was bringing his hand down with force, the spanks echoing around the room, and she startled to struggle in his grip. It happened this way every time: she got aroused, she loved it, then it hurt and she hated it. Later, she loved it again. She pushed against him. “Stop, Sloan. It hurts. Ow!”

But he didn’t stop; he spanked harder, pausing to say, “You don’t get to decide when we’re done. I do.”

Now the spanks were hard and furious, and she writhed and contorted, trying to move away from the punishing strikes. “You ready for the brush?” he asked, pausing.

The brush!—She’d forgotten they still needed to do the brush. “No, please,” she begged. “My ass is already so sore. You have to stop. The brush will hurt too much.”

“It’s supposed to hurt,” he reminded her. “Why am I spanking you?”

“Because I was late
!” The brush landed hard, a splat across her left ass cheek, and she wailed out at the new bright burn. “Sloan!”

“Stay still.” He whacked again, and she jumped in his arms.

“It’s too hard. Ouch!” She tried to reach back, and he grabbed her hand.

“Not too hard. It’s just right. This is what’s going to happen,” he paused to issue a barrage of spanks across both cheeks, “each time you’re late,” another volley, “from now on.” He gave a few especially hard ones for emphasis. “Do you understand?”

She couldn’t think. “Sloan, ow, it hurts. Yes, I understand!”

“What do you understand?”

The brush came down again, again, again. She was helpless to stop him, had to lie there taking it.

“I won’t be late. It’s disrespectful. I promised to be on time for our appointments and I will prioritize them above all else, unless it’s an emergency. I promise!”

“You already promised, and you broke that promise. That’s why I’m punishing you. You need to learn to do better.”

“I will! I will do better. I swear it.”

Still he spanked, hard strokes, alternating cheeks each time. Then he started giving her two spanks in the exact same spot before moving on, then three, and the burn got intense. “Ouch! Sloan! It’s burning!”

He stilled and rubbed her ass. “Nice and red, too. You think you’ll remember to be on time in the future when I tell you to be back?”

“Yes, yes, I will. I don’t know why I agreed to the brush, I hate it, you need to stop.” She sniffled, although she knew exactly why she’d agreed to the brush. Because she figured it would get her hot as hell afterwards, that was why. If she really wanted to stop, all she needed to do was change her tone, and he knew immediately. And there was always her safeword, which she’d never yet needed, because he was so good at reading her body language. And every time he asked if she wanted to keep their relationship like this, she said yes, yes, a million times yes.

“I’m not done. You’re going to stand up in front of me without rubbing your ass and explain why you want me to give you ten more good hard spanks with the brush. Explain why being submissive is important to you, and ask me to help you get there.”

“I can’t!” she wailed.

“Then you can be done and I’ll fuck you right now. You decide.”

He helped her stand up, caressing her wrists with his thumbs, firm and tender at the same time. “Do you have something to say to me, Kate?”

His eyes burned with a fierce power and passion, and the love there, too—in addition to the lust—fueled her own. She wanted this man and everything kinky they did together. She wanted him to dominate her and spank her into submission like this, because it was the sexiest fucking thing she’d ever done. Because she had the freedom to choose, it was easy to say yes. Knowing you could say no made the yes more powerful.

She stood in front of him, her ass burning, but kept her hands in front of her body. “Sloan, I want to be obedient in bed and do what you want. I want to be your good submissive. Please spank me to teach me a lesson about obedience and to remind me to follow the rules next time.”

He smiled and patted his lap. “Ten more hard ones. Then we’re done.”

Back over his lap, she sucked in her breath at his touch. This was the hardest spanking she’d received, and it wasn’t over. But she braced herself, knowing that after the pain came the pleasure, and it was always in proportion to what came before. She’d never had such phenomenal orgasms.

The brush spanks that came were intense and she cried out with each one, grabbing at his calves, and when they were finished, she slumped over his body in relief. “Sloan, that hurt so much.”

“But you’ll be on time, next time. You’ll look at your watch and say, ‘Lila, I need to get going. Let’s get together this afternoon or tomorrow to keep talking.’ You’ll come home on time to get fucked, Kate.”

“Yes, yes, I will!” She nodded vehemently. “I promise.”

He picked her up and lay her on the bed, and rubbed her ass. “So fucking beautiful and red, Kate. Gorgeous. Turn over and spread those legs for me now. Knees up.”

She obeyed, whimpering at the waves of heat radiating from her sore bottom. “Even the blanket hurts, Sloan,” she complained. Even as she said it, though, the pain was receding fast, being replaced by a feeling even more powerful and urgent. And he knew it, from the wicked gleam in his eye and the grin on his face.

“You’ll forget all about that in a minute,” he promised, stripping off his shirt. She sucked in her breath as his ripped torso came into view, and butterflies swirled when he tossed aside his pants and boxers. Seeing him naked still gave her a rush. This perfect, incredible man was hers alone. She was the one who drove him mad with her submission and her body. She was the one he wanted to master, to spank, to fuck.

“Hands up and don’t move,” he ordered, and then his head was between her thighs and his mouth was on her clit, his hot breath merging with her moisture.

She moaned, flexing her muscles. “God.”

“You like that?” But he knew she did. He knew the spots to flick with his tongue, and the places to draw it along slowly, teasing her with his touch. He understood that when he licked in small flurries she bucked her hips and whined, and when he swiped along her entire crotch from anus to clit that she’d cry out, incoherent, and push her hips up into his face, begging for release. Kate knew that her body was his map, and he’d studied it, a good scholar. He knew every inch of the terrain and how to traverse it.

Soon she was crying out, small bursts of sound, fisting her hands near her head. “Sloan, please. Oh, ah, God, ah, yes, right there, Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

“You want to come, Kate?” His voice was lazy and sensual.

“Yes, please.”

“Too bad. Not yet.”

She made a strangled noise as he circled his tongue around her clit. “Please.”

“What happens if you come too soon? Remember?”

“Five with the belt,” she whispered. “And then no orgasm the next night.” Saying the words made her almost come right there. This particular threat—which he had never actually carried through on, because he seemed to love her orgasms as much as she did—was something that made her combust with passion. She didn’t think he’d really do it, but the slight uncertainty made her insane with desire and need.

“That’s right. Good hard ones. You want that right now? And no orgasm tomorrow?”

“No!” She squirmed and breathed hard. “Oh, God, Sloan. God.” The passion in her body was overwhelming.

“Then hold off.”

She tried, but it was harder each second; his skillful mouth was too much for her aching body and soon she begged in real desperation, “I swear, I can’t hold it back any more, please!”

She knew that he recognized the tone of raw urgency, and he laughed. “I love to hear you beg.” He was so hard; she looked down through glazed eyes and saw his cock throbbing for release. He always could hold out longer than she could. He loved teasing her this way. “Beg, baby. Let me hear you plead for that come. Tell me how you’ll earn it.”

“Please, fuck me, right now,” she whispered. “You want it, too. I swear, let me come right now and I’ll give you a blowjob on my knees every morning the rest of this week.”

“Every morning?” He tapped her clit with his index finger.

She jumped. “Yes!”

“Without me asking or telling you to? You’ll get up first thing and come kneel by my side of the bed and ask to suck my cock and swallow my come? And if you don’t, you’ll accept a good hard paddling?”

He flicked again and she yelped, used all of her power to hold back.

“Yes, please!” Desperate, she writhed under his touch. “Let me come. I don’t want the belt. Stop teasing me. I’ll get on my knees and beg to suck you off and I’ll have the paddle right there to let you know I’m serious.”

“Deal.” He smiled into her face and kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. “And if you do a good job on the BJs, I just might lick your pussy as a good morning every day in return.”

He knelt over her body and pulled her legs up, holding her calves. “You want that fuck now, Kate?”

She was dying. “Yes, Sloan, yes!”

He rested the tip of his cock at her entrance, pushing back on her legs. She was so open to him in this position, and she loved it. “Like this?” He pushed in and she moaned in relief to feel his hard length filling her up.

“Yeah,” she chanted, squeezing her eyes shut in pleasure. “Yeah, Sloan, fuck.”

He thrust slowly a few times, then started pumping harder. The orgasm rose fast, hovering at the edges of her body like an aura of white light. She shuddered, sensing that it was going to be a tremendous one, a gorgeous perfect orgasm. A few more thrusts and she’d be at the top of the mountain. The pleasure growing between her legs was beyond anything she’d experienced, and she barely heard him say, “Come when you want,” before she rocketed to the stratosphere and exploded into shards of molten metal, liquid sun burning from the inside so hot and bright that she screamed, the pleasure too much for her body to contain. She writhed and bucked under him, pushing her hips into him, frantic, riding him to squeeze every drop of pleasure out of herself. The feeling came and came, kept coming, and she panted, cried, shouted. He squeezed her nipples as she came and that increased the sensation and she screamed again.

Then he was pumping hard, driving into her body with enough force to move the bed, and when he came, he shouted her name, loud and hoarse: “Kate!”

Later, as they lay together, arms and legs entwined, sweat drying, she spoke into his chest. “I’m not sorry I was late.”

He laughed. “I’m not, either. You think you’ll be on time next time, though?”

She nodded. “Ouch. Yes.”

He ran a finger over her ass. “I’ll probably find something else to punish you for, though.”

She laughed. “Oh, I’m sure you will.”

It was a fine line, one they were both learning. This thing worked when the amount was just right—too few spankings and she got needy, antsy; craved his rough touch—and so did he. Too much, and it was overkill. Neither of them wanted her unhappy or seriously sore. Sloan was careful to check her ass for marks and ask how she felt after each spanking; she loved that he cared about her well-being and her body. He was an expert at making a spanking sting like the fires of hell—exactly the way she liked it—and then fade enough to be just a pleasurable tingle the next day.

She hesitated. “I might not be able to give you a BJ tomorrow, though. I have to get up at four-thirty a.m. to drive to my interview. So unless you want an early start yourself…”

He laughed. “Unless you need the morning to focus and get ready, I expect to wake up nice and early with my cock in your mouth. Best alarm clock ever.”

She smiled. “People who give other people swallowing BJs usually deserve something realllly nice in advance. You know, to kind of show their appreciation and eagerness for the event?”

He raised one eyebrow. “What kind of advance reward?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe, say, a bowl of ice cream in bed? The chocolate. And maybe some of that chocolate sauce on top, but the one from Trader Joe’s, not the Hershey’s, because it’s organic. People need lots of sugar energy to rev up for a week of BJs.”

“Tell you what. I’ll bring the ice cream, and you can lick it… off my cock.”

“Deal.” She held out her hand, acting serious, and he grabbed it, kissed it, and pulled her into his body for a bear hug. “Sloan!” she squealed, giggling. “You’re smooshing me.” But she relaxed into his touch. “I love you.” The words came fast and easy now.

BOOK: Capturing Kate
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