Read Chasing Her Tail Online

Authors: Katie Allen

Chasing Her Tail (15 page)

BOOK: Chasing Her Tail
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“You feel so good,” he rasped. His mouth dropped to her nipple and Bridget’s brain stopped working altogether.

Hammer caught the stiff nub between his teeth, caressing the tip with his tongue.

The combination of hard and soft, pinch and stroke, drove Bridget over the edge. She was panting, making small, wild noises that she couldn’t believe were coming from her own throat. Unable to keep from touching him any longer, she dropped her hands to his head and clutched him to her.

He sucked at her nipple and she ground down on his finger, trying to force the digit deep into the hot depths of her body. When he wouldn’t cooperate but instead teased her, not allowing his finger to enter any farther, she reached down and grabbed his hand.

“Think you’re in charge here, do you?” Hammer raised his head and asked, his voice amused but with enough smoldering undertone that Bridget froze, her heart hammering with anticipation.

“No?” she said, annoyed with the way she let her voice go up at the end of the word.

“No,” he repeated, much more firmly than she’d said it.

“Sure?” With a tiny smile, she released his hand and trailed her fingers up his chest, enjoying the way his eyes darkened at her touch.

In answer, his hand lifted and then landed on her ass cheek in a stinging spank.

Bridget squeaked and jumped. Hammer’s other hand remained between her legs and a second finger joined the first inside her. A fresh rush of excited moisture soaked her pussy, easing his invasion. She wriggled, part of her feeling as if she should make an indignant protest against the spank but knowing it would be a halfhearted objection at best. Already she was arching her lower back, offering her ass for another smack.


Katie Allen

Hammer kneaded the cheek before complying. Her flesh heated under the sharp slap of his palm, multiplying the shocks of desire that rushed through her, burning beneath her skin as if her blood was on fire. She moaned, allowing her forehead to rest against his chest as her arms circled his waist. Her hands sought purchase on his slick, smoothly muscled back and she was tempted to dig in her nails, to close her teeth on his skin.

Shocked at her primitive thoughts, Bridget pulled back so she could look at him, to regain her humanity by connecting with Hammer. His face was a stone sculpture, drawn tight with need, bone and muscle standing starkly beneath the skin. She stared, amazed that she’d caused this reaction, forgetting her own desire for a moment when she saw his.

Then his hand connected with her ass cheek again and she closed her eyes, catching her breath as her lust for him returned in a rush. Her lips found the salty surface of his chest blindly and she kissed his skin, licking it when kisses weren’t enough. He must have made a noise because she felt his chest vibrate against her lips. Bridget pushed herself higher on her knees and found the juncture of his neck and shoulder with her mouth. Unable to resist, she closed her teeth on the hard muscle there.

With a growl, Hammer pulled his fingers free and seized her hips, lifting her body with almost frightening ease and then lowering her until she felt the blunt tip of his cock demanding entrance into her pussy. She clutched his wrists, desperately grateful that she’d finally be filled, but something didn’t seem right.

“Wait!” she gasped, her rational brain fighting through the fog of lust. “Condom!”

“Fuck,” Hammer swore. Lifting her off his straining erection, he twisted, dropping her onto the bed next to him on her back.

Her stomach clenched, afraid that he was done with her, that this crazily wonderful sex was over and now the questions would start, the police would be called, the psych exam would be given, her secret would be out and she’d spend the rest of her life locked up in a government lab somewhere, the subject of experiment after experiment—

Bridget’s train of thought was cut off before she could start hyperventilating as Hammer reached toward the bedside table and pulled open the drawer.

Is he getting a gun?
she wondered irrationally, and then felt like a hysterical idiot when the silver foil of a condom wrapper caught the moonlight. Immediately her thoughts turned carnal again and she turned onto her side, reaching for the small packet.

“No.” Hammer held it up where she couldn’t grab it. “You touch me and I’m done.

Keep those greedy little fingers to yourself.”

Pouting, Bridget watched as he rolled the latex over his straining cock. She swallowed, her sulk forgotten, her eyes fixed hungrily on him. There was so much she wanted to do to that stiff, gorgeous cock—lick it, suck it, run her hands over the length to feel the heat of it, strip off the condom and taste the head, shiny with wetness.



“Later,” he promised and her eyes flew to his. Judging from the burn of his gaze, Bridget figured her thoughts must be written on her face. Dropping her eyes, she flushed, reality and embarrassment nudging their way into her haze of desire. She’d never acted this way before. What was she thinking?

“Hey,” his voice was gentle as he rolled toward her. “Don’t get all shy on me now, wild thing.”

That reminded Bridget of her savage behavior, the way she’d closed her teeth on his shoulder. With a gentle finger, she touched the faint marks she’d left in his skin. A fine shiver ran through him and she met his gaze, surprised to see he was smiling.

“Yeah, that really set me off,” he admitted, tucking a strand of Bridget’s hair behind her ear. “I’d apologize for spanking you but you seem to like it a little rough.”

Her face heated again and she ducked her head, hiding a smile. “I’m not usually this way,” she told him, staring at his chest again. “I never thought…I mean, I didn’t expect…” She trailed off again, redder than ever.

Hammer put his mouth right by her ear. “You didn’t expect you’d get so turned on by my hand smacking your ass.”

She met his eyes again. “Yes.”

Just like that, his face was transformed. His eyes glowed darkly and his jaw tightened, his smile disappearing as lust changed his face into a mask. Just looking at him, seeing what she’d caused, brought back all the mindless desire from before, dissolving everything inside her in a hot, wet rush of excitement.

“Hammer,” she said, begging him with that one word.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he said, leaning down to kiss her. Once his mouth met hers, Bridget was lost.

Oh who am I kidding
? she admitted to herself.
I was lost the minute I saw his gorgeous
ass running through the rain.

Clutching his head with both hands, she pulled him into a harder kiss. Bridget felt like she couldn’t get close enough, that any space between them was too much.

Hammer rolled on top of her, allowing just enough of his weight to press down for Bridget to feel every hard curve and angle of his body.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as she nipped at his lower lip, loving the way he growled before punishing her with a deep, hard kiss. Unable to stay still beneath him, she wiggled and twisted until he trapped her under his body, catching her hands in his and holding them captive above her head.

Bridget liked that. Being restrained, forced into compliance, quickened her breaths to shallow pants. She struggled a little harder, testing the limits of his hold. The way he stilled her so easily made her whimper and grind against his stomach.

“We’ll play like this,” Hammer told her, sounding just as breathless as she felt, “but if you say stop, I stop. Got it?”


Katie Allen

“Yes.” She didn’t ever want to stop. She wanted this—his weight on her, warm and heavy, his hard cock against her thigh, his lips and tongue dominating her mouth—and she didn’t ever want it to end.

“If you ever decide to visit me again, mystery girl, we’ll have to try tying you up.”

Still holding her arms against the mattress, Hammer bent his head to flick her earlobe with his tongue.

The image that flashed through her brain of her roped to the bed, coupled with the damp caress, almost brought her off the mattress. She cried out, a desperate, needy sound, and he soothed her with tiny bites and kisses along her jawline.


“Yes, baby?”

“If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to kill you.” At that moment, Bridget meant it.

With a choked laugh, Hammer released her arms and shifted his body so the tip of his cock nudged into her pussy.

“I’ll fuck you now, since you probably
kill me if I didn’t,” he growled into her ear, sliding another hard inch inside her. “But I’ll punish you for your bossiness later.”

Bridget cried out, his threat sending a thrill of anticipation through her as he thrust inside, stretching her as he filled her. His arms were braced by her head and he lowered his own to kiss her. Her legs tightened around him as she arched into the kiss, his tongue imitating the small strokes of his cock.

Each time he drove his erection inside her, her body gripped it, clung until he withdrew and plunged again. He thrust once more, driving the final inch of his length into her welcoming pussy and she came, convulsing around the rigid cock buried in the wet heat of her body.

Her orgasm seemed to go on and on, Hammer tossing her back into pleasure with each thrust, the friction driving her higher until she was screaming his name, her fingernails digging into the ridges of muscle bordering his spine. With a snarl, he seized her hands and pinned them against the mattress next to her head, holding her down as he drove into her.

Bridget thrust her hips up to meet him, glorying in the wildness of their mating, the raw savagery. When he pulled out she reared up, fighting the loss of his thick cock. He released her but only to flip her over so fast the room spun around her.

Lying on her stomach, Bridget gripped handfuls of the top sheet as Hammer caught her hips, pulling them up so her ass was in the air like an offering. For a moment, she wondered whether he was going to follow through on the threatened spanking but then she felt the slide of his sheathed cock, slippery from her own body, brush her inner thigh.

She widened her stance and arched her back, her body begging for the reentry of his hot erection, but he teased her, using the blunt end of his cock to bump her clit. Even 80


so soon after her first orgasm she was hungry for more of him. With a disgruntled sound, she pushed back against him, trying to force him inside.

He held her still with one hand on her hip as his cock rubbed against her clit again, drawing moisture from her too-empty pussy.

“Please!” she begged, her voice raw with need.

Instead of answering, Hammer continued to play, tracing the edges of her labia with a finger while still tormenting her clit with his slick cock. His fingertip slid up toward her rear entrance and she stilled, holding her breath. Bridget had never allowed even a finger in her ass before but she knew she wanted this. Badly.

“Okay?” Hammer asked. He must have felt her stiffen.

She nodded, her cheek slipping against the cool sheet.

“Can’t hear you,” he said, his finger moving away from its target and drawing an invisible pattern on her ass cheek.

“It’s okay,” she whispered, now desperate for the penetration of her tight and virgin hole.

“Sure?” His finger returned, tracing circles around her anus.

“Yes!” she begged. “Please!”

When his finger plunged into the wet depths of her pussy, Bridget thought she’d have to beg again but he was trailing his now-slick digit toward her clenching back opening. He teased it, circling and running his finger back and forth over her entrance until it relaxed enough for him to slip his fingertip inside. She caught her breath at the alien sensation. Once he’d gained entry, Hammer pushed inside until his finger was buried to the hilt.

“Oh,” she moaned, clenching around the intruder.

“‘Oh’ good or ‘oh’ bad?” he asked, twisting his finger and making her jump.

“Good,” she answered tentatively and then pushed her hips toward his hand. A different kind of heat was spreading from her ass to her pussy, but it was absolutely a pleasurable sensation. “Definitely good.”

“Good,” he rumbled, sliding his finger in and out of her ass. With each pass it felt better and better and Bridget began thrusting her hips in rhythm with the movement of his finger.

Another digit joined the first, pushing in together and stretching her tight hole. She welcomed the slight burn of their entry, the way the tiny bit of pain spread into the pleasure, widening it until her whole body was flooded.

With all her focus on the entrance to her ass, Bridget had almost forgotten about the cock pressed, hard and urgent, against her clit. When he pushed the head of his erection into her pussy at the same time his fingers plunged deep into her ass, she cried out, the double penetration overwhelming.

Hammer paused but she recovered quickly from the initial surprise and shoved her hips toward him, wanting to be filled front and back, to get the full effect of these new 81

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sensations. With a growl of satisfaction, he complied, plunging his cock deep inside her as his fingers pressed into her ass.

When she cried out this time, it was in ecstasy. He pulled out and drove in, filling her both front and back as she sobbed and bucked under his invasion. His fingers and cock filled her once more and she came hard, screaming his name.

Her body clamped around the intruders, gripping them, fighting to keep him inside her. Hammer’s thrusts became erratic, coming faster and harder until he exploded.

She melted beneath him, feeling only a slight twinge as he withdrew his fingers. His weight was boneless now and the heavy warmth was as much a pleasure in its own right as what came before. Too soon, Hammer stirred, pulling out and turning on his side next to her. Regret slid over her at his withdrawal. She knew she couldn’t stay in human form all night but that didn’t mean she couldn’t wish for it.

Self-consciousness set in as he watched her, his eyes too alert for a recently satiated male.

BOOK: Chasing Her Tail
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