Close to Perfect (10 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

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“Hey,” she interrupted, “I did not say that.”
“You didn't exactly do backflips when I mentioned that fixture sale at Home Depot.”
“Was that about the time I asked for another beer?”
He smiled. “Come on, what do you like to do in your spare time?”
Oh, that was easy. Tess smiled. “Dance.”
Josh didn't look at all surprised. “You move like a dancer.”
“Oh, yeah?” She was flattered by his compliment, but also realistic. “You should have seen my mom. She taught the tango and the merengue and all kinds of ballroom dances for a living. That's how she met my dad.”
“No kidding? A retired cop actually took dancing lessons?”
“He wasn't retired then, and he did it for his job.”
“It was some kind of anger management course?”
Tess laughed. “No, of course not. He had to go undercover for one of his assignments, and he had to learn how to tango for it. I know it sounds weird,” she quickly added, “but that's how they met and fell in love.”
“Then we'll say we met dancing.”
Tess opened her mouth, then closed it without saying a word.
If Josh noticed her surprise, it wasn't obvious in his expression. After a moment's pause, he reached out and gently touched her cheek.
Tess swallowed. His fingers were hot and dry, his gaze intent. She expected him to kiss her; she had been expecting that all night.
He did not.
There was need in his gaze, but he restrained it as he gently stroked her cheek.
Tess inhaled deeply, luxuriously.
His expression said he liked giving her that small pleasure. He next traced her lips with his finger, then smiled as he wiped a bit of dressing from the side of her mouth.
Tess smiled, too, then without thinking captured his hand and licked the length of his finger, before swirling her tongue over the blunt tip.
It was only then that she realized what she was doing. The ground rules she was breaking. Ground rules she had insisted upon.
Pulling in her tongue, Tess released his hand and started talking about dancing. The clubs she frequented most, the music she liked, the kind of moves she preferred.
Josh listened without comment.
At last, Tess asked, “So, you want to use that?”
“Sounds good.”
She nodded.
“You still hungry?”
She was, but not in the way he meant, unless he wasn't talking about food. “I don't want you to go to any trouble to make anything.”
“I made it earlier, so it's no trouble.”
“Then, yes, I'm very hungry.”
Josh pushed to his feet and offered his hand.
Once Tess was standing, he let go, then spoke over his shoulder as he moved toward the kitchen. “While we eat, we should discuss tomorrow's itinerary.”
Chapter Five
he food was surprisingly good and included a chilled shrimp salad served in a creamy dressing, then tortillas stuffed with chicken, bacon, avocado, and numerous cheeses.
“Very impressive.” Tess licked a bit of Monterey Jack from her lips.
Josh's gaze followed her tongue. “Thanks.”
After that, their conversation focused on business. Their exchanged glances were another thing entirely.
A few times when Tess looked up, she saw that Josh was already watching her. Although he was busted, he didn't look away.
Nor did she. Their gazes lingered, the silence grew, but it didn't feel uncomfortable, although Tess knew it should have.
This was just a job.
It would last only as long as it took the Libbys of this world to get lost. So, no matter how attracted Tess and Josh were to each other there were far too many nights to get through to be so aroused on the first.
Already Tess had kissed him and look where it had led. If she slept with him now there would be no end to the complications.
What if they started to fight like regular couples, instead of the pretend one they were supposed to be? What if he only wanted her physically?
Oh, sure, he respected and even admired her, but that wasn't love. And even good men slept with women they had no intention of sharing their life with.
Josh was no saint. He was a young, healthy male—very male—and he needed sexual relief as much as she did. Trouble was, if things didn't work out after their sex fest, Tess knew she just couldn't walk away.
She'd have to stay here and live with him, work with him, kiss him in public, then possibly even watch over him as he met someone else, someone he might eventually love.
Uh-uh. No way was she going there. Closing her eyes, Tess sighed.
“Tired?” Josh asked.
More like depressed and kind of scared, not that she could admit it. “Yeah.” Opening her eyes, Tess flicked her gaze to him, then stared at her empty plate. “Guess we should turn in.”
Josh reached for his beer. “Whatever you say.”
Tess looked at him, and only then realized she had said
instead of
and that it was too late to take that back now.
Whatever you say.
He was letting her decide, the bum. Of course, she was his bodyguard, so maybe he figured she should be running this show. “I need to check out the grounds before I turn in, but if you're tired, you go ahead.”
“I'm not. I'll go with you.”
Tess shook her head. If they were to stroll these moonlit grounds hand-in-hand, no telling how long her resolve would last before she decided to play out her earlier fantasy of that virgin bride and her new husband. “That's my job.”
“It's dark out there.”
Huh? Tess lifted her gaze. “Yeah, I know; it's night.”
Josh rolled his eyes. “There's a lot of vegetation out there. Someone could be lurking around.”
Not if that security person was making passes at this place as Tess had asked. “So? I'm armed.”
Josh didn't look all that relieved as his gaze dropped to her T-shirt and then her cutoffs.
Tess pushed back in her chair and stood. “Could you get my bags?”
He continued to regard her feet. “And turn off the car?”
“It's probably out of gas by now, with a dead battery to boot, but you might want to get the keys. That is, if you're finished making fun of me.”
“I'm not making fun.”
Right. “Gotta go,” Tess said, then didn't dare look back.
She went to the gate first and was pleased to see that the security company had followed through. After giving the guard some firm instructions, Tess waved him on his way, then went back up the drive, at least until she saw Josh coming down it.
“You okay?” he called out.
Not really. Shadows from moss-draped cypress trees and enormous banyans played across his clothing and face, making him look like a brooding hero on the cover of a romance novel.
He moved closer when she didn't answer. “Tess?”
“I'm fine.” She cleared her throat. “What are you doing out here?”
Josh planted his hands on his lean hips, and sounded slightly pissed. “I live here?”
Tess went to him. Moonlight skimmed his hair, turning it a paler blond than she recalled, while shadows continued to play across his handsome face. “I thought you were going to get my bags.”
“I will. If the car's still there.”
“It is. I saw it.”
“Where are you going now?”
Tess spoke over her shoulder as she moved past him, “To check out this place. You stay here.”
“In this spot?” he called out.
Tess turned around and walked backwards as she talked. “No. Get my bags! Please.”
To her surprise, he finally headed in that direction.
Turning, Tess moved quickly down the path, focusing on business. Once her heart stopped thudding, she heard leaves rustling in the breeze, crickets chirping, and unknown animals scurrying about.
Suppressing a shiver to that, Tess walked the perimeter of these grounds, her gaze searching for whatever might be out of place.
A half hour later, everything was as it should be; she was the only thing that didn't belong.
Lifting her face to the moonlit sky, Tess searched for the brightest star and called herself a fool. It was only her first night here and already she was wishing on stars, hoping that when this was all over she could easily move on.
Sure. Sighing deeply, she turned to go back to the house, but then paused.
The master bedroom doors that led to the veranda were open; Josh was inside the room.
His head remained bent to a clock he was setting.
Tess's gaze touched his tousled hair, his broad shoulders, his powerful chest.
As if he felt her watching, he slowly looked up and turned to those open doors. His gaze searched the darkness, then seemed to touch hers.
In that moment, warmth flooded her chest, her belly, the insides of her thighs. Her heart raced out of control.
Could he actually see her in this darkness? If he did, was he as awed by this moment as she?
Tess ached to know, but wasn't about to ask. This was only a job. She was here for as long as he needed her professional services, and not one second more. She had to remember that.
Lowering her gaze, Tess went back to the car and saw that Josh had gotten her bags.
She returned to the house, but stopped at the bottom of the staircase, not certain if she should go up.
A minute passed and then another. At last, Josh walked across the landing, then looked down, noticing her.
“Everything all right?” he asked.
Not even close. Blood pounded in her ears as Tess imagined what it would be like to have Josh waiting for her each night as he was now. To know that she would be protected in his embrace as she slept. That her aching need would be filled with contentment and peace.
“Fine.” She cleared the catch in her voice.
“Are you coming up?”
She was now. “Sure.” She climbed the stairs.
Josh waited for her on the landing. “I should show you which room is yours.”
Given her current state, Tess didn't think that was such a good idea, but obediently followed him down the hall to a room that was so close to what she had imagined earlier, she was briefly dizzy.
Josh asked, “Is this all right?”
It was beyond lovely. There was a four-poster dressed in clean, white linens, a cheval mirror and other Victorian furnishings, lacy curtains, a pink marble fireplace, two ceiling fans, and mosquito netting. The open door of the bath showed a darling, claw-footed tub and antique fixtures.
“You did all this?” Tess asked.
He sounded amused. “I had a professional decorator provide the furniture and other stuff, but yeah, I restored the fireplace, floors, and the rest.”
“It's the loveliest room I've ever seen.”
“You haven't seen mine.”
Tess looked over her shoulder at him. Josh regarded the bed for a moment more, before glancing up.
There was neither shame in his expression, nor a foolish effort to hide what he had been thinking. Even his voice was casual. “Night, Tess.” He left the room and was ready to close the door when she followed.
Josh looked at her.
Maybe she should explain. “I need to check out the rest of the house before turning in. You go to bed, though. Please.”
He didn't seem all too enthused about that. “You'll be careful?”
“I always am, Josh.”
“Out there,” he added.
Right. After all, wasn't she being very, very careful in here? “If you'll recall, I do know H2H.”
“And you like Krav Maga the best,” he said. “Don't you worry, I remember.”
But that's why Tess was so worried, because he did remember; he did listen to her. When was the last time that had happened with such a virile, good-looking guy? Never, that's when. Josh was so damned different, so damned worthy of all the love a woman could give and yet Tess realized that even for him—perhaps especially for him—that was so hard to get.
he had said,
it would be nice if the people I meet would like me for me, not my bank account. Sometimes, this is all a woman sees. The wealth, the stuff, not me.
A wave of tenderness mixed with need so quickly consumed her, Tess could barely think as Josh finally moved down the hall to his own room, then stopped at the doorway and looked back one last time.
“Night,” she said.
It sounded so final, Josh nodded his farewell, closed the door, then pressed his forehead against it as he listened to her moving down the stairs.
He liked her, really liked her, and couldn't do one damned thing about it during these private moments, unless she gave him the green light, which didn't seem likely as long as she was in his employ.
So, how in the hell had he gotten himself into this mess? Oh, right, he remembered now, he had decided to hire her, have her pretend to be his girlfriend in public, then kissed her in his office.
Thank God for that since he was about to enter one very long, dry spell—at least while they were in this house.
Damn. How in the world was he supposed to get through tonight with Tess driving him fucking nuts? Her scent, that lilting voice, the graceful way she moved, the fact that she wore a damn gun; God, he just couldn't stand it.
Not only was she the most capable female Josh had ever met, she was sharp, and funny, and brave.
Too fucking brave. Josh rolled his forehead over the door as he listened to her moving around downstairs looking for the bad guys, or in this case, the bad girls.
She needed to be more careful.
Dammit, she needed to be in here, stripped bare, and bent over the dresser with her sweet little ass inviting him closer.
That was what Josh wanted, that was what he needed, to hear her sharp intake of breath as he rested one hand on her plush buttocks, while the other lazily explored her moist opening, her erect clit until her breathing picked up and her head hung on her shoulders.
Only then would he be satisfied. Only then would he lift his stiffened cock, then plunge into her heated depths to be willingly imprisoned by her flesh.
Once he was and had given them both pleasure, Josh knew he would have been willing to simply hold her, to keep her close, to keep her safe.
She might have been his bodyguard, an ex-cop, and a kick-ass Krav Maga expert, but she was also a woman who still missed her mother, and wanted so to please her father.
Josh's shoulders slumped at the thought of that man. Tess sure as hell wasn't going to be pleasing Mr. Franklin anytime soon by sleeping with her employer, a guy she just met.
Swearing softly, he pushed away from the door and went deeper into his room
It's the loveliest room I've ever seen,
she had said.
You haven't seen mine.
As Josh's gaze swept the billowing lace curtains, the black marble fireplace, the ivory embossed wallpaper, the gold Persian rug, and the king-size brass bed, he hardly felt awed.
No matter how nice this stuff was, no matter how expensive, this room was empty without her inside.
He padded to the bed and lay face-up on it, arms above his head, fists clenched as he listened for her movements downstairs. Her security check seemed to be taking forever, but when Josh glanced at the clock on the nightstand, only a few minutes had passed.
After what seemed another eternity, the stairs finally creaked beneath her weight as Tess moved to the second floor. Josh pulled in a deep breath, then held it as he heard her coming down the hall to this room.
He pushed to a sitting position as she paused just outside his door. Easy, he warned himself, but his heart wasn't listening. It continued to hammer against his chest as he wondered what she was doing.
Was something wrong? Had she seen something downstairs she hadn't liked?
Had she seen something in this room that she did?
Before Josh could work it out in his mind, he heard Tess moving back down the hall.
Why? What had changed her mind?
Josh pushed off his bed and went to the door, fully prepared to go to her room to demand some answers, which she certainly wouldn't provide.
His hand fell away from the knob as he recalled how good she was at evading answers; how much like a cop she seemed during those times.

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