Chef Maurice and the Wrath of Grapes (Chef Maurice Culinary Mysteries Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Chef Maurice and the Wrath of Grapes (Chef Maurice Culinary Mysteries Book 2)
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It was the second official meeting of the Cochon Rouge Wine Appreciation Society. Their numbers had been augmented this evening by the presence of PC Lucy, holding Patrick’s hand under the table, and Agent Mack.

The FBI agent was sat between Chef Maurice and Arthur, due to the fact that Alf was still refusing to be within a one-foot radius of him, and Patrick surreptitiously manoeuvring his newly acquired girlfriend into a seat where she only had a partial view of Agent Mack’s chiselled jawline.

In honour of the upcoming festive period, they opened proceedings with a round of big glasses of mulled wine, made by Alf to Chef Maurice’s special recipe.

“This is very, very good,” said Arthur, nodding at Alf. “Even better than usual. What wine are you using as the base nowadays?”

“I thought people might ask. Tada!” Alf pulled a great big bottle up from under the table. It was a jeroboam, four times the size of a normal wine bottle. The label was smudged and discoloured, but still managed to proclaim itself to be the ’66 vintage from one of Burgundy’s most esteemed vineyards.

“Don’t worry,” added Alf, as he saw their faces. “I was watching Mr Mack down in our cellar earlier”—despite his terror of the FBI agent, Alf had been gagging to see a real federal wine inspection in action—“when he was going through the wines Sir William left here, and he said this one was definitely a fake.”

The table turned to Agent Mack.

“I thought I said it was most likely a fake . . . ” he hedged.

“How likely a fake?” asked Chef Maurice. Everyone held their breath. They all knew Sir William had bequeathed the chef the entire contents of that particular wine rack.

Agent Mack appeared to consider his chances. “Definitely. Hundred percent a fake. But, to help with the case, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll take that bottle with me . . . ”

He prised the giant bottle out of Alf’s white-knuckled grip.

Chef Maurice stared reflectively at his glass. “
. Wine is, after all, made to be drunk.” He downed the glass’s contents.

They all agreed afterwards it was the best mulled wine they’d ever tasted.

About the Author

J.A. Lang is a British mystery author. She lives in Oxford, England, with her husband, an excessive number of cookbooks, and a sourdough starter named Bob.

Also by J.A. Lang

Chef Maurice and a Spot of Truffle (Book 1)

Chef Maurice and the Bunny-Boiler Bake Off (Book 3)

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Copyright © J.A. Lang 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of both the copyright holder and the publisher.

J.A. Lang has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

Published by Purple Panda Press

ISBN 978-1-910679-06-7

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