Club Vampire

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Authors: Jordyn Tracey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

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Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

Aidan Books

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Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

* * * *


Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

Club Vampire

Copyright © May 2008, Jordyn Tracey

Cover art by Aidan Books © May 2008

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Aidan Books



Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

Chapter One

You know how you break it off with your boyfriend, and he's all like, "girl, you know I still love you" and "we can work it out," and all you want to do is cut it short and get out of there. When it was good, it was smokin' hot, but then he starts getting all clingy, spouting love and dedicating songs to you on the radio.

Give me a break! All Ree wants is a sexy man with some money to do it right. And I do my part. Trust me. I work his body over like he's a king. I keep them coming back for more. I guess maybe it gets too good. They start falling for me, even after I've laid down the law. No hearts, no hurting. That's just the way it's got to be.

My friend Chelle will tell you, I don't need the complications. And I know it's rare that you find a woman who truly isn't looking for more, who doesn't secretly dream of the white picket fence, the kids, the husband. But you found her in me. Who knows, maybe it had something to do with my no good cheating parents. Yeah, both of them. Liars and cheaters, on each other and on everybody else—including me. That crazy stuff got them nowhere but murdered in a back alley somewhere—together for once. The police never found the killer.

So maybe I needed some serious counseling to work out my whacked out family history, and the fact that I had no one else to turn to. I didn't make it a priority; I lived my life my way. And it was working for me too. Real nice. 5

Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

Well, until that one night that changed everything. I broke my rule. Keep it in your own house. By that I mean, I dated brothers exclusively, but when I met this one guy, Haven, I broke my rule. I should have known it wouldn't work out by his name alone.

But Haven's body was so good. It was rock hard, unnaturally hard and his skill at sex had even me almost on my knees begging for more. The man was amazing. And as hard as it was to break it off, I had to do it. He had started talking about making me his forever and crazy stuff like that. Sorry, baby, Ree doesn't go that way with men. On that last night, he stopped the car in the joke of a park out behind my street, one block over. Under a huge oak, the light didn't invade the darkness, and we sat kissing while Haven pushed a hand up my short skirt and was tugging at my panties.

"Whoa, Haven, baby." I laughed. "My place is just around the corner. Why are we even stopping here?" That's when I should have gotten out of the car and ran home. He hesitated, smiled at me and then sat straighter in his seat, fiddling with the radio although it wasn't on. "I was thinking ... um ... Ree, you're unlike any woman I've been with in all these years."

I laughed at him. "You're twenty-five. You make 'all these years' sound like you're an old man." I kicked off my spiky heels and scootched up in my chair, prepared to launch myself on his lap. Hell, if he wanted to do it in public, I had no problem with that. Many of my men liked it. And I was known to get off that way, depending on the location. Under a 6

Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

tree, in a fake park wasn't one of them, but if it got Haven off, what the hell. The man's dick was almost too much for me to handle.

Haven pushed me back when I leaned across to him.

"Wait, I wanted to tell you something. Um..."


He still hedged. That was the only drawback about Haven. As hard as he was physically, I wanted a match in the emotions or mental capacity. That wasn't happening. "Just spit it out, baby," I encouraged.

"I'm really into you, Ree. I want you to be mine forever," he blurted.

I sat there staring at him. After a while, I pursed my lips and stroked his cheek. "Oh baby. You're amazing, for real. But..."

"But?" he croaked.

"Ree doesn't do that."

He frowned. "You talk about yourself in the third person when you're nervous or feeling insecure about something. See? I know you."

I wanted to shout,
You don't know me!
but I kept quiet. It was time to break it off. And it was a shame too, because looking at him and how generous he was, boy did I hate losing that.

The fact that Haven had wanted to stop and make his declaration before getting to my house was all the better. I now had plans to give him pleasure one last time, before telling him we had to end it. I know that sounded harsh, and I probably come off as sounding self-centered, but when you 7

Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

say listen I don't want it to get personal, it should stay that way.

Haven had just complicated my life and he was about to make it even more of a trip.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

Chapter Two

I slid my hand down over his chest, thrilling in those pecs. Damn, the man was hot. When my exploring fingers found the impression of his dick, I grabbed hold and began to knead it just like he liked, through his pants. He grew out in like a millisecond.


I cringed. Everyone called me Ree, but Haven had a habit of calling me Renee just when he was getting excited and again when he shot out his load. I had set him straight a million times and it didn't mean crap. I swallowed my irritation and gave him a saucy smile. I was looking forward to getting him one last time. "Havie, you want me to ride this, right here, right now?" He hated that nickname. He frowned but nodded, struggling to get his pants open as quick as possible. "My kind can't get it enough. Oh man, when you're mine, we can really go at it." I had zero idea what he meant by 'my kind' but he had used those words before. I didn't give it much thought. My sexual desires had fired up the moment I got a peek at his swollen rod. I wiggled out of my sodden panties and kicked them on the floor before climbing across the gear shift stick to get on Haven's lap.

We didn't hesitate or pussy foot around. Neither of us had any need for foreplay. We liked to get at it and pound each other until we were sore. Then we would switch into a sixtynine and eat for hours. Oh man, would I miss that boy!


Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

I settled on his dick and began my slow gyration as usual. Spasms hit Haven's body. He closed his eyes, reached up for my hair and gently pulled until I exposed my neck. That was his thing, a move he made every time. If he wasn't so big and thick, enough to make me scream out his name, and turn away all my other lovers for months, ever since I started seeing him, I would have gone off on his behind for tugging on my weave. I loved my hair, almost as much as I loved my assortment of fifty pairs of shoes.

But Haven was good, so I didn't fight him on his little freaky way of nibbling at my neck. That first pinch felt like a needle prick, but then I felt nothing, so who knew what he was doing, probably sucking, but I never got a passion mark. The next day, my neck was always as smooth a creamy brown as always.

Tonight was different. I was bouncing up and down, almost feverish over his dick gliding in and out of my wet pussy. I cried out my pleasure and wriggled to get him deeper. I slipped my hands under his shirt to scrape my nails across his chest and sides like he liked it. Haven got off on my tearing at his skin. He liked the pain, and his pleasure got me so hot, I came at least six times in a single session, one after another. He latched onto my neck as usual, but the pinch hurt more. I tried pushing him away. "Ouch, Haven, that hurts. Stop, not tonight, okay?"

He held on, pressing me into his hard body a little too roughly. His fingers dug into my back so hard, I thought he was going to drill holes.

Tears sprung to my eyes. "Haven, stop! It hurts!" 10

Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

My cries fell on deaf ears. He didn't budge. It seemed like he was lost in whatever it was he was doing to my neck. My head started spinning. Weakness spread over my limbs, and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Haven began to grunt and moan. I thought I heard the sound of him swallowing. Panic set in.

I beat him on his shoulders, tore at his hair. Nothing worked. His hips drove up hard, so that his dick ground deep inside me. In spite of my panic, his thrusts still felt good. I felt my body on the edge of an orgasm, but I fought it. I lifted my hips up so that he fell out of me.

Somehow that move gave me leverage to fall backward and then sideways so that I landed hard against the passenger side door. In a thin beam of moonlight, I saw his teeth, elongated and blood all around his lips and on his tongue. His eyes were fixed on my throat, glowing red. I screamed as he moved to pounce on me. Fumbling around on the floor for something—anything I could use as a weapon—I found my Jimmy Choos. Just as Haven landed on me, I put up one spiked heel. The beautiful shoe acted like a stake and stabbed my ex-boyfriend vampire straight in the heart.

In seconds, my favorite lover went from satisfying my desires to ripping open my throat to dead on top of me. At least I assumed he was dead. I wasn't sticking around to find out for sure. My head was still swirling, and it seemed like it took a good hour to get out from under him then to get the car door open.


Club Vampire

by Jordyn Tracey

I stumbled barefoot and panty-less into the night, my mind too jumbled to grab my purse or anything else. One thought filled my mind—get to my sanctuary, my house. I must have fallen fifty times flat on my face. It was a good thing I was cutting through the park. The grass absorbed the pain, if I had any. A cloud was slipping down over my conscious. Had I sampled drugs in my past, this might have been what it felt like, I thought.

When my blouse clung to me, I figured it was sweat from the warm night and me fighting for my life. I tugged at it drunkenly and then looked down. The whole front of my favorite fuchsia blouse was like it was dipped in blood. I put a hand to my throat and felt that Haven hadn't just bitten me; he had torn my flesh like a mad man. I cried. Or would have if it wasn't too much of an effort.

By the time, I hit the alley behind my house, I was on hands and knees half the time. Chelle and I lived only two doors up from the corner, which was a good thing because I could never have made it up the incline the alley was on. Finally, I dragged myself up her back steps thinking there was no way she would be up or that maybe this was one of the full moons and my werewolf best friend was out hunting. I couldn't remember.

I scratched at her door and then fell onto it. I couldn't go any further.

I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew, I was falling. Chelle was under me and I landed hard on top of her. I heard a loud crack and Chelle screamed.

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