Cherished (Intergalactic Loyalties) (5 page)

Read Cherished (Intergalactic Loyalties) Online

Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Tags: #BIN 07023-02262

BOOK: Cherished (Intergalactic Loyalties)
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He placed his hands behind his head to keep from reaching for her and bit his tongue to keep from crying out as her hands and lips explored his body. Being royal his nipples were pierced as a sign of his station, and she seemed to enjoy playing with the silver hoops. As she slid down his body to rest between his spread thighs, his breath caught in his throat. What was she up to now?

Her tongue stroked the length of his cock and he nearly came off the bed from both surprise and intense pleasure. When she sucked the head into her mouth, his world tilted. Her mouth felt hot and silky. He didn’t know how she managed it, but she curled her tongue around his shaft, then sucked long and hard as she pulled back, nearly freeing him from her mouth, before swallowing him down again.

His body tensed as he fought the climax that was building within him. It felt so incredible he never wanted her to stop, but he didn’t want to come in her mouth. He wanted to be inside of her, desperately. But… maybe not just yet. As her wicked tongue flicked its way around his cock, licking, stroking, teasing, he fought the urge to move.

She stopped and looked up at him in concern. “Are you not enjoying this? You’re stiff as a board, and I don’t mean your cock.”

“If I move, I’m going to fuck that delightful mouth of yours, and I’d much rather be inside of you. I’m hanging on by a thread, princess. As delightful as that is, would you mind if we did something else?”

She crawled up his body, stopping with her pussy hovering over his cock. She grasped him and gently lowered herself on his length. He nearly bit his tongue in half as colors burst behind his eyelids and every nerve in his body came to attention, feeling as if he had an electrical current running through him. She felt so perfect, so right. Perhaps a little too incredible. He was worried that he’d come if she moved. Her pussy was tight and wet and felt like paradise.

Lucie lifted her hips, then slid down his shaft again, drawing a moan from him. She began moving faster, harder. He gripped her hips and thrust in time with her, filling her completely. He didn’t think it was possible, but she became hotter and wetter, and then she cried out and he felt her pussy gush around his cock as she came. He thrust into her three more times before allowing himself to follow her, coming inside of her.

She collapsed on his chest, breathing hard. Even though he’d come harder than ever before, his cock hadn’t softened and was still ready to go, but time was not in his favor. Rolling to his side, he kept her wrapped in his arms, their bodies still joined. If it weren’t for that damn tracker, they could lie like this for hours, just enjoying one another’s company.

“My sweet, we need to bathe and change. As much as I want to stay here with you in my arms the rest of the day, it would be best if we removed that tracker.”

She nodded and pulled away. “Will we both fit in the cleansing unit together?”

“You may be small, but I think it would still be a tight fit. Best to go in alone for now.”

He got out of bed and guided her across the room, helping her into the cleansing unit in the bathing chamber. She was cleaned and dried in a matter of minutes, but what was she going to wear? The pants the Tourmalane women wore would fit her because they stretched, but the top… He had an idea.

Guiding her back into the bedroom, he handed her the pants he’d packed, on the off chance he found his mate. Then he dug through his drawer and pulled out a pale blue shirt, then helped her into it. He smiled when he realized she could easily wear it as a dress, as it fell past her knees, but he liked seeing his clothing on her.

“I look ridiculous, don’t I?” she asked.

“No, my sweet. You look adorable. Give me just a few minutes to get cleaned and changed and then we’ll transport to the other vessel.”

He smoothed his hand down her hair before leaving her. The sooner they got this out of the way the better.

Chapter Three


Lucie sat on the edge of the bed as she waited for Dryxel. She was more than a little nervous about having the tracker removed, but she knew it was necessary. The Tarnans wouldn’t leave them in peace until it was gone. She doubted they wanted her badly enough to follow them all the way to Tourmalane. At least, she hoped they didn’t. Having a ship full of women, she’d think they would want to return to their home planet as quickly as possible. Was one woman really such a big loss to them? It wasn’t like they couldn’t capture or buy more.

Dryxel stepped into the bedroom and her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t see him clearly, but she could feel him. The air was charged when he was present and she felt drawn to his side, like a moth to a flame. She definitely had a weakness for this large Tourmalane warrior prince. She still didn’t understand why someone like Dryxel would want a nobody, a blind nobody, like her. Whatever it was that pulled him to her side, she was grateful for it. When she was with him, everything clicked into place. It was as if she’d found the one place she belonged.

He dressed quickly, donning black pants and a shirt so light a blue that it was nearly white. He held his hand out to her and she went to him willingly, needing to feel his heat. If he never let her go, it would be too soon. Stupid tracker! If it weren’t for the device in her hip, they could still be in bed, lying in one another’s arms, or making mad passionate love to each other again. She voted for the second option.

“Come, sweet. Let’s get the tracker removed so we can go home.”

“Won’t they just come to Tourmalane to get me? They have to know where we’re going.”

“No. They would have to go home and get reinforcements to attack us on our home planet, and it’s doubtful they will go to so much trouble for one female. Even one as delectable as you.”

She smiled, wrapping her arms around him. “Is there any way we could just beat them home, without removing the tracker?”

He rubbed her back lightly. “It’s doubtful. If you’re scared about having the chip removed, we could try it. I don’t like taking a chance with your safety, but I don’t want you to be frightened either.”

“The only thing that scares me right now is losing you, Dryxel. I’d die if they took me away.”

“No,” he said harshly. “You’d be brave and patient while you waited for me to me to come for you. And I would, as soon as possible. No matter who has you or where you’re taken I will always come for you.”

“Let’s remove the tracker,” she said, hoping she sounded braver than she felt. She hadn’t lied, she was far more terrified of losing Dryxel than anything else, but she didn’t exactly enjoy pain either, and she knew it would hurt to remove the tracker.

He lifted her into his arms and carried out of their room and down the various halls to the transport chamber. A Tourmalane warrior waited for them. Once they were secure inside the chamber, the warrior sent them through to the other ship. Two more warriors were waiting for them when they arrived. Being surrounded by so many large men had made her feel a little nervous when it was the Tarnans who had her, but with the Tourmalanes she just felt a sense of peace, of rightness. Like she’d come home.

Dryxel carried her to the med bay and deposited her on a table surrounded by two-foot tall glass walls. He picked up something long and slender, pulled her shirt up to her breasts, and placed the object against her hip. She felt a slight sting and realized he’d given her an injection, probably for the pain. He picked up something else, roughly the size of a knife, and she tensed.

He rubbed her side in long soothing strokes. “If I could take your pain into my own body, I would. If there was any other way, you know I’d choose a different path. We weren’t expecting trouble on this trip, so we don’t have a fully equipped med bay.”

“Just do it. Get it over with.”

He placed the blade against her skin and she couldn’t hold back the scream that built in her throat as it sliced through layers of her skin. She felt him pulling and probing, felt the blood run down her stomach and back, and fought the urge to pass out. She wouldn’t be weak!

He let out what sounded like a curse. “Their technology has improved since I last saw it. The tracker has attached itself to your tissues inside. I can’t remove it without slicing it out of you, and I need a full service medical station for that.”

“Meaning what?”

“It can’t be removed until we reach Tourmalane. I put you through this pain for nothing.”

She unclenched her fingers and placed her hand over his. “Not for nothing. You’re trying to save me. I understand that, Dryxel. We’ll just have to hurry home and hope the Tarnans don’t reach us first.”

“I like it when you call Tourmalane your home,” he said with a smile in his voice. “Let me seal the wound and give you a little extra something for the pain, then I’ll return you to the other ship and our room.”

Dryxel worked quickly, gave her another injection, and then offered her something bitter to drink. She made a face after her first swallow, but he urged her to finish it, claiming it would help with the pain. She downed the rest of the contents. As she stood, the room spun and she felt her knees grow weak.

“What’s wrong with me?”

He lifted her into his arms. “Nothing, my princess. I merely gave you a sleeping draught so you would rest while your body finished healing. When you wake, there will be no more pain.”

“You drugged me,” she accused.

“Only out of necessity. You’ll sleep a few hours then be good as new. Your side might be a little sore for a few days, but otherwise you won’t be able to tell the skin was ever opened. There won’t be even the hint of a scar.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but darkness descended and her head dropped to Dryxel’s broad chest.


Something didn’t feel right. There was a disturbance in the air, a presence that felt out of place. Lucie slowly opened her eyes, seeing nothing but a dark room. Everything was still and quiet. Then there was a rustling beside her and she scrambled up against the wall. What was that? “Who’s there?” she asked. “Dryxel? You’re scaring me.”

“Don’t be frightened, Lucie. I’m here to rescue you,” said a familiar, calm voice.

“Cael?” She squinted into the darkness, unable to make out any shapes. What was he doing here? How had he gotten here?

She felt the bed dip, then his hand was sliding up her leg to rest on her hip. Surprisingly, there was very little pain left. It seemed Dryxel had been right to drug her, even if she hadn’t liked it at the time. Where was he? Did he know Cael was on board?

“You don’t have to be frightened any longer, Lucie. I’m going to take care of you, just like I always do.”

She frowned. “I don’t understand, Cael. I’m not frightened. I just don’t know why you’re here.”

“I’m taking you back to the Lynten 12. You’re safe now.”

“Safe? But --”

He placed a hand over her mouth. “The less we talk, the better our chances of escape. I don’t want to do this, but the Tarnans told me the Tourmalane had brainwashed you, entranced you somehow. You know I’d never hurt you.”

Hurt her? What was he talking about? Then she felt it, the telltale prick of a needle. The world spun and she found herself sinking into the bed once more. She felt Cael wrap his arms around her and lift her. None of her limbs would work, not even her lips would move. He’d paralyzed her! Why had he done such a thing?

He pressed a finger to his ear and she heard him speak to Xan. A moment later they’d vanished from her room and were in the transport chamber on board the Lynten 12. She wanted to howl in frustration, to beat at him with her fists, but she was limp as a noodle. She heard everyone talking around her and watched the blurred scenery pass as Cael carried her down the various halls to what she assumed was her former room.

Dryxel would come for her. He’d said as much. But when would he notice she was missing? It could still be another hour or so before he’d even realize she’d been kidnapped. And Cael’s good intentions aside, that’s what he’d done -- kidnapped her. If he’d only given her a chance to explain! Then again, he thought she’d been entranced by her prince. It was doubtful he’d have believed her when she said she wanted to stay with Dryxel, of her own free will. Now what the hell was she going to do? Well, first things first… she needed to be able to move and speak. She’d talk to Cael after that and see if she could get anywhere with him. If she were lucky, she could convince him to return her before she was missed.

He brushed her hair back from her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. It was unexpected, something he’d never done before. He’d always been caring, but he’d never shown her true affection. She knew he’d given up his rights to her when he’d talked the Tarnans into taking him to their planet, but did he regret his decision? Lucie tried to read the expression in his eyes, but she couldn’t see anything but their color. She cursed her lack of sight, wishing she had all of her senses to aid her right then.

“The sedative will wear off in a few minutes,” he told her.

She stared at him, unable to do much else.

“When Ghel told me you’d been captured by the Tourmalane they had in lockup, my heart nearly stopped. They still don’t know who released him. Someone managed to get the key away from Bynt and unlocked the warrior’s cell. Don’t worry. They’ll be punished.”

Punished? They were going to punish her? Her breath caught in her throat. What would they do to her for freeing him? No, they didn’t know it was her right now, but she was certain Rebecca would turn on her sooner or later. Then what would happen? She didn’t just have herself to think about any longer, but her unborn child as well. Dryxel’s child. Her fingers twitched as she tried to place a hand over her belly.

“Bynt said the last time he remembers having the key was right before his shower. He can’t think of anyone who would come into his room uninvited and steal from him, but it seems that’s what happened. The Tarnans think it might have been one of us, but I have my suspicions. There’s a certain slave who seems discontent with her lot in life.”

In her heart she knew he meant Rebecca. If he confronted her, she knew the woman would divulge that it was Lucie who had set Dryxel free.

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