Christmas Comes to Main Street (19 page)

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Authors: Olivia Miles

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Contemporary, Fiction / Romance / Holiday *, Fiction / Contemporary Women, Fiction / Family Life

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Remembering where she was, she quickly looked back up at him and cleared her throat.

“It's the annual Winter Festival,” she told him. “It's one of my favorite days of the year. The town square is transformed with games, contests, and vendors.” She smiled fondly at the memories of many happy days spent with friends and family, a cup of hot chocolate in her hand and the feeling of Christmas seemingly everywhere.

“Are you selling cookies?” he asked. His gaze lazily roamed her face, and Kara almost forgot his question for a moment.

“What? Oh, no. No, you have to register for a stand in August, and I wasn't sure of where I'd be with the business yet. Next year,” she added hopefully.

“Now that's the kind of optimism I like to see,” he said.

“Says the man who is full of unsolicited advice,” she added, feeling her defenses prickle, but only a little, especially once she caught the curve of his grin. She gave a shy smile in return, wondering what was going through that head.

She skirted her gaze across the lobby, hoping she might be free to say something more meaningful, some reference to last night, but Mrs. Griffin was standing at the base of the stairs, her green eyes wide and alert as she pretended to fluff the garland that wrapped the banister.

“I only offer up suggestions because I want you to succeed,” he said, and her breath heaved. “Besides, I can't help myself. It's what I do. Ignore me.”

Easier said than done
, she thought, sweeping her eyes over his rugged frame. Nate was hardly a man she was quick to overlook.

“It's fine that I have the day off, though. Leaves more time for fun,” she said.

“Do I take it to mean you'll be at the festival?” he asked, giving her a slow grin that made her knees go a little weak.

Kara swallowed. “Wouldn't miss it.”

“Good,” Nate said, pulling back. “In that case, it should be a good time.”

Kara met his eye. “I couldn't agree more.”

They were far from alone, and Nate could tell by his aunt's less-than-subtle glances from the other end of the lobby that she was watching their every move under the pretense of fiddling with the decorations. He took hold of Kara's elbow, edging her into the corner of the room, wishing he could move his hand lower, reach through her thick coat, and properly feel her—the way he'd done last night. He hoped to have another chance to explore things between them, but for now, he'd just have to wait.

“Do you need to get back to the bakery right away?”

“My sister's helping me out today, so I can spare a few extra minutes.” When she looked up at him, her blue eyes were bright. “Why do you ask?”

His gaze dropped to her mouth, her soft, pink lips, recalling the way they'd felt against his just a mere matter of hours ago. He cleared his throat and rolled back on his heels. “I bought a few more gifts for the toy drive.” He started to explain and then stopped. Some things couldn't be described, and he was eager for her opinion. “Here, I'll show you.”

After stomping the remaining snow from her boots, Kara followed him into a storage room off the kitchen, her gasp audible when he flicked on the light. He couldn't help but smile at her reaction as she ventured into the room, her eyes full of awe.

“You said a few more gifts!” she cried, walking over to a bright pink bike with matching training wheels and sparkling streamers. “More like you bought out the entire store!”

Nate gave a modest shrug, but he couldn't deny the swell of pride he felt at her reaction. With any luck, the kids would feel just as excited as she did. “What can I say? I couldn't stop. Every time I thought I had enough, I saw something else a kid might enjoy.” He eyed the model plane building set in the corner—it was just like one he'd had on his list one year. Back when he still made lists.

He swept his hair back from his forehead, pushing at those memories. There was no room for them here. Not when so many children would be able to have a better Christmas than he'd ever had.

“Oh, Nate.” Kara smiled warmly, coming over to set a hand on his arm. For a brief moment something passed between their exchange, and he thought she might lean in and kiss him, but just as quickly she pulled back. No doubt she knew his aunt well enough to know that if she caught them, she'd all but put a wedding announcement in tomorrow's newspaper. “You know, you aren't the Scrooge you say you are.”

Nate held her gaze, which was alive and sparkling. Her smile was contagious, all at once removing him from the bad mood that had threatened to encroach. He supposed something in him had started to thaw, that a new outlook on the holiday was forming, but that didn't mean he was as crazy for Christmas as the rest of this town. He just wasn't as opposed to it anymore. “I'm tolerating the holiday,” he said, catching the playful purse of her mouth. “But buying the gifts for these kids… it feels good. I just hope they enjoy them.”

“Of course they will!” Kara picked up a video game system and whistled under her breath. “You certainly spared no expense. The kids will be grateful. And… I'm grateful.” Her hand brushed his just long enough to send a rush of heat to his groin, to remind him of the passion in their kiss last night, of the connection that was forming between them.

“Should I bring these by the dance studio or store them here?” he asked. He resisted the urge to set a hand on her hip, to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close. His aunt was getting curious—more so than usual—and he didn't want to break the spell that Kara had started to cast over him.

“It might be better if you keep them here for a few days,” Kara said, and then rolled her eyes. “
The Nutcracker
is in peak panic mode, with the curtain call just a few days away. Believe me, you don't want to step foot in there unless you plan on getting trapped in a few hundred yards' worth of tulle.”

Nate laughed. “Thanks for the warning.”

Kara looked at him wistfully, seeming to hesitate for a moment. Eventually she said, “Well, I should probably go relieve Molly. She doesn't have much retail experience, and every time I turn around she's eating another one of my cookies. If I leave her alone much longer, I might not have any left to sell.”

Nate dropped his gaze to her mouth and finally pulled away. “I suppose I should get back to some Holiday House decorating myself,” he said begrudgingly. “My aunt has given me a last-minute to-do list that should carry me straight through to midnight.”

“Good luck with that,” Kara said, laughing softly.

“May the best man win,” Nate replied lightly, but he frowned a little when he thought of their original bet. It was that bet that had broken the ice with them, given them a common bond, but would it also be the factor that would end this little flirtation they were forming?

Kara patted his arm fondly and slipped him a smile. “More like the best woman.” She winked and turned from the room, leaving Nate to watch her go, her silky ponytail bouncing against her shoulders, her laugh merry and light, and her hips… Oh, those hips.

He flicked off the light to the storage room and went back to the lobby, eager to get a start on his aunt's list so that nothing would be left over until tomorrow.

Tomorrow he intended to spend the day enjoying Kara's company, even if it was at a Christmas festival, of all things. And as for the Holiday House contest outcome… He'd cross that bridge when the time came.


riar Creek's annual Winter Festival was everything Nate would have expected it to be and more. He'd caught a glimpse of it from the inn's front windows shortly after waking up, wondering who had transformed the town square overnight, as if by magic. The previously empty, snow-covered park space was now filled with stands with bright red awnings, and pine garland roped off various events, which even extended to an igloo-building competition. It was only ten, but already the inn had cleared out, and it seemed that every resident of the small town was gathered together to share in the festivities.

Aunt Maggie wore a bright red coat and matching hat and kept pressing that ridiculous knotted cap into his hand, the same one he'd obligingly worn when he'd gone skating with Kara.

His pulse skipped a beat when he thought of her, and he darted his eyes over to the rink, hoping to steal a glance of her long dark hair, her twinkling blue eyes, and the smile that was warmer than the sun on a cold day. It seemed there was some kind of event taking place on the slick surface today, though. No spins, jumps, or figure eights to be seen.

Deflated, he took his aunt's arm as they pushed through the crowds. It would be hard to find Kara in this mix of people, but he wasn't giving up just yet. It wasn't in his nature to give up.

“You'll catch a cold without a hat,” his aunt fretted, thrusting a cap at him once more.

There was no way in hell Nate was wearing this thing around the festival, but he tucked it into his pocket nonetheless, hoping he would calm his aunt's nerves when he told her he'd keep it in case he needed it.

“Oh, look. Warm chestnuts. I hadn't intended to stay long, but I might just be convinced to set housework aside for a bit longer.” His aunt smiled as she motioned to a stand, and, catching the hint, Nate bought her a bag. They were flavored with cinnamon, and the aroma was rich and heavy, a sharp contrast to the cold snow that crunched under their feet. Looking around, Nate felt a moment of guilt when he thought of his parents, on a sunny cruise, no overt reminder of Christmas to be seen on the vast Mediterranean Sea, and wondered if they might have enjoyed a few days of Briar Creek instead.

Or if it would have made them think of how Christmas could have been for them, had circumstances been different. He knew his mom would have loved the festival and the Holiday House contest. She'd always tried to make the most of their small apartment, with the few decorations they had, often calling on Nate to create something homemade, since he was so good at it…

He squared his jaw and reached into the bag, bringing a warm chestnut to his mouth as his aunt did the same. He was getting caught up, in the carols blasting through the air from speakers, in the decorations and the laughter and the twinkling lights. No doubt his parents were having a wonderful time. It was a luxury vacation, after all. What more could they ask for?

Nate frowned. No doubt indeed…

Shifting back to a topic he was more comfortable with, he said to his aunt, “I suppose this event is good for your business.”

“Oh, absolutely. This weekend is always booked months in advance, and there's a waiting list, too. I hate having to turn people away, but there's only so much room…”

Nate considered the suite he was occupying, no doubt one of the best in the inn, and said, “I'd like to pay you for the accommodations.”

His aunt looked at him in surprise. “What? No.”

“But you could have filled my room with a paying guest,” he pointed out.

“My dear boy, do you think I do this for the money?” She laughed away his concern.

He'd never stopped to consider there could be any other reason. You worked to pay the bills. To put food on the table. You didn't work to indulge your interests. Hobbies didn't keep the lights on.

“I had that room reserved for your parents, and then when you sent them away, well… Of course I could have rented it out to a guest, but I held out hope that you'd come, and here you are!” She beamed.

Nate frowned. “I didn't send them away. I gave them a vacation.”

“Ah, well. Same thing, really. I would have set two rooms aside if all three of you could have come. Besides,” Maggie continued, “you've earned your keep. I think we have a real chance of winning that contest this year.”

He muttered something noncommittal. His aunt had a cozy home, a comfortable inn, and she'd just admitted she wasn't doing this for the money. While Kara… she had freely voiced that she was entering the contest for the money. He could appreciate that.

“Can I ask you a question?” Nate stopped walking as they neared a clearing. “If you aren't running the inn for the money, then what are you doing it for?”

He needed to know how much effort to sink into this contest, decide where his loyalties lay, who deserved to take home the prize. His aunt loved a little neighborly drama, no doubt it kept things interesting around here, but if the only reason she was entering was to toot her horn to the likes of Kathleen Madison, then he could think of someone whose efforts were considerably more heartfelt.

“That house has been in my family since before I was born. I was raised there. I lived with your uncle there. Even though he's not with me anymore, and neither are my parents, they're in the fabric of that place—every room, every corner… It has a memory. I love that house, and it's important for me to give back the love that house has brought to me by giving my guests a good experience. I'm proud of it. I can't run it forever. I just want to make the most of it while I still can.” She gave him a watery smile. “Does that make sense?”

Nate swallowed hard and nodded silently. That inn was her legacy; it was all that she'd known. In many ways, all that she had left.

It made sense, all right. And it also put him in a damn near impossible situation.

Kara sipped her hot cocoa and skirted her eyes over the festival again, feeling a twinge of disappointment that Nate might not have showed after all. Christmas was hardly his thing, after all, and the Winter Festival was about as Christmassy as things got around Briar Creek.

“Looking for something?” Molly asked as she handed over a few bills for her own hot chocolate.

“Oh, just looking for Grace and Anna,” Kara said.

Molly pursed her lips knowingly. “And I'm looking for Santa Claus.” She elbowed her sister and leaned in close. “You're looking for Nate. It's okay to admit it. I'm your sister, after all.”

Kara sighed, but she couldn't fight her smile. “Okay, fine. You caught me. Satisfied?”

“Immensely,” Molly said, slanting her a glance. “But for someone who has a night of hot passion on her mind, you look a little down.”

“It wasn't a night of hot passion. It was just a kiss.” A very nice kiss, but still, just a kiss. “And I'm not low. I was just… Well, Nate said he was coming, and I was starting to wonder if he'd changed his mind. He's not really into Christmas.”

“Who doesn't like Christmas?” Molly remarked. “Besides, it looks to me like he likes Christmas quite a bit.” She lifted her chin, motioning to a stand a few yards away from where they stood, where sure enough, Nate stood among the crowd.

Kara felt her heart begin to flutter, and a ripple of excitement danced through her stomach. She suddenly felt nervous, like she couldn't go over to him, couldn't tap him on the shoulder, watch as he turned to give her one of those broad grins, and feel the surge of hope swell within her.

The man was leaving town in a matter of days. She needed to put her feelings in check and remember that, or else… But the thought of not enjoying this time, not acting on the feelings that were making her think a little less than clearly, not enjoying the magic that only Christmas could bring, well… that was darn near impossible.

“Are you going to go over and say hello?” Molly pressed.

“Oh… I don't want to come on too strong.” Kara took a sip of her cocoa, feeling it warm her blood, even though she was already so stifled and overheated in her down parka and wool hat that she had a sudden desire to strip down to her cashmere sweater, or maybe sit down in the snow… The man was under her skin. Making her pulse race. Her palms sweat. Her mind run with fantasies of another taste of those lips.

It was exciting. But it was also a little scary. She'd never felt this way before. Would she ever again, once he was gone?

“Well, you don't need to worry about that. Here he comes.” Molly tossed her a wink and, before Kara could protest, turned on her heel and walked off, waving to Jane and Anna Madison, who had just arrived with their fiancés.

Fiancés. Everyone was engaged now. Everyone except her.

She eyed Nate steadily as he walked over to her, his grin mischievous, his gaze a little jaded. No doubt all this country flair was far from his idea of fun, especially given the theme. What made her think he had any long-term plans for Briar Creek? Or her for that matter?

She probably would have been better off listening to her mother. Letting one of the eligible bachelors in town take her on a date. But then, those guys didn't make her insides go all mushy or her knees go all weak or make her smile herself to sleep with the possibility of tomorrow.

Wow. She had it bad.

“I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up,” Nate said conspiratorially, coming to stand close to her.

Kara felt a bubble of satisfaction swell in her belly. “I've been walking around with my sister,” she said.

“Ah, yes, I met her at the party. At least I think I did.” He frowned a bit. “There were a lot of new faces that night, and it was a bit of a blur.”

As much as she wanted to be alone with Nate, she knew now wasn't the time. Everyone in town was gathered on the square, and besides, she couldn't resist the opportunity to show him off. Just a little.

“Come on,” she said, slipping her arm through his. “I'll introduce you properly. But first you need a proper tour of the festival.” She grinned up at him as she walked in the direction opposite her friends and family, taking him on the long path through the various stalls offering everything from hand-knitted stockings to beautiful glass ornaments. The wind was picking up, but between the heat lamps and the comfort of Nate's body so close to hers, she didn't even seem to care. She buried her chin a little deeper in her scarf as they rounded a bend to stop for hot cider.

Kara accepted the steaming cup from Nate with a smile and leaned back against a tree trunk to watch a sledding race in the distance.

“Do you ever enter?” Nate asked, his voice low and deep in her ear, causing her to shiver into her coat.

Kara took a sip of her drink. “I did when I was a kid, but my brother always beat me.”

Nate grinned, but there was a shadow in his gaze she couldn't quite decipher. “Something tells me you gave it your all, though.”

“Of course.” Kara gave him a strange look. “Is there any other way?”

“There isn't,” Nate said, his jaw pulsing as he brought the paper cup to his mouth. His eyes shifted from hers to the hill again, just in time for the next race to start.

“I was just thinking…” He stopped talking, and Kara turned to look up at him, frowning when he lapsed into silence.

“Just thinking?” she pressed, feeling herself tense.

He looked down at her, his gaze soft again in a way that made her insides go all warm and mushy. She could have kissed him right here and now, leaning against the bark of an old maple tree, in front of half the town. Instead she blinked, straightened up, told herself to stop thinking like a teenager for five minutes.

“I was just thinking it's sort of a shame two people can't win the Holiday House contest,” he said a little hopefully.

Her grin was wry. “Kathleen Madison is going to win that contest. Not that I won't give it my best shot and all, and not that I don't really want to win, but if I were you, I'd prepare your aunt for a disappointment. She can be…”

He raised an eyebrow so dramatically, she burst out laughing. “Oh, I know how she can be. And believe me, I'm scared of what will happen if she doesn't win the prize.” He pulled in a breath and looked down at his cup. “Anyway, enough talk of this contest.”

Kara knew she couldn't keep him to herself all day, and with a bit of a sigh, she led him over to where her friends were gathered near the line for the snowman-building contest—a tradition in their group since they were kids. Luke and Grace always gave it their all, but she knew that Jane, Henry, and little Sophie were determined to win this year.

“I see Anna has persuaded you to enter this year,” she said to her cousin Mark.

“Hey, I wasn't about to let my brother beat me,” Mark said, giving his brother, Brett, a long look.

Brett smiled knowingly and put his arm around Ivy's shoulder, pulling her close. “With this one on my team, I don't see any way we can lose.” He looked down fondly at Ivy's face and gave her a single kiss.

Kara felt Nate looking at her and realized with a jolt that he was waiting to be introduced. “Everyone, this is Maggie Griffin's nephew, Nate. Some of you probably met him at Mark's house.”

The Madison sisters looked him up and down with unabashed interest before shifting their wide-eyed gazes to Kara. Kara felt her cheeks flush from the weight of their scrutiny, and she swallowed hard, wondering what they thought, what Nate thought, and what was really going on between them.

“Are you two entering the snowman-building contest?” Sophie asked, coming forward. Her knitted hat was lopsided, covering one of her eyes, and Kara laughed as she bent down to straighten it on the little girl's head.

Nate shrugged, checked with her. “I'm game if you are. What do you say?”

“Whoopee!” Sophie cried before Kara had a chance to reply. “Now Kara doesn't have to enter alone again like last year.” Her look of joy was promptly replaced with bewilderment as she remembered Molly. “But who will you enter with?”

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