Closer (2 page)

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Authors: Sarah Greyson

BOOK: Closer
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« Chapter Two »



Emma sat at her desk writing notes on her current prototype. It was her fourth design over the last year. The first had failed to hover. The second would fly but the neuromorphic processors located in the bird’s brain would not initiate a turn. The third was fully functional. Still it failed to deliver the chemical agent when the artificial intelligence recognized its target.

She had designed the robot, no bigger than a hummingbird, with the latest nanotechnology, a silicon chip designed by the Germans to allow it to fly all on its own. No one had to man a control station or press a button when it was time to release the agent. The hummingbird had a programmable chip that was capable of imitating the human brain by running complex processes at the same time, much like the way neurons fire in the brain. This chip was placed inside the bird’s brain and operated the bird. Key to the operation was the bird’s ability to run facial recognition software simultaneously with other processes. In this manner the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and the DOD (Department of Defense) would work together. The CIA would provide intelligence as to the known terrorists in a cell, and the DOD would program the bird with the information. The artificial intelligence would determine its target and deploy the chemical agent.

Failing to deploy this agent was a major flaw in the design, and Emma had to find it. This, being the last step, was crucial to finishing on deadline, which was fast approaching. She had to figure out a way for the nozzle of the spray tube to deploy through the belly of the bird and release the pharmacological agent into the air as a fine mist upon the bird’s recognition of the target.

Her work, dubbed Project Hummingbird, was top secret. Only a handful of people knew of the project’s existence, including a few top military members of the DOD and some high level agents with the CIA. There was a huge black market for the kind of weapon she was developing. If the wrong person got their hands on her research, it could have major implications in the war on terror. This was the first weapon of its kind to be developed, and Emma, at 28 years old, was granted the honor to develop it. Of course, because it was her brain child, she spent many hours talking her project up to the right people.

She had graduated at the top of her class from the University of Maine earning a dual PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Bio-Chemical Engineering. She had worked long, hard hours to get this assignment. When she was awarded the position, she had achieved one of her life-long goals: to design and implement artificial intelligence for use against America’s enemies.

Her father had worked for the DOD his entire career and made it his mission to keep America safe from foreign and domestic threats. He and his wife had since retired to Skowhegan, a smaller town about an hour away from Emma. She still visited her parents every chance she got. However, with her schedule, visits weren’t frequent. Since she was their only child, her parents still doted over her. They would send her care packages, and her mother would include fresh baked peanut butter cookies, Emma’s favorite. She loved her parents and it was because of her dad that she had landed in her current position with the DOD. He was a well-respected scientist and had pulled some strings to get her foot in the door. Still, the rest was up to her. She had to earn the trust and respect of her superiors, plus an impeccable reputation in order to work on this top-secret project.

Emma’s research and subsequent work would be invaluable to stopping terrorist groups dead in their tracks. And the best part was that the pharmacological agent to be released rendered the subjects incapacitated for eight hours; plenty of time for the military to move in and collect the terrorists without causing any causalities. The DOD was anxious for her to complete her work and provide them with a working Hummingbird. Once the prototype was tested, the DOD and the CIA could begin work on manufacturing the bird and stop the terrorists without killing them, which would allow for more interrogations and intelligence gathering. According to a U.N. Report she had read, America was one of only four countries with this type of nanotechnology project underway: America, Israel, South Korea, and the UK were all in a race of sorts. Her Hummingbird would not cause suffering to any civilian populations. God knew there was enough controversy over the current Drone program.

After Emma had been at it for a good four hours, Bethany popped her head into her office and said, “Emma, it’s almost lunch time. Want to run down to the Corner Stone Deli and grab a sandwich? We can catch up.”

Bethany worked in the same building as Emma. How they managed to swing that, she would never truly know. They roomed together in college, and Bethany landed a job in the same building as Emma.
What were the odds?
Emma’s dad knew how brilliant Bethany was, and Emma suspected he was able to get Bethany a job as well. They were not allowed to discuss their work with anyone, let alone each other. Her former roommate was a bit of a gossip and a busybody and was always trying to get information out of Emma. Emma was a strong one though, always effectively changing the subject with each attempt Bethany made.

It had been over a week since they had any girl time. Emma was long overdue for some much needed distractions, and Bethany was always good for some fun. Emma could clear her mind and come back with a fresh perspective.

“Sure,” Emma replied. “Let me grab my coat.”

It was bitterly cold in Lewiston, Maine this time of the year. Thankfully, the holidays were over. Now was the long wait for spring. Somewhere in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania a groundhog named “Punxsutawney Phil” had seen his shadow, which meant six more weeks of winter. While Emma loved the snow, she was growing tired of the cold weather. If only she wasn’t working under a deadline, she would take a vacation to the glow and hospitality of Cancun. She would invite Bethany and Ashley and make it a girls’ get-a-way. They could sit on the beach, or better yet, the pool side bar and drink their cares away. What a nice dream. She had three weeks left before she had to submit a fully functioning Hummingbird. Perhaps after her deadline, she would take her much deserved getaway. She would make plans today, while at lunch with Bethany. She knew, without asking, that Ashley would be game for a trip.

Emma and Bethany took the stairs down four flights. Emma tried to take the stairs as much as possible. Over the last two years, she had put on an extra twenty pounds. She wasn’t obese, but she was overweight. Standing at five foot eight, her weight had been holding steady at one hundred sixty pounds. She desperately wanted to lose those extra pounds and get back to her pre-stress weight. She did not, however, have time to exercise. That was her excuse. The truth was that by the time Emma got home from her extra-long days at the office, all she wanted to do was to curl up with the latest romance novel and dream her night away. If she couldn’t find a real romance, she certainly could find one in her dreams. She was good at escaping into her fictional characters’ worlds. She loved the intensity and dalliance she found in her book boyfriends. They always treated her right and most importantly, mentally stimulated her. That was the reason she quit dating before she had been awarded this project. She would find a guy who was mentally stimulating, but did nothing for her in the chemistry department. Or, she would find someone she was chemically attracted to, but he could not stimulate her mind. So, she devoted herself to her work; everything else would just have to wait.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, they turned right to the security desk. “Hi Paul. I need my belongings. I’m headed out,” she said to the security officer. He handed her purse and cell phone to her. She shoved her cell phone into her purse and pushed open the door. Stepping outside, the cold air smacked her in the face. She was so ready for spring. Tightening her coat around her, she crossed her arms in front of her body, and tucked her hands under her arms. She walked, head down, to the Corner Stone Deli in comfortable silence with Bethany.

They reached the Deli and placed their order. Emma behaved and ordered a turkey and veggie sandwich minus the bag of chips with a water to drink. Bethany, God love her, had the metabolism of an eighteen year old. She could eat whatever her heart desired and not gain a pound. She had the perfect figure; one the guys couldn’t get enough of. Where Bethany had long blond hair that curled loosely over her shoulders, Emma had wavy, dark auburn, shoulder length hair that she always wore in a chignon. Bethany also had the height of a model, a cool five foot ten with killer legs, not that Emma was jealous. Emma was just so competitive, she didn’t like looking up to anyone.

“So, how’s work going?” Bethany inquired sitting herself down at a table nearest the large display window looking out onto the street.

“You know I can’t talk about work. Why do you always ask? Don’t you have any juicy stories to tell me so I can live vicariously through you?” Emma asked, smiling brightly at her friend.

“Since you asked, because you know I wouldn’t have brought it up otherwise, there is something.” Bethany responded.

Yeah right.

“I went out last night with Aaron. It was our second date,” Bethany taunted. “He could not keep his hands to himself. I finally had to tell him enough was enough, and I wasn’t interested in taking it any further than second base. I let him feel me up, but that was it.”

Bethany still used middle-school terms to describe her sexual escapades. And God knows there were a great number of them. Bethany wasn’t a slut; she just truly enjoyed the company of men.

“So, how was he? Was he a good kisser?” Emma wondered as she took a bite of her turkey and veggie sandwich.

“No, God, he was awful. For such a good-looking man, he had a drooling problem. His kisses were too sloppy. I had a hard time continuing to kiss him,” Bethany cackled, “I almost gagged.”

“Then why did you let him continue?” Emma wondered as she put down her sandwich and wiped at her mouth.

“Because I didn’t want to be rude.” Bethany explained.

For such a brilliant girl, Bethany could really be stupid at times. The conversation continued on and reached its inevitable conclusion of Bethany politely declining a third date with the man.

“In a month or so, want to take a trip to Cancun? Just you, me, and Ashely?” Emma inquired as she wiped the last traces of her sandwich away.

Bethany shoved her last bite into her mouth and exclaimed, “Hell yeah!”

“Great! I will talk to Ashley and then make the arrangements,” Emma said as she sipped the last of her water. “I will let you know how much, and we can narrow down the dates. I want to do it soon though. Deal?” Emma asked.

“Deal!” Bethany declared, slurping the last bit of her Diet Coke through her straw. Emma was not at all looking forward to going outside. From the front window of the deli she could see the biting cold wind blowing the dust and debris around in circles on the street.

As Emma sat listening to Bethany go on about what she was going to wear on her newest date with a man she had just met at a club the previous weekend, the hair on the back of her nape stood on end. An uneasy feeling washed over her. She looked around. She could feel someone watching her. She knew intellectually they probably had spies stationed at her high-security building, so it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility she was being followed. Emma did not get to where she was by relying on her instincts. No. Emma had a brain, and by God, she used it. She looked out of the window and only noticed the regular lunch crowd on their way to and from the downtown office buildings; nothing seemed out of order. She was just paranoid. Maybe it was just a draft from the door opening with a new rush of people. That would clearly explain the chill that came over her. Still, what about the feeling that someone was watching her?
Maybe she had an admirer
. Now she was just being silly.

“Are you ready? I need to get back to work,” Emma said uneasily as she started to stand, her gaze still riveted to the streets outside the building. Absentmindedly, she grabbed for her coat.

“What are you looking for?” Bethany wondered as she stood up with Emma, shrugging on her own jacket.

They threw their trash in the garbage can and placed their trays on top then walked out into the blustery cold weather, tightening their arms around their middles, effectively hugging themselves. Emma wanted to get away from the Deli and back to the sanctuary that was her office and laboratory. She walked faster and Bethany, with her long legs, had no trouble keeping up. Finally, they made it into their building, throwing open the door, proceeding back to the security guard’s desk.

Emma said, “Here are my things, Paul. I should be out of here tonight around 7:00.” She handed him her purse and cell phone to be placed in lockup. Emma began to relax; the feeling of being watched subsiding. “That was weird,” Emma mumbled as she made her way to the stairs.

“What was?” Bethany inquired clueless.

As they walked up the four flights to Emma’s floor, before Emma opened her door, she told Bethany how she felt like someone had been watching her. Bethany told her she was just being paranoid. “After all, who would be stalking you?” Bethany scoffed. Boy she could be rude.

“You’re right,” Emma sighed as she opened the door to her busy floor. People were milling about working on their projects. Emma told Bethany she would talk to her later and let the door close safely behind her. She entered the safety and security of her lab.



Michael had never seen a creature so beautiful in his life, and she was working for a terrorist group? What was the world coming to? He received his package via courier that morning. In it was a picture of Emma Welby along with her vital statistics. He decided the best course of action was to watch her routine. He could figure out her most vulnerable point and take her then. He’d followed her from her office to the Deli where she and her rather attractive friend had had lunch. He’d watched through the window as they laughed and talked with each other. They were good friends, anyone could tell by their parallel body language. Even the way they’d wrapped their arms around the middle of their bodies once in the cold was the same. They loved each other; that was obvious. They invaded each other’s personal space with an ease of longtime friends as they huddled together for their trek back to their office. He’d watched as she entered her building, but lost sight of her when she entered the stairwell. His Intel did not say what floor she worked on, only the building’s name. He’d arrived ahead of time to make sure he didn’t miss her going into the building. He’d been granted with her beauty a second time when she made her way to the Deli. He couldn’t believe he was actually attracted to a mark. He had to remind himself that she was strictly a paycheck and a way to keep America safe.

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