Read Ceremony of Seduction Online

Authors: Cassie Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

Ceremony of Seduction (18 page)

BOOK: Ceremony of Seduction
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Silence reigned as everyone digested Stone’s words. Alyssa poured some more wine and sipped it as she thought through all the implications. “The Klatch Council is gonna freak if I suggest this. They are never going to believe it. Not to mention, where are we going to find two full-blooded princes willing to dilute the Klatch bloodline?”

Grayson cleared his throat. “I happen to see two princes sitting in front of you that have little or no prospects of mates in the near future. I’d have to wait twelve years just to have one of the younger princesses become old enough for the age of consent, or I can marry a woman who is of an age with my mother. I happen to know Ryan is in the same circumstances.”

“What about your families? Would they approve of either of you mating with a human—no matter how special?”

Ryan shrugged. “Don’t borrow more trouble than you need. Let’s get you ascended and then when you explain this to the council, we’ll back you up. I agree with what you said at the meeting—we need to do what’s best for Tador, and this has obviously worked in the past. It’s worth a shot. And besides, after four hours of reading the desperation various queens described in these journals and their reasons for bringing back the triangle—I don’t think anyone has a choice. Especially if the volatility of your power can threaten your health as well as the health of Tador. We’d be fools not to try.”

“Why do I think the council prefer to be fools?”

No one answered her rhetorical question. Thousands of doubts warred with just as many questions inside Alyssa’s mind, but exhaustion won out and Stone picked her up and then turned to the group. “Can someone tidy up the archives and then put our notes in a safe place? I need to ensure our future queen has enough energy to complete the presentation ceremony later tonight. She needs all the support she can garner from the people if she’s going to gain their agreement about the triangle.”

Alyssa wrapped her arms around Stone’s neck and buried her face against his tunic inhaling his scent. Woodsy and masculine and uniquely Stone.

She must’ve nodded off while he carried her, because suddenly, he laid her on her bed and pulled the covers over her. It took great effort, but she forced open her heavy eyelids to look for Stone. Before she could form the words to ask him to stay, he’d slipped off his tunic and boots and slid into bed next to her, assuming their normal spoon position—his arm draped over her, his hand cupping her breast.

“Sleep, beloved. We have a long evening ahead.”

She sighed against the pillow as she let her eyelids fall.


Alyssa sat in front of her mirror while Sasha put the finishing touches on her hair. It frothed around her in a wavy mass, while tiny stones that reminded her of diamonds scattered through her tresses and winked strategically whenever one of them caught the light. “I’m terrified Sasha. What if they don’t like me or if I throw up on someone important? Or even worse, what if I prove tonight that I have more power than my mother, and this legend really is talking about me?”

Sasha’s musical laugh lilted through the air. “Princess, you have a real obsession about vomiting on people. As for the legend, there’s no use worrying about it—we’ll all know soon enough. The Klatch people already love you. Even in your absence, you’ve been present in their thoughts and they were all confident you would return one day. Prince Stone promised them he would find you and they never doubted him. Besides, the entire population is still buzzing about what you said at the Klatch Council. Many think that the council no longer serves the needs of the people, and they welcome strong leadership from the queen.” Sasha gasped and pressed her hands to her mouth. “I never meant to imply Queen Annalecia hasn’t been a strong leader.”

“Don’t worry, Sasha. I know what you meant. My mother had several distractions, including taking on the needs of an entire planet.” She smiled up at the maid, relieved when Sasha smiled back.

“I just hope I can live up to my own hype. I’m really nervous about the ceremony. I mean, what if it doesn’t even work? What if I’m nothing but a fraud?” She glanced up at Sasha’s calm features and huffed out a breath. “It’s easy for you to be so calm. There won’t be thousands of people looking you over like a lobster in a tank tonight.”

“You’ll be fine, and don’t forget me, Stone, both sets of your parents, and even Grayson and Ryan will be right beside you if you need any of us.” Sasha turned and walked toward the bed where Alyssa’s outfit spread out looking like an explosion of see-through shimmery gauze covered in the same small twinkling stones that adorned her hair. “Come on, time to get you into your outfit for the celebration.”

Alyssa stood and walked to the bed, studying her outfit skeptically. “How do you even know how to assemble this thing? It looks like a bolt of fabric and the Hope diamond exploded all over my bed.”

Sasha clutched her chest in mock indignation. “You have to have more trust in your faithful lady’s maid, Princess. Have I ever let you down before?”

Alyssandra couldn’t help the giggle that escaped. “All right. I trust you.” She stood in the middle of the floor with her arms held out at her side. “I’m all yours. Make me beautiful, Sasha.”

Almost an hour later, when Sasha was done wrapping, tying, twisting and tucking, she stood back, a beaming smile lighting her lovely face. “It fits perfectly, Princess.”

Alyssa turned toward the full-length mirror and gasped. She didn’t recognize the stranger who stared back at her. She’d thought Sasha’s last makeover—turning her into a Klatch woman—was a miracle, but this…this was beyond belief.

The shimmery silver fabric wrapped strategically under her breasts so they stood proud and perky, her beaded nipples and dusky areolas easily visible through the transparent cloth. The rest of the top lightly caressed her arms leaving her back bare almost down to her ass. The front waist of the dress ended in a soft flowing seam just below her smooth mons, then on the sides, the material veed outward and downward until it brushed the floor in a gauzy train. Her naked form was clearly visible through the filmy fabric, but as she moved the light caught the stones, causing an explosion of shimmery twinkling as they reflected off each other. Soft leather slippers, studded with more of the crystals, encased her feet.

Sasha had lined her eyes with a vibrant blue and stained her lips with the juice from a fruit that smelled like Parrot Bay rum, and turned her lips a ripe red color.

“Wow. Sasha, remind me to never doubt you again. Stone’s going to swallow his tongue when he sees your handiwork. I can’t quite believe it myself.”

“Oh, believe me, Princess, I will definitely remind you. And I think Stone isn’t the only one who will be swallowing his tongue when he sees you. Prince Grayson and Prince Ryan drool whenever you’re nearby normally, but this…this should make them all come in their breeches.”

Alyssa barked a laugh at the sudden visual. “They do not drool around me.”

“Actually they do, but you are too busy drooling after Prince Stone to notice, and that’s as it should be.”

Alyssa turned back toward the mirror and sighed. Sasha had only spoken the truth. “Stone is amazing. But the three of them standing in a line next to each other is enough to give any woman within a hundred miles a spontaneous orgasm so large she’ll instantly combust.”

A giggle escaped from the maid. “Most definitely. I hope you don’t take offense, Princess, but I’m looking forward to seeing all three of them entirely naked.”

Alyssa gasped and her eyes widened. “Grayson and Ryan are part of the twenty Klatch men that give me their…essence?”

Sasha nodded, amusement and mischief dancing in her large eyes.

A sudden vision of Stone, Grayson, and Ryan standing shoulder to shoulder wearing only their golden skin and a smile flashed through her mind. Each of them stroked their thick long cocks, with creamy pre come glistening from each swollen tip. Alyssa’s mouth watered at the sight and moisture flooded her channel and she clenched her thighs together against the sudden sensation. She closed her eyes tight trying to dislodge the image from her mind. “Oh my. I think I might spontaneously combust just standing here thinking about it.”

“Princess, I think I’m a very lucky lady’s maid to have a mistress with such a vivid imagination who so freely shares her visions.”


The celebration was in full swing by the time Stone made his way down the long white
spiral staircase and into the sea of waiting Klatch. The sounds of laughter and revelry made him smile. They stood in groups around tables laden with rich food and drink while a dozen musicians played soft background music. The middle of the room remained clear in preparation for the presentation of the princess.

Stone waded into the crowd exchanging pleasantries with his people and trying to ignore the impatience that pricked at him. Where was Alyssandra? It had only been a few hours since he’d seen her, and yet he missed her with an almost physical craving. He wondered if it was an affect of their bond as betrothed or if it was purely the spell that Alyssandra had cast over his life ever since he could remember. He smiled as memories of his future mate flowed through him. His life with her would never be boring, and for that, he was thankful.

Grayson and Ryan waved at him from their post near the wine and he shook his head as he made his way to them. “Why am I not surprised to find you two near the refreshments?”

Grayson picked up an empty glass and filled it half full with wine before reaching into the pocket of his breeches and pulling out a small flask. “This should take the edge off. It’s something called Everclear, imported from earth.” He filled the glass with the clear liquid and stirred the drink before offering it to Stone.

“Do I look like I need a drink?” He took the glass to his nose and sniffed it cautiously.

“My parents said that when Darius brought Annalecia to her presentation ball, he injured several other Klatch men in possessive fits of jealousy. We just thought we’d help you through this without incident. What are friends for?”

Stone grinned at the two men before taking a sip of the offered drink. It had no taste other than the fruity wine, but the familiar hot burn of hard liquor down his throat assured him it was there. “I don’t think I’ll need this, but I appreciate the gesture.”

A collective gasp from the crowd caused him to turn toward the stairs. His breath backed up in his lungs as his gaze locked with Alyssandra’s. The force of the sudden connection rocked him to the core and it took several seconds for him to allow his eyes to take in the full picture of her.

The traditional dress of the future queen shimmered around her like an erotic caress, the small
crystals in her gown glimmering as they caught the light. Tantalizing glimpses of her supple body teased him and his cock swelled painfully against his breeches. He fisted his hands to fight off the sudden urge to drag her off to bed and drive himself inside her hot welcoming heat. He downed the entire contents of his glass and welcomed the searing burn, which he hoped would bring him to his senses. The glass lifted from his fingers, no doubt to be refilled with similar contents since smug chuckles sounded from behind him.

The strain must’ve shown clearly on his face because Alyssandra tipped her head to the side and smiled before holding out her hand—a silent offer for him to escort her the rest of the way. The movement pressed one dusky areola flush against the cloth and her nipple beaded at the contact. His mouth watered to take the stiff nub into his mouth, the creamy texture of her skin, smooth against his tongue.

When Grayson gave him a gentle push, he started forward, never taking his eyes off her. The crowd parted before him, oddly silent as if they waited with anticipation to watch this scene unfold.

When he reached her side, his hand settled possessively against the small of her back, her warm skin burning against his hand through the thin cloth. “You leave me speechless yet again, Alyssandra.”

Her smile brightened and a sudden blush stained her cheeks. She leaned forward to whisper in his ear, her warm breath feathering against his skin, shooting hot arousal straight to his groin. “I think I’ll make it my personal goal to ensure I continue to surprise you, my prince.”

He clamped his jaws together as a sudden vision of Alyssandra riding him while still wearing the gauzy outfit flashed through his mind. He wasn’t sure if it was a vision she sent, or his own rampant imagination, but he shoved it aside and returned his attention to his princess. “I sincerely hope so.” Taking a deep breath and ruthlessly chaining his straining control, he offered her his hand. “Shall we?”

“Of course.” She grabbed a handful of his tunic and brought his lips down to press against hers and his control strained to its limits. He crushed her against him, plundering her mouth, her musky arousal scenting the air around him. Her soft curves fit against him perfectly and he fought against the sudden desire to rip the dress from her body and impale her with his cock right here on the stairs.

A large cheer from the crowd cleared his head with the same efficiency as a bucket of cold water, and he slowly pulled back away from her, concentrating on pulling air into his burning lungs.

Alyssandra’s lips, still swollen from his kiss, curved up into a sheepish grin and she studied him for a moment from under her long dark lashes. Then she squared her shoulders, and raised her chin defiantly. “Shall we?”

With some difficulty, since a majority of the blood in his body still firmly resided in his groin, Stone offered her his hand. She gently placed her hand in his as he led her forward into the crowd.

The next several hours he stayed by her side, relieved when after the first few introductions, her tense shoulders relaxed and she seemed to genuinely enjoy herself. His parents, Ryan, and Grayson made several appearances, but once they were assured Alyssandra was fine, they faded into the crowd again.

Everyone she met seemed utterly taken with her and he watched in awe as she listened to each person like there was nothing more important in the world than what they had to say. He wondered if she consciously realized what she did, or if it came naturally. He bet on the latter. She truly cared for people and it showed in her every word and movement.

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