Celestine (45 page)

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Authors: Gillian Tindall

BOOK: Celestine
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Héron de Villefosse, René,
Histoire des Grandes Routes de France,
Librarie Perrin, 1975

Hervier, Denis,
Cafés et Cabarets en Berry de 1851 à 1914,
privately printed in Châteauroux, 1980

Hoch, Lesley Page,
Paths to the City: Regional Migration in Nineteenth-Century France,
Sage, California, in co-operation with the Social Science History Association, undated

Jouhandeau, Marcel,
(6 vols), Paris, 1948

Le Roy, Eugène,
Jacquou le Croquant,
Paris, 1899

Mendras, Henri and Cole, Alistair,
Social Change in Modern France: Towards a Cultural Anthropology of the Fifth Republic,
Cambridge University Press, 1991

Nadaud, Martin,
Mémoires de Léonard, ancien garçon maçon,
Paris, 1895

Navarre, Emmanuel,
La Châtre et son Arrondissement,
privately printed, 1896

Pagnol, Marcel,
L'Eau des Collines,
Paris, 1949

Pairaux, Maurice,
L'Indre au Siècle Dernier – Le Conseil Général, La Vie départmentale,
privately published in Valençay,

Sand, George,
Le Meunier d'Angibault
La Mare au Diable
François le Champi
La Petite Fadette
Histoire de ma Vie

Smith, Adam,
The Wealth of Nations,

La Société Française de 1815 à 1848,
Paris, 1773

Vincent, Raymonde,
Paris, 1937

Weber, Eugen,
Peasants into Frenchmen: the Modernization of Rural France, 1870–1914,
Chatto & Windus, 1977

France, Fin de Siècle,
Harvard, 1986

My France, Politics, Culture and Myth,
Harvard, 1991

Young, Arthur,
Travels in France During the Years 1787, 1788 and 1789.
Republished by Cambridge University Press, 1950

Zeldin, Théodore,
Histoire des Passions Françaises
(5 vols), Éditions du Seuil, 1980–81

Les Français,
Fayard, 1984

Zola, Émile,
Au Bonheur des Dames
La Terre

In addition, I have made general use of the two excellent periodic reviews that are published in the Berry,
La Bouinotte
(Châteauroux and Le Blanc) and
Berry Magazine

I have also made extensive use of various newspapers of the nineteenth and early twentieth century (referred to in the text), which are today kept either in the Bibliothèque Municipale in La Châtre (my thanks to the staff) or in the Departmental Archives of the Indre, in Châteauroux.

Unpublished sources

Baucheron, Hypolite,
Recherches Sur la ville de la Châtre et sur quelques localités environnantes,
manuscript held in the Departmental Archives of the Indre.

Le citoyen d'Alphonse (Préfet de l'Indre),
Portrait du Berrichon de l'Indre en 1803,
printed extracts from a Report made by the Préfet, held in the Departmental Archives

In this Archive I have also made extensive use of nineteenth-century Census records, certain judicial records of Court cases, certain military records, land registry records (those of the Service des Cadastres) and maps. My gratitude to all those members of staff who patiently found and carried heavy volumes for me and allowed me to keep several of them on my desk at once.

I am also indebted to the staffs of the Historical Service of the French Ministry of Defence, and of the Research Service of the Archives of France, who kindly provided me with records relating to the obscure lives of Auguste Chaumette and Antoine Pirot.

My warm thanks also to the Secretary of the Mairie in Chassignolles, who, as custodian of the Civil Registers and the Municipal Registers, was generous with her time and her interest.

I have also, through the kindness of Jacques Pissavy-Yvernault, been privileged to consult manuscript Notes on the Pissavy-Yvernault family, compiled in the 1950s by Henry Fougère, also a manuscript entitled
Souvenirs Laissés par Madame Louis Yvernault sur la Mort de sa Fille
from the same obliging source. Also, thanks to the present Mayor, the manuscript family tree of the Pirots.

A further manuscript,
Souvenirs d'Enfance,
written by Paul Pouradier-Dutheil
1880, only came my way once this book was going to press, but happily I have been able to include it in the present edition (see Afterword). My thanks to his descendents, especially to his grandson, Etienne Triat.

My thanks also to those readers of the British hardback edition who have indicated various minor misprints and errors, or apparent errors, especially in the transcription of French words. Many of these have been rectified in the present edition. Others, however, have been allowed to stand because they are not my errors or oddities but those of the original register-keepers, letter-writers, etc., for which correction is inappropriate.


The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

pictures by Adolphine

agricultural development

Alain-Fournier, Henri


Algeria, French settlement of

Allorent (schoolmaster)

(by Sand)

Angibault, mill
see Meunier d'Angibault, Le

animals, farm

Apaire, Jean; family


Atlantic coast: manufacture on; ships leaving from; trips to

Aussourd, André; Jeanne; Jean-Baptiste; Jean; other family members


Balzac, Honoré de


Béjauds, Les

Bernardet, Georges; his grandfather; tales of past; way of speaking; views on young; childhood; attitude to land; family of; dancing; attitude to dormice; death

Bernardet, Madame

Berry (province of): history; landscape; superstitions; attitudes to education; hunger in; after the Revolution; weddings in; call-up in; attitude to land; aversion to change; industries in; illness in; tourism in; wine growing in; emigration from

Berry, Lower (province of): lack of roads;
effect of railways on; buses in

Berthenoux, La

birthrates: in Chassignolles; in France;
see also


Bonnin family; Denise; Georges; Georgette; René

Bourges; Zénaïde at school in

Braudel, Fernand


butcher's meat


cafés in Chassignolles;
see also
inns, village

Caillaud, Madame

Calvet, Suzanne



cat footstool


Célestine: working footstool; letters to; contemporary of Bernardet's grandfather; serving in inn; period of her birth; life experience; adulthood in village; birth listed in Register; birth; dress; Chapters 9 and 10; marriage; birth of son; relations with brothers; taking on Chassignolles inn; returning to Chassignolles; in later life; at fairs; old age; death

cemetery in Chassignolles: description of; laying out of; old cemetery

Census records

Champagne Berrichon


Charbonnier family; Jacques/Auguste (schoolmaster); Marguerite (wife of Pirot)

Chartier, Catherine (wife of Pagnard)

Chartier, François

Châteauroux: as religious centre; in the Hundred Years War; manufacture in; Célestine's death there; Archives in; journey from La Châtre; effects of railway on; essential rurality of; General Bertrand in; charity office in; station; soldiers going to; Calvets in; telephone line; Célestine's death there


Châtre, La: lawyer in; in Hundred Years War; description of; superstitions; roads to; attitudes to Republicanism; in 1870; rural nature of; business in; in George Sand's works; demonstrating against Sand; mansions; in Balzac's works; writing bureaux; cafés; Law Court; tanneries; Pissavy family in; market; mayor of; floods in; trouble in; effects of railway on; war memorial; library; hiring fairs; Municipal Registers of; Chaumettes there; soldiers there; Romans there; Yvernaults there; Célestine there; gas; water; telephone; poverty in; walking from

Chaumette, Anne (
Laurent): death; marriage; Célestine's birth; inn-keeping; mentioned in letters; Auguste's birth; Ursin's birth; her father

Chaumette, Auguste

Chaumette family: vault; early name in Minutes; in Records; poverty among; as innkeepers;
see also
inn, Chaumette; other property; language; neighbours; descendants

Chaumette, Felissé

Chaumette, François: birth; occupations; starting inn; literacy; fathering son; owning land; dress

Chaumette, Silvain

Chaumette, Silvain-Bazille

Chaumette, Silvain-Germain: on grave; birth; prosperity; marriage; literacy; becomes Secretary; childhood; opens inn; dress; personality; death; birth of Auguste; father of Ursin

Chaumette, Pierre

Chaumette, Ursin

Chausée, Jean;
see also
inns, village

Cher, Department; river

Chezaubernard, Monsieur

Choppy, Madame

church, in Chassignolles; fortifications of; in use after Revolution; close to inn; repairs to; land round; attendance at

Church, The Catholic






commercial travellers


Council meetings; records of; Minutes, keepers of; where held; views on railways; views on electricity

court-yard house

Creuse, Department; river





de Champdavid (mayor)

Démeure, Madame

Démeure, Maxime

Domaine, The; rebuilding; land belonging to;
belonging to

Dorian, Jean


Duteil family

Echo de l'Indre (-du Berry)

education: lacking; new Ministry of; Guizot Law; schoolmaster; first school in Chassignolles; number of schools; development of; modern school; effects on France; girls' schools; school in Crozon; secular state; building of new school; end of schooling; walking to school

emigration to the city

England (Great Britain); Queen Victoria

English; influence



Ferry, Jules

First World War (Great War); uniforms of; beginning; loss of men; effects of; memorial; survivors; experience of

Flaubert, Gustave

Flets, Le

forges (iron industry)


François le Champi

Franco-Prussian war





Gold standard

Gonnin family

grocery business


Guillaumin, Émile

Guyot family; house

Halévy, Daniel

house, ours

Hundred Years War

Indre, Department; railway in; schools in

Indre, river; in La Châtre; in Châteauroux

inn, Chaumette; stone staircase; meetings held there; drinking in; opening; position of; wine for; Célestine to take over; Célestine in charge; in decline

inns, village; Aussir inn (
Chausée); Chauvet inn
see also
Chaumette inn; Crozon inn; Yvernault inn (




Jouhanneau, Henri

Journal de l'Indre

judicial records

Lafitte, Jacques



letters to Célestine

Le Roy, Eugène





Lloyd, Norman (painter); his house;
see also
Chaumette family, property

Lorant, Henri

Louis-Napoleon (Emperor)



Mairie, in Chassignolles; building of; records in;
see also
Municipal Registers; Secretary of; telephone in

Magny, Le

map of Chassignolles

Mare au Diable, La,
book; place

marriages, age at; celebration of

Mayer family

medieval ways, persistance of

Meunier d'Angibault,
book; actual mill of Angibault

military service


Millet, Jean-François


Municipal Registers, in Chassignolles


Nadaud, Martin


Napoleon, Bonaparte

Napoleonic Code

Napoleonic wars

Neuvy St Sepulcre


nut oil

oak forests

‘Olden Days'

oldest inhabitants

Pagnard, Jeanne (Mademoizelle); description of family; father; grandparents
Chartier; quoted only

Pagnol, Marcel


Paris: in Second World War; history moves away to; distant power in; emigration to; journey to; language of; railway to; news from; foundlings from; in the Revolution

Parisians in the Berry



pictures by Adolphine

Pirot, Antoine

Pirot, family; nineteenth-century mayor; present mayor

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