Chewing Rocks (24 page)

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Authors: Alan Black

BOOK: Chewing Rocks
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Kramer said, “I know who you are. You are a dirty runner. You don’t have enough honor to stand up to your own warrants. Unlock her chains Abramsohn and toss her in. And you, miss high-and-mighty, the pink tent is for men and is off limits to you. The women’s tent is the pale green one on that side and is off limits to men. I believe Miss Whyte headed straight for the green tent and is already inside.”

Queene said, “You can’t put me in there with her. I forbid it.” With her chains off, she ran her fingers through her hair and with a quick flip of her head brought all of hair into perfect order. You can put me under guard in my own home, but not in a tent and not with her.”

Kramer shrugged, grabbed Queene’s shoulder and shoved her inside, sending Queene sprawling to the ground. “Not my problem. Work it out or fight it out, ‘cause I ain’t trying to guard you there and all of these folks here.” He dragged the gates closed, with him on the inside and set the lock.

Queene shouted, “Wait. This is all wrong. I demand to speak to Sheriff Bob.”

Kramer said as he turned his back. “That is fine by me. He is already locked in here with us. He just went into the pink tent.” He pointed at Franklin and Hunter, “You two, start pushing this cart across the grass to the white tent. We gotta get your pal into a med-box. And you, mister fat guy, you hustle your buns over to the red tent. You’ll find the makings for some sandwiches there. We need enough sandwiches for nine.”

ndy Johnson shouted, “Hey, Kramer, do you want me to bring you a sub from Mario’s?”

Kramer shouted at
Cooper’s back. “Hey fat guy, sandwiches for eight. I am getting lunch catered in from Mario’s.”

Vittie called out, “Kramer, you had better tell Sno who else is locked up with her.”

Kramer shouted as he walked across the jail compound toward the green tent. “Yeah, yeah, I am on my way now.”

Vittie turned to Abramsohn, “What about Queene’s assistant Wallace?”

He shook his head, “We are still looking. He is a hard man to find. Plus it is made harder by the fact that we can’t seem to find a clear picture of his face to show around. We’ll keep looking. Mister Whyte is heading back to his offices. I think he will be looking for you soon.”

Vittie looked toward the pale green tent. Kramer had just reached the open flaps.

Johnson stood next to her, “Don’t worry about Sno. Ben is in there with her. Norm and I will keep an eye on things from out here. I’ll give you a buzz if anything happens.”

Chapter 20.1

Kramer called out before stepping into the green tent, “Man coming in.”

Sno replied, “Come ahead. I am as decent as I am ever likely to get.”

Kramer looked over at her and saw Ben standing behind her. “Ben, you know better than to be in the green tent. You may not be a prisoner or nothing, but this tent is still off limits to men.”

Sno laughed, “Then what
in the sam hill are you doing in here, Kramer?”

Kramer snorted, “I am the guard on duty. I don’t count. But Ben has got to go outside.”

Ben said, “I suppose you are safe enough.”

Kramer shook his head. “Not quite. We just locked in those four goobers who went after you in Queene’s ship. And Ben, your dad just dropped Evelyn Queene off in here. This place is getting right crowded.”

Sno looked startled, “Evelyn Queene is in here?”

Kramer nodded. “Yep. And since this is the woman’s tent she will have to bunk in here. Ben has got to get out before she shows up. And hey, I don’t want no trouble between you
and Queene. You both got warrants to answer to each about the other, but all in the right time.”

Sno nodded. “Right Kramer, all in the right time. Ben what do you think? Stay here with Queene or sleep elsewhere? How about I stay in the medical tent?”

Kramer said, “Nope. We just put McNally in there. And that guy Cooper is in the kitchen tent. So it is here or outside.”

Sno nodded to Ben, “Okay, Ben. I guess it is outside.
Let’s drag a couple of these bunks out by the lilac bushes in the corner.”

Ben smiled, “Miss Whyte, I think since I am locked up with you in jail, my wife would very much like to see me sleeping outside where any stray camera could watch us
, rather than have us hidden in this dreary and frankly, Deputy Kramer, quite moldy smelling old tent.”

Sno and Ben grabbed a couple of bunks and brushed past Queene on the way
out. Sno decided it was most prudent and princess-like to avoid any more contact with her than need be.

They had just place
d the bunks in clear view of the street and far enough apart for polite society’s sake when a rock skimmed past Sno’s head crashing into the bushes. It was followed very quickly by a second rock that bounced off the bed and landed at her feet.


Chapter 21.0

Sno whipped around
. She saw Cooper scuttling around behind the men’s tent. She had been holding in a fuming rage since she had been taken captive by McNally and Franklin back on Queene’s ship. She froze, trying to unclamp her jaw. She realized she was a heartbeat away from chasing the man and settling with him now.

“Miss Whyte?” Ben said. He laid an arm on her shoulder. “Sno? Are you all right?”

Sno held up a finger for silence and for him to give her a minute. Her stomach was alternately boiling and freezing. She was sure she had never been so angry in her life.

She heard a small voice in her head calling her “Princess.” She took a ragged breath and her stomach seemed to settle like a cold rock.

She reached down and picked up the rock that had landed at her feet. She looked at Ben. “He got closer with this than I would have figured for an earther. They must be getting used to throwing things in low gravity.”

Ben looked stricken, “Miss Whyte, I apologize. That is my fault. I should have seen h
im coming. You have every right to terminate Abramsohn and Son’s contract for failure to provide. I will see that your father gets a full refund.”

Sno looked at Ben and shook her head, “No. You aren’t going to get out of this that easy,
mister. Just take this as a warning that we are not dealing with the sharpest pencils in the box. We both need to wake up. However, this particular cretin is done.”

Ben nodded, “I will take care of it.” He started to head after Franklin.

Sno snapped her arm out grabbing him by a shoulder. “No. Your job is to watch my back; not to fight my fights. By my count I have just made six people very angry with me and I haven’t had any better sense than to get locked in a compound with them all around me. Plus, as you said, we could still have a problem with someone hiding in the crowd.” She pointed to the crowd of people still gathered near the gates. Most of them had spread along the fence line to get a clearer view of anything that might go on in the jail compound.

She waved at the people and saw
Brandy Johnson wave back. Johnson held up two fingers and then pointed at where Cooper had disappeared. She drew her finger across her throat in the clear universal gesture of a cut throat.

Sno looked at Ben. She knew she
was glaring, even her eyes felt cold, “Come on if you are coming, but keep out of my way.”

“Miss Whyte, I caution

“Shut up, Ben
,” she snapped. “You contract is to watch my back not to give me advice. I should have dealt with these earthers back in Mario’s. I was urged to take caution then and that just made things worse. I am going to finish this now.”

“Yes, Miss Whyte.”

“No argument about waiting for arbitration?”

“No, Miss Whyte. You were clearly attacked
. It was unprovoked and done publicly. My caution is only that you don’t follow too closely. I agree these gentlemen are not very smart, but I did get the feeling this one wanted you to follow him around to the back of the tent.”


Ben nodded. “It is just a thought. Brandy indicated she saw two of them\, plus those rocks came one after the other too fast to be thrown by just one man. However, I will stay out of your way as long as I can.” He slid his gun from the holster. “This is just in case it becomes unfair.”

“Good.” She turned and marched quickly to the corner of the men’s pink tent. She whipped around the corner in a crouch ready to take on any and all comers. She froze.

Cooper lay face down in the grass. The back of his head was bashed in. A sharpened kitchen knife was still clutched in his fat fist. It was obvious a med-box was not going to help him.

was standing over Cooper. He was staring at the old cast iron skillet he held in his hand. He looked up at Sno.

said, “I didn’t mean to hit him that hard.” He dropped the skillet and backed away. “I was just trying to stop him. He had a knife he got from the kitchen. He was going to…” His voice faded away and he just pointed at Sno. “You…” He tried to speak again, but could not.

Ben stepped around Sno, not holstering his
pistol; he reached down with his empty hand and checked for a pulse in Cooper’s neck. He shook his head.

Sno said, “
Hunter, where is the sheriff?”

pointed at the white medical tent. “Franklin told the sheriff that McNally needed to talk to him and Deputy Kramer. Franklin and Cooper must have cooked it up to get them out of the way for…” He just pointed at Cooper’s body.

,” Sno said, “I get the picture. Don’t worry, Hunter. Even the back of these tents are covered by cameras. You are not in any trouble for defending me. You just tell the sheriff and Kramer everything. Where is Franklin?”

pointed at the white medical tent.

Sno nodded and marched straight to the white tent. She did
not turn to see if Ben or Hunter were following. She stepped into the open flap.

,” she said through clenched teeth. “I have had enough of you.” She realized she still held the rock thrown at her. She hefted it, feeling its weight. She stared at the bald man. “You just tried to kill me again.”

Franklin looked at her. “You must be nuts. I’ve been in here with McNally and the

Sheriff Bob started, “Now, Sno-

Sno interrupted
. Without taking her eyes off Franklin, she said. “Shut up, Sheriff. Okay, Franklin, you want to take me on. Right now.” They were not questions.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Hunter shouted, “Liar! You and Cooper just tried to ambush and kill her.”

Franklin said, “If you have a problem with
Cooper, take it up with-“

screamed, his voice shrill and shrieking, “Cooper is dead. And his blood is on my hands.”

Sno put a hand up to stop

,” she said coldly. “Cooper’s blood is on his own hands. Franklin, your blood is on your own hands. Be by the front gate in two minutes or I will kill you where you stand.”

Deputy Kramer said calmly, “Not in my jail, Sno. He is under my protection.
” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. “You two take it into the street and I want the winner back in here after you two are finished. Agreed?”

Sno nodded to the deputy. “Deal. I suggest
you get Hunter’s statement and start stripping video from some of the compound cameras. Cooper is dead in your custody. You are going to have to answer for your failure to protect him and your failure to keep a weapon out of his hands.”

Sheriff Bob looked pale glancing at everyone in the tent. “Wait. Let’s all slow down before someone else gets hurt.”

Sno snapped, “Shut up. You had better start covering your own ass.” She looked at Franklin. “You have about sixty seconds left to get to the front gate. It is your choice: fair fight at the front gate with a weapon of your choice or I will drop you where you stand.” She spun around. She drove the edge of her flattened hand against Ben’s wrist and twisted his pistol from his grip. Before anyone could move she spun toward Franklin and pointed the gun at the man’s head. “I am done talking and I am done listening.”

“Miss Whyte
,” Ben began.

“Shut up, Abramsohn
,” she said. She looked at Kramer. “I know you are armed, but keep it put away.” Kramer looked as if he hadn’t any intention of drawing his weapon.

Franklin bolted and sped toward the front gate.

Sno tossed the pistol back to Ben and followed Franklin toward the gate. This time she glanced over her shoulder to see Ben, Hunter, Deputy Kramer and Sheriff Bob following after her.

McNally’s voice carried after them. “G
et the bitch, Franklin. Finish her this time.”

Sno stepped up to the front gate. She unlocked it and stepped into the street.

“Clear a patch,” she shouted at the crowd. Continuing she said, “Franklin, you have attacked me. You have taken me hostage. You have stripped me naked and tied me to a table. You have kidnapped and threatened friends of mine. You have stolen and destroyed the mining ship Nod under contract to Whyte Mining. And you and your buddy Cooper have just tried to kill me. Cooper is now dead.”

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