Carnal Harvest (4 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

BOOK: Carnal Harvest
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“Oh, no, none of that,” Brent scolded. Then he was pushing in again, and this time he had to be using at least three fingers, all of them rough with calluses despite the lube.

Mandy whimpered, because damn, it was starting to get uncomfortable. Just like her need to come. He thrust repeatedly, short, sharp strokes that made the burning—and the pleasure—worse.

“You ever fisted her, Hake?”

Joe’s question made her blood freeze.
They were not doing that.

She tried to pull off his cock, but he held her fast. He wasn’t shy about going deep and Mandy had to abandon every thought to concentrate on breathing as he invaded her throat. When her nose touched the hem of his tee shirt, she felt an absurd sense of pride that she’d taken him all without gagging.

He eased back a bit when Brent pulled out again and she heard a tearing sound.

Yay! He’d remembered to use a condom.

Brent grabbed her hips, knelt up, and forged into her reluctant backside. He was huge! She screamed as he slid deeper, her ass stinging at his thickness, her innards aching at his length. Good God, was the man going for the back of her throat? If he 26

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went much farther, he’d trigger her gag reflex. He was already in her ass deeper than Hake had ever ventured. Hake loved her, and while he’d get downright brutal in her pussy, he was too concerned about hurting her to indulge in that kind of ass play.

Brent apparently had no such qualms.

Hake was jerking against his bonds now, yelling through the makeshift gag.

Then Brent reversed directions, turning her screams to moans. He pulled all the way out and she thought she might faint from the perverse pleasure of it.

“You’re a nasty little girl, aren’t you, Mandy?” Brent ground out as he shoved forward again and held there, deep inside her, his balls smashing against her clit.

Joe pulled out of her mouth and she moaned.

“Answer him, Mandy. You’re a dirty girl who likes all her holes stuffed with big, fat cocks.”

Oh God, how humiliatingly hot—they were going to make her admit it. “Yes, you bastard!”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I like—”

“What are you, Mandy?” Joe demanded harshly.

She gritted her teeth. “I’m a dirty girl who likes all my holes stuffed with big, fat cocks!”

Brent grunted and pushed her down until her shoulders and her left cheek met the floor. Leaning over her and bracing his hands beneath her armpits, he reamed her without mercy. Every jarring thrust of his hips against her ass made Mandy’s nipples scrape against the wool Berber, and her fingers scratched at it helplessly as tears of need streamed out of her eyes.

Joe slid a hand down under her hip and found her clit. He pinched it with even less mercy and suddenly she was coming like she’d never come before. She screamed 27

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helplessly, humping up hard as her stomach spasmed, and Brent’s hoarse shout of release blasted in her ear.

By the time he pulled out and flopped down beside her, she was too relaxed to do anything but savor the delicious weight of satisfaction in her abdomen.

It didn’t occur to her she’d forgotten all about Joe until his knees nudged hers even farther apart and his hot hands seized her hips and pulled them up. Mandy didn’t even have time to stiffen before he buried his cock to the hilt in her battered ass.

“Oh god,” she moaned brokenly, both alarmed and thrilled. So much for the weight of satisfaction—it had already drawn up into a seething ball of nervous anticipation in her belly.

Joe grabbed her upper arms. “Come here, little girl, so your husband can watch your face while you come for me.”

He hauled her up until she could see Hake sweating and trying to bite through the leather. His eyes locked on hers, and Mandy felt a fierce spurt of satisfaction at the naked hunger in her husband’s stare.

While Joe kept a bruising grip on her arms and fucked her ruthlessly, Brent reached up and twisted her nipples. Like she needed more stimulation! The ball in her belly coiled tighter with lightning speed, and within seconds, she was screaming with the force of the orgasm rolling over her.

Joe drove deep and held, grunting with every contraction that racked her body.

Then his hands tightened on her arms and he gasped as he came in short, hard thrusts.

When his grip loosened, Mandy went to lean back against him and was startled when he pulled out and stood up. Breathing heavily, he walked toward Hake with his half-hard cock still sheathed in latex and hanging out of his open fly. Hake began to struggle when Joe dropped to his knees between his thighs, but Joe ignored him, unbuckling his belt and yanking down his zipper.


Carnal Harvest

He pulled out Hake’s cock, which looked like it was about to burst, and gave it three hard jerks. Hake stiffened and then growled as come spurted out of him, landing on Joe’s face and tee shirt.

If looks could kill, Joe would be pushing up daisies.


Robin L. Rotham

Chapter Three

“I’m hungry,” Joe announced, lounging back in Hake’s big blue recliner with his hands folded behind his head.

“Me, too.” Brent made himself equally at home in her smaller recliner. “Why don’t you scoot on out to the kitchen and rustle us up some grub?”

Mandy barely suppressed a snort. That Festus accent had to go. Somehow she’d thought the game would end when the sex did, but the guys didn’t seem to be in any hurry to revert to their kinder, more chivalrous selves.

Perched naked on the couch and still dripping with her own juices, she continued to play her part with relish, clasping her hands together in her lap and pleading with her eyes.

“Will you please cut him loose?” she asked tremulously, nodding at Hake. “I promise, I’ll do anything you ask.

“You’ll do that anyway,” Brent murmured. “And he’s fine where he is until our food is ready.”

Mandy glared at him. “You could at least take off the gag.”

She started when he suddenly flipped down the recliner’s footrest and leaned forward in his seat. “Joe’s got a major hard-on for your husband, sweetheart. Maybe you’d like us to tie
to that chair and you can watch while Joe stretches Hake’s asshole for a while.”

Mandy gulped at his expression. Either he was the greatest actor ever born or he was dead serious. Hake’s growl said he clearly thought it was the latter and wasn’t very happy about it, so as thrilling as the prospect was, she backed down for his sake.

“Um, how do ham sandwiches sound?”


Carnal Harvest

“Dandy.” Brent leaned back with a satisfied smirk. “You can put on an apron, but if you try to dress in anything else, it’ll be unwearable by the time we’re done with it.”

After a quick glance at Hake, she slipped into the kitchen and let the door swing shut behind her. Leaning against the wall, she drew a few deep breaths to steady herself.

Jesus, what an experience! What in the world did they feed those Kansas boys to make them so kinky?

Sighing with an unnerving blend of trepidation and contentment, she went to the pantry and pulled her apron off the inside of the door, slipping it over her head and tying it behind her back with the efficiency gained from years of practice. The draft over her bare butt was disconcerting, but she ignored it while she checked the pot roast.

Then she got out the sandwich fixings and started slathering whole wheat bread with mustard and mayonnaise, thinking about Hake and what he was getting out of all this. It was hard to tell how he was really taking her having sex with other men, and as stoic as he was, she doubted taking off the gag would have told her much more.

Joe’s advances toward Hake had caught her off guard, and they’d obviously knocked Hake for a loop, too. Anxiety knotted Mandy’s stomach as she started putting together the sandwiches. While he wasn’t homophobic, Hake was certainly proud to be a big, tough heterosexual male, and coming so quickly at another man’s hand couldn’t have helped his self-esteem any.

Why had he done this? He claimed it was all for her, that she needed it, and maybe on a certain level, it really
for her.

But the fact that he’d arranged the whole thing without consulting her told its own story. He needed to feel in control of something and no doubt he’d thought he would be controlling this scene. But Brent and Joe had caught the ball and run with it, setting in motion a chain of events Hake had surely never intended. He needed to regain control of the situation or it might backfire on all of them.


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The knife in her hand gave her an idea and a slow smile curved her lips. Surely they’d untie Hake long enough to eat a bite. She should slip him a weapon of some kind. Nothing too dangerous, of course—just something to symbolize who held the real power in this little game.

Mandy let her eyes trail around the sunny yellow kitchen, touching on various utensils and discarding them just as quickly. The spatulas, wire whisks, and ladles in their caddy on the counter weren’t threatening enough. The knives in the block were
threatening. The wood rolling pin had potential, but it was probably a little too Granny Clampett.

She gave a passing thought to the cattle prod tucked behind the bench seat of Hake’s pickup. He’d chased her with it more than once, and the threat alone had been enough to make her pussy drip with excitement. But they’d never actually used it during their sexy little games, and though she’d been curious enough to seriously consider trying it, she was no longer so sure it was a good idea. God knew getting zapped by the electric fence had never given her anything but a headache, and she’d watched enough real-life crime dramas since Hake’s accident to have learned that a few serial killers actually tortured their victims with cattle prods. She was kinky, but not

Then her gaze landed on Hake’s bright orange hunting cap hanging on the rack by the garage door.
. He had several rifles and shotguns, but none of them would fit where she had in mind. Besides, even if it wasn’t loaded, it was never a good idea to point a gun at someone…

Unless the gun wasn’t designed to injure its targets.

Her smile widened. Casting a cautious look at the swinging door, she tiptoed into the garage and plucked one of Hake’s paintball guns off the pegboard, trembling with excitement. She pulled a full magazine from the box under the work bench and shoved it home.

Weighing the aluminum gun in her palms, she bit her lip. Would it fit?


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There was only one way to find out.

Tiptoeing back into the kitchen, she sat down in Hake’s chair and eased the drawer open. Even diagonally, the slim silver gun barely fit inside, and she heaved a sigh of relief that the drawer was deep enough to close without a problem.

“How’s it coming?”

Mandy gasped and whirled around, blushing when her ass cheeks squeaked on the oak seat. Brent stood there, propping the door open with one hand and watching her with a quizzical smile on his face.

“Uh, just about ready,” she said as she rose.

“Good. I’m starved.” The door swung shut behind him as he headed for the fridge, and Mandy’s heart rate accelerated. Being alone with him had never bothered her before, but it was unnerving as hell now that she had something to hide. Exciting, too.

Maybe she was a latent adrenaline junkie.

“Beer’s in the garage,” she reminded him as he opened the door.

“I’m not looking for beer.” He opened the freezer door and dug around for a minute, then emerged with a wicked smile on his face. “Perfect.”

Oh hell, he had her glass dildo. The big one. Damn Hake for humiliating her like this! He was going to pay later.

Yeah, yeah—tell that to the come-slick running down your thigh.

He pulled it out of its Ziploc bag and went to the sink to rinse it. Squirming inwardly with embarrassment, Mandy dropped her gaze back to the task at hand, plopping a piece of bread on the last sandwich and slicing the whole thing on the diagonal with a butcher knife.

Then she frowned. What if they didn’t let him come in here and eat, but left him tied up in the living room?

A sidelong glance revealed that Brent’s back was still to her, so she reached to her right and opened the tool drawer. Yes! The utility knife was still on top. Snagging it, she 33

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slipped it into the big, low pocket on her apron and slid the drawer closed. If they didn’t let Hake loose, she’d just have to make a break for it and set him free herself.

Taking another quick peek at Brent, she heaved a shaky but triumphant breath and set to work on a relish tray of baby carrots, sweet pickles, and black olives. She couldn’t believe how rattled she was over a silly sex game. Good thing it wasn’t a real home invasion—she’d probably faint dead away and leave Hake to face the bad guys all alone.

Putting the finishing touches on the tray, she set it on the table and turned, announcing, “Your snack is ready.”

He gave her a very frank look that made fire swoosh back up her neck into her cheeks.

“It certainly is,” he murmured.

Joe pushed through the swinging door and Mandy was relieved to see Hake follow, totally unbound. He sank into his accustomed chair, eyeing Joe with both loathing and speculation. Joe just grinned as he set the bottle of lube and a handful of condoms on the counter, and Mandy’s tummy fluttered in anticipation.

When she went to take her seat, Brent held up a hand. “Just a minute.”

His frown made her heartbeat kick up a notch. He was looking at her pocket.

Mandy fidgeted with the edges of her apron as he walked toward her.

“Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you glad to see me?” Stopping just inches from her, he reached into the pocket and pulled out the utility knife.

She swallowed hard when he thumbed the release and the blade slid out. “It’s nothing, really. I just forgot—”

Brent grabbed her chin and held the knife up in front of her eyes. Both the knife and the man looked decidedly lethal, so how sick was it that her pussy was clenching with excitement? “You mean, you just thought you’d pass yer man a little somethin’ sharp with his dinner, don’t you?”

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