Caught Up (Indigo Vibe) (20 page)

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Authors: Deatri King Bey

BOOK: Caught Up (Indigo Vibe)
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“Your day will come,” she swore.


“Hey, Daddy, are you all set up in your office yet?” Rosa had spent the morning supervising the network setup at the Paige annex and needed a break. She pressed the speaker button on the phone, then took the stack of software samples off her bookshelf and placed them on her home office desk. She hated that she’d gotten so far behind.

“Just about. What are you up to?”

“Catching up on some work before I head over to another site visit.” She’d spent yesterday looking over the photos in the album, moping around the house and missing Samson. He’d had to work late, so he had called instead of visiting. “You’ll never guess who I have for a client. Jeff Paige.” She began sorting the packages by postmark, oldest to newest.

“Did you say Jeff Paige?”

Her gaze slowly traveled from the packages to the speaker on the phone.
Why did his voice sound so panicky?
“Yes,” she drawled out.

“What did the Paiges want?”

“We’re setting up a network in their annex, and I’m testing their firewall. What’s wrong, Daddy?”

“I’m just worried about you. I wish you’d go into hiding. You can run your business from anywhere in the world.”

“Well, I’m worried about you. If you’re correct, these drug people think you’re the head of the Martín cartel. What’s to keep them from murdering you to take over David’s territory? You always harp on me about security, yet you don’t always have yours. You’re the one they’ll think is part of the cartel. Not me.”

“The only time I don’t have security is when I come to visit you. Otherwise, the president can’t even get to me. You’re unprotected. If you don’t go into hiding, I’m hiring security for you.”

“I don’t want to live like that. I won’t.”

“Why are you being so hard-headed? This is your life.”

“This is ridiculous. Why won’t you talk to the DEA? They already have proof that you laundered money for David years ago.”

“I don’t trust them.”

“I don’t either, but I trust Samson. We can work with him.”

An awkward silence filled her small office. She’d never heard him sound so unsure, so out of control. It scared her. Why was he still forcing the danger issue? If these people hadn’t come for her yet, she doubted they’d come. “Please talk to Samson.”

She heard his belabored sigh. “I’ll think about it,” he said. “I’m not rushing you off the phone, but I have a meeting. I love you.”

“I love you more.”

* * *

“Damn, damn, damn!” Ernesto knocked a small box off his desk onto the floor. Pens, pencils, and paperclips tumbled out of the box. In his arrogance, he’d never really believed someone from the drug world would come after Rosa. Jeff Paige was the No. 2 man in the Sierra cartel. His father, Barry Paige, was the leader. Panic gripped him; his baby was actually in danger.

He’d send Rosa away, but there was no way to do it without drawing attention to himself, and she’d fight against him. He bent, picking up the small mess he’d made. They needed to be taken out before they could hurt Rosa.

There were too many unknowns factoring into the equation. Something had to give. He dug into the bottom of the box on the floor, pulled out a disposable phone, and called his head of security. He had arrangements to make. The Paiges’ days were numbered.

* * *

“What did you find?” Samson asked.

Alton tossed a file on Samson’s desk. “We already suspected that Barry Paige played a large role in the Sierra cartel. Him turning his son on Rosa puts him on the top of the list as the real leader. These cartels are getting smart. I found a few more drug connections on the Paiges. I gave a copy of everything to the Sierra team.”

“So, they’re after Rosa.” He skimmed through the file.

“Nah, they’re snooping. What do you think about Ernesto’s visit with Harriet the other day?”

“If he found out about the hundred million David left her…” The phone interrupted them.

Alton answered. “Hello, DEA Agent Alton Miles speaking… No, shit! Any signs of foul play?” He shook his head. “Now that’s a damn shame. Has the family been notified?”

“What?” Samson asked under his breath.

“Thanks.” He hung up.

“What’s going on?”

Alton didn’t answer. He just stared at Samson.

“Snap out of it, Alton!”

A few more moments of silence passed. “Harriet’s dead. She was in a car accident last night.”

Samson gasped. “Oh, my God. Rosa will be devastated. Has she been notified?”

“Yeah. I’m just shocked. Maybe Ernesto found out about Harriet’s trip to the prison and had her killed. Everyone knows she’s a drunk. Making it look like an accident would be a breeze.”

“Why hasn’t Rosa called me?” He yanked his cell phone off the desk and speed dialed her home number. No answer. He dialed her work number. No answer. He dialed her cell phone number.


“Where are you? How are you doing?”

“Umm, Samson, you know I love you, but I’m conducting a site visit. We can talk later.”

The cheer in her voice told him she didn’t know about the accident. He cursed under his breath at the incompetence. “Can you get away? This is extremely important.”

“You’re worrying me, Samson. Can’t you just tell me now?”

“Not over the phone. Meet me at your place.”

“I’m on my way.”

* * *

“No!” Rosa cried.

Samson embraced her. She fought against him, fought against what he’d told her. This wasn’t happening.

“I’m here, baby. You’re not alone.”

“Are you sure? Did you identify the…?” She shook her head. “No!”

“I’m sorry, but she’s gone.”

She rested her head on his chest. “I knew something was wrong. I shouldn’t have allowed her to leave,” she said between sobs. “I should have made her tell me what was wrong. I should have…”

He placed his finger over her lips. “I wasted a year blaming myself for my sister’s death. You helped me see it wasn’t my fault. This wasn’t your fault, Rosa. I know you’re hurting, but don’t run away from the pain. You have to live through it and continue on with life.”

She gazed into his warm brown eyes and felt his love. She didn’t know what she’d do without him. “She’s dead.”

“I’m sorry.” She relaxed in his arms. He kicked a few throw pillows off the sectional and pulled her onto the couch with him. “I’m not going anywhere. We’ll stay here forever if need be.” They lay on the couch together.

“I know I’m being selfish,” she mumbled, “but I’m scared. I’ve lost so much. I’m not sure I can take much more.”

“What do you fear most?”

She concentrated on Samson’s strong, steady heartbeat. David was gone. Her mother was gone. “If Daddy’s guilty…” she trailed off.

“You won’t lose him, even if he’s guilty.” He caressed her back. “I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you.”

She couldn’t believe that she honestly doubted Ernesto’s innocence. She couldn’t believe Harriet was dead. She couldn’t believe Ernesto hadn’t come by to console her; but then again, he’d acted like David’s death was nothing. She couldn’t let go of Samson or she’d be lost forever. “Don’t ever leave me.”

“I’ll never leave you.”

She closed her eyes, praying that when she woke the bad dream would be over and all that would remain was Samson’s loving embrace.

* * *

Samson thumbed through the pages of Rosa’s new photo album. He’d laid her in bed and read to her until she finally fell asleep, then he returned to the living room where he’d noticed the album sitting on the coffee table. He recognized several of the individuals in the shots as soldiers from the Martín cartel, but the photos weren’t proof that Ernesto was an active member of any illegal organization.

He closed the album. She hadn’t asked for Ernesto, but Samson was sure she wanted him there. He took her cell phone off the lion Asante stool and scrolled through the names until he reached “Daddy,” then he pressed the call button.

“What a wonderful surprise! Two calls from my favorite girl in one day. You’re spoiling me,” Ernesto said.

Before Samson could speak, Ernesto continued, “You know I love you, but it’s awfully late. Is something wrong?”

“Mr. Bol

“Why do you have my daughter’s phone, Agent Quartermaine?”

“It’s Harriet.” He paused. “She was in a car accident.”

“Wha… what hospital are you guys at? I’m on my way!”

“I’m at Rosa’s. I’m sorry but… Harriet died in the accident.”

“Oh my God. How’s Rosa? Put her on the phone.”

“She’s not doing too well, Mr. Bolívar. She has been through so much. I called because I knew she’d want you here.”

“Yes, yes, of course. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Thank you, Agent Quartermaine. Anna, wake…” He disconnected.

Samson set the phone on the coffee table next to the album. He knew surveillance photos when he saw them. This was most likely David’s way of showing Rosa the truth. Knowing her inquisitive personality, she wouldn’t stop until she figured out who the other people in the photos were. David had planned to let her find out about Ernesto on her own instead of telling her. That made sense to Samson. After all, she probably didn’t know David when he arranged for her to receive the album. Why would she trust a stranger over the father she loved?

Wanting more time to check out the connections between Ernesto and the people he’d seen in the album before Ernesto discovered the pictures, he slid the album under the couch. He called Alton from his own cell phone and told him about the album. Then, he went into Rosa’s bedroom to rest.

“Samson,” she whispered as she lifted the covers.

He hesitated; he’d intended on waiting in her reading chair. She flapped the cover. He gave into his misgivings and lay beside her. She rolled over, and he cupped her into his body. “I’m in serious need of night clothes.”

“Why don’t you take off your slacks? You’d be more comfortable.”

He smiled at the thought of Ernesto catching him in bed with Rosa with his pants off. “I’ll be fine.” He placed his cell phone on the nightstand, then returned to cuddling Rosa. “I love you,” he whispered. More tired than he realized, both were asleep within minutes.

The sound of the garage door lifting woke Samson, but not Rosa. He’d thought Ernesto would have his own key and know the security codes. He heard a car pull in and doors opening and closing, then the garage door lower.

He tried to pull the arm that embraced Rosa away so they wouldn’t be caught in bed together, but she held on for dear life. A few seconds later, he heard the door to the mudroom open and Anna say, “The house is so dark, but her car is in the garage. Do you think he took her to his place?”

“They’re here,” Ernesto replied.

Keys plopped onto a table, then footsteps headed down the hallway. Samson closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

“What the?” Ernesto said in hushed tones.

“Aww, aren’t they cute? I’m glad she has someone,” Anna whispered.

“She does have someone. She has me.”

“Be quiet before you wake them. Come on, we can stay in the guest room.”

“He can’t be asleep. It’s only been what—a half hour?”

Rosa’s grip loosened, so Samson uncoiled his arm and brought a finger to his lips as he looked over his shoulder at the two. “She’s asleep.”

Ernesto rounded the bed. “Rosa,” he said softly as he sat on the edge and took her hand.

She cracked her eyes open, then bolted out of Samson’s embrace into Ernesto’s arms, leaving Samson feeling empty. “Daddy!”

Samson was glad the room’s only light was from the small bit of moonlight that escaped between the drawn curtains. He was sure his jealousy was evident on his face.

Ernesto rocked Rosa gently. “Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s here.”

Samson exited the bed to give them privacy. Rosa turned, holding out her hand. “You’re not leaving me are you?”

He ran his hand through her soft curls. “I’m here to stay.” The panic in her voice showed she needed them both. He wouldn’t allow his jealousy to interfere. This was her family.

“Anna.” Rosa reached out for her.

“My little rose.” Anna sat on the bed and wrapped her arms around Rosa.

“I don’t know…I can’t…bury her.”

“Your father and I will take care of everything. You need your rest.” She kissed Rosa on the forehead. “We just wanted to let you know we’re here for you and we love you.”

Ernesto held the covers up so his baby could lie down. He tucked her in and kissed her goodnight. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” she mumbled.

“I have nightclothes in the spare bedroom,” Ernesto said to Samson. “I’m sure you’ll fit into them.”

Samson acknowledged their truce with a nod. After seeing this family scene, he fully understood why Rosa couldn’t see Ernesto as the head of a drug cartel. He obviously loved his daughter more than anything in the world. David had once told him that a drug lord must love the drug world more than anything.

“I’ll be right back.” Samson went across the hall to the spare bedroom and searched through the drawers for a set of nightclothes. The irony of the situation gave him pause. The government spent billions trying to bring down drug lords, when love was free and actually worked. First David fell, and next Ernesto would fall.

* * *

Anna dropped a platter of scrambled eggs onto the kitchen table between Samson and Ernesto. “Rosa is going through more than enough. You two will come together and act civilized for her sake,” she bit out through clinched teeth. “I swear you’re worse than my students ever were.”

Both men piled eggs upon their plates without taking an eye off each other.

“Anna’s correct.” Ernesto grabbed a piece of toast. “Thank you for being here for Rosa. I appreciate it. When she wakes, I’ll tell her you had to leave for work. She’ll understand.”

Samson placed four slices of bacon on his plate beside his eggs. “This smells delicious, Anna.” She smiled her thanks. He tipped his glass of apple juice toward Ernesto. “When Rosa wakes, I’ll be sure to tell her you two had to make the funeral arrangements, but will call later. She’ll understand.”

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