Chosen Destiny (22 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: Chosen Destiny
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check through the village,” she said.

He laughed and his hand settled back on her rear. “All right, so you do know what

I mean, but you’re not going to get away with teasing me, my witch.”

“Why not? You two tease me all the time.” She raised a brow in challenge.

“Because I don’t deal well with frustration. If that’s not good enough for you, I’m

bigger and I can get my way.” His thumb stroked in slow circles at the base of her


“You just need more practice. I’m sure Samiel could help with that. We could ask

him now.” She looked over at Samiel and found him sitting in the chair smiling widely.

“Not tonight, but he is going to be watching everything I do to you. He might even

offer a suggestion or two.” Jaeson’s lips trailed over her chin to her neck.

Her stomach clenched and the muscles in her pussy tightened at the thought of

Samiel seeing everything. Her imagination expanded on the idea and soon images of

Samiel joining them floated through the little scene playing in her head. Her mind only

came back to the present when Jaeson gently put her on her feet.

He inhaled. “Something’s got you excited and it’s not only me, I’d bet.”


Rebecca Airies

“Maybe, but are you going to do more than talk?” She trailed a finger down the

front of his shirt.

“I’m trying to calm down here, woman, and all you’re doing is pushing.” He ran

his hands up from her hips to just under her breasts and back again.

She cupped his cheek. “Maybe because I don’t want you calm. Show me how much

you want me. I’m not going to stop until you give us both what we want.”

He tilted his head and stared down at her. He was quiet for so long that she thought

he was grabbing for his control again. Maybe he needed a little encouragement. She

caught his wrist and brought his hand to the juncture of her thighs. Pressing his fingers

against her pants, she arched and rubbed against them.

“Feel how much I want you.” It was as if the men had reversed roles tonight. Jaeson

seemed determined to stay in control.

“You’re wet.” His voice sounded tight.

His fingers curled and began moving of their accord. She licked her lips and her

eyes drifted closed. Her hips rocked forward as his fingertips traced circles over her clit.

She could reach out and cup his cock. Lady, did she want to, but knew that he’d

probably pull her hand away in moments.

“I need you. Can’t you see that?” She let her fingertips drift up his arm.

“And smell it.” He groaned.

“Then do something. You’re supposed to see to my needs as a
. I’m frustrated

and my magic has to be taken down a bit. You’re not going to hurt me.” She knew it

was a little low to bring up his role, but she was getting desperate. She didn’t know

what would get through to him.

Jaeson stared at her for a moment longer, but then he moved. He had her shirt off

and the pants halfway down her thighs before she even realized what he was doing.

She kicked out of her pants and hooked her arms around his shoulders.

“I wanted to give you everything you needed tonight, not be wild and out of

control like the first time.” Jaeson’s mouth moved along her jaw to her neck.

Stinging little nips along her neck drew a gasp from her, but also a rush of slick

moisture between her thighs. She tugged lightly on his hair before her hands smoothed

down his back. He groaned and his hands fastened around her waist. He pulled her

against him and ground his hips against her.

“Only want you, any way, as long as it happens now.” She pressed kisses against

his cheek, because his mouth seemed to be everywhere but where she wanted it.

He put her on the bed and peeled out of his clothes. She saw a button fly as he

whipped off his shirt. He knelt on the bed beside her. His eyes swept down her body.

She could almost feel their path. He licked his lips as his eyes locked on her pussy.

“I want to hear her scream, Jaeson.” Samiel’s deep voice rumbled into the silence

broken only by their harsh breaths.


Chosen Destiny

She’d almost forgotten he was there. Turning her head, she saw him sprawled on

the dark blue couch with one of his legs drawn up and bent at the knee. His hand

stroked over the leather-covered ridge of his cock. She licked her lips, entranced.

Because she was so engrossed watching Samiel she didn’t notice that Jaeson had moved

until she felt him lift and part her legs.

She turned her head and saw him kneeling between her legs. His mouth brushed

against her thigh. Sharp fangs scraped as he slowly moved closer to her sex. She drew

in a hissing breath and reached for him. Jaeson barely lifted his head as he grabbed her


“Keep them down by your side.” Jaeson’s growl reverberated through her.

“I want to touch you.” Her body was on fire. The thought of just lying there

frustrated and aroused her.

He nipped her thigh. “You said any way, yes?”

“I said that.” Oh Lady, he was diabolical. She already regretted it. “I thought you

wanted a hot ride, to hear me scream as you drove into me.”

“This is my way. Stay still.” His warm breath feathered over the wet lips.

She clenched her fists. His fingers slipped between them. She bit her lip.
Please touch

my clit.
She barely kept the words silent. In his present mood, he might decide not to

touch her where she wanted. His tongue lapped at her folds. She squirmed restlessly.

“Samiel wants to hear you scream. You’re going to give him that before I make love

to you,” he said softly. His fingers drew slow circles around her entrance.

“If I scream now, will you get on with it?” Her voice sounded hoarse and strained.

She almost didn’t recognize it.

“I know the scream I want to hear. I’m not going to fuck you until I hear it.” He

turned his teeth and nipped her thigh.

She squealed and bolted upright. His hand settled just under her breasts and

pushed her back onto the bed. She grabbed his wrist, intending to try to wrench free of

it and do something about his teasing tendencies. His tongue stabbed against her clit.

She froze. All thought of moving drifted away as his mouth settled over her clit. He

sucked at the sensitive flesh. Sharp sensations pulsed through her in bolts as he

continued. She trembled and gasped. His fingers slipped inside her pussy and began

slowly stroking in time with the pulling suction of his mouth. The sensation built and

swirled in her. She wanted to savor the sweet heat, but it felt so intense that she knew

she couldn’t hold her pleasure back long.

“Give me what I want, Meagan.” Jaeson’s voice rumbled against her clit.

The vibration sent a wave crashing over her. Light burst in front of her eyes. She

arched and a scream ripped from her lips. She shook as the climax burst, leaving even

her fingers and toes tingling with pleasure. Her vision cleared just as he slowly rose

over her.


Rebecca Airies

“That’s the scream I wanted.” Jaeson’s lips slashed over hers, joining their mouths

as his cock pushed into her.

Still riding the last ripples of her orgasm, she was surprised as his entry sent a shaft

of sensation streaking straight to her core. Unbelievably, her body began to tighten

again readying for delicious release. Her hips rose into his pumping body, taking him

deeper. She gasped and clutched at him. Her nails raked over him, urging him to move

faster and harder. This was what she needed. She trailed stinging little kisses along his

neck and shoulders. His pelvis ground against hers. The tight knot of heat shattered

and exploded. Her body arched and she could only hang on as she went right over the


He groaned and shuddered as he came. His teeth sank into her neck. She felt him

drawing her blood and power into him. Sighing, she combed her fingers through his

hair. Her body still felt electrified from the two quick climaxes. A small smile curved

her lips. It might have taken a little while, but he’d certainly seen to her needs.


Chosen Destiny

Chapter Fifteen

Meagan walked down the street a smile curving her lips. She felt good, satisfied,

rested and ready to face almost anything. She’d half-expected to be called to a battle last

night. It wouldn’t be the first time a Dark Sorcerer attacked to avenge a slight. Not that

she minded the extra rest. A full night without an attack was something to savor.

She’d dressed to reflect her bright mood in a bright yellow top and dark green skirt.

She hoped there wouldn’t be trouble today. She needed to talk with the elders and

maybe learn if the shield that generator had created had done anything else. Shields

could be taken down in a number of ways. She knew there was a
other than her

who’d taken down a shield with her dagger. Even if there hadn’t been alternatives,

there were ways to weaken a small section to allow a group to get into the protected

area. The only reason it hadn’t been done by the Dark Sorcerer in the past was that he

didn’t have the number of people needed. It wouldn’t be easy.

“Meagan!” The female voice carried over the noise of everyday life in town.

Meagan turned and saw Lissandra making her way down the street. Meagan

frowned. Lissandra was one of the women who’d been trapped outside the shield.

Meagan didn’t know why Lissandra hadn’t been inside the walls, but she wasn’t going

to jump to any conclusions. She’d worked with Lissandra before and had always been

able to rely on her.

“Hi, is there something wrong?” Meagan moved to the side of the street so people

didn’t have to go around them.

“Nothing wrong, but the elders mentioned that someone needs to go to Gaeil.”

Lissandra leaned a shoulder against the wall. She smiled slightly, her stance relaxed.

Meagan’s attention was grabbed by the mention of the deserted town. She studied

the woman. Her pale blonde hair hung in a straight fall down her back. She wore a

sleeveless blue shirt, blue pants and sandals. Lissandra didn’t look ready for battle and

she should if she were planning on going to the ruins. Something didn’t feel right about


“All right, I’ll go get a few dragons and vampires and you gather a few witches. I’ll

meet you back at the sect house.” Meagan smiled and turned to walk down the street.

She tried to think of where the dragons or vampires would be now.

“We don’t need those dragons. Let’s just grab a few witches and go,” Lissandra


Meagan turned back. The young witch cast an astonished look at her, her hands on

her hips. There was a time not too long ago that she would have done just as Lissandra

suggested. If she didn’t have this nagging feeling something was wrong, she might


Rebecca Airies

have done it today. But it was there and she wasn’t going to let Lissandra’s reaction

goad her into doing something stupid.

“The dragons and vampires are working with us now. They should be a part of it.”

Meagan shrugged.

“It’s just a stupid walk through the ruins. We don’t need them.” Lissandra sighed

and rolled her eyes. “Do they have you on some kind of chain, too?”

Anger snapped through her. She almost said, “Let’s go”, but held onto her temper.

She wasn’t some raw trainee witch who let her emotions rule her actions. Clenching her

fists, she took a deep breath. The more Lissandra said, the more Meagan knew the

dragons and vampires should be there. Suspicion was growing, spreading like heavy

clouds did in the winter. She didn’t want to believe it, but the woman’s reaction made

no sense otherwise. She just hoped she was wrong.

“Then we’ll all be bored on our walk through the ruins, but that place is

unprotected. If a Dark Sorcerer has been searching there, he could have laid a trap. A

little inconvenience could save our lives.” Meagan narrowed her eyes and waited to see

if Lissandra came up with something else.

Lissandra nodded, but Meagan could tell she still wasn’t happy. Meagan left

Lissandra and walked down the street, keeping her eyes open for a dragon or vampire.

Before they left, she was going to talk with the elders. As much as the wrongness of this

was nagging her, she was making sure of everything.

She found the vampire, Gaellon, on a side street as she made her way toward the

gate. Relief rolled through her and her muscles relaxed a bit. Halfway done, she knew if

she told him to get Jaeson and Samiel, he would. Then she could go talk to the elders.

“Hi, Gaellon could you contact Jaeson and get him and Samiel to meet me in front

of the Sect house? We’ll need one or two other vampires and dragons as well,” Meagan

said without any other greeting.

“I will. Is something wrong?” Gaellon frowned, his black brows drawing down in

concern. He took a step closer.

She bit her lip. It could be just her imagination. “Maybe. We have to go to the ruins,

but there are a few things I want to check first.”

“They’ll be there shortly.” Gaellon nodded.

“Thank you.” She didn’t waste any time walking back to the sect house. She formed

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