Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls)

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Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Romance, #Military

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Champagne and Bullets

Military Moguls

Book One

Olivia Jaymes


To all the servicemen and women who leave behind loved ones to serve their country.

Champagne and Bullets

Almost fourteen years ago, Sebastian Gibbs left Amanda Rosemont at the altar just days before the wedding. He told her it was because he wanted to serve his country after 9/11. It was the truth but only part of the story.

Amanda has rebuilt her life since Seb left and has done a pretty damn good job of it. Great friends, her own business, and a peaceful life. She hardly ever thinks about Seb anymore. She’s completely over the hurt and devastation.

Hired by Seb’s mother to plan a party for him, Amanda is thrown back into his life. She’s determined to keep her distance but just seeing him again shakes her to the core. How will she ever be able to hold herself together for this job?

Seb never stopped loving Amanda. He’d walked out thinking he was doing the right thing. But one look at her and he knows there isn’t anything he won’t do to win her back. But the first thing he must do is tell her the real truth of why he left.


Kindle Edition

Copyright © 2014 by Olivia Jaymes

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Table of Contents

Champagne and Bullets


About the Book

Copyright Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen


Diamonds and Revolvers

About the Author

Chapter One

ebastian Gibbs had
never been able to convince his mother of anything. Not when he was five and wanted to keep the dog that had wandered into their yard. Not later when he was ten and wanted to raise exotic spiders and snakes. Not even when he was seventeen and was trying to get her to believe that he hadn’t thrown a beer bash while she and his father were out of town one weekend.

Lucinda Eleanor Montgomery Gibbs was very much like all her forebears in the Montgomery dynasty. Relentless. When she wanted something to be a certain way she made sure it happened. End of story. Today she wanted her Seb to do the very last thing in the world he wanted to do.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Mother.”

Seb cradled the phone between his cheek and shoulder and leaned back in the soft leather chair, propping his feet up on the dark oak desk and rubbing at the ache in his thigh. After being shot in the leg several years ago in Kabul, he could predict the weather by how much it hurt. It was going to storm like a son of a bitch by all indications, but then it was summer in Florida and that was pretty much a daily occurrence.

He needed to get this call over with so he could resume the tedious but necessary job of setting up his new office. As it stood at the moment, the room was overflowing with boxes and the walls bare. At his uncle’s uptown law firm there would have been an assistant to take care of this. But Seb had no desire to join that firm or be that variety of attorney.

“From the time you were a little boy you haven’t liked anyone’s ideas but your own. I’m asking you for a favor, Seb, and you haven’t given me one good reason not to do it.”

Reining in his frustration, he reminded himself that his mother wasn’t aware of his feelings regarding this particular favor. In fact, he’d taken great pains to make sure no one was aware of them, except Dane and Christian, of course.

“I just don’t think it’s a good idea for me to see Amanda. There’s a lot of water under that bridge. I doubt she wants to see me as well. We didn’t part on the best of terms.”

That really wasn’t the truth. No harsh words had ever been spoken between Seb and Amanda, but the silence had been deafening.

“She must have put it all behind her because she’s agreed to take on the job of planning your firm’s opening party. She’s going to stop by your office this afternoon and talk to you about it. You can discuss the case with her while she’s there.”

Seb swung his legs down and sat up straight, every nerve in his body at attention. He must have misheard his mother. It sounded like Amanda was coming to the office to talk to him. Today. They hadn’t spoken in almost thirteen years.

“I don’t want to see Amanda, Mother.” His tone was sharp but he couldn’t let this happen. He’d been able to keep things together all these years by not revisiting the past.

His mother gave him a long-suffering sigh. “I want to throw this party for your new law firm. I’m proud of you. Why are you being so difficult?”

“I am not being difficult.” Seb’s teeth were gnashed together. “I am being realistic. Why is Amanda planning this party anyway?”

“She’s started her own event business. Since the divorce she’s been involved in various charities but wanted to have something of her own. I’m happy to support her efforts.”

As if Amanda Rosemont needed the money. Her family had been walking in tall cotton for several generations. The event planning was probably something to keep her from being a bored socialite. She’d always been full of more energy than she could burn.

“Fine. Why don’t you throw Gerard a birthday party instead? He loves shit like that.”

“Your brother would be more grateful, and watch your language. I’m still your mother. Now I have an appointment, so simply promise me that you will meet with Amanda. She’ll have questions about your preferences for the party and then the two of you can discuss the legal matter she needs help with.” Seb rubbed his forehead where a headache was starting to form. “Are you still there, Seb?”

“I’m here.” Seb loved his mother too much not to give in to what she wanted. Sometimes he wished he could be more like Dane Braxton, one of his two best friends. Dane couldn’t stand his family and rarely spent any time with them. Seb, on the other hand, adored his parents, especially his mother. He’d known all along that he would give her whatever she wanted. He’d only been delaying the inevitable. “Of course I’ll meet with Amanda if that’s what you need me to do.”

“Thank you.” Lucinda Gibbs’ voice didn’t sound so much triumphant as pleased and loving. She had no idea what this seemingly innocuous meeting was going to cost him.

Not in dollars, but in peace of mind.

Seb chatted with his mother for a few more minutes before hanging up. Tossing the cell phone down on the desk, he stood to look out the office windows. There wasn’t much to see except for the cheesy man-made lake in the business complex where they’d rented space. The dream of opening this law firm had been thirteen years in the making but it was finally happening.

“I’m running out for some lunch. If you want something, now is the time to place your order.”

Christian Rhodes, the third partner and other best friend, stood in the doorway with a grin, his car keys dangling from his fingers.

Seb cleared his throat but couldn’t clear the picture of Amanda that had taken up residence in his brain. Had she changed much? Was her blonde hair still as shiny and golden? Did her light blue eyes still sparkle with life and mischief? “I could eat. Where are you headed?”

“I was going to grab some takeout from the sports bar down the road.” Chris tilted his head as he surveyed Seb. “But I could be persuaded to eat in. Maybe get a beer. You look like you could use one.”

Seb wasn’t one to talk about his feelings, but this was Chris. There were no two people Seb was closer to on this planet than Chris and Dane. They’d grown up together, friends since before kindergarten.

“Amanda is coming here this afternoon.”

Letting the words hang in the air between them, Chris’s eyes grew wide and he shook his head.

“Shit. Let’s make that two beers. I’ll get Dane. What is she coming here for anyway?”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Sebastian pointed to his cell. “Mother called. Amanda is planning the party for our opening. She also needs to talk to me about some legal issue from one of the charities she works with. I tried to get out of it but you know what my mom is like.”

Chris nodded in sympathy. “A veritable steamroller. Can you handle this?”

“I can’t avoid Amanda forever, although I’ve been trying to this last year since we moved back. We have too many friends and family in common. This was bound to happen. At least I have a warning.”

Chris looked like he didn’t know what to say, and Seb didn’t know what else to say either. It was a cluster of massive proportions.

“Why does everyone look like they’re headed to a funeral?” Dane appeared in the doorway and slapped Chris on the back. “I thought you were going to get some lunch. I’m starved.”

Seb simply shook his head and leaned against his desk. Poor Dane had no idea what he’d walked into.

Finally Chris spoke. “Amanda is coming here this afternoon to see Seb.”

The smile on Dane’s face disappeared and his shoulders stiffened. “Why?”

“Relax, man. Mother asked her to plan the party for our opening plus listen to some legal issue she’s got. It will be fine.” Seb actually sounded like he believed it.

“She can meet with me.” Dane stuck out his chin as if taking a punch for Seb. “You don’t need to deal with this shit.”

Seb’s friend was overprotective and stubborn as all hell. Heaven help the woman he ended up with.

“It’s time,” Seb said quietly. “I need to face this.”

“We’ll do whatever you want,” Chris assured him. “We can meet with her or you can. It’s up to you.”

“I’ll meet with her but first I really do need that beer. Is the offer still open?” Seb scooped up his phone and keys.

“It is. Let’s go.” Chris led the way, followed by Dane and Seb. He still had some time before Amanda showed up at the office. Before the past came barreling back into the present. It was time to man up and face the only woman he’d ever loved. The only woman he’d never wanted to hurt.

But he had hurt her. Seb wouldn’t blame her if she could never forgive him. He’d known for the last thirteen years his actions had been unforgivable.

No woman could forgive the man that had backed out of their wedding at the last minute.

Chapter Two

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