City Of Tears (19 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

BOOK: City Of Tears
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“Lor hasn’t had an uncontrolled outburst in many cycles.”

“I don’t have a lot of options,” Lyrik said. “I’ll keep Hermlin, Zane, and Dro Tar, but everyone else disembarks before we head back to the Day Moon.”

“Hermlin has ties to the COT,” Saebin reminded him.

“I’ve known Hermlin since I was a brash cadet. I trust him implicitly.”

“What about Zane?” She persisted.

“Zane did everything he could to save your life.”

“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but —”

“I’ll scan them both before we depart,” Krysta said.

“No way.” Lyrik stood and crossed to stand directly in front of her. “There is no way you are joining my crew.”

“You need me, and you know it. You wouldn’t even have the
if it weren’t for me.”

He couldn’t argue with that. “You may join my crew as soon as I hear your life mate agree to your going.”

“Done.” She strode from the bungalow as Charlotte and Tal shook their heads.

“She may be the most stubborn female on Ontariese,” Tal said.

“Trey will never agree, so it’s a moot point,” Lyrik predicted.

Charlotte arched her brow and pushed to her feet. “I think you underestimate Krysta’s persuasiveness.” Saebin stood as the High Queen approached. “This was a horrible introduction. We will do better. I promise.”

“I look forward to knowing you.”

Tal took Charlotte’s hand and opened a transport conduit. They stepped into the vortex together. Moments after they departed Krysta returned.

“Trey would like to speak with you.”

Annoyance flashed in Lyrik’s eyes as he tapped his audiocom. “Go ahead.” His gaze widened, then darted to Krysta, and she smiled. “You understand what we intend to do?” A long pause and then he said, “Copy.”

“You can’t do this without me,” Krysta said firmly.

“I think your life mate is crazy, but welcome to my crew.”

Chapter Eighteen


Naked and trembling with anticipation, Ensley knelt in the middle of Jaden’s bed.

“If I whip you now, he will be displeased by the marks on your skin.” Jaden sneered. “You will feel the sting of my lash, make no mistake about that.”

She didn’t care. Her love would be here soon. They would join as they were meant to join.
. The name echoed through her mind, and her spirit quivered.

“Who the hell is Berk?”

Blinking repeatedly, she tried to clear the sensual haze from her mind. Pern was joining them tonight not Berk. Why had … Her thoughts trailed away as the door to the bedroom slid open, and Pern strode in.

“Why is she not bound?” He moved to the foot of the bed, his gaze sharp and assessing.

“It won’t be necessary,” Jaden muttered. “She’s been wet and waiting since you requested her services.”

Pern raised his chin and arrogance gleamed in his eyes. “Are you really so eager? Has Jaden been too gentle with you?”

She licked her lips, debating what to say. If she admitted how much she wanted Pern, it would infuriate Jaden. Yet hesitating at this point would anger Pern. “I ache.”

“As you should.” Pern motioned toward the bed. “Display your slave for me, Jaden. I want to see how much she’s learned.”

Jaden shed his robe and crawled onto the bed behind her. He reclined against a mound of pillows and pulled her back against his chest. “Hook your legs over mine and lift your breasts for the Stirate.”

She resented the smugness in his tone. He expected her to spread herself like a whore, desperate for any man’s attention. She didn’t want any man. She wanted Berk.
She shuddered as demanding need slammed through her body. Her abdomen tensed, and her core rippled. She needed him there — now!

Parting her thighs, she draped her legs over Jaden’s and curved her fingers under her breasts, supporting them for Pern.

“Touch her, Jaden. I want to see how easily she surrenders to pleasure.”

Jaden reached between her thighs, holding her open with one hand while he stimulated her with the other. Ensley stared at Pern, willing him to meet her gaze, needing him to see her as more than a random female.

He licked his lips, and she trembled. Would he tease her with his mouth, curl his tongue around her clit and taste her passion?
Look at me. See me!

He can’t hear you, but I can
. Jaden caught her clit between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed until she moaned.

“Enough.” Pern discarded his robe and joined them on the bed. The rings in his eyes burned like the heart of a flame. “Is this what you want? Why cream spills onto your thighs?” He stroked his erect length with one hand, while he trailed his fingers across her slick flesh, taunting her with her body’s exuberance. “Do you burn for me?” He traced her slit with the blunt head of his cock, rubbing against her aching clit.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Please.”

He pushed in just far enough so she could feel herself stretch around his thick shaft. “Are you sure? I won’t be gentle. Are you ready to be a Stirate’s whore?”

She whimpered. Why did they persist in using that term? She wasn’t a whore. She …

He pulled out, his gaze narrowed and disapproving.

“Please!” She arched her back, canting her hips in brazen invitation. “I want you inside me. I need you there.”

“Better, but not good enough.” He met Jaden’s gaze, and some silent signal passed between them. “Pleasure or pain?” Pern asked.

It was a familiar game. Jaden asked her each time he took her, though he seldom adhered to her preference. “Pleasure,” she replied without hesitation.

“I would freely give pleasure to one of my willing whores. But you have yet to accept that role. Again you leave me no choice but to combine the two.” Without shifting his gaze from her face, he addressed Jaden. “I would like her anchored while she pleasures me. Have you prepared her for such play?”

“Of course.” He sounded annoyed. “Her body has entertained me in every way possible, quite eagerly I might add.”

It was true. He’d taken her in ways she never dreamed possible, made her do things other women whispered with dread. And each time she’d screamed with pleasure, trembled helplessly, and held nothing back. These Rodytes used sex with deft and ruthless control.

Opening a compartment beside the bed, Jaden reached for something Ensley couldn’t see. She turned her head, but Pern caught her chin and brought her face back around. “You are here for my pleasure. Tonight you will think only of me.”

Then why was Jaden here? She wanted to be alone with Pern, to stroke his body and feel him moving deep inside her. Pern pulled her forward. Her bottom rested on the bed between Jaden’s thighs, her calves still hooked over his, keeping her legs spread wide. Pern traced her slit and pinched her nipples, while Jaden made subtle movements behind her. They played with her like a toy — no, a pet. Her pride rebelled against the comparison, and still her body burned.

“Please lift her, sire. I’m ready.”

Ready for what? What was — Pern rocked her forward, and Jaden positioned himself against her anus. She stiffened. He’d taken her this way before, and the shame had nearly overwhelmed the pleasure.

Not like this. Please. I don’t want …

… don’t want him to know how easily you succumb to even exotic pleasures? Why do you resist? We all know your body has already surrendered.

Pern lowered her slowly onto Jaden’s shaft. He slid in smoothly, his way eased by lubricant. She whimpered, shaking her head in a silent denial as tingling heat spiraled up through her body. Tight, so blissfully tight. How could she enjoy this?

“You like that.” Pern eased her back against Jaden’s chest and repositioned her legs. “But you’ll like this even better.”

Jaden pushed her hands under her knees and grabbed her wrists, restraining her as completely as leather cuffs and metal cables. “Punish her, sire. She knows better than to resist.”

Pern pushed two fingers deep into her core and smiled into her eyes. His thumb circled her clit, once, twice, again. She groaned, needing release so badly her entire body shook. Each demanding throb of her core accented the thickness of Jaden’s shaft already lodged inside her.

“Say it.” The command was misleadingly soft, as if she had a choice.

“I’m yours,” she whispered.

He increased the speed and the pressure of his caresses. “You’re my what?”

Spasms of pleasure unfurled within her, and Ensley bit back a scream. Her inner muscles constricted in powerful ripples as she stared into his eyes. Currents of heat and awareness flowed from her body, beckoning him into the flames. His lips parted as if he would protest, then his breath released in a harsh rush. He positioned himself at her entrance, his gaze unfocused and wild.


Her heart leapt at the sound of her name. “Berk, my love.” Her spirit soared as he filled her again and again. Reality narrowed. Jaden ceased to exist. She searched Pern’s gaze, longing for a glimpse of her beloved. He thrust harder. Her body opened, accepting all of him. Gripping her waist, he drove deeper and deeper still.

She clenched her hands, her nails biting into her palms. Where was Berk? Why wouldn’t he reveal himself to her?

“Gema …” His breath escaped in a ragged hiss, his eyes squeezed shut, and he released his seed. Contorted with intense pleasure, his features were barely recognizable. He shuddered and moaned, then went still above her, inside her.

His lashes fluttered. He raised his lids and looked into her eyes. Inky blackness encompassed the rings. She didn’t need to speak his name. She freed her spirit, reaching for him as he stretched toward her. They fused. The world ceased to exist. There was only Gema and Berk, as it was meant to be. They stared into each other’s eyes, the longing receded, two halves were made whole.

Oh, how I’ve missed you
. Berk’s familiar voice sounded within her mind, then blue rings burned through the black and despair surged through her.

No! Don’t leave me.

Panting harshly, Pern separated their bodies and shook his head, his expression muddled and angry. “Have you been teaching her your disgusting mind tricks?”

Jaden released her legs and bucked his hips, reminding her that she was still “anchored” on his throbbing shaft. “I have no idea what she’s trying to do, but this is not the first time she’s spoken that name.”

“Make her explain her actions. This was — unsettling.” He swung his legs off the bed and stood. “If she is not fit for tomorrow’s mission, I need to know now.”

* * * * *

Saebin clenched and unclenched her hands. The knot inside her stomach tightened as they circled the City or Tears. Their approach to the Day Moon had gone unnoticed. Still, Lyrik insisted on taking everything one step at a time.

“Not a blip, not a peep. We’re invisible.” Dro Tar sat at the communications panel, one leg tucked under her.

“Or they want us to believe we are.” Lyrik made an adjustment on the console in front of him. “We’ll continue in concentric circles until we’re spitting distance from the Warlords’ Headquarters.”

The plan was simple. Enter Cyrus’s office the same way they’d boarded the
. Trey would be ready with a distraction in case the overlord managed to sound an alarm. Hopefully they’d be in and out before Cyrus realized what had hit him.

“There are three men inside the office. Two near the door and one behind the desk,” Lor informed them.

“Trey warned us that the entire COT is on high alert. The overlord is milking the scapegoat angle for all it’s worth.” Lyrik shook his head, his jaw working as he lapsed into silence.

“He’s expecting us to retaliate.” Saebin sat in a chair attached to the perimeter wall of the bridge. “We wouldn’t want to disappoint him.”

“You and I will have to enter first.” Lyrik glanced at her and heat washed over her body. Saebin didn’t resist her armor’s resulting adjustment. There would be time to indulge their passions after the overlord was locked in the brig. “We don’t want your mental pulse to turn off anyone other than Cyrus and his guards.”

“I can close the conduit for a second or two, then reopen it.” Krysta sat beside Saebin as the others maneuvered the ship.

“Will that insulate you from the compulsion?” Lyrik asked.

“It should.”

He nodded and returned his attention to the holographic display in front of him.

“Are you all right?”

Saebin looked at Krysta and managed to smile. “My input rings are buzzing. I need to convince him D-159 is in control, but I want to confront him with all Saebin knows.”

“Good cop, bad cop.” Dro Tar piped in without looking up from her controls.

“Pardon me?” Krysta asked.

“It’s an old Earth technique. Go ape shit on the bastard, just have a ‘good cop’ there to rein you in before you do any real damage.”

“Does that make any sense to you?” Saebin whispered to Krysta.

Krysta laughed. “You can indulge a bit of your aggression, and Lyrik will be there to pull you off. Often the person being interrogated will respond to the ‘good cop’ knowing the only alternative is dealing with the ‘bad cop.’”

“What if we both want to be ‘bad cops’?” Lyrik muttered.

“You need to decide,” Lor interjected. “We are officially spitting distance from the Warlords’ Headquarters. We are undetectable to scanners, but we aren’t transparent. If someone opens those blinds, they’re bound to notice the spectacular view is missing.”

Lyrik pivoted away from his control panel and stood. “Hover just above the roof, Lor. There are pressure sensors. Saebin and I will be the first wave. If all goes well, we won’t need a second. Krysta, Dro Tar, and Zane, be prepared to back us up if we run into trouble.”

The ship was positioned directly above the overlord’s office. A large store room was situated directly across from the brig. All they had to do was get Cyrus into the transport conduit, then shove him into the cell across the narrow corridor.

“Let’s go.” Lyrik motioned toward the lift.

They rode the lift to the utility level and followed the corridor to the store room. Lyrik held the door open, while Krysta constructed the transport conduit. Lyrik and Saebin dropped through as soon as the vortex stabilized.

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