Chroniech! (8 page)

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Authors: Doug Farren

BOOK: Chroniech!
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"Because of the extensive damage, very little could be learned about its operation. Two scientific advances resulted from the examination of its mechanism. One was the development of a superior stardrive and the other was the improvement in FTL communications speed and distance. Far more could have been learned if the probe had not been nearly destroyed completely on impact. We know the builders had a knowledge of continuum field dynamics that far surpasses our own.”

"It was decided to classify the discovery in the event that additional artifacts were ever found. When the Komodo Dragon reported finding an ancient ship, I was assigned to the science team in case your discovery was related to the probe. Because of the technological advances that will be possible from an examination of the alien device it must be protected at all cost. It also must remain the property of the Alliance and not allowed to become the sole property of any one member. For this reason, the Grand Council has assumed ownership of the ship and its contents. I am here under the direct authority of the Grand Council to protect this discovery at all cost."

"That explains a lot," Stricklen replied after allowing himself a moment to digest the facts. "Can you explain why Falnath, the top expert on continuum physics, just happens to be on the science team?"

"Falnath was on Almaranus attending a conference on applied continuum physics when your report arrived. We availed ourselves of the opportunity and asked her to review the data. She became very excited and demanded that she be placed in charge of the science team.”

"Her supervisors were unwilling to send such an important individual to a remote area of unexplored space until she explained her reasoning. She felt that the energy signature you had recorded indicated a new unique application of high energy field dynamics which, once analyzed, could allow us to improve upon our current stardrive technology. She convinced everyone that she was the only person qualified who could perform the analysis."

Stricklen couldn't help but smile as a thought crossed his mind. "I have no doubt that she could be very persuasive if she was so inclined."

Sorbith returned the smile and turning to leave, replied, "Rouldians are a very peaceful and stubborn species. They can, however, be very intimidating if they want. Good day captain."

Stricklen sat in thought for several minutes after Sorbith had left. The existence of an ancient star-traveling civilization was still hard to believe. These people had apparently been traveling among the stars and sending out probes to distant worlds before the Human race had discovered that the lights in the sky above them were anything more than just lights. What had become of these people? Where were they now?

Stricklen's thoughts were interrupted by his XO reminding him of the staff meeting. During the meeting, a plan was created for extracting the chamber from the derelict's cargo hold. Most of the Dragon's shuttles would be transferred to other ships in order to make room in the shuttle bay for the object. A needle beam would then be used to cut the cargo bay doors apart to allow the contents to be extracted. It would then be towed to the shuttle bay and secured.

The extraction operation was to begin as soon as the Dragon's hanger bay could be cleared and the engineers determined the exact locations to make the cuts in the alien ship. The entire operation had to be very carefully planned due to the presence of the powerful gravitational field that existed on one side of the device. Hopefully they would be ready to begin in about eight hours.

On his way to get some lunch, Stricklen received some disturbing news. "The alien probe has destroyed our HK," the voice on the other end of the com-link said. "Two destroyers have been dispatched to intercept. The probe has accelerated to 1,560c and has begun evasive maneuvers. It is now at a distance of 0.33 lights and at its current speed will be within weapons range in less than two hours. Mobius has ordered the fleet to an alert status."

Stricklen ordered the Komodo Dragon to follow suit. He was not worried about the probe itself — it posed no threat and the destroyers would obliterate it. He did, however, recognize the tactic the probe was using. It was trying to get as close to the fleet as it could in order to gather as much information as possible before it was destroyed. To Ken's military mind it meant their uninvited guests would soon be arriving. Ken's lunch-time was filled with worry.

5 - Chroniech


The probe proved to be exceptionally difficult to catch. It was fast, highly maneuverable, and easily avoided the gravity mines that had been deployed to force the probe into normal space.

Ships under faster than light drive were technically not in normal space but existed within a miniature universe of their own. In order to engage in combat or, such as in the case of the probe, to be attacked, the ship had to drop out of stardrive. The best way to force a ship back into normal space was through the use of a gravity mine. This was usually a high-speed FTL-capable drone that carried a short-lived but extremely powerful gravity field generator.

The idea was to activate the generator close enough to the target so that the disruption of space caused an instability in the drive fields of the target thus forcing it out of stardrive and back into normal space. Even though the drones were technically not a mine, the technology to force a starship back into normal space was originally incorporated in an actual mine and so the name stuck.

The alien probe made it to within two million kilometers of the Dragon before a gravity mine finally got close enough and forced the probe out of stardrive. Before the probe could move away from the area of warped space, a Tholtaran destroyer had locked on and obliterated it. The probe, however, had sent back enough data for its makers to act upon.


Eight light years away, a group of warships had been leisurely making their way back home when the first report from the probe had arrived. The fleet had stopped as more information was obtained. Following the probe's destruction a communications link was established with their central base.

"You are certain of the identity of the ship?" the base command asked.

"Yes," replied the ship's captain. "The description has been faithfully preserved. The enemy are in possession of a ship of the ancients. The design matches within tolerance. We must act."

The base commander considered the information then asked, "What information do you have on the strength of their fleet."

The captain consulted a nearby screen and replied, "One large dreadnought of considerable size accompanied by nine ships of a class inferior to ours."

The base commander considered this for a moment. The captain's fleet consisted of five heavy warships; no match for the superior firepower available to the enemy. Reluctantly he came to a decision. "We had not planned to engage their military yet and I am certain that we should not do so unless we have a decided advantage. I will inform Prime of the situation. Additional ships will be dispatched to your location to reclaim what is ours. Until then, deploy probes to monitor the activities of the enemy and move the fleet closer. Keep me informed of any changes."

The communications link closed. Within minutes several warships that had been heading toward another Alliance outpost altered course. The captain's fleet began to move and additional probes were launched.


* * * * *


"Here comes another one!" exclaimed Scarboro. He was on the bridge to observe the extraction of the stasis chamber from the alien ship which was about to begin. During the last three hours the Alliance fleet had intercepted and destroyed four of the annoying probes. This would be the fifth one.

Stricklen was worried. He had discussed their situation with Trisk at length and found the Tholtaran to be an arrogant fool. Ken pointed out that the probes had to be coming from an alien fleet which was very close, probably just beyond their detector range. He also believed that they were of the same race that had attacked Mintaka.

Stricklen wanted to send out several probes of their own in an attempt to locate the enemy ships. Trisk had disagreed, stating he needed his probes to maintain the defense perimeter. He felt his ship was powerful enough to ward off any attack and he refused to ask sector command for additional ships despite Stricklen's belief that the enemy was waiting for reinforcements to arrive prior to attacking.

Stricklen approached Sorbith and was delighted to find the peacekeeper had already requested additional ships, unfortunately, they would not arrive for several days. Trisk somehow found out that Stricklen had gone over his head and was furious.

The fleet commander tried to remove Stricklen from command of his ship but backed down when Sorbith calmly informed him that if he tried, he would be stripped of rank and assigned to the galley of his own ship as a cook. Ken took the opportunity to launch three probes of his own on a search mission.

"Everyone is clear of the cargo bay," reported a voice. "We are ready to begin cutting."

A moment later, an invisible beam of coherent energy leapt out from the side of the Komodo Dragon and struck the derelict's outer cargo bay doors. Although the beam was invisible in the vacuum of space, its effect on the armor plating of the alien ship was very visible.

For a brief moment the armor plating resisted, first glowing red, then white hot in a vain attempt to dissipate the heat being pumped into it. Within seconds the needle beam won the contest and began cutting a long thin line across the cargo door.

Three minutes later the beam cut off and the eerie bluish light of a tractor beam replaced it. Unlike the concentrated beam of pure energy that preceded it, this beam manipulated space and produced a visible track where it passed. An enormous section of plating was pulled from the side of the ship leaving a gaping hole into the cargo bay.

Several maintenance drones moved in and, using their own tractor beams, began the delicate operation of extracting the stasis chamber. As the chamber slowly cleared the newly cut entrance, a report came in saying that the fifth probe had been destroyed. Ken watched for a few minutes then put in a call to Travan McCallister who was the person in charge of figuring out how to shutdown the stasis device.

"Any progress to report?" Ken asked as soon as the connection had been established.

"Some," McCallister replied. Ken could see several computer screens with complex schematics on them in the background. "The main control systems are routed entirely through their computer. Because we stand little chance of gaining control of the computer, we have concentrated our efforts on the backup and emergency control systems."

"I thought the main computer was inactive?" Stricklen cut in.

"That is true for the bulk of the machine," McCallister replied. "But, there are small isolated sections of circuitry that are active. I believe we have identified at least one of the backup systems and several other circuits are being traced out now. We should have some idea about how the controls work within a few hours once we can get back to work."

"Excellent. Please let me know as soon as you learn anything." Stricklen cut the connection and went back to watching the transfer. The chamber had cleared the ship and was about one-third of the way to the Dragon's waiting hanger bay.


* * * * *


"The enemy is removing a large object from the ship of the ancients," the tactical station monitoring the probe reported.

The captain was seething inside. How dare these inferior creatures deface a ship of the ancients! He was also worried. The legends contained stories of the ancients possessing weapons of irresistible power. If such a weapon had survived and was aboard the ship the enemy had found, it would be unwise to let them examine it.

Despite the lack of reinforcements the captain could not allow the enemy to gain possession of anything that might give them a technological advantage. If he could not retrieve the ancient ship then he felt duty-bound to at least attempt to destroy it. He was forced to act.

As part of the training for his command he had studied the behavior of the Alliance member races. How such a diverse collection of species ever managed to function together was currently unknown. One of the races had to be the master race, yet no indication of which race it was had been discovered. It was common knowledge among his race that two intelligent, advanced species could never live together as equals. One species always rose to dominate the other.

But, based upon his training, he thought there might be a non-military solution to their problem. It was a remote possibility at best being based upon a few individual's crackpot idea that the Alliance races actually cooperated together. Crackpot idea or not, if it worked he would be regarded as a hero.

"We cannot let them obtain any of the secrets of the ancients," the captain informed his crew. "Bring all ships to battle readiness. Set course to the enemy fleet and engage at maximum. Bring me the person who has been instructed to learn the culture and language of these creatures," the captain ordered.

A few minutes later an individual who had been studying the Alliance ever since the Chroniech had become aware of them arrived. "How may I be of service captain?" he asked.

"The enemy you have been studying has found a ship of the ancients and is removing something from within it. We have insufficient ships to effectively engage them in battle at this time. We need to delay their departure until reinforcements arrive. You have been tasked with learning as much as possible about them. In your opinion what is our best strategy for delaying them?"

The specialist thought for a long moment before replying. He had found it difficult to understand the cultures of the various races known to make up the Alliance and he knew his response could very well determine the outcome of the conflict which was about to occur. "Their thought processes are alien to our own. We do not yet know which species is the master race so we do not know who to initially address."

"There are those who say the Alliance does not have a single master race," the captain interjected, steering the conversation in the direction he desired.

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