Chasing Down Secrets (10 page)

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Authors: Katie Matthews

BOOK: Chasing Down Secrets
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“Do you want me to?” This question takes me back. Why wouldn’t I want him to go look for Emmett? But why am I having a hard time saying yes?
“Don’t leave me,” I whisper then close my mouth with a pop. Did I really say that? Great, now how do I fix this? “I mean, don’t leave me here. Take me with you.”
“I already said it’s too dangerous.”
“I don’t care, I need to find him,” and I need to be with you. But I don’t say the last part out loud.
“But, I do care. No,” he says firmly.
“I don’t need your permission. I could find him by myself.” I challenge.
“Fine, you can come, but you should rest first. We’ll leave in a few hours, it looks like the sky is clearing.” I am unsure of why he says the sky is clearing, it looked like it was going to be cloudy all day until I look up at the sky and see the storm clouds have begun disappearing.
“But you were in such a rush,” I say sarcastically.
“Only because I didn’t want you seeing me, come on, you should get some sleep.” He says quietly placing a strong hand on the small of my back.
“But…” I start but am cut off by James.
“I won’t leave without you, I promise.” That is the end of our conversation as he leads me to a familiar cabin. It had been Emmett’s; I remember the day he brought me there.
“I’ll see you tonight, then.” I whisper before leaving him and walking into the cabin.
I scurry to the window and watch him walk away before I make my way over to the bed. It still smells like him. Although, I am comforted by the scent of Emmett, I still can’t fall asleep. So I crawl out of bed and male my way over to the wardrobe. I pull open the heavy wooden doors and find his clothes neatly folded on the floor of the wardrobe. I pick up a large light blue shirt and place it on the bed. Then I unbutton my tight green dress that fit me a few weeks ago and slide the shirt over my petite body. Finally I crawl back into the bed and close my eyes.
“James, wait up!” I cry playfully trying to catch up to the tall blonde.
“The point is for me
to get caught.” He laughs still running ahead.
“I don’t like this game!” I say pouting. James turns around and runs back to me.
“I know which is why I like it.” He grins triumphantly before placing a kiss on my still pouted lips. “I love you.” He whispers after we have parted.
“I love you, too.” I reply staring into his ice blue eyes.
The next thing I know we are on the ground, me on top of him. My head is on his chest listening to the sound of his heart. His arms are wrapped securely around my waist.
My eyes flutter open as I try to remember my dream clearly; surely it was not what I think. But the more I think about it the fuzzier the details become. I look out the window, it is dark, I slept through the day. Just then I hear a sharp rap on the door.
“Maria, are you up?” I hear James ask through the thick wood.
“Yes,” I call back, about ready to open the door when I remember I am in Emmett’s shirt. Quickly, I change back and open the door.
“Hi,” he whispers.
“Hi,” I say back feeling a little awkward after my dream.
“Are you ready?”
“Um, yes,” I reply as I stare at the ground.
“Oh, I noticed your dress is getting a bit snug and brought you this.” He says suddenly pulling out a deep blue silk gown that looks like it will go to my knees. It is long sleeve with a sweetheart neckline. It looks big.
“Thank you, I’ll just change into it quickly.” I mumble snatching the dress from his hand.
I am right, it is big. I let the cool silk slide down my body as it falls into place. I have a lot of room in it. I mean, a
, the person who had owned this dress before me must have been of the large and tall type because it goes down to mid shin. I zip up the back and head out to where James is waiting for me.
“So, where do we start?” I ask as I walk up behind him.
“Where did you see him last?” James asks not looking at me.
“It was right before I found you, a little ways back, I think.”
“That’s all you have?” His voice sounds angry.
“Well, what did you expect? I didn’t know where I was half of the time!” I shout.
“So, that’s all you know?”
“No, he told me that Faxon was making him hunt down Hitler so that he could kill him, but now that he’s dead I don’t know what’s going to happen to him.” I say quietly.
“We’ll find him before anything bad happens, I promise.” He finally looks at me and his eyes are filled with sympathy. I hate that look.
“What if we don’t?” My voice is barely audible, the words scratch their way out of my throat not wanting to be spoken.
“Don’t think about that now.”
Don’t think about that? That’s all I can think about, there is a great chance he is dead and it is my fault. I try to put it out of my mind but it is replaced with thoughts of the dream about James and I would rather worry about Emmett than think about James and me. No, no, there is no James and me. There is James and then there is me, that is it. I did not realize he started walking until he calls my name.
Suddenly, I am afraid. What am I doing going with James? Sure, it is to find Emmett but is that the only reason? And I am pregnant, this could be dangerous. Before I know it I have a whole list of reasons to back out. But I can’t. Emmett would do this for me. Sure, he wouldn’t kiss my best friend and then have a dream about my best friend but still he would find me.
“I’m coming!” I call before jogging up to James.
“I am still not sure if you coming is such a good idea.” He says.
“James, I am going with you. Nothing you can say will change my mind. If the roles were reversed Emmett would look for me so I am going to find him. I don’t care if you think it’s dangerous, I don’t care if he thinks it’s dangerous. I am going.” I say slowly, more to convince myself than him. He gives a slight nod and then turns his gaze away from me.
“Okay, then, let’s go.” I turn quietly and go off into the darkness praying he is still alive.


Table of Contents


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten:

Chapter Eleven:

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