Clay's Hope (30 page)

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Authors: Melissa Haag

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #sweet, #shifter

BOOK: Clay's Hope
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While my future loomed brighter, theirs
dimmed. I nodded solemnly to those remaining and watched them melt
back into the trees. I truly felt for them, but I’d experienced no
attraction to any of them—no pull that Sam and other Elders and
werewolves had assured me I would feel when—not if—I met the one. A
triumphant smile wanted to break free, but I contained it, not
wanting to offend anyone. Finally, my duty was complete. I breathed
deeply of freedom, ready to go back to my room.

Behind me, the Elders moved, reminding me of
their presence. My mood shifted. The anger and betrayal from their
lack of warning resurfaced. With a stiff back and tight mouth, I
made my way toward the door and the waiting Elders. I didn’t meet
any of their eyes.

Sam had hours during the drive to say
something but hadn’t, and now all of his secrecy had been for
nothing. I hadn’t found a mate. Did he realize the pointlessness of
his gesture? I seriously doubted telling me in advance would have
changed the outcome other than to make me nervous during the drive
up. That, however, would mean I shouldn’t be mad at him so I
quickly disregarded the thought. Honesty was honesty. He should
have told me.

Walking the dirt path, which I realized I’d
tread over several times in my socks, I saw a peculiar shadow on
the ground melding with the shadow of the still open door.

I looked up at the space behind the door and
saw the flash of eyes just before a man stepped into view. I froze.
My stomach dropped, and my heart did a strange little flip. Before
I could take my next breath, a shiver ran up my spine and
gooseflesh rose on my arms. My anger spiked, uncontrolled.

“You have got to be kidding,” I whispered to
myself without thinking. I’d been so close to escaping.

His filthy long, dark hair trailed in front
of his eyes and shadowed his face into obscurity. An old,
dull-green army jacket, just as filthy as his hair, hung from his
frame while his bare feet shone pale against the black sweats he
wore. I couldn’t tell his age, the color of his hair, or the color
of his eyes—because of the tangle of hair—but I could see the glint
of them as he moved away from the door.

He stalked toward me. I remained frozen and
tried to deny the significance of the encounter as my stomach
continued to do crazy little flips. Just before he reached me, he
turned away and walked around the corner of the building, heading
not into the woods as the rest had, but to the front of the

I stared after him, momentarily confused.
He’d recognized me. Just as I had him. Why had he turned away? Did
it matter? Move! Escape before he changed his mind!

Finally, my feet obeyed, and I lurched
toward the door.

“Sam, I’ve more than fulfilled any
obligation I had to you or the pack. I’d like to leave tonight.”
The Elders stepped aside before I bowled them over.

I rushed past them, through the Introduction
room and into the interior hall. There I paused to pull off my
dirt-caked socks. Charlene would have me cleaning floors if I
walked through the halls in my filthy socks.

Maneuvering through the fortuitously quiet
and empty halls, I struggled to control my emotions. Over the
years, I’d learned control, knowing those around me would be able
to smell things like fear, anger, lust, or even sadness. But
tonight all that control evaporated. Anger and fear swamped me.
Anger at Sam for arranging the whole damn thing, and fear that the
Elders knew what had just happened.

I’d been so close to freedom. Sam had set me
up, stacking the odds against me with the sheer number of
werewolves in attendance. Why would it have to be the very last one
I saw that sent a bolt of lightning right into my stomach? Was it
too much to ask for just one break in my life?

For more romance and heart-pounding action,
check out the following scene from Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter by
Nikki Jefford. Book one is now free at all major online eBook



Volleyball had been replaced by badminton
while I was in the hospital. Mr. Mooney let me get away with
sitting out of class the first two days, but by the third he
decided to diagnose me as fit for participation.

“Sky, ready to jump back in?”

I paused on my way to the bleachers. “I’m
not dressed.”

Besides, everyone was already paired up.

“Fane!” Mr. Mooney called. “Get out here.
You can be Aurora’s partner.”

I tried not to flinch or show signs of
distress. My last memory of Fane involved his tongue tracing his
upper lip in a lewd gesture.

Fane stood up and gave Mr. Mooney a glare so
dark it sent a shiver down my spine. It was the first real
sensation I’d experienced since the accident. When his eyes moved
to me I momentarily forgot to breathe.

Fane held my gaze a moment longer then
slipped out of his leather jacket. I watched, transfixed. This was
history in the making. Fane Donado taking off his coat.

All of his imperfections breezed out the
door as soon as I got my first look at the six-pack straining
against his cotton tee. My eyes must have been playing tricks on
me. For a guy with such a slender build, Fane was surprisingly

Fane took deliberate steps down the aisle of
the bench, straight to the edge. He jumped from the bleachers,
causing them to rock in his wake.

I swore I felt a
inside the pit
of my stomach when he landed.

Mr. Mooney nodded at Fane. “You two are
playing Clayton and Tyler.”

Fane walked past me and took two rackets off
the floor. He handed me one. I took it from his outstretched hand
then followed several steps behind.

Part of me was relieved he didn’t say
anything. All I could think about was the obscene gesture he’d made
right before my world turned up-side-down. I hardly noticed his
hair. I was too distracted by his lips. And now his abs. Luckily, I
wouldn’t have to look at either while we played side by side.

At the far court, Clayton and Tyler bounced
birdies up and down on the strings of their rackets.

Clayton nudged Tyler as we approached. “Oh
great. Goth boy and zombie girl. This should be fun.”

I took my place beside Fane. He held his
racket loose and lazy. I barely held mine at all. Clayton pelted
the birdie at me. I tried to shield my face and ended up dropping
my racket.

“Oh, come on!” Clayton shouted.

I picked up the birdie and threw it over the

Clayton served the birdie to Fane, who
smacked it over the net with the flick of a wrist. Tyler launched
the birdie at me. It hit me on the shoulder, but I swung anyway as
it bounced to the floor.

“Hello? Earth to Aurora,” Tyler called
across the net.

“I think she’s still in a coma,” Clayton

“That’s game,” Tyler said. “Your serve.”

I picked up the birdie and handed it to
Fane. It’s a good thing it wasn’t a real bird. Fane crushed it in
his hand. Only for a moment. Only I saw. He relaxed and looked
across the net. I felt that odd shiver return.

Fane smacked the birdie as though it were a
fly. He walloped it right between Tyler and Clayton so fast neither
boy had time to react. When they did manage a return hit, Fane
gracefully flicked away any stray birds that came at me. I watched
in fascination, fully engaged for the first time since the

The boys tried to hit the birdie back. Fane
had them racing across every corner of their court. By the end of
the period they were out of breath. They took off without a
backwards glance when Mr. Mooney blew his whistle signaling the end
of gym.

As I walked past Fane I felt a twitch. Not
my own. I felt the twitch of his hand wanting to stop me.

“Hey, you. Are you okay?”

If I had any emotion left I’d laugh. He
didn’t even know my name—that or it wasn’t worth saying.

He studied me carefully. “I’ve seen that
look before.”

Now I was curious.

Valerie jumped down from the bleachers.

He didn’t pay attention to her. I held my
breath waiting for him to tell me what he saw.

Valerie sashayed her way over to Fane, red
hair blazing down her shoulders. She held out his jacket. “I’m
ready to blow this joint. Let’s get a bite.”

Her last words grabbed his attention, and he
forgot me completely. Valerie looped her arm around Fane’s and they
walked toward the double doors. I was right behind them, silent as
a ghost. When I reached the hall entrance leading to the locker
rooms I stopped. I saw his head start to turn. I knew he was going
to look back, but by the time he did I’d be gone.


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