Christmas Male (24 page)

Read Christmas Male Online

Authors: Jillian Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Holidays, #Westerns

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"Are you all right?" he asked, tipping her chin up to meet his gaze.

Terror and pain lingered in those cornflower blue depths. She looked so small, so vulnerable, with her golden hair tangled and disheveled, with dirt streaking her white nightgown. His chest squeezed tight. He'd thought he'd lost her. He feared she would be dead. He'd feared he'd never find her.

"I'm f-fine," she insisted, trembling so hard her teeth chattered. Bruises darkened her face, one eye was swollen shut and her lower lip was puffy and bleeding. "I'm great, now that you're here. Miles, you saved me."

He nearly broke apart inside as her hand landed on his chest, right over his heart. He cleared his throat, his voice gruff. "Guess I did save you. I don't know what came over me."

"And on an empty stomach, too." She raised her gaze to his, full of love. Real, authentic love. It shimmered in her eyes, mixed with her tears.

This was the real thing, a rare, once-in-a-lifetime love. He covered her hand with his, trapping it there against his chest. His heart came to life in a whole new way, as if he was truly alive for the first time.

"That's why I hunted you down, so you could cook breakfast," he confessed, wryly, but it wasn't close to the truth. He had to find a way to say what was in his heart. "I didn't want Pops to man the stove. He burns eggs. It's terrible."

"There's always oatmeal," she teased, her voice still shaky. "Although I suppose he might burn that too."

"Yes, he does." When he should have been teasing, there was no humor in his voice. Just tenderness. "Besides, it wasn't just breakfast that motivated me to find you. Pops was worried about you."

"Pops, huh?" She arched a brow, not at all fooled as he carefully gathered her into his strong arms. She went willingly, snuggling against his iron-hard chest, letting his body heat warm her. Oh, it felt good. So good. She felt safe and comforted, as if everything was going to be all right.

"Yes, it was all Pops. I didn't want to go out in the cold morning." The emotion in his eyes and the resonance in his voice betrayed him. He tightened his hold on her, tucking her head beneath his chin. "I should be at my desk right now, working away, with a full belly and a steaming cup of coffee. I guess that means you ruined my morning."

"So sorry about that," she said, her chest starting to ache in a new and different way. She could feel his emotions behind his words, and it meant more to her than anything. "I was sort of busy, being tied up and left in a pit beneath the saloon, or I absolutely would have been there cooking breakfast for you."

"I appreciate your dedication." He stood, lifting her with him and carried her over to a corner table, near the window. The new day's sun tumbled through the glass like a promise of things to come. He pulled out a chair with his foot and eased her down into it carefully, as if she were the most precious thing in the world.

Her chest squeezed with a wonderful pain, with a happiness so big it hurt. She shifted on the chair, feeling the warmth of the fire someone had built in the nearby pot-bellied stove. The sheriff and his men marched the bartender out of the saloon in cuffs, wanting to know the name of the man he'd been about to sell her to. She watched Ed go, and he tossed a belligerent glare her way before the sheriff shoved him out onto the boardwalk.

"He was going to sell me." That made her shake all over again. "You saved me from that."

"It's only fair," Miles said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "Since you saved me first."

"How did I do that?" She blushed, thinking of last night. "Do you mean when we—"

"That was part of it." He knelt down before her, his gaze intense on hers, soft and passionate, the same way they'd been last night in front of the fire. His heart shone there. "Something happened when I realized someone had taken you. I rode straight over to the Collins house and kicked open their door. I was a little crazy and a little rough trying to find you."

"A little?" She caught one of his hands up in hers, studying his knuckles. They were bruised, bleeding and swollen. "Looks like you used these more than a little."

"True, but Chester didn't seem to have you so Big Jack and I raced down the road to the next house." He leaned in to kiss her right cheek. "I was going to search every building in this county looking for you."

"Every building?" she asked, shivering down deep when he pressed a light kiss to her left cheek.

"Lucky for me Mr. Dahl had been up late last night with a colicky horse." Miles leaned in to drop a kiss on the tip of her nose. "He happened to see someone drive by, heading to town around three this morning. He recognized the bartender's horse, which was strange. So I got the sheriff and we came looking for you. Just so you know, I wouldn't have stopped until I found you. I would have died first."

"Oh, Miles." Tears swam in her eyes. The love in her heart surged brighter for this man who had the heart she was looking for, after all. No words could describe how that felt.

"You know," he began, pausing to press a kiss in the center of her forehead. "Today's Christmas Eve, and it looks as if the trains will be running today. You'll be able to spend the holiday with your married sister."

"Yes, I will." She blinked hard, but those pesky tears started winning the fight, streaming down her face, hot against her skin. He cared for her that much, but he was going to let her go. It was agony to think of getting on that train.

"That's not fair at all," he said, arching an eyebrow. "You're going and you are leaving me here with a house full of Christmas decorations. Sorry, I'm not about to let that happen."

"You aren't?" Hope leaped to life.

"No, I'm coming with you." He cupped her chin in his hand. "If you'll have me. I love you, Maggie so, so much."

Joy overwhelmed her. She blinked against the tears blurring his dear, handsome face. Oh, how wonderful to hear those words, to know he meant them with all of his heart. Her dear, dear Miles. He loved her and he wanted her! He gently claimed her lips with his, kissing her so tenderly more tears slipped down her cheeks, kissing so truly, her soul sighed with contentment. When this man loved, it was deep, with all of his heart. She felt that in his kiss and saw it in his eyes when she pulled back. She felt treasured and desirable and beautiful in his eyes. Maybe all along she was looking for this—this bond, this connection, to really matter to the man she adored. Tender, tender affection rose up in her heart.

"I love you too," she told him, overwhelmed by the emotion swimming in his eyes. "You, Miles, you're my dream."

"You're mine. I'm so glad you came along to show me that. This is just the start, I promise you. I'm going to love you forever." He wrapped her tightly in his arms. She buried her face in the hollow of his shoulder, holding on to him so tight. She'd found the perfect man, the strongest man with the truest heart, and he was hers. For now and for their wonderful life to come.



Clark Creek, Montana Territory

Christmas Day


"This has been the best Christmas ever," Maggie declared as she whisked the newly dried pot from Emma's towel and crossed the kitchen to stow it on its shelf. "Especially since we were able to spend it together."

"Thanks to your new beau." Callie dunked the dishcloth into the sink, swishing it in the soapy water before wringing it back out again. "I can't believe he wired money to Emma for train tickets."

"Neither can I." Emma shook out her dishtowel before hanging it up next to the cook stove, her lovely face stern with disapproval. "Maggie, I heard you sneak into our hotel room very late last night. Perhaps that's why he paid for our tickets."

"So I would agree to sleep with him?" Maggie laughed, amused by her oldest sister. Poor Emma, she'd been a spinster too long. Maybe one day she would discover the kind of bliss to be found in the arms of a special man. "I hate to break it to you, Emma, but I'm already having a physical relationship with Miles."

"How long has this been going on?" Abby asked, breezing into the warm, homey kitchen. Her naturally curly blond hair tumbled down from its up knot, sweetly framing her face. Her blue eyes lit up with intrigue and curiosity. "I'm dying to know the details."

"Me, too." Adorable Dee closed the pantry door where she'd been putting away the last of the brownies they'd made for dessert. Judging by the crumbs she was wiping from her mouth, she'd treated herself to one final piece. "Is it as good as Callie says?"

"Every bit as much." Maggie knew she was glowing and blushing and about ready to spill all the wonderful details, but Emma cleared her throat.

"This is
Emma emphasized. "It's a holiday. It's no place for lurid descriptions of what one only does to make a baby."

"Oh, that's not the only reason to do it," Callie said mischievously, flushing a little pink as she wiped down the counter. "I know that for a fact. Especially since, I'm already going to have a baby—"

"What?" Maggie shouted in surprise and delight.

"—and we're doing it more than ever." Callie turned even pinker, joy shimmering in her eyes. "I mean, we're very, very happy."

"Congratulations!" Abby squealed, dashing over to wrap Callie in a hug. "Ooh, this is such good news."

"The best!" Dee agreed, snuggling in for a hug too. "We're going to be aunties."

"And you're going to be a ma." Maggie's heart caught at that thought, moving in to hug Callie, too. Tears stung her eyes. "You have everything you've ever wanted. I'm so happy for you."

"Me too." Callie swiped a tear from her eye. "By this time next year, there's going to be a little niece or nephew for you all to dote over."

"And to spoil with kisses," Abby added, wiping a tear from her eye, too. "Plus, I'm so glad you're getting so much
out of married life."

"Stop talking about the sexual act," Emma ordered, sounding stern but joy brightened her eyes as she squeezed in to hug Callie. "I am thrilled for you. Our parents would be so proud."

Her words brought more tears to everyone's eyes. Maggie thought of their loving ma and pa and how they adored each other. It amazed her she'd found that kind of bond. True love was not as rare as you might think.

"Ladies." Miles stepped into the room and cleared his throat. He'd been such a gentleman to her sisters, paying for their train tickets, hotel and meals and even hiring a horse-drawn sleigh and driver to ferry them about town so they could shop. He and Callie's husband, Mason, had become fast friends, too. Miles nodded cordially. "If you all would like to come into the parlor, I have a surprise for Maggie."

Maybe it was the way he said it or his steady, unwavering gaze, but her heart took a nosedive, tumbling straight down to her toes. While her sisters scrambled eagerly toward the front of the house, Miles held out his hand to her, palm up, waiting for her touch.

The instant she placed her hand in his, lightning streaked through her, body and soul. She was in a daze, letting him lead her through the adorable house Callie had made into a cozy home to where the Christmas tree stood in front of the parlor's big bay window, candlelight gleaming like a hundred stars.

"I wanted to do this with your family around," he said, going down on bended knee. "So they would know how much I love you. There is no end to what I feel for you. You are the best gift in my life. I want to cherish you and make you happy forever. Maggie, will you marry me?"

He pulled a ring out of his pocket. The gold band gleamed in the light, but it was the diamonds that caught her eye. One huge glittering one ringed by a dozen smaller ones. She'd never seen anything as lovely or as expensive.

"It was my grandmother's," he explained, his gaze on hers, knowing her answer before she could say it. "My grandfather wanted you to have it, and I couldn’t say no to him, especially since I was leaving him and Pa at home for Christmas. This ring represents a lifetime of true love. I want that for us, too."

"So do I." She held out her hand, let him slip that precious ring onto her finger, so overjoyed there were no words. Just feeling. "Yes, Miles. I would love to be your wife."

"You just gave me the best Christmas present I could wish for. You." He stood, his gaze tender, his touch gentle as he pulled her close.

In the golden light of the tree, he kissed her with all the love in his heart. She kissed him with all the love in hers. She could feel their future in that kiss. Their winter wedding to come, one day soon his hand on her stomach where their baby would grow, and come next Christmas they would be gathering right here at Callie's house with two new babies in the family to love.

Oh yes, she thought, her heart full. It was going to be a great life.


- The End -


Look for the next book in the
You've Got Mail
Priority Male,
Abby's story, coming after the new year.

About the Author

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