Chill Out (8 page)

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Authors: Jana Richards

Tags: #Contemporary, Holiday,Scarred Hero/Heroine,Second Chance Love

BOOK: Chill Out
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“It’s him.”

Renata got up to leave. Noah grabbed her hand.

“Stay. Please.”

She nodded and sat on the sofa once more. He clung to her hand as he answered the phone.

“Hello, Dylan.”

“Noah, it’s good to hear your voice.”

The emotion in his brother’s voice nearly undid him. He swallowed and gripped Renata’s hand a little tighter. “Yeah. I’m glad to hear your voice, too.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t call back sooner. I took Kendall out for a Valentine brunch, and then we went over to her folks’ house. I forgot my phone or I would have called you right away.”

“It’s okay. I’m glad you called now. I wasn’t sure you’d want to talk to me.”

“I’ve wanted to talk to you for two years.” Dylan’s voice broke. “I’m sorry for hurting you, Noah. I hope you can forgive me.”

Noah bent his head, nearly overcome with emotion. Renata rubbed her hand up and down his back, lending comfort.

“I just need to know,” he said haltingly. “Are you and Kendall happy?”

“Yes, we’re very happy. I love her more every day. We’re having a baby.”

“I know. Tyler told me. It’s the reason I came home.” He took a breath, gathered his thoughts. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy. I want you to know that.”

“That means a lot to me. When can I see you?”

“I’m not sure.” He told Dylan about being snowed in at the cottage. “I’ll call you as soon as the snowplows dig us out.”


He wasn’t ready to talk about Renata. “Yeah, me and Spike. My dog. I’ll tell you all about him when I see you.”

“Okay. We’ll see you soon. Goodbye, Noah.”


He ended the call. His heart was beating so fast, the emotion so raw, that for a moment he couldn’t speak. Renata continued to silently rub his back, and when he looked at her, her eyes were full of questions.

“He wants to see me.”

She made a sound that was half laugh, half cry. “Told ya.”

“Yeah, you did.”

He caressed her face. Her skin was impossibly soft, her lips full. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Don’t cry, Renata.”

“I don’t know why I’m crying,” she said as she wiped at her tears with the back of her hand. “I’m so happy for you.”

“It’s probably because you have a soft spot for strays like me and Spike. I don’t know how I would have made it through this day, this weekend, without you. Thank you.”

More tears fell. “I’m starting to be real glad about that blizzard.”

“Me, too.”

He touched his lips to hers, softly, reverently, her tears salty on his tongue. He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her cheeks, her eyes, wanting to dry her tears, to take every bit of heartache from of her life.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”

She gave a trembling laugh. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

He pulled her close and kissed her, his need for her so strong he was shaking. Renata kissed him back with equal fervor. She moaned softly when he slid his hands inside her sweater and touched her breasts.

“If this isn’t what you want, tell me to stop.”

“I want this. I want you.”

She never ceased to surprise and amaze him. “Then will you come upstairs with me, make love with me?”


He took her hand and led her up the stairs to his room. He kissed her again, his blood heating, but he had to protect her before he was too far gone.

His breathing erratic, he said, “Give me a minute.”

Leaving her briefly, he rummaged through his suitcase until he found a box of condoms buried amongst his clothes. He placed the box on the night table and, after pulling back the covers on the bed, took her hand once more. Uncertainty struck him at the look of complete trust on her face. What had he done to deserve her trust, to deserve her?

“It’s not too late to say no. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

He saw her swallow. “Have you changed your mind?”

“God, no! I haven’t changed my mind.” He gripped her shoulders and stared into her eyes, trying to communicate what he felt. “I want you.”

She smiled, relief and pure feminine pleasure shining in her eyes. Then she pulled her sweater over her head and placed his hand on her breast.

“Good. I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.”

The rest of their clothes disappeared in a flurry of touches and soft moans. Soon they were on the bed, lying skin to skin. Her skin was silk, her breasts round and lush. He touched her greedily, with his hands, his mouth, his lips. She explored his body, her small hands caressing every muscle and nearly bringing him to the edge. But it wasn’t enough.

“You’re beautiful, Renata.”

He kissed her collarbone, then her chest, stopping to suck on each dusky nipple before moving downward across her stomach. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he nudged her legs apart and touched his tongue to her center. Tremors raced through her body, letting him know she wanted him as much as he wanted her. The knowledge excited him.

Renata dug her fingers into his shoulders, her breath hitching.

“Noah, please.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. He touched her again, his concentration narrowing to this moment, to Renata and the pleasure he wanted to give to her. A moment later she flew apart, her body bucking.


With shaking hands, he slid on a condom, then straddled her and slowly pushed inside. Nothing had ever felt so wonderful, so
as making love with Renata. She accepted him inside her, never shifting her gaze away from his. Pausing for a second, he took a breath, willing himself to last but knowing he was hanging on the edge of control.

Renata began to move restlessly, and he moved with her, lost in her eyes and in the dance they created together. He pushed harder, deeper, and she stayed with him in every move. He felt his climax building until it exploded out of him in waves so strong and deep he thought he might drown. When he collapsed on top of her, Renata held him tightly, their bodies still joined.

“I’m too heavy for you,” he mumbled against her shoulder.

“Shh. You’re fine where you are.”


With regret, he rolled off her and snuggled close. He’d have to get rid of the condom in a minute, but right now, after what they’d shared, he wanted to be near her. His eyes drifted shut as he idly fondled her breast.

Renata suddenly jerked. “Oh, good God! Spike!”

Noah opened his eyes to see Spike’s huge head resting on the pillow mere centimeters from Renata’s. His tongue darted out to lick her face. She turned away, laughing.

“We’ve really got to do something about his breath.”

“Spike, lie down!”

With a doleful glance, the dog backed away from the bed. “Sorry about that, sweetheart.” Noah wiped the slobber from her cheek with a corner of the sheet.

“That’s okay. It’s kind of nice knowing I’m adored.”

Noah’s heart contracted painfully at her words, his thoughts whirling in confusion. Spike wasn’t the only one who adored her.

He was in love with Renata.

He wanted to deny his feelings. He’d known her for less than seventy-two hours. Yet he knew more about her—and had let her learn more about him—than any woman he’d ever known, including Kendall.

He loved her.

But he had no idea how she felt about him. They were certainly compatible in bed, but did she want him anywhere else in her life?

He scrambled from the bed. Renata sat up, wrapping the sheet around herself.

“Noah, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just need to use the washroom.”

“Are you…are you coming back to bed?”

“Yeah. I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay.” She smiled uncertainly and lay back down. Noah hurried to the washroom and flushed the condom down the toilet. He stared at himself in the mirror.

He’d faced deadly diseases and potential terrorism, but nothing frightened him more than being in love. What if Renata didn’t feel the same way he did?

Maybe it would be easier to walk away than to face the truth.

Chapter Nine

When Renata woke the next morning in Noah’s bed, she was alone. Except for Spike. Once again he was cuddled close, with his head on her pillow. She patted his soft fur.

“Oh, Spike. What am I going to do?”

Noah hadn’t returned to bed all night. She’d waited for him until, exhausted and worried, she’d fallen asleep. Had she done something, said something to upset him? Had she been so dismal in bed that she’d scared him away?

She’d thought they’d been amazing together. Had she been wrong?

A noise outside caught her attention. She hopped out of bed and gathered her scattered clothes before looking out the window. A snowplow was clearing the driveway, which probably meant the highways had also been cleared. It was Monday morning. The weekend was officially over.

And so, it seemed, was her relationship with Noah.

She pressed her hand to her heart to stop the pain. She was in love with a man who didn’t want her. Again.

She’d cry later, but for now she needed to get through the morning.

Renata took a long shower and dressed in the nicest outfit she’d brought before screwing up her courage to go downstairs. As usual, Noah had coffee ready for her. He looked up when she entered the great room, giving her a strained smile.

“Hi. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you.” She wanted to scream at their asinine conversation. Were they ever going to talk about their night together? Was Noah even going to acknowledge it happened?

“I can make you eggs and toast, if you like.”

“No, thanks, I’m not really hungry. I saw the snowplow. With any luck, I’ll be able to get to work by noon.”

“I’m heading to the city too. I called Dylan. We’re going to meet at his place.”

“That’s wonderful, Noah.” She touched his arm before she remembered he didn’t want her. She pulled her hand back. “I’m sure everything will work out.”

“I’ll follow you to Winnipeg. I want to make sure you get home safely.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.”

“I’m following you, Renata. I won’t take any chances—ˮ He left the sentence unfinished and turned away. “I’m following you to the city.”

She stared at him, confused. “If that’s what you want. I should leave in a few minutes.”

“I’ll be ready.”

Renata started her car and let it warm while Noah saw to Spike’s needs. When she stepped back into the cottage to retrieve her bag, he came in through the patio doors with the dog.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked.

“Yes. So, I guess this is where we say goodbye.” She couldn’t make herself look him in the eye.

“I guess it is. Renata…”

Please tell me this isn’t really goodbye.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her hair. “Drive carefully, okay?”

She swallowed back tears of disappointment and clung to him, wondering if this would be the last time she ever touched him. “Okay.”

He held her for a moment before stepping away and clearing his throat. “We should go.”

She nodded and walked to her car while Noah locked the door. She backed out of the driveway and headed for the highway. When she looked in the rearview mirror, Noah’s SUV was right behind her. He stayed close all the way back to Winnipeg, and she felt comforted knowing he was nearby.

When they reached the edge of the city, Noah pulled next to her car at a stoplight. They stared at each other, and though Renata’s heart was breaking, she couldn’t look away.

Someone behind her honked his horn when the light turned green. She gave Noah a tight smile and choked back tears before driving south while he went west.

Never to meet again.


Noah found Dylan’s house in River Heights without any trouble. It was an attractive older home in a pretty neighborhood full of beautiful trees. Dylan had done well for himself.

As he stood poised to ring the doorbell, his emotions were all over the place. Joy at seeing his brother again mixed with apprehension. Dylan had said he was glad he was home, but until he actually saw his face, Noah still had fears. He rang the bell.

The door opened almost immediately. His brother grabbed his arm and pulled him inside. After closing the door, he wrapped Noah in a hug.

“God, it’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too.”

Noah clung to Dylan, barely able to keep his tears in check. Seeing Dylan again, combined with saying goodbye to Renata, was enough to overload his system. He took a deep breath before pulling away.

“I want to apologize for the things I said before I left,” he said. “They were ugly, cruel things, and I never meant them.”

“You were hurt. We both said things we regret now. Can we move past them to be brothers again?”

Noah nodded in relief. “I’d like that.”

With those words, all the anger and heartache drifted away, and he had his brother back.

“Noah, Kendall is here. She wants to see you. Do you mind?”

“No, of course not. I’d like to see her, too.”

Dylan left the room for a moment and came back with Kendall. He looked into the face of the woman he’d once loved and felt nothing. No jealousy, no sadness, no regret. After being with Renata, his relationship with Kendall felt inconsequential in comparison.

“It’s good to see you again, Noah.”

She stood a few feet away, an uncertain look on her face. She was hugely pregnant, but as beautiful as ever. Noah grasped her outstretched hand.

“You look wonderful. How have you been feeling?”

She smiled. “You sound like my doctor.”

“Occupational hazard. But seriously, how’s everything going with the pregnancy?”

“Everything is perfectly normal,” she said. “We’re thrilled about the baby, but there’s been a black cloud hanging over us for two years. I want you to know I’m sorry. I should have spoken to you. I should have told you I was falling in love with Dylan.”

Dylan was at her side immediately. He put his arm around her and kissed her hair. “It’s okay, honey.”

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