Read Cast On, Bind Off Online

Authors: Leslie Ann Bestor

Cast On, Bind Off (61 page)

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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• Attractive, substantial edge

• Elastic edge

• Uses more yarn than most other bind offs

• Three-dimensional, rounded edge


• Necklines or places that will be stretched

• Instead of a crocheted edge

• Making with a contrasting color

Working the Bind Off

With right side facing, cast on 3 stitches using the Knitted Cast On (
page 31

Knit the first 2 stitches.

Knit 2 together (the last stitch of the I-cord and the first stitch of the knitted piece) through the back loops.

Slip these 3 stitches back to the left-hand needle purlwise. (Slipping purlwise ensures that you don't twist the stitches.)

Repeat steps 2–4 until 3 stitches remain.

Bind off the remaining stitches using the Traditional Bind Off (
page 148

BOOK: Cast On, Bind Off
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