Cinderella Undercover (7 page)

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Authors: KyAnn Waters

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Cinderella Undercover
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A screech echoed through the scrub.
She smacked her arm, squishing a mosquito. Stay in the thicket? Because of all the bugs, she was ready to run to the coast. She tracked through the pungent-smelling peat.

“That jump from the balcony was impressive.”

Enough minutes had passed that she startled at the sound of his voice. “The motivation was strong. I’m glad the mission was successful.” She watched her step as she walked along dryer, mossy ground.

He snorted. “We’ll see when we get back to D.C.”

She nodded and stepped over a branch. “It was harried there for a minute.” Would he comment about what had happened between them? She desperately wanted to know if she meant anything to him. At the same time, she didn’t want to hear she was just part of the assignment.

And if he still had feelings for her, how come he’d left?

“What are you thinking about?” The deep timbre of his voice seeped into her psyche and sought the part of her heart that she thought she’d hardened to him. But like the soft peat beneath her feet, she could feel herself sinking deeper.

“I’m wondering why you left me. I know you weren’t happy to see me today. I wonder what I did to chase you away, and if you couldn’t get away from me fast enough, why didn’t you pretend in Rick’s bedroom? You didn’t have to fuck me to make the scene believable.” She couldn’t look at him, couldn’t lie to his face, but she’d wanted their encounter to be more than part of the assignment. “I didn’t enjoy being your escort.” It was the closest she could go to the truth. She enjoyed being his partner…his lover.

He didn’t answer, so she stopped walking and turned to him.

“I’m an ass. I never should’ve left the way I did.” He closed the space between them. “I swear, when I left that morning, I had every intention of returning.”

Her heart pounded. Not just because of his proximity, which always caused a flutter in her chest, but because she was finally hearing an explanation as to why he’d broken her heart.

He growled and ran his hands through his hair. A muscle in his jaw twitched. “I don’t want to do this.”

“Man up, Quinn. You’re Echelon Shield elite. You’re always called to do the unpleasant.”

“Nothing about
has ever come close to unpleasant.” He was on her in a flash, his hands in her hair, mouth on hers. His kiss was punishing in intensity, and his desire sucked the air from her lungs. He pushed her back against the thick, moist bark of a tree and thrust his hand into the plunging neckline of her dress. His rough palm rasped against her nipple.

“Is this what you want?” His heated breath warmed her skin. Then his hot tongue licked her neck, sucked her flesh, and gently bit.

“Yes, damn you.” She yanked his hair, forcing his mouth back to hers as she cupped his stiffening cock with her other hand. She kissed him wildly, forcing her tongue into Jaron’s mouth, demanding an answering response just as heated as hers.

Jaron moaned, delving between her lips.

“I want you to want me as much as I want you.” She lowered the zipper on his trousers and slipped her hand between the stiff material and his velvet skin. Then she inched lower, tunneling her fingers into the silken hairs around his cock until she grasped his thick shaft in her fist.

Jaron ripped his mouth from hers and drew a ragged breath, hissing through clenched teeth as he exhaled. The fly of his trousers gaped, freeing his erection. Smooth skin stretched tight over a solid iron rod. Moisture seeped from the broad, swollen crown. She dragged her thumb over the slit, spreading his hot juices around the pulsing, gleaming head.

Grasping the hem of her dress, he yanked it up. His fingers delved into the front of her panties. He cupped her mound, parted her soaked inner folds with the blunt edge of his finger, and then slid deep into her weeping pussy.

“Never question how much I want you. Fuck, Victoria, all I think about is you.” He thrust a second finger inside her and scissored them, stretching her channel. A gush of cream flooded his hand. She couldn’t help responding to him. He knew her too well, knew how to touch her, and how to fuck her. He pulled his fingers from her body. She tugged on the edge of her panties and pushed them to the side. Once exposed, she wrapped one foot around Jaron’s calf. Arching her hips, she rubbed her pussy against his shaft.

Jaron placed his hands under her thighs and lifted. She locked her ankles behind his back. Bracing her against the tree, he grabbed his cock and poised the head at the entrance of her channel. “I haven’t been with anyone else.”

She widened her eyes and stared into the darkened depths of his. “Why?”

“I fucked up.”

“Echelon ops don’t fuck up.”

“I never should have left that morning.” He drove home, stuffing her full of his shaft. “Never should have left you.” He retracted, and then plunged again. “I should have told Amine I loved you.”

Her nails dug into his shoulders, leaving half moons in his bronzed flesh. She didn’t understand. What did Amine have to do with them? Tears burned behind her eyes. She snapped them closed. Jaron had loved her. The question was how did he feel now?

Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his. Parting them, she filled his mouth with her tongue, mimicking the thrust of his cock as he stretched her channel. Expressing all she felt for him, she poured her soul into the kiss.

Cupping her buttocks, his fingers kneaded her flesh, sliding under the string of her thong, lifting her higher and bringing her down on his rod. Muscles bunched in his corded arms. His trousers hung loose around his thighs as he squatted and arched higher. His cock slammed unbelievably deeper. Again and again. Veins popped on Jaron’s forehead and on his arms. His shoulders stiffened beneath her fingers. However, his strength didn’t wane. He held her steady and pounded into her in fast, full strokes.

Small tremors built. Walls rippled, and her orgasm washed over her. She cried out. “Yes. Oh, you feel so good. Fuck me, Jaron. Just fuck me.” Waves of pleasure contracted her core, clamoring for Jaron, and holding him tight.

His neck stretched, jaw clenched, and he came. Slick pressure gripped him in her sheath and sucked him deeper. He’d always been an amazing lover. His body fit hers perfectly. After their night of espionage and danger, the heightened awareness of what she held in her arms crashed through her mind. He’d walked away once. She wouldn’t lose him again.

The storm of their joining ebbed. He leaned his forehead against hers. “I’ve missed you.” He dipped his head and caught her small sigh of pleasure with his lips.

Victoria curled her fingers into his hair and held him close. She placed tender kisses on his lips, the tip of his nose, and his closed eyes. “You can put me down now.” She smiled and slid down his body until her feet touched the ground. “We should get going if we want to make the coast before first light.”

Jaron chuckled and swatted her buttocks. “As always, the tenacious Victoria Rosso is determined to have her way.”

She groaned, righted her panties, and tugged down her dress. “Mosquito bites on the butt would be a real pain in the ass.” She laughed at her joke.

Jaron shook his head. “Let’s go.”

Energized from the crazy sex against the tree, Victoria nearly jogged in a southeast direction. With every step, the comforting sounds of Jaron running alongside her eased her concerns. Lowlands were nesting grounds for alligators, snakes, spiders, and a dozen other creatures. It seemed they’d avoided the dangers of Maxwell Evenson, but traded up for the dark and dangerous marsh.

“How’re you doing?” he asked.

“Good. How far do you think we’ve gone?”

Jaron glanced at his watch. “We’ve been moving steadily for about ninety minutes.” She knew he could’ve covered twice the distance if he were on his own. His SEAL training prepared him for just this scenario. Victoria, on the other hand, worked in high heels and lipstick. “Five miles, maybe a little farther.”

She groaned. “And you said we’re twenty miles from the coast.”

He winked. “Now I’d say less than fifteen.”

She set a better pace for endurance. “We should’ve eaten dinner before we moved on the plan.”

“We didn’t have a plan.”

She pushed a vine out of the way and ducked under a branch. “That, too, wouldn’t be my fault.”

Jaron followed behind her. “Of course not. I specifically said to stay at the party and mingle.”

Okay, so he had a point on that. But the end result was the same. They’d accomplished the assignment. Her stomach growled, and Jaron laughed.

Chapter Four

Jaron and Victoria walked for hours, listening to the night sounds, with, thankfully, the light of a full moon and without company from Evenson’s security team. Jaron had to give Victoria credit. At this point, she had the better plan. They’d left the darkest part of the thicket about fifteen minutes before. The ground was rocky, and the cooler breeze of the ocean stirred the fronds of the tall palm trees.

Coastal communities dotted the Louisiana shoreline. However, he hadn’t seen any indication they were nearing a populated area. Then the tree line parted. In the distance, the roar of surf crashed against the shore. Under the cover of darkness, he hadn’t realized how close they were to the beach.

“Jaron, there’s no one around.”

Shells bit into the bottom of his sore feet. High tide had receded into the ocean, leaving piles of kelp and splinters of woods. No lights were visible up or down the bay’s shoreline.

“We need to keep moving. We’ll stay in the shelter of the trees.” Maxwell would have his helicopter searching up and down the coastal inlets. While they had the night, they’d be safe. An hour from now, predawn glow would reflect off the water and they’d be open targets. He couldn’t let that happen.

His throat was parched, and his stomach rumbled. He appreciated that Victoria hadn’t complained. She’d stayed focused. They hadn’t made record time. But under the circumstances—barefoot, hungry, dirty, and scared as hell—she was amazing.

“We need to find a phone.”

“Agreed.” He fell into step beside her.

“Really? Wow, I think this is a first. No argument.” She laughed and skipped ahead a few paces. The moist ocean air and the pounding surf lightened his mood and, obviously, Victoria’s, too.

“Won’t happen often, so enjoy it.”

Her mouth dropped. “Are you saying I only have moments of brilliance?”

“Never.” He caught up with her and pulled her into his arms. “I think you are brilliant. Just don’t let it go to your head.”

She averted his eyes and plucked at the filthy fabric of his shirt. “You’re messing with my head.” She lifted her face. “I can’t do this again.”

He smirked and trailed his hands to her heart-shaped ass. “Not do me again?”

She swatted his hands and stepped out of his arms. “When I said I can’t do this again, I wasn’t implying sex.”

He huffed.

“Apparently I’m unable to say no to you. This time I am implying sex.” She wiped a damp tendril of hair from her cheek. “I can’t believe in us and then too late, discover it’s just me.”


“No, I think we’ve said enough for now. We need to get the hell out of here and finish this mission. A lot has happened in the last twenty-four hours. We both need time to think.”

“I don’t.”

“Yes, you do. Trust me. This is another one of my moments of brilliance. Right now, until we get back to D.C—to ES—we’re still on assignment.”

This was his fault. He’d fucked up when he’d left. Amine had been worried about her future, about Jaron’s commitment to a relationship when contentment had never been easy for him. Echelon Shield gave him an outlet. He didn’t exist within the conformity of acceptable society, although he didn’t fit the definition of mercenary, either.

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