Closer (16 page)

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Authors: Sarah Greyson

BOOK: Closer
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“The driver you had in a choke hold, shot you through the seat of the van. The passenger got away with all of your notes and the prototype,” he told her waiting for her reaction. He knew how much this project meant to her.

“He got everything?” she moaned, devastated at the thought. “Who was it? Can we get it back?” she questioned in quick succession.

“We aren’t sure who tried to take you.” Michael hated telling her he didn’t have an answer.

Tony walked into the room, relief evident in his eyes as he gazed at a very alert Emma. “I ran the tags on the van, but they came back stolen,” Tony told the group in the living room. “Without a starting point, I don’t have much to go on.” They already knew where the terrorist were holding Lizzie, so Ahmed would be of no further help until they got on the road. For all intents and purposes, they had hit a dead end.

“Emma, we are going to rescue Lizzie, and we want you to stay here with Tony and rest,” Michael asserted as he bent forward to kiss her lips gently. “I can’t risk anything else happening to you,” he told her matter-of-factly.

He was going to have to come clean about what she meant to him, but that would have to wait. She was safe now, and he knew Tony would protect her.

Michael stood and asked if he could speak to Tony in the kitchen. Tony followed. Michael placed his hand on Tony’s shoulder. “Tony, I know you wanted in on this mission, but I really need you here to watch over Emma. I can’t do what I have to do if I am worried about her safety and other than Rob, you are the only one I would trust leaving her with,” Michael insisted.

“I know what she means to you, man. It’s written all over your face. In fact, I thought we were going to have to give you the morphine when she was shot,” Tony said in his light-hearted manner. “Are you sure you, Rob and Steve can handle this on your own?” Tony asked his friend.

“We don’t have a choice. People are after her. I doubt they know she is here at Rob’s, but in case they do, I need you here, armed to the hilt, ready to shoot any motherfucker who tries to walk in that door,” Michael said pointing to the door off the kitchen.

“I got you, man. I’ll keep her safe,” Tony insisted, all kidding aside.

“Thank you. I will owe you for the rest of my life,” Michael said. He looked Tony dead in the eye. Michael then drew his brows together and thought of his life without Emma in it. Tony could see his eyes start to glisten.

“Don’t worry. You have my word, I will die before anything happens to your girl,” Tony reassured Michael holding out his hand. Michael took Tony’s hand in his and pulled him in for a one-armed hug.

Michael walked back into the living room to tell Steve and Rob that Tony would be staying with Emma. He was surprised to see Emma sitting up. Her face was contorted from the pain she was in, but she wanted to be strong for these men who risked their lives twice now to save her.

“Tony, you are going to have to make sure she rests,” Michael said, smiling at Emma.

“I’ll do my best,” Tony bantered. He winked at Emma. He admired her strength.

Emma really wanted to be there for Lizzie, but her current condition made that next to impossible. She would have to remain planted where she was if she hoped to recover quickly. She thought back to her actions in the van. She didn’t know where she found the strength to kick that man in the face and bust his nose, nor would she ever understand how she managed to subdue the man driving. She was just thankful all of the men were safe and in one piece.

Emma couldn’t help feeling despair over losing her life’s work. She fought the feeling with everything she could because Lizzie was now the priority. She wouldn’t allow her head to even think of losing the project forever. Michael would get it back. She had to have faith. Admitting that her project was gone forever was something she wouldn’t even entertain because it would destroy her. She had to remain strong for Michael. She had to worry about Michael’s safety now. He would be infiltrating a terrorist cell. Didn’t she hear that they usually booby-trapped their hold ups? She couldn’t rest as long as Michael was out there in danger. Thank God he was out of the military, because she didn’t think she could handle him constantly putting himself in danger. But what if that is what he wanted for himself, once all this was over? What if he no longer wanted her? Her heart was already involved. Maybe, if she gave her head a chance, it could talk her heart out of loving him. Emma noticed the moon through window just as a cloud began to cross it and reveal it was almost full.




« Chapter Eighteen »



Emma wasn’t sure what time it was when she awoke on the couch. “Michael,” she whispered into the dark living room. She looked to the window in the front room and saw the full moon beaming back at her. Within a second, Michael was next to her side.

“What is it, Emma? Do you need more pain medication?”

“Yes, I hurt. I also would feel better if I could lie down flat and not be propped up by so many pillows.”

She looked at Michael’s furrowed brows. She could tell he was worried about her. She needed to ease his worry so he could get some sleep. The next two days would be dangerous for him.

“Why don’t we go to the bedroom Rob offered earlier, and you can sleep lying flat.” Michael ran his hand through her auburn hair. He stroked her hair several times, and she felt herself relaxing.

“Sounds good,” she said slowly, trying again to hide her pain.

Michael would give anything to take that pain she tried to hide, away from her. He hadn’t been there to protect her; instead, she had protected him. Michael scooped her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. Reaching the top step, he could hear Rob snoring. It surprised him that Rob could sleep with all of the stress he was under. He turned and walked to the guest bedroom. He set Emma on her feet and pulled down the covers for her. She gently sat on the edge of the bed and slowly turned. She laid herself down with a consternation of intense pain.

“I will go get you that shot.” Michael stood to leave her. “Rob. Wake up, man. I need another shot for Emma.” Michael said, shaking his brother’s shoulder roughly.

He hated to wake up Rob from his deep sleep, but he would do it for Emma. For Emma he would do anything. Rob trudged into the master bathroom and retrieved the syringe from his medical kit.

“Here. This will help her sleep through the night.” He handed Michael the syringe filled with morphine.

Michael didn’t even want to know where Rob got his pain medicines; he was just thankful he had them. Michael injected Emma’s arm with the syringe. She immediately felt the lessening of her pain. “Sleep with me.” She patted the spot next her on the bed.

Michael walked around the bed and got under the covers. He pushed against her body and placed his right arm over her stomach careful not to touch her wound. He placed his left arm under her neck to create a cocoon for her to sleep. Within minutes, her breathing slowed from the labored breaths of pain she was taking before to a soft, steady rhythm. Confident in her newfound comfort, Michael allowed himself to drift off to sleep.



Michael awoke before Emma. He lay there conscious of his sleeping left arm and watched her sleep.
How could he ever let her go?
He knew his brothers were waiting downstairs anxious to start their mission. He carefully slid his arm from behind her neck and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. He got out of bed without disturbing her.

Downstairs, Rob had coffee and breakfast ready to go for everyone. Michael sat down and accepted his plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. As he ate, he thought about Rob’s Lizzie and the hell she must be enduring with those terrorists. With Emma safe, he could now focus all of his attention on the job at hand: rescuing Lizzie.

Michael watched as Rob pushed food around his plate. “You’re going to need your strength.” Michael gestured to Rob’s uneaten breakfast.

“I can’t think about anything other than Lizzie.” Rob dejectedly moved the eggs to the other side of his bacon and then sipped his coffee.

“Promise me you will keep your strength up for this mission. I can’t focus on retrieving Lizzie if I am worried about your ass getting shot,” Michael said, placing a slice of bacon into his mouth. Rob didn’t respond, but was lost somewhere in his mind.

Just then, Rob’s cell phone starting ringing. Rob looked at the number. “It’s them.” Hello,” Rob said trying to hide his maddening rage.

“Hello, Rob. It looks like you are not playing for my side anymore,” the terrorist sneered into his ear.

“What do you mean?” Rob asked meeting Michael’s worried eyes. “I can still deliver the woman.”

“Aren’t you curious how I know you have help?” the terrorist asked calmly which only served to increase Rob’s frustration. He ran a hand over his unshaved face.

“It was me that arranged to take Emma and her notes from the DOD building yesterday.” Rob looked alarmed and wondered how they knew they were even at the
Someone must be following them. Did the terrorists know they had Ahmed?

The hair on the back of Michael’s neck stood on end. He didn’t know what was being said, but whatever it was caused the blood to leave Rob’s face.

“Tell me what you want. I have Emma, and I will deliver her to you tomorrow morning as originally agreed upon,” Rob gushed into the receiver trying to pacify the terrorist.

“I do believe you do not take my threats seriously,” the terrorist said, “I am afraid I will have to kill the American woman to make my point.”

“Do that and you can kiss Emma goodbye,” Rob spat. “I know that prototype you obtained does not deliver the chemical agent. Emma was still working on the flaw in the design. She was still three weeks away from a working delivery system. I can bring her to you. You can do whatever you want to her to get your precious information, just as long as you keep the American woman alive.” Rob spoke with venom in his voice and the terrorist knew it.

Michael’s eyes shot to Rob’s. If he didn’t trust his friend, he would have killed him for what he just said. Michael nodded his head up and down, encouraging Rob to continue. He knew there was no way Emma was stepping anywhere near the terrorist hold.

“Very well. Bring her. You have the advantage, as I do need her to make the system work. Once I have her, I will release the American woman. She is tough. I’ll give her that. She hasn’t once yet begged to die, and I know she is in a great deal of pain,” the terrorist chuckled into the phone raising Rob’s blood pressure to dangerously high levels.

“I can be there tomorrow at noon. Tell me where to drop the woman,” Rob requested.

“I will text you the directions tomorrow at 1100,” the terrorist declared. “Until then.” Rob pressed the end button on the phone. Rob looked down at the table to his uneaten food. He could feel the bile rising in the back of his throat. He swallowed to keep it down. Regaining his composure, Rob met the eyes of his brothers and explained the conversation.

“We have to leave now. I am not waiting a second longer. Is everything packed and ready to go? If we drive straight through we can reach them tonight at 0100.” Rob stood and scraped his uneaten food into the garbage can.

Just then all eyes turned to meet Emma coming into the kitchen. She was holding her side but she was walking. A definite sight for Michael’s sore eyes.

“Are you leaving now?” she asked, looking at Michael for confirmation of what she had just overheard Rob say. Michael met her eyes and nodded his head.

“I will help you guys pack. But Michael, before you leave, I just need a few minutes of your time.” She walked to the table and started picking up plates and taking them into the kitchen.

“Tony. You’re going to have to watch and make sure she doesn’t overdue it.” Michael walked up to her and removed a plate from her hand mid-scrape.

“She won’t,” Tony assured Michael as he looked sternly into Emma’s eyes. Emma cowered under the intense glare. She knew Tony meant business.

“Guys wait here. Give Emma and I a minute alone please,” Michael requested, knowing how anxious everyone was, knowing they only had a few precious minutes.

Michael led Emma into the living room by placing his hand on the small of her back. Just being near her threw him off center. How could he function in a normal environment knowing how she affected him? He led Emma to the other side of the room, away from the men and they both looked out the window. Across the street the wind was battering some tangled wires and cables.

Tony stood behind Emma wrapping his arms around her waist careful to avoid her injury.

“What is it,” he whispered into her ear.

She felt the familiar tingle down her spine at his breath in her ear. She pushed back, closer to his chest. “Promise me something before you go…” she begged Michael.

“Anything,” he whispered inhaling her earthly scent.

“Promise me that…” Emma stared at her feet. How could she tell Michael everything she felt for him? There weren’t words to explain what she was feeling, and she had an extensive vocabulary. She didn’t even know how to put words to her feelings, because she never bothered to name them or recognize them before. Words written by Gustave Flaubert from his novel titled Madame Bovary came to her mind, “…human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars.” The quote precisely summed up her feelings for Michael. She had no way to express them.

“What is it? You are starting to worry me,” he whispered against her neck.

Gathering her courage and her assertiveness, she asked, “Promise that you will come back to me.”

Michael exhaled the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Emma, that is one promise I will gladly make.”

“But you have to keep it, Michael,” she said, fighting back the teardrops. If she looked at him now, she would lose it. He turned her around and met her glistening eyes. She saw the emotions reflected back to her. Tears streamed down her check, and he thumbed them away.

He lowered his mouth over hers in a possessive, mind-bending kiss. He communicated his promise to her through that kiss. She kissed him back with equal desperation. He stopped the kiss and admired her glistening eyes.

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