Chasing After Him (4 page)

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Authors: Lynn Burke

BOOK: Chasing After Him
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She tasted sweeter than any peach I’d ever eaten, and her tiny waist
and hips molded to my grasp. The need to devour every inch of her roared
through me.

If you care about her, you’ll
stop right now.

I closed my eyes and inhaled. “This isn’t going to happen,” I said, my
voice more ragged than I expected.

“Yes it is.”

I chuckled, trying like hell to rein in my fuckin’ flying high erection.
“You are one determined woman.”

“And you are one hard-headed ass.”

Making a noise of agreement in my throat, I forced myself to slide her
back across my legs, away from my straining cock.

She leapt up, hands fisted at her sides, eyes spearing blue darts my
way. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Not a goddamn thing.”

“Would you prefer I was a man?”


“Then what’s the problem? I’m more than willing. I’m wet and ready.”

. I slid my gaze down over her trembling body
and back up. Her hard nipples begged for my teeth, but jaw clenched, I
continued my slow perusal upward to peer into her eyes.
“I’m not going to fuck you.”

If looks could kill, they say. Yeah, I’d have fifty scalpels sticking
from various body parts. I stood up before she decided she needed a little more
practice slicing and dicing. Hands on hips, she glared up at me.

I couldn’t help another chuckle. “You are so damn hot when you’re

“Oh, fuck off.” She spun, and all but ran to her front door. “I don’t
know why the hell I bothered. Not like you’d be into someone like me anyway.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked, stalking across the
living room to tower over her.

Little Miss In-Control’s throat bobbed as she swallowed and shrank away
from me. “You’re” —her voice wavered, and she licked her lower lip— “the
hottest man I’ve ever seen, and I’m nothing special. Tiny tits, hardly any
curves to speak of—”

I grabbed her up in my arms and pushed her against the wall. Crushed my
mouth to hers, taking. Tasting. Fucking her mouth with my tongue.

Her legs wrapped around my waist, and I thrust against her softness.
She gasped against my lips as I ground my hard as hell cock against her again.
“Obviously I think you’re something special,” I managed the second I found
strength to tear my mouth off hers.

“Then fuck me.”

Heaving for breath—and control—I tipped my forehead against hers. “No.”

Fuckin’ hardest thing I’d ever done, I stepped back and lowered her to
her feet.

Pain rather than pissiness filled her eyes. “I don’t understand.”

I dug my short nails into my palms to keep from ripping the jeans off
her and taking her there against the wall. “You’re too close to completing your

“What does that have to do with fucking?”

“I would hate myself if I was the reason for your less than stellar
record. Stay focused, Charlene.”

“God.” She huffed, throwing her hands in the air. “Getting laid is not
going to ruin me.”

“Your life goals mean too much to you for me to take the chance.” I
grabbed my coat off the rack beside the door and let myself out while she
glared at me, unmoving.

Goddamn, I hate that I cared. Fuckin’ hated it. What happened to my
fuck ‘em and hightail-it-the-hell-outta-there attitude?

Breathing in the cold air, I glanced at the star filled sky while
crossing the snow-covered little lawn to my walkway. No fuckin’ clue why I
cared, but I prayed to God and the Mother Mary that Charlene still wanted me in
six months, because the day she completed her residency, I planned on tying the
little lamb up and satisfying the itch she had going on between her thighs. And,
after one taste of her, I knew one night wouldn’t be damn near enough for me.

I stepped up onto my stoop and glanced over at her front door. Damn,
determined woman. No way in hell one rejection would keep her from trying to
get what she wanted though. I’d have to be on guard.



The nerve! The fucking nerve of
that ass.
I stormed back
into my living room, picked up my wine and downed it. He wanted me, I wanted
him, so what the fuck?

“Gah!” I clenched my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose. There
was nothing worse than having my plans thwarted as he called it. “Goddamnit.” I
grabbed the wine bottle and chugged a few swallows before my better judgement kicked

Five-thirty came quick—and unwanted with a wine hangover.

Time to reassess my plan
. I needed to find his weakness and swoop in
to claim my prize.


Friday night and I actually got off work at a decent hour. I had plans
to head over to Theo’s after a quick shower, wearing nothing but an overcoat.
Oh, and shoes. Yeah. A bit nippy to go without them.

Damn Cherokee wasn’t in his driveway when I pulled onto our street.

My heart sagged, tugging my brow down along with it. I’d gotten myself
so worked up at work, dreaming about dropping my coat and wrapping my nakedness
around Theo. Or, falling to my knees and grabbing his cock before he could say
a word.

Should have been more realistic. Just because his cousin stopped going
out with him on weekends, didn’t mean he wouldn’t find something else—or some
else to do.

I pulled into my driveway and turned the key, heaviness laying over me
like a shroud.

There’s always tomorrow.

The car door creaked as I opened it. Cold air bit my nose and whipped
at my ponytail. Cursing winter for the first time, I hunched my shoulders and
hurried up my front steps.

A car pulled into Theo’s driveway, his floodlights coming on and
illuminating a BMW I didn’t recognize.

Tall and slender, a black-haired model hopped out of the car in painted
on jeans and ridiculous heels. I didn’t return her cheery, big wave and bright
smile. “Theo around?” she called.


She strode across the sidewalk and up my walkway, her arched brows
furrowed, full, red-painted lips pouted. “We were supposed to meet for dinner a
half hour ago, but he never showed. He’s not answering his phone either.”

She clutched her designer coat tight and shifted on her engine red
hooker heels with their five inch stilettos.

I cleared my throat as my stomach clenched, not bothering to keep the
chill from my glare. “I’ll tell him you stopped by, Miss…?”

“Oh.” Her smile reappeared, brightening dark eyes and lifting prominent
cheekbones. “Livi.” She held out her hand, but I crossed my arms and stiffened
my spine, making my scowl more than apparent. Laughter escaped her. “I’m Livi
. Theo’s baby sister. You’re
Charlene, right?”

Heat flooded my face, and my hands dropped to my sides as I closed my
eyes. “Yes. Sorry.”

“No worries.” Livi laughed again.

“Here.” I turned and unlocked my door. “Come on in.”

Livi kicked off her heels and hung up her coat on the rack, same as me.
“Nice place,” she said, padding behind me to the kitchen.

“Thanks. Wine?”

“Sounds great.” Her chipper tone reminded me of Theo. I should have
recognized the similar wave when she’d climbed out of her car. I dropped my bag
on the island and gestured toward a stool, warmth flooding my face again.

“Just getting off work?” she asked with a quick glance down at my
scrubs while sitting.

“Yes.” I grabbed a bottle of Pinot out of the fridge and two glasses.

“Theo said you’re studying to be a pediatrician. Impressive.”

“And hard as hell.”


A tired smile appeared on my lips as I poured us both a generous splash.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Well, here’s to you,” Livi said, her eyes bright and twinkling. “May
the next six months of your residency breeze by.”

“I’ll toast to that.” I swallowed down a good gulp. “How’d you know I only
have six months left?”

“Theo likes to talk.” She leaned onto the island, chin in hand.

“He talks about me?” My voice sounded tiny.

“Lately, you’re
he talks

My knees gave way, and I slumped onto a stool. “Seriously?”

Her eyes twinkled again. “He’s got it bad.”


“Oh yeah. He told me you’d hit on him a few times in the past year, but
he thought you were too young.” She raised her glass in toast similar to how
Theo always did.

So he
Heat flooded my face.

Livi sipped and lowered her wine to the island. “To be honest, I
couldn’t be happier.”

“Why is that?”

“You’re a good, stable woman, not a floozie like most of those women he
hooks up with at Chantelle’s. That’s what he says, anyway.” She smiled, her
gaze open and accepting. “I’ve spent all of five minutes with you, and I’m sure
he’s right.”

My responding smile came easy. “Thanks, but what is Chantelle’s?”

“It’s where he and Zane went almost every weekend until our cousin finally
collared Raquel.”

Again, Theo’s word ‘sordid’ whispered across my mind. “Chantelle’s is some
sort of club, I take it?”

Livi chuckled again and sipped her wine. “You could say that.”

“Explain.” I asked as soon as she lowered her glass.


“Ah. Collared. Gotcha.”

“Theo’s a ‘B’ guy though. He’s not into inflicting pain.”

An image of me tied to his bed, helpless and begging flashed through my
mind. All four of my limbs tingled as my blood heated. I wet my upper lip with
my tongue. “So, uh … how do you know so much about your brother’s personal

“I’m a reporter. I love to dig into people’s shit.”

“Great.” I almost laughed. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.”

“Theo says you’re a saint.” She studied me for a few seconds, carefree
happiness in her eyes. “Be good to my brother and you’re golden.”

“If you only knew
good I
want to be to him.”

Livi slapped a manicured hand over her mouth to keep from spewing wine
across the island.

“Said that out loud, didn’t I?” I laughed too, having more fun than I’d
had in a long time.

Livi’s laughter faded, but her smile remained. “I lied.”


“His meeting me for dinner.” She leaned forward. “I really just wanted
to see how you’d react to some random woman showing up at his house and asking
about him.”

“Well, you had me going. Is your outfit and those shoes part of the

Her eyes widened. “Of course not! A woman must always look her best.”
She waggled her brow. “Just in case she runs into a royal hottie who needs

I held up my wine to toast. “I think I like you, Livi Risso.”

“Good.” Her grin matched her brother’s as she clinked her glass against
mine. “Cuz I think I like you, too.”

For another hour, Livi and I laughed and chatted like childhood
friends. I’d never connected so easy and quick with another woman. Seeing as
how she and Theo’s personalities were similar, I shouldn’t have been surprised.

By the time she pulled her coat back on, I knew her brother’s secrets,
his weaknesses, and best of all, what downtown businesses Chantelle’s nestled

The second Livi left, I plopped down with my laptop and got busy
researching Theo’s lifestyle. Well into the night and most of the next day, I
pulled up website after website, joined online forums, and asked a million
questions. I jotted down an entire notebook worth of notes, my mind ready to
explode with debaucherous thoughts Theo had called sordid.

The idea of mixing pain and pleasure still didn’t do a damn thing for
me, but seeing pictures of women bound by ropes, at the mercy of their Dom… hot
damn, I’d ended up grabbing my vibrator a few times.

That night, I dreamed of being bound by Theo’s ropes, finally free and
drifting in what their community called subspace.


“Welcome.” A tall, curvaceous blonde made her way around her desk and
held out a hand. “I’m Mistress Chantelle.”

“Charlene Tucker, and thank you for seeing me on such short notice.” I
shook her hand and allowed myself a quick glance around the dim office with its
leather furniture and nude paintings.

“So, tell me why you’re interested in purchasing a membership at my
club,” she said, settling down onto the couch beneath the office’s lone window
overlooking Boston and its nightlife.

I perched on a chair across from her, studying her hazel eyes, the lack
of wrinkles, and what had to be Botox-puffed lips. “I’m intrigued by the BDSM

“Bullshit.” She smiled. “Who is he?”

Chin lifting, I straightened my spine. “You’re very perceptive.”

“In my line of work, it pays to be.” She purred the words, her eyes
narrowing. “So tell me the truth of why you’re here.”

“Theo Risso.”

“Ah.” Her smile widened. “And you believe he’s a member here because…?”

I smiled back, teeth and all. “A little birdie told me.”

Lips pursed, she peered at me. I refused to shift beneath her stare.
“You’re no sub.”

“I will be if that’s what it’ll take for him to give in.”

“Does the idea of being bound by his ropes and strung up for his
pleasure make you wet?”

God, yes.
I swallowed and nodded, fighting to keep my thoughts
focused on the task before me.

Mistress Chantelle tapped a long nail on her desk as she continued to
peer at me. “You’re after more than sex.”

My dream from the night before crashed into my mind, reminding me of
what I’d realized upon waking. “I … I want someone else to take charge of my
life for a change.”


I forced myself to sit straighter and meet her stare. “I’m afraid if I
don’t learn how to let go, I’ll give up.”

Her fingernail stopped tapping.

“No.” I half-chuckled the word,
easing the penetration of her gaze. “I’m in the final stretch of my residency,
and I’m struggling with the decision I made to become a pediatrician.”

“I see.” Her puffed lips stretched out in what I guessed was a smile.
“Are you aware of the membership fee?”

“I am.”

“Cash only.”

Thanking God my parents lavished monetary gifts on me out of guilt for
not spending enough time with me as a kid, I dipped my head. “That won’t be a

She stood and moved behind the desk once more and pulled open a drawer.
“I have paperwork you’ll need to fill out—personal information as well as a
waiver. A full physical and blood work are required. Would you like a tour?”

I glanced at the closed office door hiding the small reception area
that revealed no hint of what lay behind the club’s closed, double doors beyond.
“No. I’d rather not go in there until I’m ready to kneel at his feet in such a
way he can’t say no.”

Her smile appeared again. “You’re a smart woman, but it’s an expensive
game you play.”

“It’s no game.” I lifted my chin and took the packet of papers from her
outstretched hand. “I always get what I want.”

Mistress Chantelle’s light laughter accompanied our walk to the door.
“I believe it.”

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