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Thursday, October 10

Things That Bum Me Out

• Chris is still mad. I miss having a brother…even though he's in high school and acts like he hates me a lot of the time, sometimes we shoot hoops or watch a movie together or something…really glad he came out, but then it ended up that he just wanted to get mad at me some more. (Sigh)

• Jilly didn’t take down the posters and she acted like she did— didn’t deny it…and she always corrects me when I call play practice “practice.” “It’s a REHEARSAL,” she says, as if a word is going to change the fact that I will get up in front of 100s of people as a singing ear of corn.

• Jilly talks A LOT…all of it about herself…didn’t realize how much she does this. She hasn’t once asked me what I thought of playing an ear of corn…had to tell her I had 1 line and she didn’t even comment, like how could I even bring that up when her part was so much bigger and harder. Sheesh. Give me a break.

When we finished practice—I mean rehearsal—Carla said how great Jilly was and said she wished she was like her. I wanted to tell her “No, you don’t” and I don’t know why. I always wanted to be like Jilly, 2…wanted her confidence, the way she could get boys to look at her, the way she knew how to talk to them without looking like an idiot…guess I still want those things but don’t really want to be like Jilly. I want to be like me, only more confident and with smaller feet.

Things That Give Me Hope

• Jilly wouldn’t come to the lab with me after rehearsal. “I might get infected with nerd-itis,” she said…told me to meet her at her locker after I talked to Mark. I was SO SO glad but I pretended to be disappointed.

Operation Scope Out

Close call with Jilly and Mark today…got to take action ASAP. Tomorrow I’m going to scope Mark out in secret…make sure we accidentally-on-purpose bump into each other and walk to class again. For the 2nd time since school started, I’m glad Jilly isn’t on my track cuz she’d find a way to get Mark. But she doesn’t even know he exists. He’s mine, all mine (evil laugh here).

chapter 10

Target Practice

Target (aka Mark “Cute Boy” Sacks) stepped off his bus. He looked our way, and I turned sideways so he couldn’t see Jilly. I stood on tiptoe to shield her head from sight. When she asked me what I was doing, I told her I had a cramp in both feet, then quickly asked her to repeat her lines to me even though I’d heard them so many times
could play Goody Morgan. She began reciting, and I got her inside without her seeing him or him seeing her.

Target entered the building wearing baggy jeans and a Nike T-shirt. Hair still over one eye, looking very cute. Target appeared to be heading this way so I turned quickly, stumbling over my Chucks. Real swift, Swift. I glanced back, my eyes on the clock so Target would not think I was looking at him. Target was stopped by an unidentified boy in a blue shirt. Unidentified pointed. My eyes followed his finger. It was some kind of poster. Oh, no. Tell me it wasn’t another of those posters, bigger and better than the ones that were up that first week.

“Hey, Swift!” Mayday! Mayday! Target was talking to me. I’d blown my cover. Well, I really didn’t have a cover, but if I had one, I would have totally blown it. Was he going to say something about the poster? I wanted to run but was afraid I’d trip so I decided to stand tough. I dug around in my locker, ready to do battle if he dared make a joke about puppets.

Target arrived at my locker with two friends. I ended all Scope Out procedures right then. I can’t scope at close range.

“Did you see that poster?” he asked.

I shook my head quickly. “I don’t want to hear about it.”

“Oh, it isn’t —”

I held up my hand.

“Okay,” he said. “Whatever. But this Saturday, Swift. The YMCA. Be there or be a loser.” His friends looked me up and down. They probably already thought I was one.


“Basketball,” he said. “Remember when the four of us played? You said you could kill me one-on-one. It’s time to prove it.”

“Prove it?” We’d been kidding around about who was better, but I never thought he’d really want to play.

“He’s not as good as he says,” one of the boys said.

“Yeah,” said Mark. “I’m better.”

I laughed. “I’ve seen you. I’ll be there. Get ready to be dominated.” The boys laughed and I felt better. No one seemed to think I was a loser.

“Hey, there’s another one,” Mark said as we started down the hall. He was pointing at one of the walls. I swung around, ready to yank down my oversize face if I had to.

But it wasn’t a picture of me.


Mark your calendars for the Molly Brown Middle School play
A Harvest to Remember

Tuesday, November 26, 7:30
, in the gymnasium

“Look, Corny,” said Mark. “You’re famous again.”

Before I could respond, his eyes grew wide. “Here comes the principal.”

I whirled around. Yikes. She was coming right at me.

“Erin Swift! Just the girl I wanted to see.”

I looked up at her. “I haven’t hit anyone else, Mrs. Porter. I promise.”

“Oh, I know that, Erin. Heavens.” She smiled. “I just wanted to say I’m glad to see you’re getting involved in the school. I understand you’re in the Thanksgiving play” — she paused to point to the poster — “and Ms. Moreno tells me you’re in the Intranet Club, too. The best way to stay out of trouble is to get involved.”

I kept my eyes on her, ignoring Mark, who was making marionette gestures behind her back, just inside my field of vision. “Yes, well, I thought so, too.”

“Excellent,” Mrs. Porter said. “And how are your puppets?”

I glanced at Mark, who rolled his eyes. “Uh, they’re fine, Mrs. Porter,” I said. “Just fine.”

Mark busted out laughing when she was gone. “Good answer,” he said. “She’s so weird.”

“Yeah,” I said, laughing along with him. I didn’t care how weird she was. She’d just helped Mark and me have a good laugh together.

“Ready to rumble?” Mark and I stood facing each other on the basketball court at the YMCA Saturday afternoon. My suspicious mind wondered if this was all a way to find out about Jilly. He knew I knew her from the play. Maybe he wanted more information. But he wouldn’t do that. Would he? Nah.

Okay, I felt better about that. But the minute I had convinced myself this wasn’t about Jilly, I started stressing about getting together with him. True, I got to be with the boy of my dreams. BUT, I’d be playing a sport with him. This meant I’d be sweating, breathing heavily, and very possibly farting around him. This last one had me VERY paranoid, so I’d made extra sure not to eat anything yesterday or today that might be even remotely related to a bean.

So here I was, facing Mark, who was between me and the basket at the Y, praying I wouldn’t sweat, burp, fart, or do anything stupid. I looked down at my Chucks. Both were tied in triple knots. Mark’s eyes followed mine down.

“They give me balance,” I said, before he could say anything about my feet. “I can out-balance anyone.”


“My feet. You were going to say something, weren’t you?”

“No. Actually I was going to ask you where you got your Chuck Taylors. My dad likes canvas shoes and can’t always find them.”

I narrowed my eyes. Was he saying my feet were the same size as his dad’s? I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Foot Locker.”

“Thanks. I’ll tell him.” Then he got a glint in his eye. “Maybe he could try yours on first.”

I knocked the ball out of his hands and ducked around him, dribbling to the basket and making an easy layup — all before he knew he held nothing but air. He looked down, then turned around. “Hey, that was cheating!”

“No way!” I replied. “You just weren’t ready. Two-zero.”

“I’m supposed to pass to you first to check the ball.”

“Is that with or without a foot insult?”

Mark smiled. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Especially because you were expecting me to say something.” He cocked his head. God, he was cute. “I thought you could take it.”

I shook off the Cute Spell. “I can take it,” I said evenly. “Can you take this?” I shoved the ball at him and he caught it in the chest. I heard an “umph” as his hands wrapped around it.

“Nice pass,” he said, dribbling out past the top of the key before coming back. “You know you’re lucky, don’t you? Those feet mean you’re going to be tall.”

“So I hear,” I said, blocking his shot and retrieving the ball. I drib-bled back up to the key, feinting left and going right to avoid his reaching hand. “I guess that’ll be good if I play in the WNBA.” I wondered if he liked tall girls. Some boys — the ones that were totally lame — didn’t. What if all boys were lame and no one ever wanted to go out with me? I missed my shot and Mark got the rebound.

Between games we talked a little more. I found myself telling him about Chris.

“Guys are weird when they like a girl,” Mark said, then blushed. “Not that I’ve liked that many, but you know.”

No, I don’t know!
I wanted to shout.
Tell me all about it.
But I was afraid he might start telling me about Jilly or maybe some other girl I didn’t even know, and I couldn’t stand that.

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