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Authors: Barbara Huffert

Chaos (30 page)

BOOK: Chaos
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“What?” he asked a minute later when she started to laugh.

“I’m sorry.” Alyssa giggled. “But I was just thinking about
your dad.”

“My dad?” Shane wondered, his mind still in a haze of
passion. “You’re thinking about my dad now?”

“No.” She laughed harder. “Not like that. What he said.
About making love to my husband being better.”

Shane’s laughter joined hers. “Oh yeah.”

“He’s right you know. It really is.” With that, Alyssa
twisted and kissed him soundly on the lips, making Shane the happiest man



Kiley waited until her cousin, Alyssa, settled herself
against her husband’s outstretched thigh. She had just arrived with the woman
storm chaser that she spent the summer with. Everyone else including her
in-laws and Sadie Brown and her niece, Andie were already gathered in Brett’s
backyard for the birthday party he was hosting for his adopted nephew.

After Alyssa introduced Chris to her, Kiley welcomed her.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. As I understand it, I have you to thank for
guiding Alyssa in the right direction.”

“Kiles,” Alyssa flinched at the tone of her cousin’s voice.

“I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you mean,” Chris
commented, sensing the instant tension around her.

“Brian was just telling us how you and Alyssa spent all
sorts of time, riding around alone, discussing her situation with Shane.”

“Oh, well…”

“Stop it, Kiles. Please?”

“Once again, I’ve found more people who knew all about what
was going on. You see, Chris, I didn’t have any inkling of the relationship
between my cousin and my brother-in-law. I was still under the impression that
they couldn’t stand each other and only called a truce to their personal war to
placate me.”

“Kiley,” Jordan tried to stop her, hoping to spare another

“It’s okay, Jordan,” Shane interrupted, pulling Alyssa
closer into his protective embrace. “Let her get it out. Maybe, this time,
she’ll say enough to forgive us.”

“You were saying?” Chris asked, when Kiley glared at the
couple, still fuming.

“Hmm, where should I begin?” Kiley asked sarcastically. “I
know. Let me tell you about the day Brett invited us over for a little barbecue
he was having in honor of Jordan’s birthday. I wondered why, since we had a
joint celebration the week before on his birthday but I thought he was using it
as an excuse to show off his new house. Perhaps I should have been suspicious when
my aunt and uncle showed up for a visit. They had been here for our wedding and
it was a little odd, them coming back barely three months later, especially
since their daughter wasn’t back from her assignment with you yet and
sometimes, I’d go almost a whole year without seeing them.

“Then there were Brett’s other guests. I certainly should
have questioned it more when I was introduced to Sally and Dave and their
children but I figured Brett was just trying to make them feel welcome. It
seemed a little strange when they showed up and moved into a house in town that
I hadn’t known Jordan and Brett even owned. I actually believed their whole,
it’s a good investment to buy real estate line. I even accepted the explanation
that they came here due to the things Alyssa had said about the town when they
met her at that Fourth of July picnic. After all, how many times can you watch
your home be demolished and pick up the pieces of your life, knowing it could
be destroyed again as soon as you rebuild? And when the Millers, their former
teachers, popped up, I thought Brett had bumped into them one of the times he
went to visit Shane at his parents’ house over the summer and spontaneously
invited them.

“I did wonder where Shane was, since he wasn’t with my
in-laws. He also hadn’t called to say he was coming to stay with us so it
didn’t make sense for him to drive in separately. I was concerned that he
wasn’t healing as well as he kept saying he was. He had resigned from the
police force by then and was spending tremendous amounts of time with his
parents. I was worried by the way he seemed to be avoiding Jordan all summer. I
was also confused by the way Jordan kept shrugging it off. I didn’t understand
why it didn’t bother him that Shane and Brett seemed to seek each other out
without including Jordan. He kept insisting that everything was fine and they
were just giving us privacy.

“Well, there I was, probably sitting in this same spot when
I looked up and saw Alyssa walking around the pool toward me. I was so happy to
see her that I missed the rest of them. It took me a few minutes to notice that
my husband was grinning like an idiot. When I finally turned to see what
excited him so much I saw Shane, holding an angelic little girl in one arm with
his hand resting on the shoulder of a very wary boy. It dawned on me that
everyone else had stopped talking and were all watching me, holding their

“I didn’t have any idea what they expected. I stood there,
like a complete moron, until Jordan finally came to my rescue. He whispered
that I should take a close look at Shane’s hand. He apparently spied his
brother’s wedding ring right away and realized the significance of the way
Alyssa was looking at me.

“As it turned out, just about everyone there that day knew
there was something between them. They weren’t at all surprised when they
announced that the children with them were their children. No, I seemed to be
the only one out of the loop. For some reason, no one felt the need to inform
me, the cousin who I spent years begging to be more than that, that they had
not only made peace with each other but fallen in love, decided to spend their
lives together and found two very special children to make part of their new

Flynn and Charlie had approached while Kiley was on her
tirade. “Flynn, Aunt Kiley is whining again. Can’t we just go? She might never
stop and you said you would get me more cantaloupe.”

Alyssa took advantage of the pause. “Kiley, let me tell you
again how truly sorry I am. You’re right. I should have confided in you. As
I’ve said a million times before, I didn’t because I didn’t want you to read
more into it than there was at the time. I didn’t know how Shane and I would
end up and I didn’t want to hear you making a fuss over us, only to disappoint
you if we lost interest in each other. I didn’t tell you that I came to the
hospital the night he was shot because I was scared to death of what he’d said
to me. You can’t be mad at Brett for doing what I asked by calling me. And you
shouldn’t take it out on Jordan for wanting to protect your feelings. I didn’t
even know he knew I was with Shane when he got there that morning. Brett and
Jesse were only trying to save me from the questions they knew he’d ask because
they knew I’d already hit emotional overload.

“And Chris was just being supportive when she picked me up
at the airport. I was too stressed to hide my feelings by then. Shane asked
everybody to keep quiet about Flynn because he wanted to tell me first.
Honestly, no one deliberately set out to hide him from you specifically. That’s
why Shane didn’t tell you about the house either and let you think he was just
going for walks to strengthen his leg.”

“It was so cool the day that Dad and Grandpa snuck me here
to see it,” Flynn stated. “I was sure Uncle Jordan was going to blow the
whistle on us.”

“Excuse me?” Kiley asked.

“Aw, son of a bitch! I just did it again.” Flynn turned beet

“It’s out now.” Kiley faced her husband. “Perhaps you’d care
to explain this to me.”

Jordan looked guilty as he swallowed nervously. “I followed
Shane one day when he went out. He said he was at Brett’s the day before but
I’d been there and knew he wasn’t. I was afraid that he had met someone on one
of his walks and intended to ask him about it because I was worried about Alyssa’s
feelings. When I saw him go in the house that had been up for rent I guessed
that there was something entirely different going on. Dad’s car was in the
driveway but when I knocked, he was nowhere in sight. I purposely didn’t ask
Shane what he was doing because I didn’t want to have to lie to you.”

“Keeping a half-truth from me is so much better,” Kiley
grumbled. “But, since it’s Flynn’s birthday, I’m going to let you all off the
hook and shut up now, even though I have every right to still be angry.”

“Can we go then?” Charlie peeked around Flynn.

“Andie wants a cantaloupe to take home with her and Miss
Sadie and Princess already ate all of Uncle Brett’s. I said, if it was okay
with you, we’d walk over to the veggie man’s and get some. Maybe Murray can
come with us,” Flynn explained.

“Andie’s going with you?” Shane asked as Flynn nodded. “Make
sure you stay with her and do not let go of your sister’s hand.”

“That goes for you too, Murray,” Brian added as they
scampered away, leaving the adults to find a safer topic.

“Kiles?” Alyssa eventually said after several peaceful
minutes. “Aren’t you ever going to forgive me? My life won’t be perfect until
you do. It’s not like you to stay angry with me so long. Can’t we just enjoy
our incredible luck instead? Can’t you be happy that we’re all in town like you
wanted us to be and that Shane and I are both away from the danger of our
previous occupations? Why won’t you put the how we got here in the past?”

Kiley suddenly burst into tears and hid her face against
Jordan’s chest. When he had her calmed down, he said, “I think it’s time,
sweet. You can’t keep doing this.”

“Jordan.” She let him silence her with a gentle kiss.

“It’ll all be fine. I can feel it,” he urged softly.
“Please, Kiley, let me tell them.” She nodded, making him grin. “Hey,
everybody, listen up,” Jordan stood, pulling Kiley with him and getting
everyone’s attention. “Since we’re here today to celebrate my nephew’s
birthday,” he acknowledged Flynn as the group returned, “I think this is the
perfect opportunity for Kiley and me to share our news. Some of you may have
noticed that my wife has been a tad emotional over the past few weeks.” He
paused for the snickers to stop. “We’re going to all have to be very patient
and overlook it, since I suspect it’s going to continue. Or should I say,
continue for the next seven and a half months anyway?”

“Kiles!” Alyssa squealed as she realized what Jordan was
telling them.

“That’s right, Lyss. We’re pregnant.” Kiley sobbed as Alyssa
hugged her tightly.

“This is so wonderful,” Chris was still dabbing her eyes
after everyone had settled back into their former positions. “I’m so glad we
took Alyssa and Shane up on their invitation. What a day this has been! First,
Sally and Dave told us they were staying and joining up with those friends of
yours who are opening that diner. Then, Alyssa showed me the layout for the
book she’s doing with the pictures she took with us and gave me a sneak peek at
their calendar. It’s really going to do a lot toward helping the people of that
town. They all just love her and Shane, with the way they came back and adopted
Cherlene. Sally and Bill still have family there and everyone is just so
excited. They can’t wait to see it. And now your news makes this such a special

“Calendar?” Kiley asked sweetly.

“Sure, haven’t you seen it yet?” Chris continued, not
noticing the way the group around her flinched. “I must say I don’t know how
comfortable I’d be knowing other women are panting over my husband’s body but I
guess there will be an equal number of men drooling over hers…” She tapered off
at Kiley’s expression. “Oh no, you didn’t know, did you?”

Flynn laughed. “I’m glad to see I’m not the only one on Aunt
Kiley’s shit list today.”

“Flynn,” Rose silenced him.

“Oh. My. God.” Kiley paled. “Those pictures were you!” She
turned her glare on Shane. “I didn’t even put it together when I saw your

“Kiley, we were going to show you before it came out,”
Alyssa began.

“Think of your baby,” Brett cautioned. “There’s no need to
upset yourself.”

“You knew, so shut up!”

“I’m so sorry,” Chris offered another apology.

“Aunt Kiley, don’t be mad again.” Flynn bravely moved to
stand in front of Shane and Alyssa. “If you are, Mom’s gonna cry when we get
home and that’ll make Charlie cry and Dad won’t know who to help first. Please?
I never had a birthday that didn’t suck before and, if you’re mad and they’re
crying, this one will too.”

Kiley’s face softened instantly. “Oh, Flynn, I’m not really
mad. I admit I was a little hurt because I felt left out. I’m sorry I act this
way all the time. My doctor told me that lots of pregnant women lose their
minds. I hate that I’ve made your mom and sister cry. I didn’t think I was
hurting them with my outbursts. I certainly don’t want to ruin your birthday.
Not after all you went through to get here.”

“Yeah, well,” Flynn seemed afraid she was going to cry on

“Aunt Kiley needs a cookie,” Charlie declared. “Daddy always
gives Momma one when she cries. She gets crumbs all over.”

“And what do you get when you cry?” Kiley asked, starting to

“Cuddles and fruit,” Charlie announced. “Course I always get

“Fruit? Not cookies like your mom?”

“Nah, fruit’s gooder. Daddy says it doesn’t rot your insides
like lotsa cookies do. It doesn’t make crumbs neither. Is Momma’s belly gonna
get a hole in it? She eats cookies all the time, even if she doesn’t cry.”

“I don’t think so,” Kiley tried to ignore the barely
concealed laughter around her. “You’re such a good girl for listening to your
daddy and eating fruit instead of cookies.”

“That’s what I kept telling Murray,” Brian joined in the
teasing. “I’ve never seen anyone exist on cookies alone. You should have heard
Shane when he called to check on her.”

“You didn’t have to tell him,” Alyssa pouted, feeling like
they were ganging up on her.

“Aw, poor Pix.” Shane pulled her into his arms again. “Will
you smile if I tell you that the kids and I baked two batches this morning,
while you were in your studio? We only brought one with us and left the other
one at home, for you.”

“Yeah, Mom, chocolate chip,” Flynn reminded her.

“And I won’t even make you eat any vegetables today since a
birthday is a holiday,” Shane said with a kiss.

Kiley surprised them all by laughing. “I never would have
believed this was possible. My tough, wild cousin, tamed by a batch of cookies
baked by her husband and kids.”

BOOK: Chaos
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