Chance on Love (8 page)

Read Chance on Love Online

Authors: Vristen Pierce

Tags: #workplace romance, #enemies to lovers, #millionaire, #Valentine, #erotic, #erotic romance, #wealthy, #office romance, #Valentine's Day

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Chance frowned slightly. “I wasn’t asking.” He bent his head again.

Stephanie rolled her eyes. What a complete— His tongue touched the base of her throat and she pulled him closer, burying her fingers in his hair. Screw playing hard to get; she was had. She reached her hand out to stroke the length of his cock through his underwear.

His breath caught, and she smiled as she increased the pressure of her hand. Wrapping his arms around her, he unfastened her bra before letting it fall away.

Stephanie fought to control her breathing as he took her breasts in his hands. He rubbed her nipples until they were stiff. She arched her back, pressing them closer to him. Taking one into his mouth, he gently rolled the other between his thumb and forefinger.

His tongue swirled over and around the rigid peak of her breast even as he slipped his free hand into her panties.

There was no denying she was wet now. He knew of her arousal all too well.

“Mm,” he said before flicking her nipple with his tongue. “You’re ready for me, I see.”

He had
fucking idea. Stephanie tugged his underwear down enough to expose his thick, hard cock. She held it with a firm, steady grip and began to jack him off slowly. “And so are you.” She licked her lips before dragging the bottom one through her teeth. If his dick felt this amazing in her hand, how would it feel inside her?

Chance growled, backing her up against the wall nearest the bed. “Hope you’re not fond of these,” he said seductively.

She jacked him off a bit faster. “What?” She gasped when he ripped her panties off and tossed them over his shoulder.

“Those,” he said with a smirk. He placed his hand back where it had been originally. This time, though, he slid two fingers into the slick, tight hole.

“Shit,” she panted as he started to move them in and out at a steadily increasing pace. She matched the tempo to the one she was using to stroke him into oblivion.

Chance braced a hand next to her head, on the wall behind her. He sucked in a sharp breath. “Fuck,” he shouted. He placed his lips close to her ear. “That’s right, jack me off, baby.” He moaned, the sound making her pussy even wetter. “That’s my girl.”

Stephanie closed her eyes as she pumped his cock faster. She brought her other hand up to fondle her breasts. One and then the other, she squeezed and kneaded. Her nipples puckered almost painfully now. “God,” she groaned as his fingers began to ram into her faster and harder. “Don’t stop,” she ordered.

But being the bastard he was, he
stop. She almost cried out in frustration of not having that contact from him any longer.

“What the hell are you doing?”

His eyes crinkled in amusement. “Enjoying myself.”

And the schmuck really was. He wanted her to beg, the fucker. “Why did you stop?” she asked, barely resisting the urge to strangle him.

“So I could do this instead,” he said before slowly sucking the fingers he had taken out of her. She watched, mesmerized. She had never thought mutual masturbation could be so enjoyable, but this was far beyond anything she’d ever experienced. And they hadn’t even had sex yet.

His eyes remained locked with hers as he pulled the fingers from his mouth. He then teased her by lightly running those fingers back and forth between the wet lips of her pussy.

Stephanie rocked her hips against his hand, all the while stroking his thick, throbbing shaft. “Mm,” she murmured, “yes.”

He rubbed a finger over her clit again and again, applying more pressure as he continued. She pumped him harder in response.

He groaned. “Fuck yes, just like that, Love.” He started to finger-fuck her again, rougher this time.

Her hips rocked wildly now as she moved her hand from her breasts to her clit. As he penetrated her, she rubbed the pulsing, tender bud of flesh. Harder and faster, they moved to get one another off. And she didn’t know about him, but she was there in a flash.

Stephanie pushed her head back against the wall, squeezing her eyes shut. Chance’s fingers kept up a steady pace, and they, along with his husky sounds of pleasure, had her pussy soaking wet now. She rubbed her clit harder. “Oh, shit,” she yelled as the orgasm began to shake her body. “Oh my God,” she cried.

He was right there with her. “Yeah, harder, harder,” he ordered, and she obliged. He tensed, jerking against her. “Fuck,” he shouted. His grunts and groans were music to her ears as his hot, sticky release shot onto her stomach.

She rubbed some over her nipples, still stiff and in need of more attention, while she watched to see his reaction.

Chance’s gaze heated once more. “Shit,” he said, chest heaving. “Round two?”

She almost giggled like a vapid bimbo, but caught herself just in time. “Uh, hell yes.”

“Quite an appetizer.” Smiling, he picked her up as if she were a feather and threw her on the bed before kissing his way up her leg. “I think I’m ready for the meal,” he murmured against the bare skin of her inner thigh.

She ran her hands over her breasts. “I think I’m ready to feed you.”

“Is this an ‘all you can eat’ kind of thing?” he asked, glancing up at her.

She lifted the corner of her mouth just a bit. “
than you can eat.”

Chance gave her a lopsided grin, exposing one dimple. “Don’t count on it.”

A small laugh escaped her lips and she shook her head. “We’ll see.”

The cordless phone on the nightstand began to ring.

She ignored it, burying her fingers in his hair instead while he licked and nipped at the sensitive inside of her upper thigh.

After a few more rings, the answering machine clicked on. Amber’s perky voice filled the room. “Stephie Baby! You never called. Did you decide to go through with using—”

Her hand shot out to turn off the machine. Chance may know about her desire to have him accompany her to the Valentine’s thing, but he definitely didn’t know she planned to use him for a promotion.

The thought made her stomach turn. Only for a second, however. Then she brushed the nausea aside. Even selling herself out like this, she was still on a different level than the likes of Carlene. Wasn’t she? A small wave of guilt rocked her stomach once more.

Chance frowned and sat up. “What was that about?”

She waved his question away. “Something work-related.” That was actually true enough. She sat up to lean against her pillows before crossing her legs. Draping an arm across her breasts, she suddenly felt more naked than she ever had before.

He stared at her intently before looking away. “Maybe I should go.”

She hated the surge of disappointment that coursed through her. “Round two?”

He walked over to the heap of fallen clothes. “Rain check,” he said, slipping his underwear on and hiding that delicious cock from view.

“Rain check?” Stephanie narrowed her eyes. “Who the hell takes a rain check for sex?”

Smiling, Chance put his pants back on. “Think of it this way—it gives us something to look forward to.” He finished dressing in silence.

Stephanie wanted to scream. He wasn’t exactly stupid, schmuck or not. If Amber had given her away, she would have to choke her out. She loved her, but it would have to be done—simple as that.

At her bedroom door, he turned back. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I’ll—”

Chance turned and walked out.

What a bastard.


laughed under his breath as he put his coat on. The woman was
. There he’d been, worried over whether or not a one-night stand would inadvertently crush her precious little feelings when all the while she was working

Or at the very least, trying to. Sure, he’d been suspicious of her intentions right from the start, but nothing had cinched it for him more than that unexpected call from her friend. Well, Love’s reaction to said call had cinched it for him. She was up to more than wanting him to be her date to a damn party. He just had to figure out what.

In the meantime...

Hell if he knew. As he walked to the car, he went over his options. If he were sane, he’d stop this madness right now. But he’d always been a little crazy. ‘Like a fox,’ his grandfather always said.

He’d planned to use her anyway, with her permission, of course—he was nothing if not a gentleman—so maybe they could have some fun for a while.
He shook his head as the cold, January night air chilled him to the core. They would have a lot more than that and that was the problem.

He had meant what he’d told her about his feelings regarding love and romance, but he feared that could change if he fucked with the likes of that woman too long. And how stupid would that be, developing feelings for someone who not only freely admitted that she hated him, but was actively doing something to hurt him in some way?

Chance pressed the alarm and the Jag chirped in response. Sliding behind the wheel, he thought about this latest turn of events. He had always been the master of casual sex. Nothing was different this time. They may hate each other, but their chemistry was undeniable. He’d fuck her and move on...just as he’d done the rest. He clenched his jaw as he started the car.

Stephanie Love may have wanted to hurt
, but he could definitely return the favor. And in the last way she’d ever expect. She was so sure she was above falling in love. He’d show her differently. Then it would be
turn to inflict some pain.

Chapter 10

Stephanie stared at the bouquet of orchids that had been delivered not ten minutes after she’d arrived at the station. She drummed her fingers on the desk as she glanced at the card.

Forgive me, please. I miss you.


He had some nerve trying to woo her. Of course, now that he realized she wasn’t giving his sorry ass a second thought, and she’d ‘moved on’ with Valentine, he was ready to flirt. Pathetic. She crumpled the card and tossed it in the small trash can beneath the desk just as the phone rang. “Stephanie Love speaking.”

“Hi— Um, is there any way I could speak to Ch—I mean, Mr. Valentine? His cell goes straight through to voicemail.”

Stephanie rolled her eyes. The woman sounded young and, ugh, pretty.
, even. And all that perk in her damn voice just made it worse. This had to be Jen. The more mature, less cheerleader-sounding one was Ellen. “I can take a message.”

“Thanks! This is Jen—”


“Would you just have him give me a call as soon as possible, please?”

Having taken messages from Valentine’s women before, she knew the drill. “Should be easy,” she said dryly. “He already has your number.” She matched Jen’s chipper tone. “I’ll just run and see if I can hunt him down for you!”

Oblivious to being mocked, Jen thanked her profusely before hanging up. Stephanie shook her head in disbelief as she stood. If she didn’t feel low enough, managing Valentine’s love life should take care of that nicely. Instead of having news staff meetings, she was busy chasing him around saying things like, “You should really call Plaything #463. She’s left another message!” Yeah, life was good.

Amber poked her head in the door with a huge smile. “Stephie Ba—” She frowned as her friend marched over to her. “Ouch,” she said as Stephanie pulled her into her tiny office and closed the door.

Stephanie jabbed a finger in her chest. “You,” she said through clenched teeth.

“What did I do?”

She whirled around to pace in front of her desk. “You have about
worst timing ever.”

“Sheesh, I can come back.”

She shot her a dirty look. Filthy, really. “I don’t mean now, genius—last night.”

“What in the world are you talking—”

“Your little phone call.
a bell?” She held her hand up to her ear and mimicked Amber’s cheerful voice. “‘Stephie Baby, like, oh my God, you never called. Did you decide to go through with screwing the sexy schmuck over? I totally want to know
about it. Toodles!’”

Amber laughed. “First of all, I don’t sound even remotely like that. Secondly, when have I ever said ‘toodles’?” She frowned as she thought about it. “I mean, if I did, it had to be years ago and I’m talking high school or something.”

“Amber, focus,” she cried.

“Sorry,” she mumbled before sitting down in the lone chair in front of Stephanie’s tiny, cluttered desk. “So you
get my message. Why didn’t you call me back?”

“I was too busy being hornier than I’ve ever been in my life,” she grumbled as she dropped into her chair.

“Uh, too much information.” Amber eyed the flowers. “Gorgeous.”

“They’re for you.” No way was she hanging on to a single reminder of Clay.

Amber lifted an eyebrow. “For me? From whom? Why?”

“For you from me. Because.” When her friend stared at her blankly, Stephanie rolled her eyes. “For being” Gritting her teeth, she waved her hand. “Wonderful.” Handing out compliments was so not a normal thing for her.

Amber cocked her head. “Come again?”

“I love you, you perky nut. Take the damn flowers.” She watched as Amber picked up the vase and inhaled deeply.

She beamed. “Wow—thanks. Love you too and—”

Back to business
. “Chance was there.” At Amber’s look of confusion, she elaborated. “Last night, at my house. We were in the middle of something and your call came right when things were about to get
good for me.”

Amber’s eyes widened and she made a silent ‘O’ with her red lips. She leaned forward. “How much did he hear?”

“Not everything, thankfully. But enough to not trust me anymore. Good job, Snickerdoodle.”

Amber cringed. She loathed the nickname originally given to her by her grandparents, which meant that others used it to torment her as Stephanie did now.

“On the bright side,” Amber said, shrugging, “I’m sure he didn’t trust you before that.”

She stared at her and shook her head. Amber and her fucking bright side.

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