Club Prive Book 3 (2 page)

Read Club Prive Book 3 Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

BOOK: Club Prive Book 3
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Chapter 2

When I woke up, it took me a moment to realize why my room looked so odd. The light coming in from the curtain was at the wrong angle. It was later than I usually got up. I glanced at my alarm clock and saw that it was eleven-thirty. I was surprised. I must’ve been more tired than I’d thought. Then again, heat spread through me; I had been quite... active yesterday.


That thought reminded me of the person who shared my bed, and I rolled over. Empty. Before I could freak out about my lover’s having taken off while I was still sleeping, I saw a piece of paper on the pillow he’d used. It was folded in half with no name on it. I opened it and read.


ven as I’m writing this, I keep getting distracted by you. How peaceful your face looks when you sleep. The curve of your hip and ass beneath the blanket. The hint of your breasts peeking out from under the covers. I don’t want to leave you. Believe me, I would much rather wake you up by kissing every inch of your body, showing you just how thankful I am for your presence last night. I don’t think I could have handled talking about that if your arms hadn’t been around me. Unfortunately, I do have to go. Just know that I’d rather be in bed with you than working at the club, but some things have to be done on time. I’ll call you later. Know that I’ll be thinking about you and all of the things I want to do you. – G


My entire body was flushing by the time I finished his note. I rolled onto my back and read the note again. I couldn’t believe how eloquent he was. There were a lot of men who could charm the pants off a woman with what they said, but very few were equally articulate in the written form.


A knock at the door startled me from my third reading.


“Wake up, Carrie. Time to eat.” The door opened and Krissy stuck her head in.


I glared at her, holding the sheet against my breasts. I hated when she did that. She might not care about wandering around the apartment in the nude, but I wasn’t quite so free.


“I saw Gavin sneaking out when I got up.” She grinned at me. “I’m guessing your date went well.”


“Look, Krissy, it’s not–”


She held up a hand. “Talk while we eat. I’m starving.”


“All right,” I said. I waited and when she didn’t leave, I scowled at her. “I’d like to put some clothes on first.”


Krissy rolled her eyes. “Prude,” she said as she shut the door behind her.


“You’re going to have to take that back after I tell you about my night,” I called out as I climbed out of bed. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a camisole, then headed for the bathroom. I wasn’t going to take the time to shower, but I at least needed to clean up a bit. Like I’d said before, I’d had a busy night.


By the time I came out into the kitchen, Krissy was already at the table. She really had made breakfast. Well, I guess, more accurately, it was brunch. There were pancakes, cut-up strawberries, syrup, blueberries, butter, and even whipped cream. She’d also made a small plate of bacon and was currently eyeing it.


“This is amazing,” I said as I took my usual seat.


“Well, I figured if you’d had a bad date, this would be comfort food, and if it went well, it could be a celebration.” Krissy grinned at me as she popped a blueberry into her mouth. “Besides, you know how bored I get if I wake up before you.”


That was true. It was rare, but when it did happen, I generally woke up to Krissy doing something like trying to make new curtains for the apartment or buffing all of her shoes. Unfortunately, her boredom-induced energy rarely channeled itself into cleaning the apartment. I didn’t even want to see how much of a mess she’d made cooking. Still, I appreciated the gesture.


“Now that you’re here,” she continued, “let’s dig in.” She grabbed half of the bacon before I could even respond.


I laughed and started to fill my own plate.


“Spill,” she demanded as she munched on her bacon.


“Where to start?” I mused as I helped myself to a piece of bacon. It was perfect, crunchy without being burnt. I was feeling a bit mischievous as I teased her. “Making out in his town car? Groping him under the table during the gala dinner?”


Krissy’s eyes were practically bugging out of her head, and it was all I could do to keep going without breaking out into laughter.


“Almost having sex in the bathroom or actually having sex in an empty conference room? Or should I just skip to when we got back here?”


“I think I heard enough of that.” Krissy grinned. “The walls are thin.”


“About time you figured that out,” I countered. I could feel heat rising to my face.


“Oh, I definitely understand now,” she said. She began to gasp and moan. “‘Gavin! Oh, Gavin! Yes! Yes!’”


“Shut up!” I threw a strawberry at her.


She laughed as she deflected it away from her face. “Oh, honey, if he’s that good, I want serious details.” She winked. “I think it’s only fair, since I was treated to the soundtrack.”


I rolled my eyes, but I wasn’t actually annoyed with her. I wanted to tell her. Krissy had always been the one who’d had the wild sex and the smoking hot boyfriends. Even when I’d had boyfriends before, our sex hadn’t really been that exciting. It had been nice, but never anything like what I’d heard coming from Krissy’s room. Not until Gavin.


“All right,” I said. “Then I guess I really should start from the beginning.”


I began at the point where she’d last seen us and gave her a complete play-by-play, including Howard’s flirting with me, and the big-breasted women hitting on Gavin. She made all of the appropriate comments and sounds in all the right places, laughing when we burst in on the old woman in the bathroom stall, and fanning herself when I described how Gavin had stopped me from touching myself, declaring that he wanted to be the one to make me come. When I finally got to our encounter in my bedroom, she’d quit trying to eat. The only thing I didn’t tell her was about Gavin’s daughter and fiancée. If he’d told only Howard and me, I couldn’t break his trust to tell Krissy, even if she was my best friend. It wasn’t my place. I’d wait until he told me it was okay before I told her any of that.


When I finished with a vague summary of his note, she let out a low whistle. “Shit, Carrie, where the hell did this guy come from and are there any more of him?”


I shrugged and took a bite of my pancake. It had cooled during my storytelling, but it was still delicious. Krissy and I spent a few minutes eating in silence before I brought up something that had been hovering in the back of my mind since last night.


“I’m thinking about going on the pill.”


Krissy nearly spit out her mouthful of pancake.


I could feel my face burning, but I remembered what Krissy and Gavin had both told me. I was an adult. There was nothing wrong with what I was doing or what I wanted. And I wanted to know what it would feel like to have him inside me without anything between us. Skin against skin. How it would feel when he finished inside me, filling me up.


I shook my head and cleared my throat. I wasn’t going to tell Krissy any of that, of course. I had another explanation, which was part of my reasoning, though not the main part. “When we were going into the bathroom, I remember thinking that I hoped he had a condom because I was going to be pissed if he didn’t. Then, when we came back here, I realized that the ‘emergency’ ones I have wouldn’t fit him.”


I didn’t realize what I’d said until Krissy began coughing and had to take a gulp of her iced tea. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to look like I hadn’t just said something a little more detailed than I’d planned.


“Okay, spill.” Krissy’s voice was hoarse but demanding. “Are we talking you have mediums and he’s a large, or...”


I sighed. I knew she’d never let this go, and if I didn’t tell her, she might even consider saying something in front of Gavin, just to satisfy her curiosity. “You know those ones that we always joke about in the store? The ones we say have to be there for false advertising?”


Krissy shook her head. “You’re fucking with me, right?”


I gave her a slightly embarrassed smile. “Nope.”


“Wow.” She gave me a once-over. “How are you even walking straight?”


“Krissy!” I practically shrieked her name, completely mortified.


Tears streamed down her face as she laughed, doubling over. I leaned back in my chair and glowered at her as she cackled. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of any other type of response. Instead, I decided to call my OB first thing Monday morning and try to get in that same day. The idea of being able to tell Gavin that he didn’t have to be prepared, that he could just slide inside me whenever... I shivered.


Finally, Krissy calmed down and wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said. Her voice was sincere. “I just never... I mean...”


I held up my hand and shook my head. “Just stop there. I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s change the subject.”


“Agreed.” Krissy took a drink of her tea. “Did you find out anything more about the club?”


I shrugged. “Not much.” I sipped on my coffee. Ah, caffeine. “I didn’t actually get around to asking him about it, so I just know what he’d said before. Twice a week, the club is closed to the public and only members have access on those days. The same members who can use the room upstairs.” I flushed as I remembered my encounter in that room. “I have no idea how many members there are. I didn’t ask.”


Krissy laughed. “Oh, you mean you were too busy actually having sex to learn more about it.”


I rolled my eyes, but I wasn’t actually that annoyed. Krissy always teased me about sex. It was just nice that, for once, it wasn’t about my lack of it.


“So,” she leaned forward, an eager expression on her face. “We got a little distracted before when we were talking about that room. You never did get to tell me much about it.”


I picked at a piece of bacon as I answered. “What do you want to know? How there are restraints attached to the orgy-sized bed? Or about the absolutely massive dildo I found in one of the chests?”


Krissy’s eyes widened. “So this isn’t just a vanilla sex kinda place.” It was a statement rather than a question.


I shook my head. “Oh, no. Not even close.” I smirked at the look of surprise on Krissy’s face. I knew she wasn’t exactly vanilla herself, but hearing me talk about a sex club in general was something new. Adding something spicier into the mix made this even more fun. “I opened one of the chests and there were ball-gags and nipple clamps.” I fought to keep myself from blushing as I listed off the things I’d looked up on the Internet over the past week, just so I could have names to go with what else I’d seen. “There were also cock cages, clamps for... other body parts, and chains to connect the different clamps. All that was on one side of the chest. On the other side were dildos, strap-ons and vibrators in more sizes, shapes, and colors than I knew existed.”


“Uh-huh.” Krissy was staring at me. “What about in the other chests?”


I shrugged. “I don’t know, but if the research I did was any indication, I found the tame stuff.”


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