Change of Possession (6 page)

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Authors: M.R. Polish

BOOK: Change of Possession
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His whole body tensed up. “Can we do something later then?”

“Steve, I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong? Have I done something to piss you off? I’m just trying to show you I’m not a bad guy. I want to spend time with you. I really like you, Keeley.”

He was totally playing with my emotions. I wanted to like him; he seemed so genuine when he talked to me, but my instincts said to stay away. What if he was the one who drugged me? What intentions he must have had last night weren’t noble by any means. I wasn’t sure what to do. In the end, I decided to dig deeper. Maybe I could find out who did this to me and put the creep away. “Maybe tomorrow? I only have a couple of classes.”

Steve smiled. “Yeah, that works. What do you want to do?”

I quickly ran through options in my head, all of which included witnesses. “Maybe we can do a game night with some others or something.”

He smiled wider. “That’d be great. I’ll plan it all out. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Yeah,” I said, none to enthused. I sighed as I finished walking to my door.

“Oh, and wear something you won’t mind getting dirty!” Steve called over his shoulder as he jumped into his black Mustang.

I hit the door with my shoulder after unlocking it, pushing it open.
. I wasn’t sure what he was planning, but dirt wasn’t really my thing. I flung my backpack onto the couch and followed it down, plopping myself against the worn cushions. I couldn’t believe I agreed to spend more time with Steve.
, so many bad choices, but this one might be my worst one yet.

My head still ached so badly that I couldn’t focus on homework. I grabbed one of the throw pillows and buried my face in it as I laid down. I tried to picture my mysterious guy to keep my mind off how bad I felt. I wanted to know who he was, and why he always left before I could say hi. It wasn’t long before sleep took over my thoughts, turning them into dreams—dreams of drugs, friends, drinking, driving… and death.

A loud ringtone filled the room, waking me. I jumped from a dead sleep and instantly regretted the motion. My head still hurt, although it wasn’t quite as bad as it had been earlier.

I picked up the phone and swiped to answer it. “Hello?” I said, still a little sleepy.

“Hey, did I wake you?” the voice replied.

I couldn’t place the voice. “Who is this?”

“It’s Vahn, didn’t you program my number in your phone?”

. I got up and looked out the small window by the front door, making sure no one was there, and then checked to make certain the door was still locked. Maybe I was a tad paranoid, but I had a right to be.

“You there?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. Um, no, I didn’t program it. I don’t even know who you are.”

“I’m the guy who saved you last night, or don’t you remember?”

I couldn’t remember, that was the problem. “Listen, I’m so not in the mood right now. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know who even did it. It could’ve been you for all I know. I mean, you seem to be the one who knows everything, so it easily could be.”

“You seriously think it was me?”

I released a long aggravated breath. “I don’t know. Honestly, you’re the only one who seems to know anything about last night.”

He let out a grumble. “Keeley, I’m trying to help you, before it’s too late. Why don’t we get together tomorrow? I have a class in the morning then I have to be at work, but how about tomorrow afternoon?”

“I can’t, I told Steve I’d do this game night thing tomorrow.”

“What? Are you kidding me? What is it about this guy that you can’t say no to?”

It was my turn to grumble a choice word under my breath. “Look, I don’t know you. I’m trying to figure things out, and I don’t owe you an explanation.”

“Keeley, please just listen to me. Steve is bad news. Just be safe tomorrow and call me when you’re home so I know you’re okay.”

I smirked a little at his request. “Yes, Dad, do I have a curfew too? I’ll be fine.” Oh my gosh, who was this guy? I wish Celeste were still alive, she’d know what to do. I laughed internally at what I knew would be her response;
‘Leave them both alone. Girls don’t need creeps, we need men’

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

I smiled as I nodded my head slightly, not that Vahn could see me. “Okay, I promise.”

“Goodnight, Keeley.”

“Goodnight.” I tapped the end call on my phone and tossed it to the couch. It was weird that this stranger could pull so many emotions from me. I didn’t have to talk to him, but I also felt a little empty after we hung up. I couldn’t understand his warnings. They were like pieces of a puzzle that I had to put together. Maybe that alone was a clue that I should be more worried about him and not Steve.

I found my way to my room and practically fell face first on my bed. I didn’t want to think about it, I wanted to sleep. My eyes closed almost instantly.
I saw Celeste’s face first. She was smiling and laughing about something that was just said, but I missed the entire conversation as I stared at her. 

“What are you staring at girl? Jeesh, you’re looking at me like you haven’t seen me in years.”

I smiled. “Yeah, it feels that way. So much has happened and I miss talking with you.” Somewhere deep inside I knew it wasn’t real, but I couldn’t help myself from talking to her like the old days. I needed my friend.

A hand fell on my shoulder and I looked up into silver-gray eyes. Half of his face was shadowed but I could see him smile. Everything else disappeared, even Celeste. We stood in a dark room with only a small light filtering through a crack in a boarded up window.

Without speaking to me, he picked me up and carried me outside of the old house. The fresh air was cold against my skin, my entire body hot as I stayed cradled next to his chest. In the blink of an eye, we were in my apartment then he laid me on the bed. His fingers brushed my hair off my face before he left the room, leaving me alone.



The sun shone brightly through the crack in the curtains and I jerked awake. Heaviness pulled at my heart as I recalled my dreams from the night. Seeing Celeste was both enlightening and painful, but it was my stranger who held my mind captive. The way he looked at me sent heat waves through every nerve in my body. His actions, even though they were in a dream, were gentle and sort of romantic.

I looked at the time and darted from the bed. I needed to hurry if I wanted to get a shower before school. My headache was all but gone; only a small sliver of an ache reminded me of what I dealt with yesterday. I got ready in record time, and then ran to my class. I wasn’t late, but I was completely exhausted by the time I got there.

Professor Priese was my teacher right from the get-go, so I was grateful I made it on time. I didn’t need another reason to be pointed out and used as an example. The first day of school still clung to me. The door slammed shut behind me. She looked up from her tiny desk to scrutinize my loud entrance.

“Sorry,” I muttered under my breath. I quickly took my seat and pulled out my journal.

Across the room, I felt eyes on me. My skin prickled, prompting me to look. Turning in my seat, I spotted my mystery man. I felt his eyes on me like in my dream. He gave me a half smile and I melted. I smiled back, but I was sure it was nowhere near as sexy as his had been. Now was my chance. I moved to get up and actually meet him, but was stopped short by Professor Priese.

“Excuse me, Ms. Moison, but we’re starting class. Please take your seat.”

I dropped my shoulders, slumping back into my seat and looked back over my shoulder to see my mystery man smile wider.
. Just add to my embarrassment.

I couldn’t wait for class to be over. The minutes ticked by like hours. It was either my foot or my pen that I tapped repeatedly as I waited. None too soon, class was excused. I grabbed my stuff and quickly left my seat.

“Ms. Moison, can I see you please?” Professor Priese asked as I passed her desk.

I groaned as I watched my stranger exit the classroom without me. “Actually, can it wait? I need to go.”

“On Monday I expect you to be in your seat by the time I’m ready to start.”

“I was in my seat today,” I retorted.

She scowled. “I have a certain expectation in my classroom. I won’t tolerate anything less than a punctual schedule.”

I wasn’t sure why she had it out for me, but it was clear that I was not her favorite pupil. “Yeah, I understand. I’ll be here five minutes before.”

She forced a fake smile. “Good.” She tipped her head back down to her papers she was reading.

I darted from the classroom, hoping that I would still be able to find
. I growled and cursed under my breath. Professor Priese made it so I missed my chance meeting—again.

“Stupid teacher.” I dropped my pack to the walkway and placed my hands on my hips.

“Not all teachers are that bad,” a voice said behind me, startling me.

I spun around to see Brick coming up behind me. I tensed up, highly aware of my surroundings.

“Hey, you know Steve is right. You’re very pretty.” His skin glistened with fresh droplets of sweat and he slowly wiped his brow.

I took a small step back. “Did you just get done with practice?”

“No, I got this damn headache that won’t go away. But don’t try to change the subject. Steve and I were talking about you earlier.” He walked toward me and I moved back, matching every one of his steps.

“Brick, I think you should go.”

“Aw, hell, you told Steve no, right? So you’re available.” He wiped his brow again.

“No, I’m not.” I looked around, seeing if anyone was close enough to help. His whole attitude was off and it creeped me out. Tons of students passed without so much as a glance my direction, but at least there was enough people around that I was sure someone would help.

He dashed toward me, grabbing me around the waist. “Give me a kiss.”

“Get off of me.” I struggled to break free of his strong hold.

“Shhh… Don’t tell Steve, but I think you’re sexy.”

“Help!” I cried out to anyone who might be passing. “Leave me alone!” I pushed against him and twisted my head, keeping his lips as far from mine as I could get them.

“Hey!” a guy hollered as he ran up to us. “Let her go.”

Steve rounded the corner, caught sight of the situation, and shot a glare to not only Brick, but to the guy who was trying to help me.

As quickly as Brick grabbed me, he let go and stumbled back away from me. The guy took off without another word.

Steve ran up and decked Brick straight in the jaw. “What are the rules, Brick?” he yelled at him.

I backed away, trying to grab my pack without being noticed.  Steve’s face reddened and a vein in his neck popped out as he yelled louder at Brick. “You know the rules. You don’t touch what’s mine!”

My mouth went dry. Students crowded around to see what was happening. I picked up my bag and ran. I didn’t want to see what Steve did to Brick; honestly, he deserved whatever Steve did to him. Brick wasn’t all there in the head. Something was wrong with him.

I ran as fast as I could but I heard footsteps fall in line behind me. “Keeley, wait up.” It was Steve.

My heart raced. I wasn’t sure whether I should stop or keep running all the way back to Maine. My lungs and legs ached so I slowed down to a walk. Steve caught up to me. “Keeley, hey, stop for a minute, will ya?”

He wasn’t anywhere close to being out of breath like I was. “What do you want, Steve?”

He stopped in front of me and grabbed my shoulders carefully. “Are you okay? I saw him grab you.”

I turned away. “I’m fine.”

“It’s okay, he won’t touch you again, I promise.”

I folded my arms and shrugged him off. “I’m not sure what’s going on, Steve, but this is definitely not okay.”Any number of things I should do ran through my head. Call campus security, the police, my dad, so many reasons why I should—and shouldn’t—filled my mind.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry, but I promise he won’t bother you anymore.”

“Steve, you can’t promise that. You have no control over what he does.”

He gave a little smirk. “Actually, I can promise that.”

Inside I shuddered. All of Vahn’s warnings came to the surface and I wanted to run again. “Look, I have class. I need to get back. I can’t let crap like this stop me from that.”

“Okay, I’ll walk you back. Are we still on for later today?”

I shifted the weight of my bag on my shoulder. I wanted to say no and that something came up. “Yeah. What time?” Everything my parents raised me to know: no talking to strangers, no taking rides, don’t take candy… all the things kids learn at an early age; it all left with whatever dignity I had when I agreed to still go with him.

We stopped outside one of the art buildings. “About three sound okay to you? Caty and Jonah are joining us.”

I moistened my lips with my tongue and nodded. “That should work.”

The rest of the morning went by too fast, considering how quickly I wanted my first class to be over. I never saw my mystery man again and decided that it probably wasn’t meant to be. At least, not yet. I couldn’t get over the scene outside with Brick. My insides were all jumbled, rattled with anxiety. Every noise made me jump. By the time Jonah, Caty, and Steve picked me up in Jonah’s car at three I was a frazzled mess.

I wore an old pair of jeans and a T-shirt, hoping that the dirt he planned wasn’t too bad. As soon as we drove up the canyon and stopped next to a picnic area, I knew I was completely and utterly wrong. The
he planned was far worse than I ever imagined. It wasn’t dirt, but mud. Out past the BBQ pit was a hole filled with it. A couple of buckets lined the picnic table. It looked like someone came out earlier and carried water from the river below to set everything up.

I took in a deep breath. I looked at our ‘playground’ and folded my arms. “You want me to do what?”

Steve laughed. “I thought it could be fun. A way to work together.” He grabbed a thick rope with knots tied into it. “Tug-o-war.”

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