Charmed (7 page)

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Authors: Koko Brown

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Charmed
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While Chloe sat contemplating a future with her husband, a burst of streamers shot through the air, raining over them like dried multicolored leaves. Then the stage lighting extinguished, leaving the room in complete darkness. As they sat quietly in the dark, Chloe could hear the quiet rustling of bodies against the silk pillows, a few clandestine whispers and feminine giggles.

Inspired by the unknown goings-on around them, Tristan reached for her hand. He curled his fingers around her own and stroked the top of her hand with his thumb. Chloe shifted a little on her pillow in an attempt to blanket the heat that suddenly leapt between her thighs.

What was wrong with her? She’d been the one to warn him about behaving himself. And here she was trying to remember the exact shade of his nipples and fantasizing about him throwing her onto his lap and allowing her to ride his cock to hell and back.

Chloe’s dirty thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind as a woman and man appeared on the dais, now bathed in a single spotlight. Both were dressed in traditional Chinese attire and wore makeup, which made them appear older in age. The man lounged on the floor beside the woman as she serenaded him with a wood string instrument that sat in her lap. Despite their pronounced years, they appeared to be a couple in the first stages of young love.

Their lovers’ tryst was eventually broken by the appearance of a young woman carrying a basket of cherry blossoms. She skirted the edge of the stage, jealously watching the pair, until she caught the eye of the old man, who sprang from his seat to attend her.

With the old woman looking on, they flirted outrageously with exaggerated hugs and kisses. Finally the old woman became indignant and decided to intervene. She got up and tried pulling him away but he simply shrugged her off. Heartbroken, she flung herself to the ground at his feet but he simply stepped over her and left with his new lover. The woman’s wretched sobs reverberated off the walls of the room.

“Asshole,” Chloe muttered as the lights dimmed on the stage. “Just like a man to turn you in for a new model.”

“I would never trade you in, love,” Tristan whispered close to her ear. “No matter how old and wrinkled you get.”

“Even if I grow to be a wrinkly old woman of eighty-eight?”

“Well, maybe not that old…”

Catching the humor in his voice, Chloe elbowed him in the ribs. Tristan played along and grabbed his side in pain.

Their play was interrupted by the beginning of the second act, which began with the old woman lying alone in the bed. The lights above flashed rapidly as she tossed and turned, the sheets wrapping around her body. The string quartet was now replaced by the loud bang of a drum and the chaotic clang of a cowbell.

Chloe looked over her shoulder and her mouth fell open as an athletically built man ran into the room. He possessed a beautiful body accentuated by a loincloth that left nothing to the imagination. But his face was repulsive. It was covered by a grotesque mask with glowing red eyes. Long white hair streamed behind him as he circled the dais like a madman. Occasionally he would stop and flick his unusually long tongue at a female guest.

Eventually his attention was drawn to the old woman tossing and turning in the bed.

Slowly he climbed on top of the dais—the drum accentuating his steps.

Crawling onto the bed next to his prey, he reached out a gnarled hand and began to stroke her long silver hair. Then growing bolder, his hands strayed over her body.

Thinking the intruder in her bed was her old lover returned, the woman drew the monster into her arms. However, when he kissed her, she immediately realized her mistake and fought to get out of the bed, yet the creature easily pulled her back to him. Bending down next to her, he whispered in her ear. After several moments, the woman ceased her struggling.

To Chloe’s surprise, the woman sat up in the bed and removed her robe, revealing her nudity underneath. Without hesitation, her companion swooped down and placed one of the woman’s apricot-colored nipples in his mouth. He sucked greedily on it while his twisted fingers played with its mate.

Releasing her breast, the creature rose up on all fours and straddled the woman backward, giving their audience an unhindered view of her naked body.

Although Chloe would have never thought herself a voyeur, she found herself turned on and unable to avert her gaze as the monster took his time licking his tongue down the woman’s pale body.

When he stopped to play in her bellybutton, Chloe leaned over to Tristan. “He’s not going to do what I think he’s going to do, is he?” But he didn’t get a chance to answer because the monster suddenly snatched the woman’s legs apart.

“Oh my,” Chloe breathed as a chorus of approval shot up through the audience at the unobstructed view of the woman’s shaved pink pussy. Like the others around her, Chloe grew still and waited.

The monster slowly lowered himself over the woman. His long tongue flicked out and swiped at her clit as if wanting to gain a little taste of the woman’s hidden delights. Obviously liking what he tasted, he licked again, then again, until the woman began to squirm like she was on fire.

Hell, if she wasn’t. Chloe surely was as she watched the monster swirl his tongue around the woman’s tiny bud. An unconscious moan even escaped her lips when the monster took the swollen nub in his mouth and began to suck on it like a baby with a bottle.

After leaving no areas of the woman’s pussy untouched and thoroughly lapping up her juices, the creature sat back on his haunches.

He looked directly into the audience and began to run his hands all over his toned flesh. Chloe felt the breath catch in her throat when his hands slipped down to the waistband of his loincloth. She, like many others in the audience, wanted him to remove the garment. Sensing this, the monster toyed with them by playfully skimming his hands over the thin cloth several times.

Then, as if by accident, the loincloth fell away and his fat cock sprang free and bobbed heavily in the air, its bulbous head glistening with pre-cum. The monster then took his member in his hands and began to stroke it. Up and down his hand slid until more droplets pooled at its tip.

“Take me!” a woman yelled on the other side of the dais. “Take me please, I’m all yours!” Several people clapped at the woman’s passionate response. Yet the monster ignored her.

Instead he turned back to the old woman in the bed. He grabbed a hold of her leg and pulled her sideways so that she lay on her side facing them. Lying behind her, he placed her leg over his hip.

He then grabbed a hold of his cock and positioned it between her legs. With one swift thrust he was inside her. And a collection of gasps filtered around the room. Even Chloe had to bite her lip to stifle the gasp that almost burst from her throat.

With each powerful thrust, the woman’s breasts flopped and her legs opened wider to give the monster an unobstructed entry into her greedy passage. Chloe sat in disbelief when the woman’s moans turned into soft cries of pleasure as the demon increased his speed. Atlanta might be the home of dozens of all-nude strip clubs sharing the corners with one-thousand-member churches but this even shocked her.

“She’s about to come,” Tristan stated, his voice low and deep.

Chloe stiffened. “How do you know that?” she huffed, trying to remove his arm from around her waist. “Did you fuck her too?”

Tristan looked at her sharply. Although she struggled against him, he easily held his arm wrapped around her waist, even pulling her tighter against his side. Chloe looked at him and saw the familiar signs of desire in his face. His eyes were dark and heavy-lidded with arousal. His nostrils were flared. And a seductive smile curled his lips.

“No, I’ve never seen her before. That’s what
look like whenever we make love. When you’re on the brink of creaming all over my cock. Isn’t it beautiful?”

Tristan so unnerved her at that moment that Chloe knew she’d just creamed in her own panties. Biting her lip, she turned her attention back to the dais, just in time to see the woman orgasm. Her screams filled the room as the monster continued to hammer into her.

While the woman’s screams subsided into muted moans, her partner rolled her limp body onto her stomach. He grasped her by the waist and pulled her up onto all fours, her weight resting on her elbows.

Taking his cock in his hands, he ran it along her slit, which was still wet from both of their juices. Without any warning, he slapped one of her butt cheeks. He continued to spank her until her ass wore his handprints like a tattoo.

Chloe was so aroused by the monster’s aggressive foreplay on stage that she didn’t protest when Tristan’s hand slid down her back and slipped snugly up under her buttocks. Therefore she wasn’t sure if her moan was because of Tristan’s roaming hand or because the monster sunk his fat cock back into the woman’s cunt.

“He’s fucking her in your favorite position,” Tristan whispered. His hand was driving her crazy. Every time the monster thrust into the woman’s quivering pussy, he drove his hand between her thighs and thrust his fingers against her clit.

Chloe shut her eyes and grabbed at Tristan’s thigh as he began to work her pussy.

“You like it from the back, don’t you?” Chloe nodded her head. “I thought so. I also remember that you used to practically purr when I spanked you.”

Her eyes flew open and a soft cry escaped her lips when he swatted her ass none-too-gently to hammer home his point.

Looking around apprehensively, she hoped Sir Raleigh had not heard her voice her pleasure. However, her attempt at maintaining an ounce of decency went unnoticed for many of Raleigh’s guests were preoccupied with other pursuits. As Chloe looked about the room, she began to blush as she noted that bodies were now straining against one another in an effort to get closer, while others were already in a state of undress, their elegant attire lying discarded where they’d thrown them.

Even though the show around her and on stage was riveting, nothing compared to Tristan shoving his hand up under her and wedging it between her butt cheeks. Although she writhed in desire as the monster’s taut buttocks squeezed and contracted as he pumped in and out of the woman’s pussy, her passion rose by several degrees when Tristan’s hand mimicked the monster’s movements on stage.

Chloe knew she was close to coming and as she stood over the precipice of her own orgasm, she struggled to hold back a moan.

However, Tristan came to her rescue by covering her mouth with his.

The play was forgotten as they became lost in their passion for one another. Oblivious of those around them, they fell back into the pillows as their tongues mated. Unable to get enough of him, Chloe eagerly wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him closer. Although her hands roamed unhampered over his broad shoulders and chest, Chloe wanted more. She wished they were alone so she could strip away the clothes that separated them. Groaning in frustration, she collapsed back on the pillows.

Sensing her dilemma, Tristan winked at her. “Not to worry, love, we have plenty of time for this later, I promise.” He then took a hold of her hand and pulled her to a sitting position.

Chloe gasped at the stark change in the old woman’s appearance.

The creature had gifted her with youth and beauty. Unfortunately the transformation was not entirely complete for she still walked like an old woman and her hair was still gray.

As the play progressed, the old woman seduced two other lovers of whom she robbed their youth and innocence. Each time she had sex, she grew younger and younger.

By the fourth and final act, she sat proudly playing her string instrument. Her back was perfectly erect, her hair was as black as a crow’s wing and her skin was smooth and white as the finest porcelain.

While she sat and played, the old man stepped onto the dais. His appearance had changed as well. He was a pitiful soul in tattered clothing. Apparently the younger woman had robbed him of everything.

“Serves his ass right,” Chloe muttered under her breath.

The woman looked up at the old man and stopped playing. Although she looked forty years younger, the old man still recognized her. Ashamed at what she had done to herself, she jumped up and attempted to run off the stage. However, the man followed her and stopped her, pulling her in his arms.

He brought her back to the front of the dais and handed her the string instrument. Once they were seated, she began to play for him. While she played, he reached out a hand and touched her face. Shaking his head, he began to weep for he realized that he was the cause for her transformation.

Taking pity on him, the woman set aside her instrument and drew him into her arms and comforted him. Although the man had been the reason for her change and the creature she’d become, the woman’s love for him allowed her to forgive him.

When Tristan gently lifted her hand and kissed it, Chloe couldn’t help feeling that forgiveness might be just what was needed.

Chapter Six


The lights slowly dimmed on the players on stage. While the lights rose on the seating area, Raleigh stood up and graciously accepted his guests’ applause.

“Ming and I hope you enjoyed tonight’s play. She spent several long weeks ‘perfecting’ your entertainment. Now is the hour that I’ve been waiting for especially. It is time for us to quench our baser needs. Let us feast!”

The conservatory doors suddenly flew open and a group of young people, in their early twenties, filed into the room. Chloe looked around uneasily as Raleigh and his other guests shifted from their human form to vampire. No longer able to fight an urge to flee, Chloe struggled up from her seat. However, Tristan grabbed a hold of her waist and pulled her down on his lap.

Chloe looked back at Tristan. His eyes glowed with an unnatural light and his face had begun to transform as well. His brows were distended and his cheekbones were more pronounced, almost hollow. But, despite the drastic changes in his normally handsome features, his voice was gentle as he whispered in her ear. “Do not run, beloved. You have nothing to fear. No harm will come to you or anyone else here tonight. Those are simply familiars. They’re especially chosen to serve us. Of course they can choose not to but many willingly do.”

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