Christmas_With_A_Stranger_CandyCaine (2 page)

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Authors: Candy Caine

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Christmas_With_A_Stranger_CandyCaine
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There was only one small cot in the shack, and I was in it, covered by the only blanket.

“You must be freezing, Roy.”

“I’ve had warmer moments.”

“Come share this blanket with me.”

“I don’t want to jostle you by accident—you must be still sore from the crash.”

“We’re not going to dance, just keep each other from freezing.”

It was no secret Roy and I would have to share the single cot if we wanted to survive the night. We needed our collective body heat to keep warm. Survival 101. I was also aware of the ultimate way to generate body heat, but tried not to dwell on it.

As he dropped down on the cot behind me, my pulse began to race. I feared he could hear every beat. His nearness soon proved overwhelming and kindled the kind of thoughts and feelings I reserved only for Wesley. Never once in our two-year relationship had I entertained such dangerous thoughts for another man. Up until the moment I’d met Roy Colby, I’d been so sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Wesley. So, why was I so drawn to this man, who was nothing more than a stranger to me? Why did I have this crazy desire to rub my butt against him—or worse—turn around and reach for him? Sure he was good-looking and the virility oozed out of him like perspiration, but was that any excuse? Being so close, I heard the change in his breathing and couldn’t help but notice he felt something for me, as well. I chastised myself for being so sorely tempted.

I tried to think about Wesley and how worried he must be by now. The fact that Christmas was in two days and it would be the first one in two years without him made me melancholy. I must have drifted off to sleep because when I opened my eyes again, I sensed it was morning and I was alone. Where had Roy gone?

Feeling better, I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and walked to the window. It had snowed all through the night and was still coming down. I saw Roy fighting the snow drifts as he gathered more wood. If the snow would let up some, a search party would come looking for us. Until then, there was little that could be done.

There wasn’t much to occupy our time. Roy rummaged through the shack and found a beat-up pack of playing cards. We played every card game we knew and ate sparingly of the little food we had found. But most of all, we talked. Normally, I would have found all this boring. I didn’t with Roy. I enjoyed every moment merely being with him. He was the most interesting, and, oh God, the most desirable man I had ever met. It wouldn’t be too difficult to fall in love with him.

Feeling extremely guilty, I tried to fight the growing feelings I had for Roy. Yet, the more I fought, the stronger they became. I knew it was all so terribly wrong. I had a wonderful, caring guy at home who was probably out of his mind by now thinking the worst. The problem was that Wesley was at home and here I was hundreds of miles away with a gorgeous, exciting man. I only hoped we were found before I weakened and gave in to my simmering desire, which I was finding it harder and harder to control. The man, who was once a stranger, was no more after having bared his soul. And the truth was, I wanted this man more than anything. If it hadn’t been for Wesley...

Wesley. I tried to concentrate on Wesley. Closing my eyes, I tried to visualize his face. I couldn’t. My God! How was it possible not to remember the face of the man I saw every day and loved? A fresh crop of guilt began to consume me. Then reality hit me, making everything else irrelevant.

What if it continued to snow and a search party wasn’t able to be sent out and we weren’t found before the food ran out? We could die out here. Should my last days be filled with guilt and unfulfilled desire? Or should I die satisfied in the arms of a desirable man?

“Allie, what's wrong? Are you in pain?”

I shook my head. Not physical pain, I thought, wondering if he had read my mind.

He sat down next to me on the cot. I moved closer to him, impelled involuntarily by my own passion. He put his arms around me, and I was at once aware of his strength and warmth. A delightful shiver of wanting shot through me. My mind made a last feeble attempt to get me to resist, but my body felt that invisible tug of attraction which was building between us. I turned to face him and his eyes locked on mine. They were dark and smoldering with unmistakable passion, saying everything I longed to hear. My heart began to beat faster as my body began to anticipate what was to follow.

Roy took my face in his strong hands and gently kissed me. As I kissed him back longingly, I slipped my hands under his shirt and stroked his hard, muscled back. The kisses we shared became fiercer and deepened as they grew longer. His hands dropped down to my breasts. He cupped them, and I could feel his heat through my clothing. I suddenly had the desire to touch him. I lowered the zipper on his jeans and reached inside. In response, his kisses grew more intense. His shaft was thick and hard. With one hand I circled the engorged tip and with the other, stroked his balls. He groaned in pleasure and moved away from me in order to take his jeans off.

With the blanket over his back he got back on to the cot. When I reached for him again, he stopped me and opened my blouse and bra, helping me take them off. Then he pulled off my jeans and panties.

Roy ran his eyes appraisingly over my body. “You’re beautiful, Allie.” Gently touching my cheek he added, “And your skin begs to be tasted.”

He lowered his mouth to one breast and swirled his tongue around its nipple as he stroked the other. Intense heat surged through me like a wildfire. His hand slipped down lower; its touch was light and painfully teasing. He went lower still, exploring the inside of my thigh. Each stroke sent new sparks arcing through my already simmering body.

I threaded my fingers through his thick, midnight hair and pulled his face closer. His lips locked onto mine, and we kissed intensely as he continued to stroke me. My body became all too impatient to feel him within me and yet, he seemed oblivious. Instead, he continued his exquisite torture by slipping two fingers within my sex. I rubbed my clit against them as he continued to stroke and suck my engorged nipples. I reached down and stroked his cock, hoping he’d get the message.

He removed his fingers and slipped his cock inside me. The fire crackled and glowed while we moved frantically, as if there were no tomorrow. Perhaps he’d come to the same conclusions as I had. If this was the end for us, we’d make the most of it. However, I sensed in his touch there might be more than that involved. Could he be attracted to me as I was to him? As his unbridled passion rose to meet mine, I realized Roy had reached a special place within me where Wesley had never been.

I felt as if I’d hitched a ride on a rocket, soaring higher and higher, until I finally shattered into a million glowing stars. As one wave of ecstasy after another throbbed through me, Roy let go and climaxed, as well. When he finished, he bent down to kiss me and surprisingly, I felt new involuntary tremors of arousal. His kisses became more fervent and, as he moved within me, I could feel him growing hard again. Instead of remaining inside me, he pulled out and motioned for me to turn around and get on my knees. Positioning himself behind me, he slipped back inside, rubbing my clit with the fingers on one hand and fanning a nipple with the thumb of his other.

My entire body focused on what Roy was doing. Every stroke was making me sizzle. I could hear my breath sounding more and more ragged. What was this man doing to me? He picked up speed and pounded me harder, slapping into me, driving me out of my mind. “Yes!” I heard myself scream as I met each thrust. He continued to rub my clit. I felt another orgasm beginning and let it take me over. But he wasn’t finished with me yet. The man truly knew how to pleasure a woman. I was still coming down from the heavens with this orgasm when he began to rev my engines for the next.

Pulling out from behind me, he turned me on my back. Even if we didn’t have a fire going, I’d have never felt the biting cold. My internal temperature had to be way off the charts. He began to alternately kiss and tongue the inside of my thighs. That was my Achilles Heel, for it turned what was left of my insides to liquid fire. By the time he reached my triangle, I was primed and ready to fire.

He spread my folds open like the petals on a flower. With his tongue he lapped at my nectar, occasionally sucking my clit which was still engorged and now overly sensitive. I wouldn’t have thought it possible for me to reach a third orgasm and yet I could feel the heat of desire building within me again. Then as the pleasure erupted from my very core, I moaned, as my body trembled with one wave of ecstasy after another.

Though now exhausted, I wanted to give Roy as much pleasure as he’d given me. Therefore, I took him in my mouth and began to make love to his cock. He groaned as I sucked and fondled his sacs. I kept up a steady pace as he stroked my nipples. Judging by his erratic breathing he was ready to come, I picked up the pace. A moment later, he stiffened and ejaculated. I hardly had time to swallow before he pulled me down to kiss him, something Wesley would never do.

This time we were both spent and we cuddled together. For the time being we forgot the peril we were in. While we lay together in the afterglow of our lovemaking, I memorized Roy’s beautiful face as I traced the shape of his sensual lips and the sweet sensations of his hands on my body. I knew we’d begun something we could never finish. If we were rescued, he would return to Carol, and I would go home to Wesley. But as Roy held me close, I knew when he reached for me again, I would gladly comply. I couldn't stop myself any more than I could control the weather.




The following morning was Christmas. Sometime during the night, it had stopped snowing. We awoke to the noise of engines and dressed quickly as a snowmobile approached the shack. We’d been found! Being realists, we both knew we’d never be able to see each other again. Though what had happened between us was far from a one-night stand, we’d have to treat it as such. Even though Roy had taken me to heights I’d never been to before and probably will never see again, I belonged to a wonderful guy and wasn’t ready to trash my life with him. The love I shared with Roy would remain a sweet memory which would last forever in my heart.

When we finally parted, I kissed Roy goodbye and wished him happiness. He bid me the same. As I struggled to hold back the tears welling in my eyes, I thought I detected a slight misting in his beautiful, blue eyes, as well. Perhaps he’ll never forget our beautiful night together, either. However, I’ll never truly know. What I did know was that when he walked away, he took a part of me that no one could ever replace.

I remained in the hospital overnight for observation. Wesley and Joe Brown were both at the hospital when I arrived. I wasn’t certain which guy looked worse. I doubted if either had slept a wink while I was missing, and I was genuinely happy to see them both.




Our presents were still wrapped and waiting under our Christmas tree. I had gotten Wesley a beautiful gold watch and some clothes. He’d gotten me a gorgeous leather jacket and a gold bracelet. When we finished opening the gifts, he scooped me up into his arms and carried me into the bedroom.

We both undressed and got on to the bed. Wesley rolled over and kissed me. “I love you, Allie. When I thought I’d lost you…”

I reached up and gently touched his cheek. “I know, baby. I know.”

He began to kiss my neck, my face, and then my lips. His lips were at my neck once more. He began to kiss his way down my body. Slowly he ran his tongue over my nipples. His lips were on mine again, and when I closed my eyes, it was Roy’s face I saw. No, I thought. This was wrong. “Love me, baby,” I cried out to Wesley.

His lips slid slowly down my body. He sucked and licked one nipple and then the other before he tongued my navel. My body had begun to respond to him like Pavlovian conditioning and for the time being all thoughts of those stolen moments with Roy were gone. Wesley began to plant tender kisses down the insides of my thighs, which drove me crazy. Then he lifted my legs and buried his face between them. Lifting my bottom, he ran his tongue over my clitoris and the folds of my pussy. I felt the excitement rise within me like water poured onto an oil fire. All thoughts of anything but pleasure were pushed out of my head. Then Wesley thrust his tongue inside me and began to fuck me with it. Electricity seemed to arc right through me heading straight for the pleasure center of my brain.

I gyrated my bottom, practically mashing it against his face as I worked towards the ecstasy. Finally, as I felt the first wave of pleasure overtake me, I abandoned myself to the maelstrom of sensation. Wesley sensed I was climaxing and squeezed my nipples harder as he continued to suck me. When the last spasm of pleasure had gone through me, I ran my hands down his face, letting him know it was time to pleasure him.

Wesley loved the doggie-style of making love. Yet, he didn’t want to enter me from the rear that night. Instead, he wanted to be able to watch my face and kiss me, so he positioned himself between my legs and slipped inside. To give him more access, I put my legs on his shoulders. He rocked in and out of me slowly, as if he were savoring every stroke. Was he doing it missionary style because he was thinking of the possibility of losing me again? Great! Make me feel guiltier for what had happened between me and Roy Colby.

He began to move faster, tearing me away from my thoughts. His breathing had become choppier, and I knew he was about to come. I matched his pace and sure enough, I felt his back stiffen a moment before he shot his wad. Then he’d collapsed with his head on my chest. I stroked his back as he lazily played with my exposed nipple.

“I’d die if I ever lost you,” he whispered.

I felt as if all the air were sucked out of my body. When I replied, “I’ll never leave you, baby,” I promised myself to live up to those words. I only wished they didn’t sound so hollow.




I tried to pick up the pieces of my life with Wesley and go on from there. Even though I wanted to make the wonderful night of bliss that I’d spent with Roy Colby a memory, I soon discovered I couldn't do that any more than I could erase the very fact it happened. When Wesley made love to me, I found myself imagining it was Roy. And the more I tried to forget Roy, the more he became a part of my dreams.

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