Chasing the Storm (7 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Chasing the Storm
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A coldness filled her as she recalled never being able to do anything in that house for fear of breaking some vase or knocking something over. She shook her head slightly. It would work, she wasn’t about to go running through a house now.
Supposedly I’ve grown up and therefore won’t be a danger to all these items, which look very expensive, or priceless.
How did the children here handle it?

“You’re awfully quiet,” Cale remarked as they walked up the curved stairs to the second floor.

“This place is huge. Do you ever get lost?”

“I did when I first arrived. Don’t worry, it’s not that bad. Plus, there are always kids around you can ask.”

“Kids?” Okay, she had been beginning to wonder if the young ones were in a different building.

Cale nodded as they continued to another set of stairs onto the third floor. “He takes in troubled kids. Didn’t I tell you that?”

“You said there were children, but I didn’t know the place was like this at the time.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“I wasn’t allowed to do anything inside for fear of knocking something over and breaking it. And my grandmother’s place looks poor compared to this. He’s okay with them all running? What about his wife?”

Cale sobered. “His wife is no longer here, she passed a while ago. I never had the opportunity to meet her.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.”

He brightened again. “They’re kids. Accidents will happen. Not a lot of playing inside, though. There are plenty of acres around the house, stables for riding and so much more.”

Sounded like Heaven.

“Here you go.” He pushed open the door and allowed her to step through first.

Taylor stared in pleasure at what awaited her. Soft colours on the walls created a soothing feel. The queen-sized bed was piled high with pillows, the pastel green blending with ease to the other colours. The furniture itself was a dark gold hue. The window overlooked rolling hills and she even had a small balcony with a chaise longue on it.

“Beautiful,” she said on a sigh. “Thank you.”

He turned her towards him and tipped her chin up. The look in his eyes should have told her what was coming, but it still shook her anyway. His lips brushed against hers and she inhaled sharply as his tongue slipped along the seam of her mouth. Wanting what he had to offer and more, she opened beneath the slight touch.

Need hit her. Hard. She wound her arms around his neck and arched into him. Craving more contact with him, she pressed as close as she could get. He swallowed her moan as he lifted her and encouraged her to wrap her legs around his waist. Rocking against his hardness, she tried desperately to control the raging hormones coursing through her.

It didn’t work—even her blood cried out for him. In and out he thrust his tongue, driving her closer to the precipice she desperately wanted to fall from. Suddenly he stopped and tore his mouth from hers.

Swiping her tongue along her lips to capture all his taste, she unhooked her legs from his waist. She held his gaze and didn’t understand why he had ended the exchange between them. Perhaps things were different now that they were here.

In his eyes she could read his hunger and that appeased her a bit. He did want her, at least.

“There are clothes in the closet for you to wear. Your bathroom is over there as well.” His words came out deep and raspy. Gravelled.

Before she could say anything else, he whirled around and left her alone in the room. The slamming of the door jolted her, making her aware of the fact what they’d been doing hadn’t been behind a closed door.

Body humming with a mix of frustrated desire and exhaustion, she showered then dressed in some clothing she found. Then she lay down on the mattress and moaned. After living how she had been, this bed was akin to Heaven. She closed her eyes, thinking of how it would be once Cale was in it with her.

Chapter Five




Cale practically kicked open the door to the room they gathered in for planning.
Danger room.
Taylor’s words popped in his head. A slight smile graced his lips momentarily before he wiped it clear.

“What was the smile for? You seemed like you wanted to kill me when I called you.” Billy smacked him on the shoulder as he passed by and took his typical seat.

“Just thinking about Taylor thinking we’re like the X-Men. She’d probably think of this as part of the Danger Room.” He sat. “And yes, I did want to kill you for calling me. Still do.”

It had been hell letting her out of his arms. He really should have told them he’d be there in ten and ripped her clothes off. Taken her against the wall. The door. Anywhere, just so long as he was allowed to be buried deep inside her.

His cock throbbed and he shifted in the seat, searching for a more comfortable position. It wasn’t easy to find one.

“So, what’s the urgency?” he asked, wanting to get back to Taylor.

Tiarnán and Lian entered the room seconds later. Cale stared at the oldest Guardian. No smile on his face—Tiarnán didn’t have much of a sense of humour. His thick black hair hung free around his shoulders and he had dressed in his typical attire of jeans, cowboy boots and a plain white shirt. His loose-limbed gait had a way of throwing off his opponents. The man was the fiercest warrior of them all, although Dracen was a close second.

“Good to see you.” Tiarnán sat after his welcome.

“You too, man.” He directed his attention back to Lian, who took his seat at the head of the table.

“I am sorry, Cale, for pulling you from your guest. I need everyone to be extra vigilant.”

His tattoo moved, rippling along his skin. The flare of power in the room suggested the others’ had as well.

“What’s going on?” he asked, suddenly alert.

“I’ve seen marks around the property which lead back to those who want our destruction. So they are starting to creep closer.”

“Is this because of me finding the artefact? And Taylor?”

Lian shook his head. “I can’t answer that. Sometimes they know before we do. All we can do is prepare the best we can and be ready.”

Cale didn’t like that answer. Crossing his arms, he asked, “Where are the others?”

“Aminta got called back to service. Roz is gone for a while as well. Dracen is out picking up three more children who will be staying here,” Billy said.

He nodded. “Taylor doesn’t believe what I’ve told her. Hell, she doesn’t believe what she’s seeing with her own eyes.”

Lian stared at him. “She will come to terms with it when she’s ready. She has been through a lot lately, being on the run from those she should be able to trust. Give her some time.”

“We don’t have time if they’re sniffing about,” Cale bit off.

Lian lifted his brows and gave him a look he’d not seen since he’d first got here. Immediately he snapped his mouth shut.

“If she isn’t ready, it won’t matter anyway. You need to learn patience, Cale Mattox. You are always going, never slowing down. Learn what it is to do nothing and allow what you seek to come to you.”

What the hell does that mean?
Instead of voicing his question aloud, he nodded.

Lian continued to talk, and Cale focused the best he could. Honestly though, he was having a hard time. All he could see was Taylor and that pale green bedspread. How would she look sprawled naked upon it for him to enjoy? He would start at one end and work his way to the other, turn her over and work back. Then start all over again.

“Pay attention.”

Damn it. His cock was painfully hard and he’d lost the conversation. “Can this wait until Taylor is here? I think she should hear it as well.”

Lian narrowed his gaze slightly. “Why is that?”

“This has as much to do with her as it does any of us. Why would I want to keep her in the dark on it?”

“You care greatly for this woman.”

Staring at the man who’d taken him in and given him a home, he shrugged. “I respect her and what she’s gone through. She’s smart and determined. Good traits. She is one of the strongest people I’ve met. Having gone from a pampered life to running for her life and making it. Through it all, she keeps her sense of humour.”

The three of them stared at him, waiting for him to admit it. He knew that. They knew he knew that.

“Yes,” he conceded. “I care for her.” He didn’t want to give them everything they wanted.

Billy grinned. “Glad to hear it. I think this woman is going to give you a run for your money, bro.”


“She’s not going to buy into your little adventurous travel dude attitude you like to have. No more picking up and running off to the slopes or beach now.”

He snorted and rolled his eyes. Cale was the youngest of the male Chosen and they loved to pick on him. He didn’t want to admit that Billy was right and he would have to curb that behaviour. Unless he could convince her to go with him.

No, it wouldn’t do to have her in trouble. And if she went out with that pendant on, it would act like a homing beacon to the other side. There would not only be demons and the like, but also members of The New Order hunting them down.

And he was not going to put her in harm’s way. Rocking back in his chair, he glared at Billy. “Plenty to do here.”

“I’m sure. But you have to leave the bedroom at some point.”

He flipped Billy off and turned his back on him. It did him good to see a slight grin playing on Tiarnán’s lips. Even Lian had a smile, but Cale could detect the sadness in his.

“Back to business,” Tiarnán said, picking up a remote and turning on the screen along the back wall.


* * * *


Sore and tired, Cale made his way up to his room. Normally he could hold his own, but today had been all about getting his ass kicked. Tiarnán hadn’t had any sympathy for him either. In fact, if anything, he’d seemed to push him harder.

After training, they’d gone to see the new weapons that had been made, and Cale had to admit, he’d liked that part. He’d picked out a few he would try next time. He fought another yawn and rubbed his eyes.

A shower. That will help.

Pushing open the door, he stripped as he walked across the room, making a beeline to the shower. He didn’t linger too long—the water didn’t revive him as he’d hoped it would. After he’d finished, he stepped from the walk-in and wrapped a towel around his waist once he’d used it to blot the majority of water from his skin.

He yawned again and walked back out to the bedroom where he paused. Taylor lay on the bed, sound asleep.

How’d she get into my room?

It took him a few moments for the reality of what faced him to sink in. She wasn’t in his room,
was in
He took in the pale green covers and realised he’d come straight here following training.

Glancing down, he blinked a couple of times at the pastel pink towel that hung low on his hips.
Not really my colour.
He flicked his gaze between himself and where she lay curled up on her left side, facing away from the door. It was as if she’d fallen asleep in the act of crawling into bed, too tired to even pull the comforter and sheet over her.

The sun, which streamed in through the window, glinted off her hair and skin. Her hands rested beneath her chin as she slept. Cale took another glance around the room then approached the bed. He slipped in behind her and covered them with the blankets.

Moving slowly, he spooned her, one arm draped around her midsection. She never stirred and he couldn’t sense any difference in her breathing that would indicate she’d woken but was trying to pretend otherwise. Her soft hair brushed the underside of his chin and he took a deep breath, inhaling the gentle scent that wafted from her. Then he closed his eyes.


Someone was in bed with her. Taylor alternated between panic and more panic. Mostly because for some reason, the person with her brought her a sense of calm and comfort. Along with arousal.


After she’d calmed herself down a bit and thought about it, she realised who it was.
What is he doing in my bed? Perhaps we were expected to share a room and bed.
That hadn’t been cleared with her, but then, hey, not much of this most recent stuff had. Her belly, tight with nerves, kept encouraging her to bolt and go somewhere else. Anywhere. Get away from him. Keep a distance, for he could only hurt her. A sentiment her brain agreed completely with.

Her heart was another story entirely. She closed her eyes, blocking out the view out the window.
Am I seriously thinking there is, or could be, something with me and this man? I can’t be that foolish.

Apparently she was, for her heart wanted to trust and believe in him. He’d kept her safe, saved her, and right this very moment was holding her as if she were precious to him. At least that was what she felt with his arms around her, as they were currently.

It’s official. I can’t trust myself. It’s merely me being grateful for him helping me. I don’t know him enough to have any kind of feelings for him.

Someone knocked on the door and she wanted to hide under the bed.
Oh, my God. What are they going to think if they find him here in bed with me?

The knock came again. She didn’t move. Perhaps they would just go away. Did her luck hold out like that? Of course not. Cale stirred and climbed from bed, mattress dipping as he left. Everything in her wanted to turn and watch him walk to the door, but she remained facing the window.

“Yeah?” His voice was deep and sleep-roughened.

The nerves in her belly were of a different kind now. Taylor tightened her legs and did her best to ignore the longing moving through her. She couldn’t act like a slut. There was too much at stake.

“Oh,” a woman said. “I didn’t mean to…interrupt. I came to see if Taylor would like to go shopping for some clothing. I know she didn’t have time to get a lot of her things.”

More like no time to get any of my things. Not that I had much, but still.

“I’m sure she’d like that. I’ll send her down to meet you.”

“Great. Good to see you back, Cale.”

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