Claiming Curves (Werewolf & BBW Erotic Romance) (3 page)

Read Claiming Curves (Werewolf & BBW Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Arwen Rich

Tags: #plus size, #werewolf, #romance, #werewolves, #rubenesque, #BBW, #Erotica, #werewolf sex

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But as I turned, he was already attacking. The huge black creature was already in the air, leaping towards me. A red-hot explosion burst in my thigh as the monster collided with me, closing his jaws on my leg. His teeth sank deep into my muscle.

I fell to the ground, and the wolf was on top of me, pinning me to the ground, slavering and growling into my face, its eyes burning in the darkness.

Gripped with panic, I tried to struggle, but the crushing weight of the wolf was too heavy. I could barely breathe, let alone move. The black wolf's breath was hot on my face, reeking of carrion. Flecks of spittle dripped from his slavering mouth to my cheek, and I retched. My body was spasming with terror, my breath hyperventilating and wheezing, as the wolf continued to growl down at me. I squeezed my eyes shut, tried to block it out –

I heard the sudden approach of something else, pounding along the forest path. Something heavy. I opened my eyes, and before I knew what was happening, a huge gray shape shot out of the darkness and collided with the black wolf on top of me. The black wolf was torn away, and the two shapes – light and dark – rolled across the ground.

It was another wolf.

The pair were entangled now, tumbling violently across the grass before standing up and immediately launching into one another. The gray wolf was a whirlwind of fury, snapping its jaws and roaring with rage. The black wolf, still dazed with the sudden attack, didn't stand a chance. The gray wolf bit into its neck, and the black wolf screamed in pain and terror. It tore its neck from the gray wolf's jaws and fled squealing into the darkness.

The lighter wolf let it go. It turned and approached me, as I lay trembling on the ground. All I could do was watch as it neared. I was petrified once again; I was weak, depleted, and the pain of the black wolf's bite was radiating from my thigh down my entire leg.

A white glow enveloped the gray wolf for a moment and he began to change. His fur became smooth, supple skin, legs turned into muscular, long human limbs. He was naked, glistening in the moonlight.

“Adam?” I said weakly. Was it really him?

He swore in frustration. “You've been bitten,” he said. Adam bent down and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up easily and cradling me in his arms. His scent, masculine and earthy, dominated my senses. I felt drugged, hanging limply against his chest.

My vision was doubling now, blurring ... my head lolled back, and the last thing I saw was the moon, huge and luminous in the sky. It was expanding, growing brighter, filling my field of vision ...

And then darkness. Dreams.

My blood burns like fire in my veins. Something is unfolding inside me; some new life, some animalistic being is merging with me. This being dreams along with me; it dreams of the moon, aches with an impossible yearning for that luminous mother in the sky.

I am transforming, changing somehow. My ears ring with a pulsing, overpowering wail that turns slowly into ... a howl.

I woke with a gasp and a pounding heart. Covered in sweat. There was a ringing in my ears, which slowly faded into silence. Adam was looking down at me concernedly, silhouetted by bright morning light.

“Where am I?” I asked. “What's happening?” My body felt strange, different and somehow

“You're at my house,” Adam said. “You were bitten.”

” But the events of the previous night were coming back to me now. The darkness of the wood. Those burning eyes, those slavering jaws ...

“A werewolf,” Adam said. “Now you're becoming one.”

A blind, panicking fear, like that of a trapped animal, flooded through me. I leaped out of bed, feeling somehow removed from my own actions, as if I was watching them from afar.

“No, no, no,” I was murmuring. Blabbering. Adam tried to hold me as I jumped to my feet. I pushed him away, burning with a sudden rage. A terrible, overpowering anger took hold; I could only watch as I struggled violently from his grip.

“Leave me alone!” I heard myself scream, backing away from him.

“Listen!” he said. “The rage you're feeling, it's because of your transformation –”

I snarled and pushed him as he neared again. I turned to leave, but he grabbed my hand, pulled me towards him. Suddenly he was kissing me, his lips hot on mine.

My body melted as our burning lips converged. I could smell him again, his masculine scent overwhelming as his hard body pushed against mine. I could taste the hunger in his mouth, and it stirred something inside me – a hot, unstoppable lust which bubbled up from deep within. A warm, wet need formed between my thighs.

He pulled away, his golden eyes blazing. His jaw clenched, and his lips drew back to reveal white, sharp teeth. Suddenly, his strong hands were on my black dress – he tore it open at the chest, and I cried out as the air caressed my naked skin. My heart was in my throat, pounding with anticipation.

Adam picked me up by my waist and tossed me squealing back onto the bed. He stood panting at the foot of the bed for a moment, before tearing off his T-shirt and diving down on top of me, between my hot, trembling thighs. We kissed again, desperate for each other's touch. His abdomen clenched against mine, and I felt him harden in his jeans ...

I slid my hand down his rippling abs and scrabbled at the button of his jeans. I pulled them partially down and he helped me, quickly pulling them off his legs before kissing me again, his breath coming quickly through his nose. He kissed my neck, and my back arched; goose-bumps formed all over my body. He continued lower, kissing down my chest, sucking on my nipples as he went, and I clutched tightly at his hair.

Adam gripped my dress and ripped it wide open at the tear, directly down the center. A voice protested the destruction of my clothes somewhere in the back of my mind, but it was quickly silenced by my pounding heart.

Adam's hands slipped inside my dress, clutching hungrily at my hips. His fingers hooked beneath my panties, and my hips automatically bucked towards him. Adam tore my underwear down and then pulled the torn dress off me.  He threw the garments aside, leaving me naked and panting beneath him on the bed. Adam's hands gripped my thighs and spread them apart, before diving headfirst between them.

His mouth made contact with my wet pussy and my legs contracted, spasming on both sides of his head. Bolts of electricity flowed up my spine as his tongue caressed my clit. Short gasps burst from my mouth – I thought I might hyperventilate. Adam's tongue slipped inside me, and I felt myself melting. I gripped his hair even tighter and moaned in pleasure, squirming on the bed.

Adam pulled his face away from between my legs and came back up my body. He settled between my thighs, and  I wrapped my legs around his waist. Slowly, slowly he began to push himself inside of me. The head of his cock, huge and round, pushed against my entrance, slipping over the wet folds of my pussy, and I moaned into his ear.  He was so big that he was stretching me – a slight pain which mingled with and then dissolved into an intense burst of pleasure as he slid all the way inside. His dick filled me completely.

I heard myself making tremulous, uncontrollable sounds as Adam began to fuck me.

His arms were like hot, hard pillars, flexing on either side of me as his rock-hard abdomen curled against mine. Adam's breath panted rhythmically in my ear, and I relished the sound, hearing that I was pleasing him as much as he was me. His pelvic bone somehow rubbed my clitoris with each thrust, inciting fresh flushes of pleasure which flowed up through me.

Adam began to speed his thrusts, and heat gathered between my thighs, pulsed inside my core. Heat flushed through me, wave after wave of it, up my neck, into my face. My hands were slipping over Adam's sweaty back, trying to find something to clutch; I clawed at his muscles and he thrust into me even harder, faster. He sank impossibly deep with each thrust, and my eyes squeezed shut, blocking out everything except the pleasure blooming my legs. Adam wrapped his arms behind my head, holding me still as I squirmed and thrust back.

The orgasm tore through me –  a hot, wet explosion of pleasure pulsing inside my pussy. It rolled over me, dissolving my entire being for a moment, as I moaned and gasped into Adam's ear. And then Adam was cumming too – his dick pulsing before shooting a hot, flowing load of cum deep inside me, filling me completely.

Adam came to a shuddering halt, and we both clutched at each other, trembling and convulsing with each movement. Overwhelmed by a shared blissful oversensitivity.

Adam held me tight against him, our bodies slick with sweat. We were both gasping for breath, our hearts hammering against one another through our rib-cages. They gradually slowed.

Finally, Adam pulled out and lay beside me.

I was filled with a satisfaction I'd never felt before – a river of bliss ran through me. Stars swirled in my vision before slowly dissipating. Some animal urge inside me had finally been satisfied; it seemed like Adam had filled a void which I'd never known existed. That overwhelming, sudden rage had faded completely, and I had a feeling it was because of the sex. Despite my current state of comfort, I felt a little unnerved, thinking about how overpowering that rage had been. I had to mention it.

“That anger I felt before,” I said, still panting slightly. “It felt alien somehow ... like a separate identity, trying to control me.”

“It's the wolf inside you,” Adam said, snaking an arm behind my head and holding me against him. “It's beginning to merge with you, to integrate into your mind. That anger you felt ... it was your instincts growing. Your animal urges trying to take over. You need to learn to control those urges, to satisfy them without hurting yourself or others.”

That was the entity that I had dreamed about. The wolf, coming to life inside me. An image flashed through my mind – the wolf was settling down to sleep now. I felt calm.

“I think I've satisfied my animal urges for now,” I giggled, tracing a hand over the undulating muscles of Adam's abdomen. “I've never felt so satisfied.”

Adam laughed. “This is my favorite way to satisfy those urges,” he said. Then he looked at me seriously. “I'm still learning to deal with them myself,” he said. “Like last night – how I snapped at you. This is all my fault, for making you leave the bar.”

I shook my head. “You're the only reason I'm alive now,” I said, turning and kissing him. “You saved me.”

I tried to recall our conversation at the bar before I'd left. “Was it something I said?” I asked. “That made you upset?”

“It was about my brother,” Adam said. “When I told him to stop drinking, you said that I wasn't responsible for him ... it just struck a nerve.” He paused, as if trying to find the right words. “Our parents died when I was eighteen. He was only fourteen. I had to raise him from then on. And I failed. I wasn't ready for the responsibility. And every time he gets so drunk that he can barely speak, I feel like I'm the one pouring the damn alcohol down his throat.”

“I'm so sorry,” I said. “I had no idea.” That mysterious darkness I'd seen in Adam's eyes was starting to make sense to me now.

Adam shook his head. “It's definitely not your fault,” he said. “You didn't know – and I reacted the wrong way. Like I said, I'm still learning to control myself. I'm sorry.”

I kissed him. “You made up for it,” I said, smiling at him.

“You mean the way I saved you?”

“Well, yes ... but also, the way you
me.” I grinned devilishly, feeling dirty and loving it. “No one's ever made me feel like that,” I said.

Adam laughed, squeezing me tight. He kissed me on the cheek and I closed my eyes, tingling with joy.

And somehow, with Adam still holding me, I sank back into sleep.

I woke again some time later, alone in the bed. I looked at my watch – it was afternoon already.

I had to get home and do my studying.

I heard what sounded like ... somebody retching from a nearby room. It must be Steve, I realized. Sick with a hangover. Poor guy.

Adam re-entered the bedroom, and I sat up, naked. Adam bared his teeth and growled jokingly as he eyed me. He was shirtless still, and his six-pack bulged as he leaned over the bed to kiss me.

“Steve's sick again,” Adam said, sighing.

“I should go,” I said.

Adam pushed me softly back onto the bed, growling sexily again. “You can stay as long as you like,” he said.

I giggled. “I would, but I have to study. I have an exam in a few days, unfortunately.”

Adam nodded, still suspended over me. “I have to see you again,” he said.

“You will,” I told him.

“Tonight. The wolf will rise up inside you again, and you'll transform. I want to help you through it.”

I swallowed nervously, suddenly terrified at the thought. Would the transformation be painful?

“Here, write down your number,” Adam said, standing up and grabbing a pad and pen from the bedside table. I scribbled my number down. And then Adam bent to lift my torn dress from the bedroom floor. The dress was in tatters.

“Sorry about that,” Adam said wryly. “You'll have to wear some of my clothes home.” He tapped the chest of drawers beside his bed. “You can wear anything you like.”

Again, the violent sound of retching from another room.

“He doesn't sound good,” I said.

“I'd better go help him out,” Adam said. He kissed me once more, and then stroked my face and studied me for a moment. “Just let yourself out when you're ready,” he said.

“Thanks for having me,” I said, biting my lip. He grinned.

“Thanks for coming,” he said.

I lived a five-minute walk away, and it took me even longer than that to realize that
my leg no longer hurt.
The bite-wound from the previous night had completely healed. Sitting at my desk in my room, I pulled off the sweatpants I had borrowed from Adam, to find that all was left was a small, pink scar.

And that's when it hit me.

I was a freaking werewolf.

I nearly passed out as the dizzying realization washed over me. I'd heard that werewolves have super-rapid healing powers. But experiencing it first-hand, seeing my wound completely healed overnight, made it all somehow more

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