Club Saturday: Contemporary Menage Romance (Sarasota Sin Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Club Saturday: Contemporary Menage Romance (Sarasota Sin Series Book 2)
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Though his hungry eyes stayed on Vania, Evan jumped off the sofa, walked to the French doors, and started pacing.

“You really wanted to know how I tasted?”

“Don’t be coy, Mr. Easton.” Vania lifted her leg with the next beat and placed her ankle over his shoulder. She leaned backward on a decadent slide between his legs and pressed her full breasts forward.
He could see the rosy tips slip from her corset.

With her legs spread until her slit opened beneath her sheer panties, he could hardly speak. “I’m coy?”

“You know I want you.” She used his shoulder to loosen her shoe from her left foot, letting the heel drop to the sofa. She sent the opposite heel flying over her head.

Evan ducked, his eyes widening when the shoe hit the wall
right above his head with a dull thud.

“You may want me now,” Drake told her. He no longer fucked while drunk, refused to take a woman in that condition, too. “Doesn’t mean you will come morning.
Alcohol dulls inhibitions.”

“Inhibitions suck.” She undid her garters teasingly before thrusting her fingers underneath the lace of her stockings and spreading them wide. “Want to yank these off the rest of the way?”

Evan rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Drake shook his head no. “My hands stay right where they are.”

“You’re no fun.”

“You have no idea what you’re saying.”

She stripped nude stockings from her legs, while still balancing inside his thighs. Afterwards Vania curled up like a cat and placed her pussy back over his bulge. He gasped when she moved her ass back and forth, stroking him repeatedly.

With a wicked smile, Vania rubbed his chest with her hands, and then brought them to cup his face for one of her soul-claiming kisses. When she came up for air, panting and ready for release, she looked him straight in the eyes and said, “All I want is to see your tiger-eyes watching me while you spurt deep inside my body.”

Drake opened his mouth, but not a sound left it.

Evan’s hand shot to his cock, holding on to it for dear life. He gave Drake a look, confirming what he was thinking. This woman was different from any other.

This woman was theirs.

“I’m throbbing!” Vania gained momentum with her upward slide. Her pupils dilated as her nipples poked through her lace. “I’m going to come!”

She wasn’t the only one. A load was bearing down on Drake, so thick and hot. And, yes, dammit, he wanted to shoot it in Vania. After he wanted to see Evan devour her pussy without any finesse, wild and sucking, while tasting the mark of possession he’d left behind.

Evan now stood behind Vania, his face tightening with lust, maybe some pain, and something else Drake had never seen. “Let it go, Baby.”

“I… I don’t know how. I can’t seem to relax.”

Oh, this was bad, even while drunk she was too stressed to come. “Relax,” Drake said through gritted teeth. “Look at me.”

She shook her head so wildly that Drake released one hand from the back of the sofa to keep her from falling on her ass. When he steadied her, she sobbed in frustration.

“Vania, I’m going to help you the slightest bit.” He lifted his hips, allowing her better friction as Evan’s hand secured her shoulder. “It’s not enough for me, but it will be enough for you.”

“Help me by fucking me.”

“Not while you’re drunk,” Evan reminded her.

Drake’s fingers traveled over the curve of her right hip before they dropped to the front of her panties. He pressed his thumb hard against the fabric and located her swollen clit.

Vania cried out in shock, her body stuttering on his. Drake sensed her pussy spasm above the thin fabric of his trousers. “It’s… happening!”

“I can feel you, Love.”

Evan kissed the top of her head and steadied her. “Tell me, Drake.”

“She’s scalding me through our clothes.” Drake closed his eyes, thinking he would match her orgasm with his own, when the unmistakable sound of gagging met his ears.
His head snapped up, eyes popping wide. “Vania?”

Evan’s mouth dropped open in horror. “She’s sick!”
In one fluid move, Evan lifted her and raced to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Drake was washing the rounded curves of her cheekbones after she’d brushed her teeth. “All clean.”

“Thanks.” Still drunk, she smiled sadly. “I tossed up six grand worth of wine.”

Evan laughed. “We’re not keeping tabs, neither should you.”

Drake looked her over, thinking everything else appeared clean, even her hair because he’d held it from the toilet.

“I don’t belong in your world.” She cupped her forehead as Evan and Drake led her from the bathroom. “Even your wine agrees.”

“Enough about the wine,” Drake said as he scooped up Vania and situated her in bed. “Get some sleep.”

She yawned. “No goodnight kisses?”

Drake’s hard-on pulsated.

With care, Evan turned Vania on her side. “That’s not a good idea.”

“Mr. Easton, I didn’t think you were a good idea, either.”

Drake chuckled while turning off the bedside light.

Vania nestled in the down pillows. “But how could I love Matt, if I’ve wanted you two all along?”

Chapter 9

Vania opened her eyes, blinking up at hanging red poppies made from Murano glass. She must have missed the glorious chandelier once she’d settled in The Easton Hotel last night. The way the morning light glimmered through the red and black flowers was mesmerizing. She wondered what it would look like all lit up. But a vicious icepick was going to work in her brain, pounding and hacking, until she closed her eyes on a groan.

Feathers tickled her nose, rough pounding feathers… “Oscar!” Vania swatted away her cat’s paw. “Stop playing with my nose.” She bolted upright, vaguely hearing Oscar hiss as he landed on all four paws and pounced across the golden, hand-knotted rug. “And don’t pee on anything.”

Her hand felt suspiciously lighter. With a flex of her fingers, Vania noticed her engagement ring was missing. “Where did I leave it?”

“If you ask me,” a sultry voice full of dark promises called from the corner, “a doctor could’ve afforded a larger diamond.”

She found Drake still wearing yesterday’s suit, sans his jacket and tie. His shirt was unbuttoned past the collar, revealing smooth, tan skin. Vania lifted her eyebrows, realizing he must be waxed. She wondered how far he took it… Something glimmered between his forefinger and thumb.

“Hey, what are you doing with my ring?”
Then, she realized she was addressing a man who could snap his fingers and give her job to another.
Vania clamped her mouth shut.

He pushed away from the table, where he’d set up his laptop, and walked to her. “You tried to throw it from the The Compromise’s balcony last night.” He towered over her, his hair as dark as his pants, both glistening from the sun peeking through the French doors. “Don’t you remember?”

Truth told, she didn’t recall much after she’d packed and convinced Drake and Evan that Oscar didn’t deserve to be left in Matt’s clutches. “No, I don’t remember.”


On the nightstand to her left, Vania spotted two empty bottles of wine. “Oh, shit, I got drunk.” And since Drake was still wearing yesterday’s suit, she whispered, “And you stayed with me, all night?”

He walked even closer, watching her face as he stepped right up to the bed. “You shouldn’t get drunk with men you don’t know, Vania. One night, you might not be with Evan or me.”

“I stopped getting drunk in my twenties. Last night was…” She reached for the covers that fell to her waist and yanked them over her chest. “I’m practically naked!”

“You’re wearing more than some wear to the feature pool.” He cocked his head. “Relax.”

She sat in only her corset slip and panties. The lingerie was an old set, but the underwire plumped her heavy breasts to a semblance of perkiness, yet obviously he’d seen everything else. She wanted to cry, wanted to scream at him for seeing her dimply thighs. “Where are my clothes?”

“You slung them across the floor after you danced and partly stripped for us.” He lifted a bottle of sports drink from the nightstand.

“I s-stripped for you?”

“Yes, Vania Lange, and we are standing on dangerous ground right now.” He pressed the bottle to her lips, gripping the back of her head when she tried to pull away, and tipped the liquid in her mouth. She swallowed repeatedly, looking up while he was looking down, watching him watching her, his face impassive but his body blistering with heat.

“Dangerous ground?” she asked when he pulled away the drink.

“Hmm.” His eyes moved up and down her body, seeming to look past the covers she clutched against her torso. “You’ve given lap dances to two of your bosses.” Arrogance ignited those amber eyes. “Actually, more than one dance but I lost count.”

Panic descended. “You’re lying!”

“You think so?”

“I know so. You’re a circling shark in the business world and you never lose count of anything. Besides, I don’t know how to give lap dances.” That was a lie. She’d taken a class with Cora, right before Cora’s sister got married in Vegas. Matt had received the benefit of her training, for a while. Until he’d had enough of her.

Drake sat down on the bed, pressing against her. Expensive suit material slid against the damask covers, inadvertently stroking her skin.
His arm came over her shoulders, draping her with his strength, washing her in his scent. How did he smell this delicious without a shower and a fresh change of clothes?

“You danced for us, Vania.” He took a long sip of the sports drink and returned it to the nightstand. “But nothing else happened. You wanted to be in our arms, yet we don’t take on drunken women. Ever. And even though you asked nicely for some rebound cock, nothing came of it.”

Her face burned, probably turning the color of her corset. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be.” His gaze swept to the pulse throbbing in her throat. “We have eject buttons, each of us. I don’t think yours was necessarily pushed last night, but it was damn close.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ve no excuse for drinking, dancing, and stripping.”

“Hey, don’t blush like that. What I saw of your succulent body will be playing in my head during this morning’s board meeting.”

She would’ve thought he was lying, trying to make her feel better after such a lousy, embarrassing night, but Vania spied his thick erection straining against his trousers. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” His phone rang but he ignored it. “By the way, you said that your fiancé was a cock-sucking cheater.” His gaze sharpened. “Do you remember catching Matt in the act, having it confirmed by Dr. Murphy?”

Tears threatened. “Though everything else is muddy, catching Matt is crystal clear in my memory.”

“Glad I don’t have to remind you of that. So… the rest of the night was simple.” Drake lifted his hand to her face, cupping it in a familiar way, with his fingertips sliding on her temple. “Evan and I took turns dancing with you for an hour or so at The Compromise.
Afterwards, we came here.”

“And I danced for you two privately,” she whispered in horror.

He nodded. His hand wrapped around her nape, fingers tightening. “Did you ever dance for your fiancé?”

Eyes drawn to his mouth, Vania watched Drake’s teeth graze against his pouty lower lip. “But none of that matters now. Matt’s no longer in my life.”

“Depends on how strong you stay.”

“It’s difficult to look fierce in my undies, but I won’t repeat last night’s pathetic wailing.” Yanked in two, half of her wanted to suck his lip, the other wanting to roll up in a ball and cry over Matt’s betrayal. She was a stupid, trusting woman with a mess on her hands.

“If you decide to repeat it, however, make sure you call Evan or me first.”

“Sure, thanks.” Glancing away from Drake’s mouth, she asked, “I didn’t talk to Matt last night, did I?”

“No but your phone rang nonstop.” He frowned, and looked beautiful doing so. “Luckily, you misplaced it at bedtime.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “I misplaced it, huh?”

He reached in his pocket, wincing at the tightness in his pants, but this time Vania fought to keep her eyes from his sizable erection. “Here.”
He handed Vania her phone. “I found it.”

“You found it or hid it in the first place?”

“Doesn’t matter now.”

She studied the screen.
“I can’t believe all these texts, missed calls, and voice mails.” When she noticed the time was nearly eight, Vania swore under her breath. “Matt’s probably called the cops by now, and I’m due at work in ten minutes.”

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