Clifton County Fireworks (5 page)

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Jennie Rose hollered loudly as Johnny
continued to spank her bottom.  His hand was hard, and he was spanking her
much harder than he did the last time he did this!  “You are the only one
in my life who has dared to do such a thing to me!”
She scolded.  “Let me go at once!”

“I don’t think so, honey.  You
damn near killed me!  I can’t let you get away with doing something so
foolish.  Do you realize that if I’d died, you would have been hung for
He spanked even harder.

“I didn’t mean it!”
She bawled.

“I know that!  But do you think
the judge would tap your knuckles with a ruler and say, ‘No no, don’t kill
anyone again, Jennie Rose.’  He would tell you it’s not a good excuse and
put you behind bars for life, or hang you!  This spanking is going to
remind you not to be so darn foolish again!”  Johnny continued heating her
bottom, and his hand in the process.

“Stop, please!  I’m sorry! 
I’m sorry!”
She cried out.

Johnny stood her on her feet and then
looked at her sternly.  “If you’re as sorry as you say, then you’ll admit
you earned a good, solid spanking.”

Jennie Rose was crying too hard to
speak, but she nodded.  It was probably the worst thing she’d ever done in
her entire life!  She’d been taught not to shoot unless her life was in
danger.  It wasn’t.  And she’d almost killed Johnny!  He had every
right to punish her for doing something so stupid!

“I want you to prove it by taking down
your britches and your drawers and asking me to finish your spanking. 
Now, I already know how modest you are, Jennie Rose, and I’m not taking
advantage of you here.  But, I will tell you that if you go over my knee
again because you’re too stubborn to own your behavior and accept the
consequences for it, I’ll take off my belt and stripe you over your jeans six
ways to Sunday, and you’ll get the pleasure of walking all the way back to town. 
I won’t be one bit merciful.  It’s your choice, bottom bare and ask for
the rest of your tanning, or a strapping you’ll feel for the next month.” 
Johnny knew he was being hard on Jennie Rose, but he wasn’t about to make light
of the situation.  Killing someone was a hanging offense, and she needed a
serious consequence right now.

Jennie Rose did not want Johnny to take
his belt to her.  But, baring herself and asking for a spanking was
unthinkable.  It might be deserved, but how on earth could she do that?

“Don’t make this harder on yourself,
He said softly, giving her
time to make her decision.

Jennie Rose couldn’t look at him as she
undid the buttons on her pants and pushed them down.  “Couldn’t I please
keep my drawers, Johnny?  Please?”

“I’m sorry, Jennie Rose.  You
can’t.  This has to be a lesson you’ll remember.”

Jennie Rose untied the blue ribbon
holding up the lace-trimmed garment and she pushed them down to bare herself,
turning a bright red as she did so.  She was embarrassed to tears.  “Will
you give me the rest of my spanking now?”
She managed to whisper.

Johnny praised her for asking, and
helped her over his knee once more.  He was surprised to see how red her
skin was and knew that the rest of her spanking was going to hurt a lot. 
He didn’t intend to be harsh with her, but he had to give her enough to bring
the lesson home. 

Jennie Rose was shocked at how much it
hurt when Johnny spanked her right below her cheek on the delicate skin
there.  He alternated sides, and she was pleading with him to stop before
the fifth spank!  “It hurts too much there!”
She begged.  “Please stop!” 

Johnny knew it hurt.  That was the
purpose, after all.  He didn’t stop until he reached ten on each side, and
then he said, “Please, Jenny Rose, be careful with your gun.”  He stood
her up and helped her pull up her clothing since she was crying so hard. 
Once she was decent, he pulled her down on his lap and held her close. 
“I’m sorry that was necessary, Jennie Rose, but you just can’t shoot at
people.  An inch to the left, and you would be facing trial for murder.”

“I’m so sorry!”
She cried.

“I know you are, honey.”

Johnny took her back to town, trying
not to smile when she had considerable trouble sitting her saddle.  If he
was the type of man to place a bet, she wouldn’t be riding tomorrow.  And,
she wouldn’t enjoy sitting down at the Fourth of July picnic, either.  He
wondered if she was going to bring a basket for the auction, but decided it
might not be the best time to ask.

Jennie Rose was embarrassed when she
looked in the full-length mirror in her bedroom and saw how red her backside
was!  She’d deserved the spanking, but she didn’t think Johnny needed to
be so firm with her and insist she bare herself for the last spanks.  She
was so sore, and she hoped that soaking in the bathtub would alleviate some of
the ache she felt.  Tomorrow was the big picnic, and how on earth would
she sit down with anyone to eat?


Chapter Five


“Johnny!  Johnny!  Get up!”
Jeremy jumped from his bed and shook his older brother’s shoulder.  “It’s
the Fourth of July!  I can’t wait for the fireworks!”
He exclaimed in excitement.

Johnny hadn’t slept well and wanted
nothing more than to turn over and go back to sleep, but Jeremy’s excitement
was contagious.  He opened his eyes and said, “The fireworks won’t happen
until it’s dark, kid.”

“But there’s stuff all day!  Come
on, Johnny!  You don’t want to miss anything!”

Johnny grinned.  “Better make your
bed and wash up before going down to see Ma.  She’ll want to see you all
spruced up for the day.”


Are you going to spruce up, too?”

“You bet.”

“Are you going to buy Jennie Rose’s
basket at the picnic today?”
asked curiously.

“I don’t know if she’s going to bring a
basket to sell.”
Johnny replied

“She will.  She’s a pretty girl,
and all the pretty girls bring baskets.  Even the ones who aren’t really
pretty bring a basket.  Someone always buys them.  You’d be smart to
buy Jennie Rose’s.”

“Why is that?”

“Because girls don’t like to be spanked
when they get older, and if Jennie Rose is mad at you for tanning her, she
might get over being mad if you buy her basket.”
He said with eight-year-old logic.

“How did you know I spanked her,
Johnny sat up to demand.

“Me and George were hunting for turtles
and we heard a shot.  We went to see what happened, and heard you two
fussing.  When you started to tan her, we thought we’d better get out of
there before you saw us and thought we was spying.”

“Jeremy, that was between Jennie Rose
and me.  I’d better not find out you two kids told anyone else about what
happened.  Hear me?”

“Yeah, I hear you.”  Their Ma
called to them to wake up and Jeremy was hoping that Johnny wouldn’t question
him further.  He didn’t know that Johnny wouldn’t want anyone else to know
he spanked Jennie Rose, and he’d already told most of his friends.  They
were all expecting to see fireworks today between the couple…


Jennie Rose was up early, cooking food
for her basket.  She truly doubted that Johnny Tanner would buy it this
time, especially after yesterday, but the money raised would go to buy a new
piano for the schoolhouse, and Jennie Rose wanted to do her part to help raise that
money.  If nothing else, she knew she could count on her father to buy her
It would be disappointing
and embarrassing, but not unheard of for that to happen.

Her father was already downtown at the
festivities helping to run everything when Jennie Rose decided to take her
filled basket and go to the picnic.  She placed her basket with the others
for auction and the Mayor smiled pleasantly.  I can see you marked yours
with a blue ribbon again this year, Miss Jennie Rose.  Are you hoping for
anyone in particular to buy your basket?”
He teased.

She smiled and replied, “I just want to
help buy the new piano for the school, Mayor.”

He winked, and then whispered something
to the lady helping him.  She giggled, and Jennie Rose couldn’t help but
feel they were laughing at her.  She went to find someone to talk to, and
Ginger spotted her and came running.  “Jennie Rose, I am so sorry about
yesterday!  I shouldn’t have believed Mrs. Peters.  Please forgive me
for being so rude.”

“Of course I will, Ginger.  How
are you?”
Jennie Rose asked

“Better than you, you poor dear! 
I cannot believe that horrible Johnny Tanner spanked you again!  Are you
in much pain?”
She asked with
sympathy, but Jennie Rose was quick to realize that Ginger was only seeking details
to gossip with.  How dare Johnny tell people what happened?  She
walked off without speaking another word to the blonde, not caring one whit if
she offended her.  She was going to find Johnny Tanner and give him a
piece of her mind!

“Miss Jennie Rose, it sure is good to
see you.”
Ed Coleman took off his
hat to speak to her.  “Now don’t take this wrong, but you earned that
spanking Johnny gave you yesterday!  If you don’t know better than to fire
a gun without knowing who you are firing at, then you shouldn’t be carrying a

Jennie Rose turned red from her toes to
the ends of her hair!  How dare Johnny embarrass her in this way! 
She went to find her father, hoping he would give Johnny Tanner a sit down he’d
remember forever!  “Daddy, I need to talk to you.”
She said when she found him.

“I’m busy now, girl, but you and me are
going to have a serious talk before this day is over.  I can’t believe you
nearly killed Tanner after he saved your life!  What were you thinking?”
Robert scolded, his eyes snapping

“Doesn’t it bother you a bit that he
told the whole town?”
She asked

“It matters that I had to hear it from
Stuart’s youngest boy.”
replied.  “You should have told me yourself.”

“Quiet now, folks.  We’re going to
open our Fourth of July celebrations with our annual picnic, and that means
it’s time to auction off the baskets the young ladies have brought.  We
have quite a few this year, and I’m sure each one is filled with great
food.  I hope you young men brought your wallets and will be
generous.  The proceeds will go toward buying a new piano for the

Jennie Rose tried to see if she could
spot Johnny Tanner, but she simply wasn’t tall enough to see over all the
people crowded around.  She stood there tapping her toe as the baskets
were auctioned off.  Maybe he got called out of town?  Maybe he just
didn’t dare to show his face!  He was going to regret telling even one
person about the way he treated her yesterday. She would get even with him for
that!  Some way!


Johnny had no idea why Jennie Rose
would tell anyone what transpired between them yesterday morning.  As far
as he was concerned, a spanking was personal, unless she was purposely goading
him into spanking her?  No, she didn’t act like that.  She shot at
him out of fear.  She was still frightened over what happened a few days
ago, and she didn’t even know it was him she’d shot at until it was all
over.  Still, it didn’t make sense that she would tell what happened,
unless she was looking for sympathy? 

One thing was certain; he was going to
get his answers once he bought her basket.  He’d seen her from a distance
when she handed the Mayor her basket, and he knew exactly which one it
was.  The pretty blue bow on the handle was just like the one from two
years ago.  He didn’t even care if the food was edible, just as long as
she spent her time with him and not some other guy. 

Johnny wasn’t a fool.  He was in
love with Jennie Rose Clifton, and those feelings hadn’t dimmed one bit in two
year’s time.  He wanted to ask for her hand back then, but they both
needed time to grow up.  If he went away from Clifton this time without
asking, he wouldn’t get another chance; he was sure of it.  Jennie Rose
was a beautiful woman, and another man would snap her up if he was foolish
enough to let her go.  Johnny Tanner was not a fool!


Jennie Rose was very disappointed when
she didn’t see Johnny anywhere.  She wanted him to buy her basket; she’d
learned to cook and bake just to please him, and he’d darn well better show up
and bid so she could raise hell all over him for telling people that he’d
spanked her!  She was wounded and angry, and he’d better have a good

“We have a real pretty basket here with
a big blue bow.  Why, I believe this one belongs to Miss Jennie
Rose.  Honey, we’re happy to have you home in Clifton with us once
more.  Do I have an opening bid of a dollar?”
The Mayor asked.

There were several bids, but none of
them were from Johnny.  When it seemed as though the bidding was all done,
there was one more bid called out, and the amount was enough to buy the piano
by itself!  People cheered, the bid was accepted, and the Mayor handed the
basket to Johnny Tanner!

Johnny took Jennie Rose’s hand and
pulled her along with him, doing his best to ignore the jibes coming their
way.  He could see that Jennie Rose was all upset, and he felt like
shaking her.

“I am furious with you, Johnny Tanner!”
Jennie Rose whispered
angrily.  “I feel like kicking you!”

“I wouldn’t advise it unless you want
another spanking!”
He promptly
replied.  “I’m not happy with you, either!”

“So why did you buy my basket?”
She demanded.  “And why did you pay
that much for it?”

“I wanted everyone to know that I
consider you my girl.”
He told her,
his expression telling her that the answer to her question was obvious.

“I don’t belong to anyone but
She argued, even though
she was thrilled.

“You are fast on your way to earning
another tanning.”
He said through
gritted teeth.

“I wouldn’t advise you try it. 
I’ll yell for my father.”
promised, and was abruptly aware that all eyes were on them.  “Let’s just
find a spot to eat.  We are being watched, thanks to your big mouth!”

big mouth!  You’re the one who
told about yesterday, Jennie Rose.  I thought that was between us.”
He scolded her as he looked for a fairly
quiet place where they could settle and eat without curious ears overhearing
their conversation.

“I most certainly did not tell anyone,
Johnny Tanner!  Don’t you dare blame me, when I didn’t talk to a
She put her hands on her
hips to glare at him.

Johnny whispered.  “Drat that
kid.  He and Georgie were out looking for turtles, and he saw us, Jennie Rose. 
I’m sorry.  I warned him that it was personal between the two of us, but
he probably already told everyone.  I’ll have his hide for it, too.”

“You really didn’t go around bragging
that you spanked me again?”
Rose looked up at him, and then leaned her head against him.  “I’m sorry I
got so angry with you, Johnny.  It didn’t even occur to me that someone
was watching!  Oh,
Her cheeks flooded with scarlet and her
blue eyes went wide.

“They left before that part of the
spanking, honey.”
Johnny said right
away.  “Jeremy knew he’d get in trouble if they stayed and watched. 
Thank goodness he had some sense.”  He finally found a spot to sit that
was far enough away from others they could enjoy their privacy.  “I
couldn’t imagine why you would tell someone; I should have realized right off
that it was my kid brother.”

“We’ll survive the talk.”
She took out the tablecloth and spread
in on the ground, and then knelt on it.  She wasn’t about to sit down
unless she absolutely had to.

“Are you still pretty sore?”
Johnny asked.

“Yes!  My skin is very tender.”
She confessed.  “I hope you like
what I fixed.”

“I’ve eaten my own cooking for two
years; yours will be wonderful in comparison.”

To the disappointment of the watchful
townspeople, the young couple quietly ate their meal and smiled at each other
throughout.  Johnny managed to snag Jeremy between the Greased Pig Contest
and the Three Legged Race.  The eight-year-old apologized to Jennie Rose
and to his brother, tears filling his eyes.  “You should have told me
right off that you’d told, kid.  I would have gone to Jennie Rose and
warned her to expect some teasing from folks.  She thought it was me,
bragging to people.”

“Johnny wouldn’t do that, Miss Jennie Rose.”
He defended his brother.  “I’m awful
sorry I embarrassed you.”
He said

“You are forgiven, Jeremy.”
Jennie Rose said with a smile, and the
boy took off again, happy that he wasn’t in trouble.

“That was real nice of you, honey.”
Johnny leaned down and stole a
kiss.  He was about to ask Jennie Rose to marry him when the Sheriff came
on the run.

“I need help, son.  The

“You stay right here, young lady.”
Johnny said firmly, praying Jennie Rose
would listen to him, and took off running to catch up to the Sheriff.  He was
thankful he was wearing his gun.  “Someone robbing the bank?”
He managed to ask the older man, and got
a nod for his efforts. 

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