Choices of Fate (Fate Series) (31 page)

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Authors: S. Simone Chavous

BOOK: Choices of Fate (Fate Series)
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“I always say it because it is what I feel every moment you are not with me. The bond will be as you desire it, with time you will learn to block some of the sensations. Not that I am saying I will ever let you out of my sight now that I have you,” he leaned down and kissed her neck where he had bitten her making her touch her fingers to her lips as she felt the softness of her own skin beneath them, “but if we are apart, it would be distracting to experience everything so intensely. My parents have been bonded for many years and they have assured me they only feel each other when they wish.”

“That’s good to know,” she said pulling his wrist up to her mouth and placing a gentle kiss there, as he had done to her to her neck. The action reminded her of something she wanted to ask. She ran her tongue over her teeth before saying, “Last night, I had fangs, how is that possible with the repression spell still intact?”

“I was wondering that as well, but I was not in any position to have a discussion about it at the time. Seeing you like that, I do not believe I have ever witnessed anything sexier.” He leaned down and softly kissed her lips. “It seems that a small part of your true nature was called forward by our bonding.”

She smiled up at him, “My father assured me that the witch will lift the spell when we return, so you’re going to get to see me like that a lot.”

“I cannot wait. Perhaps we should eat before I get too hungry for something else,” he said with a mischievous grin. “You are going to need to keep your strength up for this week.”

She flashed him a wicked little smile, stepped back out of his embrace, and dropped the sheet, “What could you be hungry for other than food?” she challenged playfully as she stood before him completely naked.

He immediately scooped her up and sat her on the countertop, stepping forward between her thighs and slanting his full lips over hers in a hungry kiss.

“I suppose the food will have to wait,” he husked as he pressed his erection against her already wet opening. She reached out to wrap her arms around him and pull him towards her, but he stepped back out of her reach causing her lip to come out in a little pout. “I said I was hungry,” he dropped to his knees in front of her, lining him up perfectly with what he was craving, “so I am going to eat until I get my fill.”

She could feel his warm breath on her most sensitive skin causing her to close her eyes and lean back on her elbows.

“No, open your eyes, I want you to watch,” he whispered sending a shiver down her spine which he felt down his own back.

When she tilted her head forward and opened her eyes, Ethan pushed her thighs further apart with his hands and swiped his tongue up the length of her sex. She moaned loudly and started to close her eyes again, but caught herself and kept them trained on him as he continued to caress her with his tongue.

It was such an amazing sensation for Ethan, feeling everything that he was doing to her and seeing the sheer pleasure in her eyes. As he felt her orgasm start to build, he knew it was going to take every ounce of self-control he possessed not to fall over the edge himself.

When the first waves of her climax were imminent, Ethan concentrated on blocking some of the sensation while he continued his skillful ministrations, knowing that was his only hope of holding back. With her eyes still focused on Ethan, Alexa cried out his name loudly as her body trembled with the exquisite orgasm.

Before the last waves of Alexa’s pleasure receded, Ethan stood and positioned his hips between her quivering thighs, gripping his thick stalk at the base and rubbing it slowly up and down her wet folds as she moaned in approval. He began to push inside her at an achingly slow pace, wanting to savor every shared sensation. Once he was buried to the hilt, he repeated the delicious torture by pulling out just as slowly. They continued that way for several minutes, making love slowly and reveling in the intense ecstasy of the blood bond before it became too much and they called out each other’s name as they found release.

After eating a cold breakfast, they took very quick, separate showers, despite Ethan’s protests, because Alexa was eager to get outside and enjoy the island.

They spent the morning on their private beach sunbathing and swimming, which led to a rather intense splash fight. Ethan’s speed gave him an unfair advantage, which Alexa pointed out repeatedly, pretending to be annoyed and demanding that he make it up to her. Naturally, the only way for him to atone for the injustice was to make love to her in the water.

When they were both starting to feel hungry, the dressed and headed into town to try Tippy’s, a local restaurant their driver had recommended.

Ethan looked at Alexa across the table as she popped a piece of coconut shrimp into her mouth from the plate they were sharing. “Te amo, Alexa. In my long life, there was not a single moment before I met you in which I felt even a fraction of the happiness you have given me. I wish that I could go back, that I-,” Alexa quickly leaned over the table and placed a coconut flavored kiss on his lips before he could finish.

Sitting back in her chair she said, “I love you too, but no more regrets, okay? I don’t want to waste any more time reliving the past or worrying about the future. I just want to be here with you, to enjoy the moments as they happen.” She gestured all around, “I mean look at where we are, this place is absolute paradise!”

He flashed her a bright smile, sexy dimples included. “You are amazing, Alexa.”

She smiled back, “Only because that’s how you make me feel.”

They finished their meals of fresh seared ahi tuna and roasted lobster tail, both of which they split since Alexa couldn’t decide which she wanted to order, and spent the next few hours exploring the local communities and shops. They picked up a few souvenirs for Chloe, a shell necklace and bracelet, and a stuffed bear wearing a Bahamas t-shirt. Considering the rate of her growth, they decided against trying to buy her any clothing while they were away.

When they finally returned to the villa, they were just in time to sit out on the sand and watch the glorious sunset on the water. They went inside and immediately set-up the iPad, which Ethan had purchased right before they left, for the FaceTime call they had planned with Chloe. She was spending the first half of their trip with Alexa’s parents, the second half would be spent back with Ethan’s.

As the flat device sat on the bed and began to ring, Alexa felt excited, not only to see Chloe, but to see her parents as well. Of course she was cherishing every moment away with Ethan, but she couldn’t help but look forward to spending more time getting to know them. After all, they had over twenty years to catch up on.

It was Rebecca who answered the call, smiling broadly as she greeted them. “I can already see that you two have gotten some sun, are you having a nice time?”

“It is really amazing here, the weather has been perfect so far, and yes, we’re having an amazing time!” Alexa responded. “How has Chloe been, can we see her? I am missing her like crazy!”

“Of course, just a moment while I go try and steal her away from her doting grandpa,” she joked. A few moments later Chloe popped into view on the screen, her hair already looking thicker and longer and her face slightly thinner, less like a baby and more like a young child.

“Hi Mommy, Daddy!” She squealed excitedly. “I play granpa!”

“Hi, sweet baby,” Alexa and Ethan responded in unison. “You look so big,” Alexa continued. “Are you having fun with grandma and grandpa?”

“Uh huh. Mommy, I go hide. Bye!” Chloe blurted as she shot out of view.

“Bye baby, we love you,” Alexa yelled hoping she could still hear her.

“I believe I’m being summoned to join the game,” Rebecca said as she popped back into view. “Don’t worry about Chloe, she is amazing and we are enjoying every minute with her. Just enjoy the break and each other and we’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you both.”

And with that the call ended.

“I can’t believe how different she already looks,” Alexa said with a touch of sadness in her voice, “but she seems to be having a blast.”

“Do not worry, Amor. She is being well taken care of and though I know you fear it, she will not be all grown up by the time we get home,” he half teased. “Now I think we should take your mother’s advice and get to work enjoying each other,” he said huskily as he crawled towards her across the bed, his eyes locked on her full lips.

She pulled the bottom one between her teeth, and her feelings of sadness evaporated as her gorgeous mate covered her body and captured her mouth in slow, tender kiss.

A Change In Plans

The next few days passed in similar fashion, with them relaxing, enjoying the beautiful weather and sampling the local cuisine. Of course, they were newlyweds, so a large chunk of their time was dedicated to exploring their new bond while making love, which had occurred on practically every surface inside the large villa, and quite a few outside as well.

On the second day, they went out on jet skis that Ethan had arranged to rent and spent a good amount of time with a curious pod of wild dolphins. They were even able to touch a couple of brave members of the pod that swam around them when they stopped and hopped into the water. The experience was pure joy for Alexa who was so fond of the aquatic creatures.

Late one night, after making love in the soft glow of candlelight, Alexa laid with her head on Ethan’s chest listening to his steady heart beat as she traced the intricate pattern of his tattoo with her fingertips, following the same path she had made with her tongue only moments before. Noticing a strange movement in the color, she sat up and turned on the lamp that sat on the table next to the bed.

She looked at the markings on his chest more closely, then said to Ethan with confusion, “That’s weird, look at your tattoo. It’s like the color is fading or something.”

Ethan sat up and looked down, seeing that, in fact, the color was fading rapidly from the bottom of the design on his side and working up towards his chest.

He jumped up off the bed and slid on a pair of shorts before grabbing his cell phone from the dresser. “Something is wrong,” was all he said as he rapidly tapped the screen dialing his father. After several rings the call went to voicemail. He hung up and tried his mother.

“What is it?” Alexa said, her voice laced with panic.

“I cannot be certain, but it is as if the spell is lifting, there are only two ways that could happen,” he stated with difficulty as he tried to swallow the panic and sadness that were rising in his chest. Alexa’s hand shot to her mouth as she gasped.

Just then his mother picked up, her strained voice filling the room through the speakerphone, “Ethan, are you and Alexa all right?”

“Yes, but my tattoo, the color just faded out, as if the spell was lifted.”

“Oh, mi hijo, I am so sorry, I thought,” she sobbed loudly before continuing, “I thought there would be more time. Your father and Barb returned to the clinic. He thought it would be safe now since he had taken all of Chloe’s records before Lucias’ men came. They just wanted to talk to the staff, further explain his retirement and sign some papers to transfer the ownership of the practice to the new doctor and nurses. They were both so fond of everyone there, they just wanted to say goodbye,” she sobbed again, “but they were watching, waiting, I just had a vision of your father.”

“Is he alive?” Ethan cut in.

“Yes, I can still feel him, but he was running, carrying Barb. She was gone.” She continued to cry, feeling Elijah’s grief along with her own at the loss of such a dear friend and all his loyal employees.

Ethan dropped the phone at hearing his fear confirmed.

Alexa was watching him helplessly with tears streaming down her face.

Gathering himself, Ethan retrieved the phone. “Where is Cami?” he questioned cautiously, afraid of the answer.

Josephine took a deep breath to calm herself. “She just left to meet with her unit in the city. They are going to take care of the clinic, to make sure there are no questions from the humans.”

Just then Ethan’s phone beeped, the screen showing his father calling. “Father is calling me now, stay on the line,” he said tightly as he answered the call.

Elijah did not wait for a greeting. “Son, you need to get back immediately. We were ambushed at the clinic, everyone is dead,” he paused choking back his grief, “Barb is dead, we are all exposed. I have called the High Commander, they are moving Chloe to the Elite compound. I must call your mother,” he said in one breath.

“I have her on the other line, she had a vision, she already knows, but she needs to hear your voice. We will leave immediately for the compound, just let her know.”

“Be safe, son,” Elijah said as Ethan ended the call.

Ethan pulled Alexa up off of the bed into his arms, hugging her tightly as she continued to cry. “We will be okay, just sit here, I will take care of everything,” he whispered, trying to convince himself as much as her. She nodded affirmatively, yet remained silent.

Within moments he had called the rental company to arrange for their car to the airport and flight to the compound. When he made the original arrangements, he had paid for the crew from their flight down to remain on the island. At the time he had only been considering that Alexa might find it too difficult to stay away from Chloe the whole week.

By the time the car arrived, Ethan had packed all of their bags and he and Alexa were waiting anxiously on the front patio.

“Sorry to see you go so soon, sir, I hope you enjoyed our little island while you were here,” the driver said with his Bahamian accent as he took their bags and loaded them into the trunk.

“We enjoyed it very much, but there has been a death in the family and we must go home,” he stated without emotion. Alexa had not said a word since he hung up with his father and he was determined to remain strong and in control for her. Saying there was a death in the family provided a reasonable explanation for her red, swollen eyes, and in truth, that is really what had happened. Barb had been a part of his life for as long as he could remember and he knew he would feel her loss deeply. He refused to think of it now, he had to take care of Alexa and Chloe, that was all that mattered. Once they were safe, he could grieve.

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