Cara Mia - Book One of the Immortyl Revolution (32 page)

BOOK: Cara Mia - Book One of the Immortyl Revolution
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“You’ve no proof the girl was there.”

“Old friend, you want to spare the feelings of your beloved servant but the girl must be bled. We’ll see if she tells the truth.”

Brovik sighed, as if the entire thing were an annoying inconvenience to his nightly walk in the woods. “Mia, now is the time to confess. I offer you a swift and painless death.”

“I didn’t do it.”

“You leave me no alternative.”

Kurt retorted, “You heard her! She’s innocent. All of his alphas despised Dirk. They hired a girl to make it appear Mia was behind it. Look to your alphas, Gaius!”

Uproar started among the alphas. Gaius just sat there chuckling.

Brovik’s voice dropped into a deadly register, “Consider what you’re saying, Kurt.”

“I’ve withstood their insults for years. Dirk was the worst of them. The world is well rid of him.”

Gaius was highly amused. He gestured casually toward Kurt. “This pretty one is worth more than the lot of you dogs.”

Diego’s pasty face went red. “I won’t be insulted by this
rent boy

Wow, they’d struck the heart of Kurt’s deepest demon, and I’d seen what happens when this one awakened. Kurt trembled from head to foot. I worried he’d spring at Diego, but instead he lashed out at him verbally, “I’ve met your victims— living in sewers. One who takes children isn’t fit to live!”

Gaius chuckled. “Who would have guessed the boy capable of such

Kurt turned, North Sea cold, “You’re a
on this earth.”

Brovik stepped between them. “Kurt, you overstep your bounds! Let’s get this done.”

Kurt whirled on his master. “No, you won’t do this!” Blue pinpoints of rage burned in his eye sockets. “Why must you constantly torment her?”

Brovik’s chill overtook the room. “Restrain her.”

Diego came forward bearing a pair of shackles. Kurt stepped between us. “Don’t you dare!”

Brovik dragged Kurt by the arm to my side. I’d never seen him so close to rage, seething, but on so tight a leash, that emotion escaped as a low, growl, “You claim her? Then it’s your duty! Bleed her!”

Utter disbelief flooded Kurt’s eyes. “You can’t make me.”

“It’s clear your loyalty is compromised.”

A realization finally struck Kurt, his voice fell to a shocked whisper, “You’re
of her!”

“I fear nothing, especially not this
. Do it or I’ll give her to Gaius to do as he sees fit!”

I laid my hand on Kurt’s arm. “I’d rather none of them lay hands on me.”

Kurt took my face in his hands. “I swore to never hurt you, from the first night we were together.”

“I told you not to make promises you couldn’t keep.”

Diego called out, impatiently. “How long will this take? Get on with it!”

Kurt took a deep breath.
“Forgive me.”

I sat in the heavy chair, placing my hands behind my back as Kurt shackled me. Gaius leaned forward in his chair, immensely turned-on.

I looked up at Kurt’s anguished face. “I’m ready.”

He kissed my throat, his tears running over my skin as he whispered,
“I’m so sorry.”
His lips searched for the artery. I braced for the pleasurable prick of his fangs, not wanting them to enjoy this any more than they did already. A quick sharp stab— I willed myself to not cry out. Kurt held me gently. Heaven at first— but then hell opened. I choked back a scream. Kurt pulled back.

Brovik admonished him, “I’ll tell you when to stop!”

I writhed in the chair as Kurt took more, struggling to remain quiet, but the pain was too great. A vise wrapped around my head and I screamed.

Kurt pulled back again. “More will kill her!”

Brovik nodded, “Enough, let her stay until she’s ready to speak.”

I panted, weak, and in pain, but Kurt didn’t let go. “I’m here, Mia, tell them.”

I gasped, “I did nothing wrong!”

Gaius rose, staring at my face in fascination as he circled us. “Let her stay so for three hours… ”

Kurt was infuriated. “She’ll die!”

Gaius wasn’t impressed. “She’s made of the iron of Vesuvius. She’ll withstand a great deal more.”

Kurt soothed me, as I drifted in and out of consciousness, screaming with searing pain. No pain is greater to a vampire except the sun. Diego yawned loudly. Visions of Dirk’s severed head haunted me. I was terrified I’d scream out what I’d done, but the horror of his threat to Kurt made me hang on. I’d done
nothing wrong
. It was the truth.

Finally Brovik put a stop to it. “Enough. She’s withstood a full fifteen minutes longer than most. Ask her again and be done with this.”

Gaius rose, crossing the room. Kurt hovered protectively over me.

“Move aside, little

Kurt’s eyes blazed. “No.”

“You are bold, my beauty.” Gaius reached out to ruffle Kurt’s hair, but Kurt pushed the hand away. The alphas sprang to their feet. Gaius backed them off with a casual wave of his hand. “Very well, I’ll ask you a final time, Mia. Are you guilty of these crimes?”

I struggled to look up at him. “No!”

“Indeed?” Gaius took my chin in his hand, whispering, “You could’ve been an empress, girl.” He released me, straightening up. “She sticks to her story, I cannot ask you to prolong this torture without taking her life. But hear me Brovik, if I find evidence of her guilt, I’ll execute her myself.”

“Understood.” Brovik stepped forward, laying his hand on Kurt’s shoulder. “Revive her.”

Kurt gave his throat, breaking skin with a fingernail, because I was too weak to do so myself. The pounding, burning subsided, and I was soon able to breathe normally again. But Kurt’s uncontained rage swirled, a million screaming harpies inside me. Things would be very different with him from now on.

Gaius called his alphas, “Come.” He clasped Brovik’s hand. “Thank you for your hospitality, and consideration in this matter.” Brovik nodded as the Wolf scrutinized his face. “You realize if such events come to pass it will be war between us?”

Brovik remained ever serene. “Understood Gaius, but the woman is innocent.”

The elders bowed politely to one another, but once Gaius’s party left the house, Brovik turned to Kurt and me, seething. “I don’t believe either of you for a moment. Mia killed Dirk, and stole something precious to Gaius. I allowed this little romance to blossom but it seems you’re both bent on defying me. I’ve given you freedom,
, to come and go as you please, entrusting you with responsibility far above your state, never treating you as my thrall, demanding others respect you. Indeed, I’ve lavished love and protection I’d have given a son of my body. You want for nothing. I defied custom to grant you this concubine. Above all, I granted you
eternal life
. I deserve undying gratitude but instead you defy me.” He paused for a moment to let Kurt reply, but as usual my lover kept his counsel. “You say nothing?”

Kurt shrugged. “Everything you say is true.”

“Despite the old head on your shoulders, lust has rendered you adolescent. I can’t change your appetite, but I demand loyalty. Are you plotting against me?”

“There’s no place I could go, except to the Wolf, and I find him disgusting.”

“You know enough to bring me down. If you plan to use whatever she took from Gaius against me, he’ll have all the proof he needs to take your heads. But there’ll be no need, because I’ll kill you both with my bare hands. Understand? You have thirty-six hours,
. Take her home, and then bring me what she stole. If not, I’ll unleash the dogs.”

Brovik and Kurt stared at one another coldly, until Brovik turned to ascend to his tower. Kurt wrapped a sheepskin throw tenderly around my shoulders and led me to the elevator. During the drive to the airfield, he was in a bad state. He had much to lose from this breach with Brovik. I let him sort it out, waiting for him to unburden his mind. I was done with pushing him. This was ultimately his decision.

Finally he spoke, ‘’when I was fifteen, lying there while that mortal monster had his way with me, I tried to reason why. Why was I forced to suffer this? Why were my family loaded into trains and exterminated like cattle? Why was I living in hell on earth? Why had good people allowed these horrors to happen? I concluded there were no good people left. All were monsters because they did
. If we join Leisha, we don’t know if it will be better. It may be much worse, but I can’t stand by any longer without doing something. I
Brovik for what he made me do to you. He doesn’t trust me anymore. What privileges and authority I have will disappear until I’m his slave in fact.” He continued to stare at the dark road ahead. “Whatever we do— it must be done very fast.”

“Are you saying what I think you are?”

He glanced at me and then turned his eyes back on the snow-covered pavement. “Call Leisha, I’ll get the money. We have thirty-six hours.”

When we parted at the airstrip, I was terrified I’d never see him again.

Leisha met me when I landed in New York. I explained everything that had happened with Dirk and about the discs but didn’t produce them yet on Kurt’s advice. She was very excited by the news. The necessary groundwork was already laid for the deal. It remained for her to fly west to close it.

When Kurt called from Switzerland to get the routing information for the wire transfer, he had concerns about the deal and asked to speak to her.

She took the phone and listened a moment then replied, “Fifty-fifty.
put this deal together…
No, no way

running this show… Sure, of course you can… You will, absolutely. I prepared the contracts myself… Good, see you soon… Oh and thanks, Kurt… I couldn’t do this without you.”

I took the phone from her. Kurt didn’t sound convinced. “I don’t trust her. Whatever happens to me, be strong. Don’t let her push you around.”

I was confused. “You’re coming, right?”

“I’ll do everything in my power. Just be careful. I love you.”

“I love you. Kurt— ” He’d already hung up.

When I got off of the phone Leisha hugged me. “Well done, Mia.”

“I had no control over what’s happened. It’s a quirk of fate.”

“You made him love you. That’s all you needed to do.”

“And he’s paying dearly for it. If anything happens to him, you’re on your own.”

She kissed my cheek. “Mia, we’re sisters forever. If anything happens to Kurt, I’ll take care of you.”

I pushed her away. “If he dies, so help me, I’ll kill myself.”

“Don’t talk that way. He’ll be fine. He’s smart and has friends among the rats watching out for him. Just go and get the discs, we can get whatever you need later.” Her face was all sad and concerned, but her eyes were cold. I didn’t trust her either.

Leisha and Kurt have very different ideas about how things should be done, Joe. That’s why she’s trying to cause problems between us now. Only if I back her, can she do whatever she wants. It’s that simple.”

Joe tapped his pen against his clipboard. “You both agreed to this because you thought you had no other alternative?”

“Neither of us are lawyers, nor were we in the position at the time to hire our own. We knew it was a bad deal, but we had no choice. The plan was, when Kurt landed in New York, we’d drive a rental car upstate to hide out until everything was ready here. We’d go over everything with her then— but nothing went according to plan.

The next evening, I retrieved the discs, diamonds and gun, and then went back to the airport to pick up the rental car and wait for Kurt’s flight. But when it arrived, he didn’t get off. I panicked. I checked my cell. I’d turned it off while I slept. The screen lit up when I pressed the button. He’d left a voicemail.

“Mia, he’s called out dogs already. I was followed to Zurich. I’m hiding outside Munich, with a band of rats. You can’t help. Go on without me. I’ll find you somehow. I love you— be careful

I wasn’t about to leave the best thing that ever happened to me behind to be killed, so I did the only thing I could. I called in a favor. I decided to test Ethan’s cherished honor.

As I reached the parking garage and unlocked the car, three huge dogs came out of nowhere. Cash, of the scarred face and long hair approached, holding a gun pointed at me. “All right girly-girl, come along quiet like.”

I reached for my pistol and fired, the bullet grazing the top of his head. He fell. The others ran for cover behind a car. Another gun went off and searing pain ripped through my shoulder.


I wobbled on my feet for a moment. Another bullet whizzed by my ear. I ducked behind the car, as a siren wailed in the distance, and six armed security guards raced toward us.

Cash called to the others. “Let’s go!”

They took off with the guards pursuing them. I crawled under the rental car to hide. My shoulder hurt like hell, and I was bleeding copiously. After the coast was clear, I crawled out. I stuffed a pair of panties from my knapsack under my jacket to stanch the wound, and then eased myself into the car. Reeling with pain, I drove toward the interstate.

Faint with blood loss, I pulled up to the gate at Caithness a few hours before sunrise, and buzzed Ethan. “It’s Mia, I’m hurt.”

The gate opened and I drove through. I was very weak. Ethan ran out of the house toward me. I collapsed against him.

“Who in hell’s name did this to you?”

“Brovik’s dogs,”

“What have you done? Never mind that. You need blood. I’ll take the bullet out and dress the wound. You can explain later.”

Ethan gave me warmed blood to revive me, and then fetched forceps, some soap and water and a worn white cotton sheet. “Haven’t done this in over a century.” I winced as he washed the blood away and probed the wound. He located the bullet and yanked it out with a sharp movement, applying pressure until the bleeding stopped. He tore strips from the sheet to bandage the wound. “No worries about infection, but this won’t heal overnight. It will hurt like hellfire, and you’ll need more blood. Another couple of inches and it would have hit your heart. What happened?”

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