Christmas at Candlebark Farm (18 page)

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Authors: Michelle Douglas

BOOK: Christmas at Candlebark Farm
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She shrugged. ‘I didn't do anything.'

One corner of his mouth hooked up. ‘How can you say that when you've waltzed into town and turned my life upside down?' He collapsed onto the bench and then reached out to seize her around her waist and drag her down into his lap. ‘How can you say that when you've bewitched me body and soul until I can think of nothing but you?'

‘Oh, Luke.' She laid her hand against his cheek. ‘Are you happy? Really? Is this really what you want?'

‘With my whole heart,' he vowed. ‘What I feel for you, Keira, is a man's love. It's deep and true…' his eyes darkened ‘…and unchangeable. What I felt for Tammy was a boy's crush mixed up with friendship. It's taken me a long time to realise the difference. I couldn't stand the thought of hurting you the way I'd hurt her.'

He stared out to the front, his mouth tight for a moment. ‘It wasn't until the auction was about to start that I realised I'd give up everything—including Candlebark—if only you could have what you wanted. When I realised I'd choose you over my home, my livelihood, my way of life. That's when I knew what I felt for you was something different—something I'd never experienced before. And I hoped I hadn't left it too late to tell you that.'

Keira stared at him in awe for a moment. Then she smiled.
‘You didn't leave it too late, Luke. You timed it perfectly. I got my Christmas miracle after all.'

He traced her cheek with one long, tanned finger. ‘
are my Christmas miracle, Keira.'

Her heart swelled so big she could hardly breathe. ‘I love you, Luke.'

‘And I love you. I mean to spend a lifetime showing you just how much.'

She cocked that cheeky eyebrow again. ‘You could always start right now, by kissing me.'

His grin when it came was low and sexy. ‘What an excellent idea.'

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7613-4


First North American Publication 2010

Copyright © 2010 by Michelle Douglas

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