Close to Perfect (25 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

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She turned her face to his and whispered, “None.”
“Starting when?”
She gave him a wicked smile, then whispered, “Let go of me and you'll see.”
“Uh-uh,” he whispered. “When are we leaving this stupid thing?”
“In a little while.”
“And then?”
“I'll tell you when you let go of me.”
He finally did. “What happens after this?”
“You see my world. Excuse me.”
My world? Excuse me?
What was she talking about? Where was she going?
Josh left his chair, then watched as she crossed the room to a balcony. When he finally reached it, Tess was facing the railing.
Her hair and gown fluttered in the breeze that brought the faint strains of music from another party and the rustling of the ocean below.
He joined her at the railing. “What are you doing?”
She lifted her face to the night sky, the nearly full moon. “Just getting some air.”
Josh ran his hand up her bare arm. “We could get even more back at my place.”
Tess turned until her back was to the railing, her hands on each side. The breeze lifted the edge of her gown away from her legs. “That's your world.”
Josh looked at her nipples pressing against that silky fabric. “And you want me to see yours?”
“You're going to.” She moved her knee up the inside of his thigh to his stiffened cock.
He looked down at that. “When you were a cop?”
“I wasn't always a cop.”
Josh had no idea what she was talking about, but his voice was thick with excitement. “Okay. So, what were you?”
“I'll show you. In time,” she added, then pushed away from the railing and went back into the ballroom.
She had just reached a group of empty tables near the servers' entrance when she stopped and looked over her shoulder.
Josh was still in the doorway of the balcony.
She asked, “You coming?”
Like a good boy he went to her, then slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her out of the crowd's sight and into his stiffened cock. “Just try to stop me.”
Tess rested her fingers on his tie. “Bad boy.”
“Just wait until I get you alone.”
“In time.” She eased away.
“Not so fast.” Josh caught her wrist, gently holding it. “Where are you going now?”
“The table.”
He kept his voice lowered. “We eat and then we cut out. No arguments. That's final.”
“Only if you want to rush it.”
He laughed. “Rush
“You'll see.”
He pulled her back into himself, showing her his strength and determination. “I want to know now.”
“I want to surprise you.” Tess lifted her face to his. Her gaze was as soft as her voice, “Let me surprise you... please.”
She was already doing that as she eased away and returned to their table. There, she engaged in conversation with the others, again charming the men.
No more ground rules,
she had said.
Josh kept hearing that promise in his head as they ate and Tess played the perfect dinner companion. A little too perfect for his taste. She delicately touched the back of his hand or gently rested her fingers on his jacket sleeve, when she damn well knew that wasn't enough to satisfy a monk, much less him.
Josh needed her hands on his cock; he wanted her mouth on each part of him, but only after he had tasted her.
He imagined drawing her nipples into his mouth, suckling that precious flesh until it couldn't get any tighter; then lifting her gown to remove her thong so that he could see her dark triangle of hair that pointed to pleasure; her swollen lips; that womanly moisture sparkling on those delicate curls and her clit.
He needed to lick that, to taste it, to become a part of her so that he no longer knew where he ended and she began.
Only not now; not yet. As the band started to play a slow ballad, an older man pushed to his feet. “May I have this dance, Tess?” Before she could respond, he looked at Josh. “You don't mind, do you?”
Fucking A he did. He wanted to leave now.
Tess, on the other hand, wasn't in such a rush. “Of course Josh doesn't mind.” She looked at him. “In all the time we've known each other, Josh has never once asked me to dance.”
“Well, don't start now,” the old guy joked.
Tess smiled. “He won't. Will you, Josh?”
You are so going to pay for this.
“Guess not.”
“In that case, the next one's mine.”
Josh looked at the man who had said that. He was in his late thirties and couldn't take his eyes off her gown.
“Then it's my turn,” another said.
“I'm looking forward to dancing with all of you,” Tess said. She took her partner's arm, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.
Josh leaned over the left arm of his chair so he could watch her, while she looked past that man's shoulder to look at him.
The guy in his late thirties asked, “How long have you and Tess been dating?”
“Not long enough.”
“If I were you, I'd learn how to dance.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I want to surprise you,
she had said.
Let me surprise you.
By the time Tess was dancing with that third guy, while also keeping her gaze on him, Josh had decided on a surprise for her.
All it would take was one call.
As he left the table and pulled out his cell, Tess immediately stopped dancing.
“Oh, sorry,” her partner said, “did I step on your foot?”
She looked at him, then back at Josh. He had left the table to take a call? He was conducting business, now?
“Tess, did I hurt you?”
She looked at her partner and shook her head. Josh was going to hurt her, but not tonight. By God, she was going to have that.
Tess was about to leave the dance floor when she remembered her partner. He stood there with his arms out, waiting for her.
“Sorry,” she said, then danced with him as she kept her gaze on Josh.
During the entire number he talked on his cell. At last, the music ended. As he went back to the table, so did Tess.
“Why, dear,” one of the older women said, “you must be exhausted.”
More like pissed and depressed. “I'm fine.”
“I'm afraid I'm not,” Josh said. “I have a long night ahead of me; we're going to have to leave.”
Her heart fell. “You have business to conduct?”
“You know I do.” Josh took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. “We discussed it before we came here, remember?”
Ah, so she hadn't lost him to regular business, after all.
Tess gently squeezed his fingers. “Yes, I do. You're right, it's time to leave.”
Chapter Fourteen
o more ground rules... none.
It had been too much to hope for and Josh couldn't wait any longer. As they reached his car in the parking structure, he saw that they were alone. There was no public, no paparazzi, only a man who craved a woman and wanted her to need him in return.
He met her gaze. “Come here.”
A smile played across Tess's lips as she moved into him, her hands sliding over his shoulders.
It wasn't enough. Pulling Tess close, Josh tightened his arm around her waist. The back of her head was cradled in his free hand as he kissed her savagely, not allowing her so much as a whimper. His tongue silenced that. His hips ground into hers so that she felt every inch of his erection.
That only fueled her passion and made her wild, taking exactly what she wanted until they were both temporarily sated.
Breathing hard, Josh rested his forehead against hers. “You know, I should be pissed.”
Tess swallowed. “Because I kissed you back?”
He laughed. “No. You've made me wait too damned long for tonight.”
She rolled her forehead over his. “It hasn't even started.” Slipping her hand beneath his jacket, she stroked his left pec. “And you made me wait, too.”
“I didn't dance with every man in that place.”
“Did I thank you for that?”
Josh laughed again, until she worked her other hand into his trouser pocket. “What are you doing?”
“Yeah, I know. For what?”
Her answer was to stroke his erection through that pocket.
Josh inhaled sharply.
“Now, be nice,” she said, then continued to stroke his rod.
“Aw, shit.
“Relax. I'm just looking for your keys.”
Josh lifted his face and breathed hard as she checked the other pocket, stroking him through that, before finally pulling out her hand.
“Got 'em.” She slipped her free hand beneath his chin. “And from the looks of it, not a minute too soon.”
Josh swallowed, then frowned. “Now, you're driving?”
“You'll get your turn later. Take off your tie.”
“That's okay,” she said, “I'll take it off for you.”
Before Josh could ask why she was doing this, Tess was already unknotting and pulling the tie from his collar, then stuffing it in his trouser pocket.
When her fingers again searched for his cock, Josh's shoulders bunched. “Damn, you're mean.”
Tess gave him an innocent look. “You think this is mean?”
“Yeah. One more stroke out here where I can't do anything about it and you're going to kill me.”
“Sorry.” She pulled her hand out, then eased away. “Take off your jacket.”
Josh continued to catch his breath as he glanced around the deserted lot. “Are my trousers going to be next?”
“Only if you want to be cited for indecent exposure and spend the night in jail instead of with me.”
He looked at her. “You're stripping me and it's got nothing to do with your no more ground rules stuff?”
“Those are my conditions. You break state law and you're on your own.”
He pulled off his jacket and tossed it to her. “Now, it's your turn.” He planted his hands on his lean hips. “What are you going to take off?”
“Nothing... yet. Unbutton your collar and roll up your sleeves.”
He arched one brow.
She ran her fingertips over his cheek. “Please.”
Hell. He did as he was told. “What now?”
Tess moved into him; she kissed and licked the hollow of his throat before easing back. “In the car. No arguments.”
At the moment Josh could barely breathe.
“Please?” she added.
“Whatever you want.”
After tossing his jacket into the backseat, she also got in, and took off.
Josh looked at the scenery whizzing by—all those bed-and-breakfasts, hotels, and motels she kept passing. “Where are we going?”
“You'll see.”
“Not if you keep driving so fast.” He looked at the speedometer. “You're going to get a ticket. You might even get this sucker impounded.”
Tess stopped at a red light. Turning in her seat, she ran her fingertips over his upper lip, then gently traced the contours of his mouth. “I'm an ex-cop, I don't get tickets.”
It was a moment before Josh could concentrate on anything other than that stroking. He felt it clear through the back of his mouth. At last, he asked, “By the way, where's your weapon?”
Tess traced his left ear with her fingertip. “Let's just say it's more concealed than yours.” She lowered her hand to his fly, then drew lazy circles over his thickened shaft.
Josh moaned.
“Oh, sorry,” Tess said, pulling back her hand. “I'm being mean again.”
He opened his eyes and continued to breathe hard. “Are you kidding? We're in the car now. Why'd you stop?”
“Had to.” She pointed. “Light's changed.”
She zipped away from it, driving them down one darkened street after another, taking turns here, there, everywhere, until she finally reached a building that looked like a warehouse, but was surrounded by late model cars.
As the pulsing sounds of Latin music washed over them, Josh looked at her. “Your world,” he said. “Dancing.”
“Foreplay,” she corrected. Her eyes were bright, her expression a promise of what was to come. “If you're up to it.”
“Would you like to check?”
She giggled. “Later. Right now I should teach you the moves you'll need in there. We can use that area to the left.” She pointed to a darkened part of the lot. “Or that one over to the—”
“Tess, I know how to dance.”
She laughed. “The merengue? And the tango? And—”
“Salsa,” he added, before she could.
Her brows lifted in surprise, and then she frowned. “How could you know—Wait a sec,” she interrupted herself. “That's who that guy was?”
Not only was she beautiful, but sharp. Even so, Josh decided to play with her as she was always playing with him. “I haven't a clue what you're—”
“Don't give me that. The young guy who came to your office that day and disappeared with you into the conference room; he was a dance instructor, right?”
“Actually, he's my auditor.”
Her brows lifted. “No kidding. I thought he was a gigolo.”
“Aren't those for women?”
“Usually. But you did have the blinds drawn.”
“You're going to keep grilling me on this, aren't you?”
“Only until you tell me the truth.”
Josh crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine. I took dance lessons, so shoot me.”
“Oh, no,” she quickly said. “I should thank you. But why did you hire someone? You could have asked me to teach you.”
He looked embarrassed. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
It was. Tess couldn't imagine any of the other men she had known going to such trouble for her, especially if it meant spending their hard-earned money or risking their macho image.
Why Josh did it wasn't entirely clear. Could be he had wanted to add some meat to their original story that they had met dancing. Could be he had wanted to convince those persistent women and the paparazzi that he and she were romantically involved by going to a place like this.
Could be he was even falling for her.
Tess told herself to get real. Learning to dance wasn't a promise of forever, unless it was in her mother and father's world.
“I'm very impressed,” she said.
“Wait'll you see me dance.”
“We could leave now if you want.”
He laughed good-naturedly. “Not a chance. I'm looking forward to this.” He reached out and brushed his knuckles over the swell of her right breast.
Tess murmured, “No more ground rules.”
“I think you're ready,” she said.
Josh knew he would certainly do his best as they entered the club.
Its nondescript exterior hardly prepared him for what was inside. There were softly pulsing lights and a glass roof. Beneath countless stars, hundreds of young couples moved sinuously against each other, keeping time to the music.
It was outrageously erotic, the strains prolonged, provocative.
Tess was immediately seduced. Working her fingers through her hair, she lifted it off her shoulders, then swayed her hips. Soon, her eyes were closed, her body undulating as she raised her face to the sky, becoming fully lost in this world.
Josh watched transfixed; there was nothing else he could do.
Never had he seen a woman dance like that. Tess was as free as he was captive and somehow that felt so very right.
When that number finally ended, Tess released her hair, but kept her arms over her head, like a dancer. Her body moved slowly, seductively as the new music quickly began. When she at last met his gaze, her eyes were hooded, those delicate nostrils flared. She spoke above the music, “Dance with me.”
Nothing could have kept Josh away. He slipped his arm around her waist, then pressed his hips to hers, moving with the beat.
Tess held his gaze; she owned it. He was in her world now, and her voice became quickly playful. “So, they tell me you can dance.”
“Not like you, but then, who could?”
She laughed. “You don't even want to try?”
“Sure. Lower your arms.”
The moment she did, Josh wrapped his fingers around her right wrist, while Tess wreathed her left arm around his neck.
As they moved to the music, Josh actually felt that this was almost as good as sex. “How am I doing?”
“Very good. But this is such an easy step. What if it gets complicated?”
“I'll do my best to keep up.”
Tess worked her body into his as the music demanded. “We should keep it simple. You need to take baby steps before you can run.”
“Point taken, but I have been practicing.” He turned her in time to the music, their hips pressed close. “And you could at least try to follow my lead.”
Tess glanced down to their swaying hips, then met his gaze. “Only if it takes me where I want to go.” She so quickly changed steps, Josh couldn't follow and was soon two feet away from her.
Hands on her hips, chin held high, Tess said, “I thought you wanted to dance.”
Josh arched one brow and moved right back into her.
Her smile was wicked. “You're certain you took lessons for this?”
Before he could respond, she was spinning away from him, then coming right back, pressing her body to his. “Think of an answer yet?”
Josh laughed. “Yes, I took lessons. Over several days, in fact.”
“Then those business things you had to go to were really dancing lessons?”
She gave him a patient smile. “Poor baby. You're not sure?”
“It's not something I would forget, all right?”
Tess glanced down to their bodies. “Not if you danced like this with that guy.” She ran her fingers over the soft hair at the nape of his neck. “Did you enjoy that, Josh?”
Oh, she was bad. “Fuck that.”
“So you do like women?”
“Depends.” He ground his hips into hers, letting her know what she did to him. “Are they as beautiful as you?”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “So now you think I'm beautiful?”
“From the moment you walked into my life and begged to be my bodyguard.”
“Begged?” Tess laughed; she gasped in delight as Josh turned her around, then pulled her close, his hand just above the seam of her buttocks, his forehead to hers.
“Yes, begged,” he said as he moved to the beat of the music. “Admit it.”
“You kissed me.”
“You fucking responded.”
“Oh, no, Josh, this is responding.” She put her hands on either side of his face, angled his head so that his mouth met hers, then didn't let go.
Josh stopped dancing. He couldn't even breathe. Her mouth was relentless, her tongue probing after she thrust it inside.
When she finally pulled back, Josh was still slightly dizzy.
She, on the other hand, casually swayed her hips against his in time to the music. “Poor baby; I didn't hurt you, did I?”
He lifted his brows.
“Maybe you should sit the rest of this one out.” She eased away.
“Come back here.” He pulled her close, then captured her mouth.
His kiss was filled with urgency and male power, demanding that Tess follow.
She did.
The dance was quickly forgotten; the music, the people, this place no longer existed. His scent, his heat, his strength became her world until Josh pulled his mouth free.
The music came back slowly, as did the noise of the others. Not that any of it mattered. She and Josh remained as they were, undisturbed, until he asked, “Had enough?”
Not even if he had promised her a lifetime. Tess knew she would always want more. “We haven't even started yet, have we?”
His eyes were hooded as he lowered his hand to just above her buttocks, then pushed her into his erection. “You want more?”
Tess wanted tonight to last. She didn't want it to ever end. “Please. Keep dancing with me.”
His expression changed. “Really?”

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