Carl Weber's Kingpins (8 page)

Read Carl Weber's Kingpins Online

Authors: Clifford "Spud" Johnson

BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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“I . . . I can't do that, Trevor. My . . . I mean, it just wouldn't be right if I met you.”
“What are you talkin' 'bout, Shay? It's me. What's not right about us meetin' each other somewhere?”
She took a deep breath. “I have a man, Trevor. He wouldn't like me meeting with my ex-boyfriend. I have to respect that.”
With a slight edge in his tone, King said, “Yeah, I feel you. So tell me, why did you really call me? I mean, what's on your mind, Shay? Obviously it's not me.”
“You're wrong, Trevor, and don't you dare talk to me with some attitude in your voice. Don't forget that you're the reason why we're not together anymore. I would've waited for you. You're the one who told me to move on with my life, remember?”
“Baby, I remember every last mistake I've ever made. Believe me, I'll never forget that one. But, on the real, I thought I was makin' the best decision for you. I didn't want to be a selfish nigga and try to lock you down. Yeah, I had other reasons, too. I didn't think I would have been able to deal if you started out riding wit' me while I did my bid and then fell off along the way. That would have hurt me too much, Shay. I couldn't take that chance. Can you understand that?”
Shaking her head from side to side as if he was there and could see her, she said, “No, no. I was your woman and I had the right to choose, too. You took that right away from me. You hurt me, Trevor. But, hey, that's the past. You're doing well, I'm okay, and life goes on.”
“That's right. You got my number. If that clown nigga you're wit' fucks up give me a holla,” King said as he hung up the phone. He got out of his car and went back and joined Tippi on the porch of the trap.
Tippi could tell by the look on his face that something wasn't right. “What's wrong with you? You look like somebody done pissed you the fuck off.”
He shook his head and said, “No matter how good I do or how much money I make, it seems like my past always comes back to haunt my ass.”
“Stop talkin' in riddles and tell me what's up.”
He stared at Tippi for a few seconds and then said, “Nothin' is up. It is what it is. So, you tryin' to roll with me to the club or what?”
“Might as well. I ain't got faded in a minute. The Patrón and Grey Goose is on you, nigga,” she said and started laughing.
“Fa' sho'.”
* * *
Shayla sat down on the bed and stared at her cell phone as she held it tightly in her hand.
I could have met him somewhere. It would have been harmless.
Just as she was about to call King back her cell started ringing. She checked the caller ID and saw that it was Taj. “What's up, girl?”
“Nothing much, bored as hell. Let's do something we haven't done in a long time,” said Taj.
“What's that?”
“Let's go to the club. I heard that Club Déjà Vu is off the chain on Saturdays. They always have someone performing and the drinks are right from what I heard.”
“You know what, I'm with it. I don't want to be up in this house all night bored outta my mind.”
“That's right, you need to get your mind right anyway.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“Come on, Shayla, I'm your girl. I know you have the wrong man on your mind right about now.”
“Is it that obvious? Damn.”
“Only because I know you and I know how much you still care about dude. Don't trip, we gon' get our drink on and have a few laughs tonight, and hopefully you can get back focused on the man who's currently holding you down.”
Shayla sighed. “I hope you're right, Taj. I hope you're right.”
* * *
King was dressed in his normal thuggish attire: saggy black True Religion jeans, a wife beater under a fresh white tee with some butter-colored Tims on his feet. Since he hadn't been out in a while he decided to pull out some of his jewelry. He put on his twenty-four-inch platinum chain with his diamond crown pendant hanging from it. He then added a platinum and diamond ring on each of his pinky fingers. Last, he put on his Hi-Tek platinum and diamond watch around his wrist. After one last look in the mirror he smiled at himself. Satisfied, he left his home.
“Where you at, nigga?” asked Tippi over the phone as she sat inside of her truck smoking a blunt. “I've been here for close to twenty minutes waitin' on your ass.”
King laughed. “I had to make a quick stop. I should be there in like five minutes.”
“A'ight, I'll see you when you get here. I'm parked right in front of the entrance to the club.”
“Is the line long to get into that bitch?”
“Go get at one of the bouncers in the front and let them know that the King is on his way and I'm not tryin' to be waitin' in no damn long-ass line. Slide that nigga a note if you have to.”
“Whatever, nigga, just hurry yo' ass up!” She hung up, hit her blunt one last time, and put it out in the ashtray. She checked her appearance quickly then hopped out of the SUV. All eyes were on her as she walked toward the club's entrance. Tippi wasn't dressed in her normal tomboyish way. She was in a feminine mood and was definitely looking good. The low-rise jeans she was wearing fit her like a glove, and her cropped wife beater exposed her tight stomach and the piercing in her navel. Her hair was braided straight to the back, hanging way past her shoulders. On her feet were a pair of D&G sandals. As she stepped to the front of the club, two of the bouncers smiled at her as they inhaled her scent. She smiled because she knew that they were loving that Goddess by Kimora Lee Simmons she was wearing.
“What's up, fellas?”
“Hello to you, lovely lady,” said one of the bouncers.
“I was wondering if it was possible for me and my people to avoid waiting in this long line to get into the club tonight,” Tippi said as she stared at the first bouncer who had spoken to her. Before he could answer she reached two fingers inside of her tight jean pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and gave it to the bouncer and said, “A li'l somethin' for you and your friend.”
The bouncer accepted the money and asked, “Where's your people?”
On cue, King stepped next to Tippi, put his arms around her waist, and said, “Here I am.” The smile left the bouncer's face as he stepped aside and let the couple enter the club. Once they were inside of the club King was pat searched by another bouncer and Tippi was also being searched by a female security guard. After paying the admission they went inside of the crowded club. King led Tippi to the back of the club and found them an empty table and took a seat. King smiled at Tippi and asked, “What the hell done got into yo' ass?”
She batted her eyes and said, “What, you forgot I'm a fuckin' lady? I wanted yo' ass to see what you've been missin', nigga. I may not look like it all the time—”
“I know, I know, you're a fuckin' lady!” They both started laughing. King put his hand on top of hers and said, “Seriously, though, you lookin' real good tonight, baby.”
“Good enough to eat?” she teased.
“Fuckin' right!”
A waitress came to their table and asked them if they would like anything to drink. “Do you have any Gran Patrón?” asked King.
“Yes, I believe we do,” answered the waitress.
“Cool. Bring me a bottle.” The waitress was about to tell King that a bottle cost at least $500 in the club. She stopped herself when she focused on all of the expensive jewelry King was wearing.
“Would you like anything?” the waitress asked Tippi.
“Yeah, bring a bottle of Grey Goose, too. Make sure you bring some lime slices and some salt, too,” Tippi said as she smiled at King. After the waitress left to get their bottles she told King, “Looks like we're about to get blasted tonight.”
“Don't overdo this shit. You know how you are when you get bent,” he warned.
Tippi smiled and said, “I'm not in the mood for any violent shit tonight.”
“What are you in the mood for?”
“You already know. Once that Patrón and Goose gets to kickin' in, it's really gon' be on,” Tippi said seductively as she squeezed his hand.
“Mondo gon' be in trouble tonight,” he said as he stared into her brown eyes.
Tippi returned his stare and said, “Uh-uh, no, Mondo; it's all about my King tonight. No strings, no problems afterward, my word,” she said as she licked her pouty, glossed lips.
King kept his cool and calmly replied, “We'll see.”
The waitress returned with their order, setting the bottles of liquor onto the table. She smiled brightly when King gave her a fifty dollar bill for her tip. She knew when he ordered the most expensive tequila on the market he was going to be a big tipper. After the waitress had set them up with lime slices, salt, and napkins, King grabbed the bottle of Patrón and poured them both a shot of the potent liquor. They each licked some salt from the back of their hands and then quickly downed the tequila, followed by a lime slice inside of their mouths. They repeated this process two more times before they poured themselves a glass of Grey Goose. After they had downed another shot of Patrón, King said, “Whew! That shit is the bomb right there!”
“I know,” Tippi agreed as she fanned herself with her hands, trying to cool off the heat that was generating through her body from the liquor.
“Well, I'll be damned.”
“What?” asked Tippi as she instantly became alert.
King stared at Tippi and said, “Promise me you're goin' to be good tonight.”
“What's up?”
King gave a nod of his head toward his right and said, “A part of my past just came into the club.”
Tippi turned her head and followed his gaze. When her eyes landed on Shayla she said, “Aww, hell nah! I know that ain't your ex-bitch Shayla.”
King stared at his ex, poured himself another shot of Patrón, downed it quickly, and said, “Yep, that's exactly who that is.”
Chapter Eight
Shayla and Taj both saw King at the same time. Before either of them was able to react, King saw them too. “Oh, shit, girl, he's looking dead at me,” Shayla said nervously through clenched teeth.
“You might as well go on over there and speak and get this shit over with. Ain't no need to be standing there staring at the man,” Taj said logically.
“Uh-uh, I'm not goin' over there. If he wants to talk to me then he's goin' to have to come over here,” Shayla said as she turned her back toward King.
“Looks like that's not going to be a problem. Here he comes now.”
Shayla took a deep breath and turned around and watched as King walked confidently over to where they were standing and said, “What's good, Shay? I see you're still hangin' with good company. What up, Taj?”
“Hi, Trevor,” said Taj.
“So, it looks like we were destined to see each other after all, huh, Shay?” he asked with a grin on his face.
Shayla was so stunned by how good he was looking that she was momentarily speechless. She stared into those intense brown eyes of his and felt as if she was about to melt. Right then and there she realized that she was still in love with King. After a few more seconds had passed she smiled weakly and said, “I guess so. How are you, Trevor?”
That put a smile on his face as he answered, “I'm good. I'm eatin' and so is everyone around me.”
“I'm happy for you, Trevor. You finally achieved the success you've always wanted,” she said sarcastically.
“Not really, but I'm well on my way. Anyway, let me buy y'all somethin' to drink.”
“We're fine.”
“No, we're not!” interrupted Taj. “It's not polite to turn down a free drink, Shayla. We'll have a glass of Cîroc.”
King turned and waved a waitress over and told her, “Please make it a point to make sure that these two lovely ladies are taken care of for the rest of the night. I'll be sittin' right over there so bring me their tab, okay?”
“No problem,” replied the waitress as she took Shayla and Taj's order.
After the waitress left, King smiled and said, “Time has been good to you, Shay. You're lookin' delicious. Your dude is a lucky man.”
“Thank you, Trevor. I know Lawanda is happy that she finally has you all to herself.”
Dammit, why in the hell did I say some shit like that?
she scolded herself.
King ignored her comment, smiled again, and said, “Y'all be good.”
Damn, she looks better than ever,
he thought as he went back to the table with Tippi.
As soon as he was out of earshot Taj shook her head and said, “That comment was definitely uncool, girl. You could have come better than that.”
“I know, but that was the first thing that came to my mind. Damn, why did he have to be here tonight of all nights? You know we have to get outta here right?”
“Wrong! Girl, we got action and free drinks all night long. Ain't no way in hell I'm letting you ruin this for us. You better sit back and try to enjoy the rest of the night 'cause we ain't going nowhere.”
“But, Taj—”
“But my ass! I mean it, Shayla. That nigga is back at his table doin' him with his friend over there. Why are you going to ruin our evening worrying about his ass and he ain't paying you any attention? That don't make no damn sense, no sense at all.”
Before Shayla could respond the waitress came back with their drinks. After she left Shayla said, “Humph, that's no friend; that's Shelia. They've been together for years. She's his partner in crime. Shit, she probably hurt more niggas in this city than Trevor.”
“She don't look like no killer to me. As a matter of fact, she's over there looking nice in those jeans. Look at those Dolce & Gabbana sandals she's rockin'. Sista girl got it goin' on.”
Shayla started laughing and said, “Leave it up to you to identify some expensive-ass clothes. Girl, I'm tellin' you, Shelia is one of the roughest females on the north side. Trust that.”
Taj shrugged and said, “So what? It don't really matter anyway. They're enjoying themselves and we're about to do the same damn thang. Now come on!”
Shayla stole another glance at King and Tippi then reluctantly followed her friend to the other side of the club.
* * *
The lights inside of the club came on, signaling that the club was closing. Even though he couldn't pay attention to her like he wanted to, King couldn't believe how good Shayla was looking. Tippi was on him, though, and he wasn't trying to get her riled up. That would be too dangerous for everyone involved.
I can't believe I'm lettin' this crazy
ass girl dictate my moves. This shit is gonna have to stop,
he thought as he scanned the club, hoping to get one last glance at Shayla. When he finally spotted her his heart skipped a beat when he saw her smiling at him.
She still loves me. I can see it in her eyes.
“Damn, nigga, you can take that silly-ass grin off your face. I'm sure it won't be the last time you'll be seein' Shayla,” Tippi said sarcastically.
King turned to face her and said, “Kill that shit, Tippi. I'm not in the mood for any of yo' bullshit.”
“What are you in the mood for?” she asked, hoping that he'd answer her question the way she was desperately wanted him to.
He didn't. “Let's hit the block and make sure everythang is everythang; then we can go get our eat on.”
“And then?”
He sighed and said, “Come on, Tippi, let that shit go!”
“You got that! But I'ma tell yo' ass this one time and one time only. I'm accepting your terms because I care about yo' ass that much. But if I find out you're back fuckin' that bitch Shayla, it's on. And you know what I mean when I say it's on!”
“Do you really think I'm gon' sit here and let you threaten me? Who the fuck do you think you're talkin' to?”
Tippi stared directly into his eyes and said, “The man I'd die for.”
Her statement stopped the anger that suddenly had taken over him. Once again he sighed and said, “Come on, crazy girl, let's get up outta here.” He stood and grabbed her hand as he led her out of the club.
Shayla watched as Trevor left the club with Shelia and frowned. They looked almost as if they were a couple
. I know he ain't messing with Shelia now, uh
uh, that can't be,
she thought as she waited patiently for Taj as she gave her phone number to some wannabe baller sporting a white gold chain while telling anyone who would listen that it was platinum.
After Taj was finished, she came to Shayla's side and said, “All right, girl, let's go. I don't know 'bout you, but I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat.”
“Yeah, I could go for some Denny's. How about you?”
“I don't care where we eat, just as long as we hurry our asses up and get there!”
By the time they made it out of the club Shayla saw Shelia and Trevor talking to a few guys.
Damn, he's so fine.
She quickly headed in the opposite direction. Shayla knew for certain that some drama was definitely waiting for her down the line because there was no way she was going to be able to get Trevor off of her mind. She still loved him.
They got lucky when they arrived at Denny's. They beat the club crowd and were able to get a table as soon as they got there. While they were eating their food Taj was yakking up a storm about how they should get out more often. “I'm telling you, girl, you have to tell Flamboyant that you can't be all cooped up in that big-ass house all the time. You got to breathe. I mean, damn, you need to enjoy yourself more often.”
“What makes you think I don't be enjoying myself while I'm with my man? I mean, it's not like we don't be having fun with each other.”
“You know what I mean. We don't get to kick it like we used to, unless we go out shopping or something. You're too damn young and pretty to be sitting up under a nigga all day. Yeah, I know you're in school now, but that shit gets old too. You got to live, girl.”
Shayla sipped her glass of orange juice and said, “You are too crazy, Taj. I'm . . .” She stopped midsentence when she saw Trevor and Shelia enter the restaurant. “Damn, can't we go anywhere tonight without bumping into them?” Shayla said, frustrated. Frustrated because just as she temporarily had him off of her mind, here he went and showed up again.
“Girl, I don't know about you but it looks like y'all bumping into each other like this is happening for a reason. Flamboyant better watch out. Looks like he's in jeopardy of losing his position and he don't even know it,” Tajanaye said and giggled.
Shayla rolled her eyes and said, “Girl, please, Marco ain't nowhere near losing me. As for Trevor, humph, been there done that.”
“You can save that shit for somebody who believes it. I know Trevor is on your mind.”
“How in the hell do you know that?”
“If he wasn't you wouldn't be blushing like a li'l schoolgirl. The love is still there, girlfriend. You might as well admit it.”
“Fuck,” Shayla whispered as she continued to watch Trevor and Shelia.
King felt someone staring at him. He raised his head and turned to his right and saw Shayla quickly drop her head. He smiled and continued to look her way until she raised her head again and tried to peek to see if he was still looking at her. When she saw that she was busted she smiled shyly.
That smile, damn. She still can break me down with that pretty
ass smile of hers,
he thought as he gave her a slight nod. He turned his attention back to Tippi. Tippi hadn't seen Shayla yet and King hoped it would stay that way as a waitress led them toward a table on the other side of the restaurant. After they were seated Tippi said, “That nigga Flex be actin' like he's the king of the block whenever I'm not around.”
“He's in charge whenever neither of us are there. He's doin' what he's supposed to.”
“That's not what I'm talkin' 'bout. He's startin' to run his mouth a li'l too much. Talkin' 'bout he's about to blow up and get his own shit crackin'.”
“That bothers you?”
“Yeah, we ain't got room for that nigga to be takin' any food off of our plate.”
“As long as he spends his chips with us he won't do us any harm. Plus, it looks like Boleg, Cuddy, and Nutta have added more to the kitty anyway. Don't pay Flex any attention, I'll holla at him and see where his head is at.”
“You should just let me handle it my way.”
“Nah, he's been good people for too long. Ain't no need to be that cold. If the need arises, you will be called upon. Now come on, let's order. I'm hungry like a mothafucka,” King said as he picked up his menu.
Shayla gave a sigh of relief when she saw that Trevor and Shelia were being led to the other side of the restaurant. She couldn't believe how fast her heart started beating when their eyes met
. I have to get this man out of my head before a whole lot of mess gets started
Taj smiled at her friend and said, “Earth to Shayla, can you hear me, Shayla?”
“Huh? Oh, what were you saying, Taj?”
“Damn, girl, it's like that? That nigga gon' get you in some deep shit with your man if you don't get your mind right.”
“I was just thinking the same thing. You finished yet? I gotta get out of this place.”
“Mmm hmm, I'm good. Go on out to the car while I take care of the bill.”
“Thanks, Taj. I got you on the next one,” Shayla said as she quickly stood and left their table. When she made it to the door she couldn't resist taking one last peek in her ex-boyfriend's direction. Instead of seeing him, her eyes locked with Shelia. They frowned at each other for a few seconds before Shayla turned and left the restaurant.
* * *
By the time Taj had dropped Shayla off at home she was dead tired. She went into the bedroom, took off her clothes, and then went and took a hot shower. While she was showering, she began to wonder why Marco hadn't called home. He hadn't called since he had been in Miami
. I know his ass bet' not be fuckin' up,
she thought as she stepped out of the shower. After drying off and slipping into one of Marco's T-shirts, she grabbed the cordless phone and checked the voice mail to see if he'd called while she was out. When she heard that there were no messages she became upset all of a sudden. Since she made the reservation for their trip she knew where they were staying. She got up, grabbed her purse, and pulled out a copy of their itinerary for their trip. She then dialed the number to the Hotel Victor in Miami. Even though it was close to four in the morning Florida time, she was determined to hear her man's voice before she fell asleep. She needed to hear her man's voice for more reasons than she cared to admit.
When the phone was answered Shayla hesitated then asked the hotel clerk, “May I have Marco Freeman's room please?”
“One moment please,” replied the clerk.
There was a pause and then the phone started ringing again. She inhaled deeply and waited for Marco to answer the phone. She smiled when she heard him pick up the line and sleepily say, “This better be a fuckin' emergency whoever the fuck this is.”
Sitting on top of the bed with one leg up under the other, Shayla smiled and said, “It is an emergency. Why haven't you called me, Marco?”
“Shayla? Wha . . . what time is it, babe?”

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