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Authors: Eric Jerome Dickey

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Cheaters
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More Praise for

“This is a book about dawgs. Not dogs, but d-a-w-g-s. Cheatin’, lyin’, no good, no-’count, dirty lowdown mendawgs and womendawgs…. You can’t read
without becoming an active participant. You easily find yourself turning a page, shaking your head, and tsk-tsking.”

Los Angeles Times

“Modern dating has become a world in which individuals play games to keep the upper hand. Eric Jerome Dickey explores these mores with verve…enough to make characters sing with realism.”

USA Today

“Wonderfully written…. Each character’s voice [is] smooth, unique and genuine…. More than just a good beach read.”

Washington Post Book World

“Dickey’s prose is poetic and sings with fluency.”

Detroit Free Press

“Captivating…plenty of sin, sex, and steam.

Durham Herald-Sun

“A deftly crafted tale about the games people play and the lies they tell on their search for love.”


“A generous helping of humor and a distinctly male viewpoint.”

Atlanta Journal and Constitution

“This is the most’ ambitious novel of the bestselling author of
Milk in My Coffee
, and it truly showcases an African-American male voice in a genre dominated by women.”


“Dickey’s fourth novel easily fulfills the expectations created by his earlier work and introduces a fresh sobriety to his talent for dialogue and character…smoothly done…a thoughtful step forward for its author, Dickey’s story depicts love as a world of hurt broken up by the hesitant joys available—here and there—to the experienced heart.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Sprinkles raw, street-savvy humor on almost every page.”

Publishers Weekly


Praise for
Milk in My Coffee…

“Dickey fills his novel with twists and turns that keep the reader guessing…. Along the way, he smashes one stereotype after another.”

USA Today

“A fresh romance…heartwarming and hilarious.”

Cincinnati Enquirer

“Frothy and fun…Dickey scores with characters who come to feel like old friends…smart and believable. After the last page is turned you’ll still have plenty to savor.”


“His characters are people we have seen walking down the street, at church, or at the family picnic…. Plain old good reading.”


“Dickey demonstrates once again…his cheerful, wittily acerbic eye for the troubles that plague lovers.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Controversial and sensitive.”

Today’s Black Woman


Boston Herald

“Juicy…a carefully woven tapestry of vibrant characters and turbulent situations that will have you hooked.”

, Orlando, FL

“Engrossing, entertaining…the surprising twists and turns bring a good novel to a very satisfying conclusion.”



Praise for
Friends and Lovers…

“Recommended…Dickey uses humor, poignancy and a fresh, creative writing style…connects the story line to believable real-life issues…. The reader is hooked from the first sentence.”

USA Today

“A colorful, sexy tale…. Here are the men that Terry McMillan’s women were holding out for in
Waiting to Exhale.

Marie Claire

“What distinguishes Dickey from the pack is his hip prose, which crackles with wit and all the rhythm of an intoxicatingly funky rap. Dickey has an eye for detail…. A fun read.”

Cincinnati Enquirer

“The language sings…it flows…fluid as a rap song. Dickey can stand alone among modern novelists in capturing the flavor, rhythm and pace of Africa-America-speak. Sassy and hip.”


“[A] sexy, sophisticated portrayal of hip, black L.A…. Engaging, dynamic, skillful.”

Publishers Weekly

“Dickey has done a remarkable job of being not only perceptive, but also witty and moving in his portrayal of relationships.”


“Speaks directly to the heart…bittersweet, honest, and souful.”

Dallas Weekly


Praise for
Sister, Sister…

“Dickey imagines [his characters] with affection and sympathy…. His novel achieves genuine emotional depth.”

Boston Globe

“Vibrant…marks the debut of a true talent.”

Atlanta Journal & Constitution

“A hip, sexy, wisecracking tale.”

New York Beacon

“Bold and sassy…brims with humor, outrageousness and…affection.”

Publishers Weekly

“Dickey is able both to create believable female characters and to explore the ‘sister-sister’ relationship with genuine insight.”


“A good summer read you won’t be able to put down…. Depicts a hard-edged reality in which women sometimes have their dreams shattered, yet never stop embracing tomorrow.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“Spirited, successful…. Dickey is a witty observant cousin to such writers as Terry McMillan and Connie Briscoe.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Will captivate your fancy…an engaging read.”

Cincinnati Herald

“One of the most intuitive and hilarious voices in African-American fiction.”

St. Louis American

“There’s a little sumthin’, sumthin’ in this book we can all relate to. Buy the novel, read it. Relate. Relax. Release.”

Crusader Urban News

Other Books by Eric Jerome Dickey

Between Lovers

Liar’s Game


Milk in My Coffee

Friends and Lovers

Sister, Sister





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Published by Signet, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a Dutton edition.

First Signet Printing, June 2000

Copyright © Eric Jerome Dickey, 1999

Excerpt from
Between Lovers
copyright © Eric Jerome Dickey, 2001

All rights reserved

ISBN: 978-1-101-20915-8


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love you always
thanks for picking me up
when others wanted to put me down
all you’ve ever asked
was for your family to be happy
and to stop borrowing money

your grandson


(now loan me a dollar please?)

Table of Contents

Part One: Borrowed Nectar

1 Stephan

2 Chanté

3 Darnell

4 Stephan

5 Chanté

6 Stephan

7 Stephan

8 Darnell

9 Chanté

Part Two: Long Day in the Desert Sun

10 Stephan

11 Chanté

12 Stephan

13 Chanté

14 Stephan

15 Chanté

16 Darnell

17 Chanté

18 Darnell

19 Stephan

20 Darnell

21 Darnell

22 Chanté

23 Chanté

24 Darnell

25 Stephan

26 Chanté

27 Stephan

28 Darnell

29 Chanté

30 Stephan

31 Darnell

32 Stephan

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