Clay: Armed and Dangerous (17 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Clay: Armed and Dangerous
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The Karchner place. Why does it seem like destiny keeps taking my family back to that
old ranch?

Rylie blinked, her gaze darting from Chloe and David to that big lug of a brother
who was just standing there, his face three shades brighter. Luckily for her, Rylie
was rarely at a loss for words. Usually, the only one who could do that to her was

She knelt on the ground, at David’s level, and extended her hand to him. “Is Levi
being nice to you? ’Cause if he’s not, I can take him on. Even though he’s bigger
and older than me, I can still whoop on him.”

David grinned as he took Rylie’s hand and gave her a surprisingly firm handshake.
“He’s pretty okay.” The boy lowered his voice, and added, “Even though I think he’s
got the hots for my mom.”

“David!” Chloe gave her son a playful swat on his shoulder, a mortified look on her
pretty face.

Rylie laughed and caught her brother’s embarrassed expression. “I’ve never seen you
blush before, big guy.”

He shook his head and winked at Chloe. “Obviously, I don’t keep this kid busy enough
when I’m there.” Levi ruffled David’s hair. “Partner, I think you need a few more
turns around the corral on Dumpling.”

The boy rolled his eyes. “Dumpling is a baby’s horse. When can I ride Shadow Warrior?”

Rylie stood and dusted off her bare knees. “That’s a lot of animal, even for me, and
I’ve been riding since I could walk. I’d hold off a little longer on saddling him
up and taking a ride.” She placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head. “Now,
Sassafras would be a good step up. That mare’s well trained and gentle as can be.
Sass is mine, but I wouldn’t mind you riding her when Levi says you’re ready.”

“Cool!” David’s eager gaze shot to Levi. “Can I?”

“Hmmm.” Levi rocked back on his heels and stroked his chin with a look of serious
consideration. “Not much longer, and I think you’ll be ready. If your mom can bring
you down to my barn for once, we’ll give it a go.”

David pumped his small fist in the air. “All right!”

Rylie laughed. “I’d better get on back to that bunch over there. If I don’t, Skylar’s
likely to tell Clay stories about me that I’d rather she keep to herself.” She gave
David a grin. “Now, you make sure you come see me and Sass soon, ya hear?”

A broad smile creased David’s face from ear to ear. “You bet!” As she turned to leave,
she lightly punched Levi’s biceps. “You and me. We’re gonna talk when I get you alone.”

He just shook his head and smiled. “Go on and get out of here, Ry.”

Cool air chilled her cheeks as she walked toward where Clay and the newlyweds were
still standing. Boy, when she got home, she was going to have a talk with that brother
of hers, and find out why the hell he’d been keeping secret his relationship with
Chloe and David Somerville.

As Rylie headed back to find Clay, she passed by a gap between two of the tents. Masculine
voices came from behind the tents, tense with a lot of wariness and searing. It piqued
her curiosity. She paused, trying to identify them. In the days before Clay, she would
have taken a peek, just to see if they were good-looking or not. Now she could care

She shook her head, sure she was losing her mind. All she could think about was one
man. Hell, she wasn’t even interested in watching anyone else have sex or any of the
other kinky things involving multiple partners that she used to fantasize about and
thought she’d wanted to try. Compared to sex with Clay, that other stuff seemed downright...

Yup. She was losing it.

She started to walk away when she caught a familiar voice saying, “... Right below
Larson’s north range water tower.”

Rylie stopped in mid-step. Now that was intriguing. They were describing the area
close to where Levi had found their fence cut.

“Twenty-one hundred hours. Get your ass there early.”

She didn’t recognize that voice, though it sounded a tad familiar, but the other voice...

“What about Wayland?”

That voice. She felt a creeping chill in her gut. It couldn’t be.

“Ah, hell. He’s too busy chasing Thorn.”

Rylie waited. Then the second voice growled, “You better be right.”

The chill in her depths became a deep freeze.

It couldn’t be Reggie Parker.

Still in Vegas, last time Levi checked. And it had been years since she’d heard him
talk. High pitched, almost whining, definitely entitled. There’s no way he would have
been invited to Skylar’s reception.

Rylie thought,
it couldn’t be Reggie.

She walked away, fast, shoving her fears and worries to some other place inside her.
It made no earthly sense for Reggie Parker to be in town, much less at this reception.
Who would have brought a weasel like that to Skylar’s? And why would he risk Levi
catching sight of him and finishing the beating he started all those years ago?

It wasn’t Reggie. That’s it. Period.

It was just somebody that sounded like him. Rylie decided to believe that in the front
of her mind... but in the back of her mind, she wondered—and she worried.


While they mingled with the other guests at the reception, it had been all Clay could
do to not just grab Rylie and take her off to a hidden corner in the barn.

As it was, he was forced to perform the social niceties while Rylie teased him. Whenever
she could get away with it without being noticed by other people, she’d brush her
hand over his cock, rub her breasts along his arm, or perform any number of other
taunts that were about to drive him out of his mind.

Come sunset, Clay and Rylie were sitting with Skylar and Zack at one of the tables
surrounding the dance floor. The band started up and the newlyweds were dragged out
onto the floor to dance a slow one alone before everyone else joined in. Folks with
children had headed on home, leaving mostly couples sitting at the tables around the
dance floor. Lamps had been arranged to provide romantic lighting, and Clay thought
the ambience was just exactly right.

While they watched Skylar and Zack dance, Clay rubbed his fingers along Rylie’s arm
and felt her shiver beneath his touch. Candlelight flickered within the hurricane
lamp at the center of the table, the soft glow illuminating her golden features.

“You ready to go, honey?” he said, hoping like hell she’d agree.

“Let’s dance first.” She moved her lips to his ear and murmured, “Then we can go home
and play.”

His groin tightened as he slid his hand beneath the tablecloth and eased his fingers
up the inside of her thigh, knowing this time he’d reach bare skin if he kept on going.
It was dark, and they were alone at the table, so he wasn’t worried about anyone noticing
what he was doing. “Sure you want to wait?”

Rylie’s smile was wicked, and she spread her thighs a little to allow him access.
“We haven’t done anything naughty here. Yet.”

Clay’s body burned with the need to possess her. His fingers eased up beneath her
short skirt, reaching the smooth lips that were already warm and wet. “Let’s get out
of here so I can have you for dessert.”

Her eyelashes swept down as his hand cupped her shaved mound.

“Just one dance.” She moaned as he slipped a finger into her folds. “Clay. Someone
might see.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have been teasing me all night.” He increased his motions, his
finger sliding back and forth. The way her thighs trembled around his hand, he knew
she was close to the edge, even though he’d barely touched her. “Open your eyes.”

She obeyed and glanced around at the empty tables as he continued to stroke her. A
new song had started, and practically everyone else was on the dance floor. “Oh, God.
I’m almost there.”

“That’s it.” Damn, what he would give to take her behind the tent and have her now.
“Come for me, honey.”

The climax scalded Rylie in a hot rush and her body jerked against his hand. She bit
down on her lip, holding back her cry, and leaned against Clay’s shoulder, trembling
with every stroke of his finger. “Stop.” Her voice came out husky as she spotted her
friends. “Skylar and Zack are coming back.”

Clay stilled his finger, but kept it in place as the newlyweds returned. She reached
down to try to pry his hand away, but he wasn’t budging. Her entire body continued
to throb and pulse, the feeling seeming to amplify as Skylar and Zack seated themselves
at the table.

“Are you two going to dance?” Skylar leaned up against Zack as he brought his arm
around her. “Or are you planning to sit here all night?”

“We’re—” Rylie started just as Clay flicked his finger against her sensitized nub,
and she damn near came unglued. Furious heat engulfed her and she sat bolt upright
while trying to yank Clay’s finger away from her at the same time. “We were just about

She cut Clay a glare that said,
Just you wait till I get you alone.

He grinned as he removed his hand and pulled down her skirt, then stood. “May I have
this dance, honey?”

Zack and Skylar exchanged glances that made Rylie feel like they knew what Clay had
been doing to her.

“I’ll honey you in a minute,” she muttered, and took the hand that he offered.

Clay led her to the edge of the dance floor, where they were in shadow. Even though
the band was playing a fairly fast tune, he pulled her close so that their bodies
melded together. He rested his hands on her hips, just above her ass while she hooked
her hands around his neck and smiled up at him.

Damn, but he was handsome. That sexy smile, the way he looked at her like he intended
to eat her all up. She loved the feel of his body pressed tight to hers. She loved
his masculine scent, the way it surrounded her and made her feel content, and loved.

She loved... him.

Oh. God.

A tingling sensation rushed through her as the realization filled her with a strange
combination of exhilaration and outright terror. She knew she’d been fighting it all
along—but was she ready to face those feelings now?

Clay pressed his cheek against hers, his stubble rough against her skin. “I can’t
wait to get you alone, honey.”

“Yeah.” She turned her face so that her lips were close to his. “Just kiss me already.”

A rumble rose in his chest, reverberating through her as he claimed her mouth. His
lips were gentle at first, but then grew hungrier as their bodies continued to sway
to the music.

Everything faded around Rylie until all she was aware of was the man in her arms,
and the knowledge that the impossible had happened.

Rylie Thorn had fallen totally, completely, absolutely, in love with Clay Wayland.

When they finally left the reception, Rylie was so aroused she could hardly stand
it. “Turn here.” She pointed to the entrance of a dirt road that led to the mountains
behind the Thorn Ranch.

“What do you have in mind?” Clay gave her a quick look as he guided the truck down
the road she suggested.

In response, she lifted the hem of her blouse, yanked it over her head, and then unclasped
her bra and tossed it to the floor. “You. Right here. Right now.” She shimmied out
of her skirt and kicked off her shoes.

Clay groaned and shifted in his seat. “I’m about ready to pull the truck over.”

Rylie knelt on the seat next to him, her naked body pressed tight along his biceps.
“Just keep driving till I tell you to stop, Sheriff.” She rubbed her breasts against
his shirt, the material chaffing her sensitive nipples.

He took one hand off the wheel and moved it between her thighs, easing it up to cup
her sex. Moaning, she thrust her hips against his hand. The scent of her juices mingled
with his light aftershave and the truck’s leather interior.

She nuzzled his neck, drinking in the smell of him. “You should keep hold of the wheel.”

Clay flicked his finger against her bare skin. “I can’t keep my hands off you, honey.”

“You don’t have to wait any longer.” She gestured to a cleared area that was a kind
of overlook. “Park by those trees.”

They’d driven just high enough into the mountains that they could see the glitter
of lights from Douglas as well as the Mexican town of Agua Prieta that bordered it
to the south.

As soon as Clay parked and killed the lights, he grabbed Rylie and pulled her onto
his lap so that she was straddling him. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

Rylie moaned as he took one of her nipples into his mouth, and she could hardly speak.
“No. Outside. By the tailgate.”

The look that came over his face was positively untamed. “Hold on.” Clay yanked the
door open. He was so powerful that he was able to grip Rylie snug against him with
one arm while he climbed out of his truck.

She laughed and clung to him, wrapping her legs tight around his waist. Night air
cooled her and caused goose bumps to sprout along her skin. The cool breeze felt erotic
brushing across her bare back and ass, while her chest and thighs were pressed against
Clay’s shirt and jeans.

He strode to the back of the truck and carefully set her down on a clear patch of
ground that was pebbly, but didn’t hurt her feet.

“Leave your clothes on. Just undo your jeans.” She turned her back to him and gripped
the tailgate, then pressed her breasts against the cool metal. It felt so good rubbing
herself across the metal as she waited for Clay to free himself from his jeans. “Hurry.”

He chuckled. “You’re something else, honey.”

Rylie looked over her shoulder as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans,
just inches away from her. He shoved his pants down around his hips, then pressed
himself against her backside.

She held on to the tailgate as she widened her stance and arched her back. “Now, Clay.
No playing. Right now.”

Clay gently pumped his hips against her ass, rubbing himself up and down her cheeks.
He eased his hands along her slender body, from her slim hips to her small breasts.
“I’ve been dying to do this all night.” He moved between her thighs and slid himself
against her hot center.

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